Bearly Royal_Corbin

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Bearly Royal_Corbin Page 4

by Ally Summers

  “Let’s get out of here,” I announced.

  I could have bet that Elena would protest. There wasn’t an impulsive bone in her body. If it wasn’t written in blood on the royal schedule, she didn’t want to sign off.

  “It’s late,” she argued. “I probably should leave.” She looked at the clock over my shoulder.

  “So? I don’t want to stay here anymore. Let’s go. Who cares about the time?”

  I pushed away from the table, squeaking the chair against the polished floor.

  “We have an early morning. You’re scheduled to make your comeback appearance at the library.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want to think about the library. I just want to get out of here.”

  “It’s a craving, isn’t it?” she asked. “I’m not doing a very good job.”

  I looked at her. “It’s not a drink I need a distraction from,” I admitted.

  She looked confused. “I don’t understand. I thought that’s what this was about. You wanted me to keep you from drinking. I’ve failed.”

  “No, Elena. That’s not it at all. I don’t need a babysitter.” I gritted my teeth.

  I hadn’t told anyone. But it suddenly made sense that the first person I told should be Elena. I’d been holding that letter close to my chest for almost two months. She had handled every scandal with precision. She had an innate ability to piece together a solution no matter how badly I fucked something up. And why wouldn’t I trust her with this now? I could have trusted her with it all along if I had been sober enough to come up with a plan.

  “I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to say.” She threw her hands in the air. “This isn’t normal. I don’t know what to do when we aren’t operating inside normal.”

  I blinked. What in the hell was she talking about?

  “What’s normal? When I’m drunk?”

  Her breath caught. “That’s not what I meant. I would never say something like that. I think it’s getting late and we should get some sleep. Everything has to be perfect tomorrow. I’ll be back at seven.”

  My hand caught her wrist as she tried to wiggle past me. “Wait.”

  There was something in her eyes that burned right through me. Fuck, what was happening tonight?

  Her eyes dropped to where my hand gripped her skin before lifting them to mine. “What is it, sir?” she whispered.

  I dropped her arm as quickly as I had grabbed it. “Nothing.” I shook my head. “You can go.”

  She ran out of the apartment, using the staff tunnel. The door clicked in place behind her. It was as loud as the gate clanging on a prison cell.

  I wasn’t going to be trapped here. I wouldn’t let myself feel like a caged tiger.

  I picked up the phone. “Yes, sir?” One of the aides in the downstairs operations office answered my call.

  I could go for a run. I could let the beast break free and let my fur emerge from skin. Let the moonlight shine on my thick coat. I could bare my fangs and run. Exhaust myself on four legs. Chase a deer. Climb a tree. Give in to the wild side. But I didn’t.

  “I need a car.”

  “What time, your majesty?” he asked.

  “Now.” I realized it was after midnight. I didn’t give a shit. I had to get out of here.

  “I believe Emmanuel is available. I will have him meet you at the royal entrance immediately.”

  “Thank you.” I hung up and grabbed my jacket, rolling my sleeves in place as I took the elevator to the first floor.

  The long black car was running when I walked outside. Emmanuel greeted me as I ducked into the backseat.

  “Where are we going tonight, your majesty?” he asked.

  I wasn’t going to let regret move in already. Sure, I had lied to Elena, but it wasn’t the first time. I couldn’t be expected to change all my habits at once.

  I cleared my throat. “The Titan.”



  Something was off. I could tell. Corbin hadn’t looked at me all morning. I didn’t know if he was still upset with the way I had run out of his apartments last night. I never should have stayed so late.

  I kept my eyes on my tablet. There was an update about the queen on the screen. I had read it three times, but still couldn’t tell anyone what it said.

  The car slowed as we approached the library.

  I felt him bristle next to me in the leather seats. There was nothing easy about what I was asking him to do. But the king had commanded it. It was my job to make sure it happened smoothly.

  “Are you ready?” I asked.

  Corbin tugged on the sleeves of his shirt so his cufflinks were visible.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” There was almost a hint of a growl in his voice.

  The driver was outside the car door. I couldn’t let us walk into the library like this. There was an elephant between us, only I didn’t know what it was exactly.

  I rolled my window down. “We’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  He nodded and I turned to Corbin.

  “What’s wrong?” I prodded.

  “Nothing. Let’s just get this over with.” He reached for the handle on his side, but I stopped him.

  “We can talk about this before you can go inside. I realize you don’t want to do this.”

  He looked tired.

  “Elena, this is part of my job. I knew the damage control would happen before anything else. I didn’t expect anything less from my brother. I don’t need a pep talk.”

  I sighed. Something felt irreparably broken, and I knew I was the one who broke it. “The press is standing outside. They are seated inside. Everything you say and do will be studied. It’s not as if I don’t realize it. I know the microscope you’re under. The pressure you’re facing today.”

  “Damn it, Elena.”

  My eyes widened. I didn’t like how he said my name.

  “What is it?”

