The Braille Club Undone (The Braille Club #3)

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The Braille Club Undone (The Braille Club #3) Page 6

by J. A. Kerr

  Simon took a moment to steady himself. He wanted to know more about the zones. He would not receive his unique Braille access code until his lessons were complete. Then he could unlock the zones online. At present, all he could see on the website was a door with a number pad. When he clicked on the number pad, it asked for an access code. Simon Lawrence didn’t like to be denied and he cursed. He would book his next to lessons as soon as possible. He couldn’t wait to unlock that door.


  Grace had been a little nervous about her session with Simon Lawrence. His wife perhaps had coloured her judgement. When he approached her every fibre in her body responded. She knew a bad boy when she saw one. His smile bordered on a sneer, his handsome face alert as he gazed at her. She didn’t look away. You have no power here, Grace thought. He was the first to break contact. Something in her wanted to teach the arrogant fool in front of her a lesson, he would remember, and before she slipped from the room, she thought she had. Simon Lawrence didn’t play by the rules. She had never seen someone move so often. She regretted the fifteen-minute grace period all Assignees had before their alarm triggered, he had abused them. However, he would soon learn members who didn’t obey—didn’t get to play.

  Chapter 13

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. Pandora Zone. They are back to back, breathing hard as they press into each other. The touch ignites their desire; her fingers remain still, her decision made, and she smiles in the darkness as they wait.


  Guy, breathing hard, slipped outside. He needed a moment. Why did Anna bring out the beast in him? Here he was judging Simon Lawrence, when he was no better. He was aroused and appalled at the same time. Lost in the thrill of it, his body and mind impaired. If the bracelets hadn’t unlocked could he have stopped? They had been set to the fifteen-minute grace period. Had fifteen minutes passed? He was amazed. His balls were blue and desperate for release.


  Anna’s voice was husky and he turned in her direction. Naked, except for the heels she wore, she looked magnificent. Her eyes burned as he reached out for her. They stumbled inside. Anna was ripping at his clothes. His tie came off first; then his shirt and he groaned when she loosened his belt. He kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his trouser and boxers. Fully aroused, he froze as the hood slipped over his head.

  “You know the rules,” whispered Anna.

  Pulling first one hand, she snapped on the cuff and then the other. Guy panted in anticipation as he stood in the dark. The music vibrated through his body. She cupped him in her hand. His cock and body twitched and shuddered. The bracelets vibrated. Had he moved? Tingling, his whole body straining, he heard something tinkle but was unable to place the sound. When the pain seared across his skin, he knew at once it was his belt; he orgasmed. The spasms seemed to last forever, the warmth of his fluid a surprise. Blood roared in his ears, he was awash in sensations. Movement, warm breath on his skin, he hardened immediately. Anna licked his shaft. His whole body moved, the bracelets vibrated, and the belt connected with his skin. His climax built steadily. Her mouth sucked hard, the belt stung, pushing him further and further; repeatedly until his release came a second time. Gasping, his chest heaving, he was utterly lost, only the bracelets falling from his hands penetrated through his fog. Ripping the hood off, it was a moment or two before his eyes adjusted. He saw her, sitting on his desk. As he approached her she opened her legs. He fell to his knees and brought his mouth to her core. Anna sighed and buried her hands in his hair. He pulled her legs over his shoulders and gently licked the inside of her thighs. She tugged at his hair; the pain sweet as he unhurriedly explored her with his tongue.

  Her body bucked and squirmed as he sucked and teased. Finally, he thrust his tongue deep inside her. She pulled and tugged his hair until her back arched and her whole body shuddered. Panting, she grinned at him.

  “You’re insatiable,” Guy growled. He pulled her up into his arms and kissed her. She ground her hips against him and he sank his nails into the flesh of her bottom. He turned her and leant her over his desk, she turned her head.

  “Fuck me,” Anna ordered.

  He guided himself into her hot centre and closed his eyes, filling her, stretching her. Grabbing her hips hard, he slammed into her, the sex rough and animalistic. His mind unfocused as pleasure ripped through him. They climaxed together. Sensation, blasted through his body. He didn’t want it to end.

  He was desperate to hold her, love her. Pulling out of her hot slick core, he walked over to the newly fitted cupboard and opened the doors. He tugged the bed down. Taking Anna in his arms they moved together towards the bed. He laid her gently on the sheets. Her face flushed and her eyes glazed. They were drunk on sex and each other but they were still hungry. He bent his head; his lips took her nipple in his mouth. His tongue gently teased it as she stroked his quivering cock. He moved to her other breast and shuddered as she squeezed and worked her hand up and down before cupping his balls. Her hands were guiding him and this time he slipped gently inside her. His swollen shaft filled her, his thrusts deep and slow. He lost all sense of time as they rediscovered each other. When they were finally sated, he held Anna close to his hammering heart. He hadn’t liked the way Simon Lawrence had looked at her but that wasn’t what was bothering him the most. It was the way Anna had responded. She was attracted to him and he didn’t like it one bit. Simon Lawrence was bad news and Guy was determined he would not get his claws into Anna. His Anna. Not after they had found each other again. Would she stay away from Lawrence? Do leopards change their spots?

  “Penny for them,” said Anna, interrupting his musings.

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve been doing a little digging. Simon Lawrence was accused of sexual battery. His PR company hushed everything up but I have serious doubts about him.”

  “Look, Guy, no one is above the law. Why didn’t the girl press charges?”

  “I know. That’s true. That’s what doesn’t add up,” said Guy. “Money? Perhaps they paid her off?”

  “Anything’s possible nowadays, but he’s on dangerous ground. The CPS takes these cases very seriously.”

  “Is that why he’s seeking your services?”

  “Guy, you know I can’t discuss my clients.”

  “Neither can I but I wanted you to know exactly what kind of man Simon Lawrence is,” said Guy heatedly.

  “Firstly, Guy, there is no case and if there was it is only alleged. People are innocent until proven guilty.”

  “Just like a lawyer to say that,” said Guy, moving to sit up. “My copper’s instinct has never let me down, Anna. He’s guilty.”

  “Well, that’s just like a copper to come to a guilty conclusion without a scrap of evidence,” Anna snorted.

  “Stay away from him, Anna.”

  She leapt out of bed. “Don’t tell me how to do my job, Guy, and I won’t tell you how to do yours.”

  Eyes blazing, she marched across the room and picked up her clothes. “You don’t control me, Guy. This is a cosy little setup in here. I assume I’ve not been the first to test out this bed,” she exclaimed, pulling her skirt up.

  Guy hesitated but it was all she needed.

  “I knew it.”

  “Anna, it happened once in the two years we were apart. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Anna was quiet.

  “Come back to bed,” said Guy huskily. The sight of Anna topless and angry was turning him on big time.

  He saw her pause and got up. His body ached for her.

  “You’re insatiable,” she murmured as he wrapped his arm around her and dragged her back towards the bed.

  Chapter 14

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. Pandora Zone. The bell rings and Siena feels Benedict stiffen as the Patron enters the room. She is aware of movement. Fingers run down her right arm and she shivers as the cuffs are snapped into pl
ace, they are joined. His body is tense like a coil as they both listen. She feels him relax and knows instinctively their Patron is a woman. Her jealousy leaps like a tiger from within.


  Anna awoke in Guy’s arms and wondered where she was. The surroundings were unfamiliar to her until her memory kicked in. What a night! She looked at Guy’s sleeping face utterly exposed to her. It was smooth and expressionless. His revelation about Simon Lawrence was a break of confidentiality but she understood why he had warned her. Was it the bad boy in him that attracted her? She would need to be on her guard when it came to Simon Lawrence. Her mobile buzzed. Speak of the devil. The man in question was ringing her. She let her voicemail kick in. She needed her wits about her before she could speak to him. Anna headed for the shower and gazed around. Guy and she were so alike. His office was almost his home. Anna kept a fresh suit and blouse in her office too. She was grateful of that this morning; she would change when she got there.