  He shook his head. “We’ll discuss it later.”

  Before I could protest again, he hopped out of the car, waving at the cameras and grinning his million-dollar smile. I waited until he was at least ten steps away before I scrambled out of the backseat.

  Corbin shook hands with the librarian who greeted him at the door. Her name was Annalise. I remembered her from our visit two months ago. He acted as if this was any other press event. He didn’t seem like a man who was on a tour for redemption and forgiveness from Galona’s citizens.

  And if anyone else thought it, they hid it well.

  One of the agents pointed Corbin to his chair in the rotunda of the library. The children were already seated on the floor. I couldn’t believe how quiet they were. The prince sat, smiling as he picked up the first book on the table next to him.

  I held my breath.

  This was when everything went to hell last time. I felt my stomach roll with nausea. I knew he was sober, but the memory of how he had stumbled into this same room drunk, haunted me. It was my responsibility. My duty to protect the crown from that kind of scene. I had failed the family horribly.

  But the man in front of us today was a different person. His voice was deep. His eyes were clear. His movements were intentional and strong.

  I pressed my lips together. He was more irresistible now than he ever had been. The captive audience was adorable, surrounding his feet.

  He held the pages open and began to read.

  My palm rested on my cheek. It was the only thing that kept me from sighing aloud. I was as mesmerized as the four-year olds on the floor.

  The prince was everything a royal should be. And they could see it. I knew those little girls were falling in love with him as quickly as he read the fairytale. I listened to him read the story and watched him point to the pictures.

  Who wrote these stories? Life wasn’t like that. Knights didn’t ride in and rescue damsels in distress anymore. And what woman wanted to be a damsel? Was this truly the best message to send the children? It couldn’t be.

  If I could, I’d jum
p in front of him and tell them they needed to protect their tiny hearts. Falling in love with a prince could only lead to gut-wrenching pain.

  I knew.

  I lived with it every day.



  I cleared my throat and continued to read. I hadn’t let myself think about what it meant to be here again. It wasn’t like I was in front of the royal council, or even facing the cabinet. These were kids. They didn’t care what I did, as long as I read the book. But I knew if I stopped before I got to the happily ever after, they’d revolt. That was the one thing they had on me.

  It didn’t matter to them I had been drunk off my ass last time I made an appearance in this building. They didn’t even know what drunk was. As far as they knew, I was a sweet cuddly teddy bear.

  But the rest of the country sure as hell did. They would be waiting for a news report. They would snatch up Elena’s press release as soon as the event was over.

  By the time I reached the last page I knew the little wigglers in front of me were tired of sitting. I was glad Elena hadn’t chosen a longer book. I didn’t think any of us could have made it through another few minutes of staying still in this contrived scenario.

  “The end,” I proclaimed.

  The cameras fired rapid flashes. I held the cover of the book out so they could take a few photos.

  “Thank you, children.” I nodded. “It was a pleasure.”

  I rose from the seat. The librarian rushed over to me.

  “Thank you so much, your highness.” We shook hands. “I think the children loved the book. It’s a Galonian classic for certain.”

  “Yes, it’s important we honor our culture with stories like this.” I handed the book to her so I could leave the circle.

  “Do you think you have a few minutes to see the improvements we’ve made?” she asked. “I know you’re a true fan of books.”

  I had to stop from laughing out loud. My platform was literacy because it was the straw I drew. Did anyone really believe Henri loved foreign policy or Derek wanted to spend his time buried in data research? I had to carry the family’s fine arts torch. I was at museum openings and gallery auctions. I blended it seamlessly at events where alcohol flowed like the donation money did. It could be worse. I could be stuck with agriculture like Juliette.

  “It would be a pleasure,” I replied.

  Elena walked toward me. She tipped forward on her toes to reach my ear. The hair on my neck rose. I wanted to wrap a hand around her waist and pull her against my side. I wondered what it would be like to have the full softness of her tits melding to my body. Would she moan slightly as my fingers curled into her hip?


  I shook my head. “What is it?” Why was I looking at Elena like that?

  “We only have ten minutes,” she whispered.

  “What could be more important than this?” I asked. “Literacy is my platform,” I joked.

  “The ambassador,” she reminded me.

  “Damn it,” I cursed.

  Elena eyed me and I looked around quickly to see if any of the children were nearby.

  “I can stretch the schedule to fifteen for you.”

  I smiled. “That would be appreciated. I’ll meet you when I’m finished with the tour.”

  She nodded, backing away slowly. I watched as she walked to join a few members of the press. The fitted skirt hugged the curves of her ass.

  “Your highness?” The librarian needed my attention.


  I whipped my head around and stopped staring at what suddenly seemed like the most perfect round and voluptuous ass in the universe.

  The librarian led the way and I listened as she explained the upgrades to the computer center and the reading corner for the students.

  But it didn’t register. I kept looking over my shoulder at Elena.