  She and Guy had talked at last. During their affair, Anna had never let Guy stay over. She told him Robert sometimes came to the flat. That was partly true, and it made their time together more explosive. Selfishly, she liked to keep Guy hungry. It brought out his dark side, something she relished. She loved to make him lose control. She loved the power and the pain. It was a heady mix. The thrill and danger of seeing Guy in her flat gave the sex an added edge but him sleeping there was never an option. The last thing she needed was her husband to catch her with another man in her bed. Not that it mattered. In the end he’d caught them having sex in the hall. She pushed those humiliating thoughts aside. Before they had been consumed with each other’s bodies and what pleasures they could get in the time they had. They had spoken little about other things. Guy was almost a complete mystery to Anna.

  Earlier she started by asking him where his flat was. All the time they had been together, she had never been there. She wanted to be in control, to call the shots. The added danger of discovery made her flat and their offices the obvious choices. His flat on the other hand was safe and didn’t hold any appeal. Anna was appalled by how self-centered she’d been. She followed that question with a few others before Guy’s hand slipped down her body and cupped her breasts. His kiss silenced her. She wondered now if he didn’t like her prying into his life. His answers had a vague quality that had her lawyer instincts flaring. Anna understood Guy was private but if they were to move on in their relationship, he must learn to share not only his body, but also his life with her.

  She slipped out the room fifteen minutes later, worried that she could not leave the club but the receptionist was already in place, nodding at Anna as she left. Did people really want to work out at 6.00am? As several people passed her going into the club, it answered her question. Yes, people did. She walked to the tube, taking the time to clear her head. Sitting on the train, she wondered where her relationship with Guy was going. She paused. Relationship. No, that was not the right word. Relationship suggested commitment and familiarity. No, they didn’t have that. What did they have? Anna was shocked to find the list short. It started and ended with sex, which was good, but they needed more, she needed more. She left the tube station and walked briskly to her office Thoughts of Robert and their shared life whirled through her head. She struggled to imagine Guy and herself in the same context. Sharing their weekends and relaxing. Guy relaxing? He lived and breathed Harrison’s. It was his life. Anna sighed, confused and overwhelmed by what she was feeling—ignored, pushed to the side and invisible. The reason she had reacted to Simon Lawrence was easy to work out. She was lonely and vulnerable.

  She wondered how to change the situation between herself and Guy. Entering her building, she made her way to her office. Her suit hung inside the closet and she went to the ladies to change. Feeling better, she sat and looked through her files until she located the right one. Simon Lawrence had retained her services but no criminal act had been committed. Why? Guy’s due diligence had uncovered the accusation of assault but nothing had been officially reported. ‘What was Simon Lawrence up to?’ she mused. Her mind turned to Guy again. She refused to believe she couldn’t change him. Slowly a plan came into her head. Making Guy jealous was a dangerous game but she could handle it. Her phone rang in the office. Startled, she stared at it before lifting the receiver.

  “Anna Dunbar.”

  “You left without saying goodbye.”

  Anna smiled. “You looked tired; I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  Guy’s voice was husky, “Never too tired for you.”

  Anna’s mobile rang making her jump.

  “Who’s that calling you at this hour?” asked Guy, annoyed.

  Anna glanced at her screen. Simon Lawrence was on the caller display. She paused before saying, “It’s Simon Lawrence.”

  The silence that followed was explosive. “Don’t answer it,” said Guy curtly.

  “Guy, he’s a client,” said Anna, equally curt.

  “I’m coming over to take you for breakfast.”

  “Guy, I need to work,” Anna said smiling, her strategy of making Guy jealous working already. Her mobile went to voicemail.

  “Anna, I’ve been thinking about what you were saying. I have been working too hard. I’ve missed you. Last night was fantastic,” he murmured.

  Anna’s body tingled as she too remembered their night together. “Okay,” she relented. “It will need to be quick.”

  “Yes, I can guarantee it will be,” said Guy teasingly. “I’ll be with you shortly.”

  Heat flooded Anna. She glanced at her watch, relieved to see it was only 6.45am. She turned to her work and was quickly absorbed until the rap at her door. Guy entered carrying two coffees and a bag of food. He strode up to her desk put the food down and kissed her.

  Their passion as always was red hot and dangerous. Anna responded, her dark desires never far from the surface. This was her place of work. People would be arriving in the office soon. The thrill of discovery only made her wetter. Guy was already pulling up her skirt and parting her thighs.

  When his fingers slipped inside her, he groaned. Before Anna could protest, he was lifting her onto her desk while yanking her skirt up further.

  “Do you ever wear underwear?” Guy demanded. His hands caressed her buttocks. Anna heard him unzip his trousers, the head of his erection nudged against her.

  “I like commando,” Anna replied.

  He slammed into her, knocking the breath from Anna. Her mobile rang. Simon Lawrence’s name flashed on screen. They both saw it as her phone continued to ring. Anna made to move but Guy thrust harder and faster; pounding into her. The phones persistent ringing blended with Anna’s moans. Guy’s fingers dug exquisitely into her flesh. As she climaxed her voicemail kicked in. Guy shuddered as his own release followed.

  Panting and flushed, Anna went to straighten but Guy held her down.

  “I don’t want that little shit bothering you,” he replied quietly. He grabbed both her arms and with the other opened the desk drawer. He grabbed the wipes.

  “Guy,” Anna struggled but gasped as Guy wiped her. He forced the wipes between her legs and down her sex.

  “Let another lawyer deal with him,” said Guy as he rubbed back and forth, the sensation delicious as he held her arms tightly.

  “I will not discuss this,” Anna panted.

  Guy pulled away and she winced at the loss of contact and her lack of control. She glanced at her watch, 7.15am, and turned to face Guy. He was already cleaning himself and their gaze locked. Anna looked at his growing erection and licked her lips. Guy stared at her, it was all she needed; leaning back on the desk her skirt still bunched up she opened her legs. A battle played out on Guy’s face but still he didn’t move. She slipped her fingers between her legs.

  “I know you like to watch,” she challenged.

  Guy stood his face troubled. Anna eyes closed as her fingers expertly pleasured her until he knocked them away. Her legs were split wide and jerked up. She
arched her back as he entered her; the sex rough and fast. Just the way she liked it. Guy stood moodily ten minutes later, sipping his lukewarm coffee. He did not look happy but he was at least sated, Anna thought. She was ravenous and was eating the croissants he’d brought.

  “Anna...this needs to stop,” Guy said, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t want either of us to lose our jobs.”

  “This has got to stop,” said Anna incredulously. “Guy, I’ve hardly seen you.”

  “I know but like I said, I’m going to change that.”

  “Actions speak louder than words,” Anna retorted. “At least when we’re having sex, I feel I have your full attention.”

  Guy winced. “This...” His hand pointed towards the desk. “Is not the way, Anna. We’re better than this. I have a proposal for you.”

  “What?” said Anna warily.

  “I want you to help me develop a new zone at the club.”

  “What type of zone?” asked Anna, intrigued.

  Guy smiled. “Our type of zone but with modified sensory devices.”


  “Yes,” said Guy, approaching her. His hand touched her face tilting it upwards. He pulled her up and kissed her deeply. Without warning, he bit her lip. Anna yelped in surprise.

  “They will deliver a little nip or tug. You decide what we need.”

  Guy’s thumb rubbed her lip. Anna was momentarily speechless.

  “We’ll do it together?” she asked.

  “Yes, just you and me. We must give feedback to the engineers about the equipment but otherwise we’ll be alone.”

  Anna smiled at Guy and rested her head against his shoulder. Her heart was thumping with love and excitement.

  “I’d love to,” she replied.

  Guy glanced at his watch. “I’ll leave you in peace. Remember what I said about Simon Lawrence. Get someone else to take his case.”


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