  Her brow was pinched together in that way that meant she wasn’t happy about something. She didn’t like what the reporter was asking. I could tell from the other side of the room. It didn’t seem to matter what she said, he moved inches closer and asked another question.

  I turned toward Annalise. “I’m sorry. I’ll be right back. Excuse me for a moment.”

  I took off in Elena’s direction.

  “Is everything all right?” I asked, strolling up behind her. I shoved my hands in my pockets to keep from balling them into fists in front of the reporter.

  Elena turned to me with wild eyes. I was breaking protocol. I was never supposed to address the media. They weren’t allowed to approach me. But my relationship with the press was a unique one. It was contentious at best.

  “Everything is fine, your highness.” She smiled.

  “It didn’t seem that way from where I was.” My eyes squinted at the man across from us.

  “We were discussing what a wonderful contribution you’re making to Freychon by being here today,” she lied.

  “Is that so?” My gaze was on the man fiddling with his notepad. He had moved several steps back since I appeared.

  Elena looked at her watch. “Your majesty, we do need to leave. I’m afraid there won’t be any more statements today.” She looked at the reporter.

  There it was again. The instinct to hook a hand at her hip and lead her away from that asshole. But I couldn’t touch her. Not here. Not anywhere.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” she whispered through almost closed lips.

  I shrugged. “He was being a dick.”

  “Oh my God.” She flinched. “And there are children in here.”

  I laughed. “It’s all right. They didn’t hear me. Annalise is trying to keep them from raiding all the trains off the table. Do the children even read here?”

  Elena’s eyes traveled to the children on the floor, wrestling over the coal cars. She giggled. “Maybe not.”

  “In all seriousness. Are you ok?” I asked. “Did he say something he shouldn’t have? I can send Rafael over to have a few words.”

  “Oh no. Don’t do that. Royal security will only make it worse.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Let’s wait until we’re in the car,” she suggested.

  I said my goodbyes to the staff and followed the royal entourage to the motorcade outside the library. Once we were inside I turned to Elena.

  “Now. Tell me what he said.”

  She wrung her hands together. “It’s not important. He’s not going to publish a story or anything.”

  “I want to know.”

  Her blue eyes lifted. “He said you were at the Titan last night.”

  I nodded. “And how did he hear that?”

  “It’s a crazy rumor. I know it is. You told me yourself you wouldn’t go back there. But I realize it could have been Prince Derek or even Prince Henri. But I don’t think his schedule would have allowed for a late night—”

  “Elena, stop.”

  She stared at me.

  “It was me. I did go.”

  She shook her head. “No. No. You wouldn’t. You couldn’t have. I was with you…”

  “I had a car take me after you left the apartments.” I paused. “And I didn’t drink.”

  “Oh.” I saw the recognition flash in her eyes. “You went for business.” Her eyes lowered.

  It was a nice way to put buying sex for the night.

  “No. Yes.” I groaned. “I didn’t bid on anyone, if that’s what you think. I came home alone.”

  I had never felt the need to explain myself to her before. I’d fucked plenty of women. Elena had sent them home in cars. Looking at her now, I realized what a shitty bastard I was for putting her in that position.

  “But what else is the Titan for if not for the girls and booze?” she asked and then quickly covered her mouth. “I’m sorry. That was completely out of line.”

  I chuckled. “I’ve been a member there for years. All the Marquis are. You know that. Our esteemed queen came from there.” I laughed. My brother had balls for ma
rrying a girl he bid on in an auction. “But I needed a different kind of business transaction last night. I set up a meeting with Johannes Montclair.”

  “Why? Why would you go to that club?”

  I reached inside my jacket and pulled out the letter. I handed it to Elena.

  “Because of this.”



  I looked at the folded paper in my hands and uncurled the page. I didn’t know what I was about to read, only that Corbin’s eyes were on me, watching me, studying me as I read the letter.

  “This…this can’t be.”

  I looked at him. My heart was in my stomach. I didn’t know whether to throw up or start to cry. I swallowed hard, fighting the tightness in my throat.

  “It is.” He plucked the paper from my fingertips and returned it to his jacket.

  “How do you know? How do you know it’s not some kind of trick?” I was shaking. “It could be extortion. It might not be true.”

  “Sophia was never like that. She wouldn’t have cheated on me. The baby is mine.”

  “You-you have a daughter?” My heart was breaking as the words came out.

  He nodded slowly. “It appears so.”

  I pressed my palm to my forehead. The thoughts weren’t coming quickly enough. I should have a plan. I needed to deal with the fallout of this kind of news. I would have to talk to the king. Wallace would need to be brought in.


  I bit my lip. “Yes?”

  “We can’t tell anyone about this.”

  “What do you mean? There is a princess out there. A direct line to the Marquis crown. Are you saying the king doesn’t know?”

  He shook his head. “No. You’re the only person I’ve told. And maybe in some vague way Johannes Montclair. His top security agent is looking for Sophia now. I’m sure he put the pieces together by now. He’s done this long enough to know what I wanted her found.”


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