Star Freedom

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Star Freedom Page 6

by D. R. Rosier

  He shrugged, “Beautiful, and there’s an innocence about you that shines through when your unconscious.”

  I asked teasingly, “So I seduce you with innocence?”

  He nipped my bottom lip, and pulled out before he rolled to the side. I squeaked in surprise, again, when he grabbed me and firmly pulled me into his side.

  “Something like that, yes.”

  I wasn’t sure, but whatever his motivation I hoped it never went away. I squirmed into his body, and nuzzled his neck. One of my favorite places to be.

  “Let’s stay in bed.”

  He snorted, “Good plan, I don’t think we need to get out of bed until we get back to Isyth, as long as the Stolavii and Suaterans behave. That gives us about seven hours, which might not be enough time.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  He grinned, “I haven’t had enough of you yet.”

  I felt him growing hard again, against my leg, and I grinned back, then gasped as he dragged me on top of him.

  I sighed in pleasure, as he slid back inside me. I put my hands on his chest, and started to move in tight circles above him, enjoying the feeling of him stretching me out again while he played with my tits. I had no illusions I was truly in control, despite being on top. At least, not in control of our pace. It wouldn’t be long until he lost his mind again, and grabbed my ass and fucked my brains out from below.

  I couldn’t wait. Maybe it was wrong, the way I loved being Vik’s little fuck toy so much, but the truth is I knew he loved me, and I did love it. He’d been losing his control to my wiles for a year now, and if anything our sex life was even more wild now than when it was new and fresh. I loved him.

  “I love… your big fat cock in me,” I said in a sultry teasing voice.

  Vik growled, and I bit my lip sexily to hold back a smile. It was going to be a fun day, and we deserved the break. I hoped Telidur and Jillintara were similarly engaged. I gasped in pleasure, when Vik smacked my ass hard, and started to fuck up into me from below. I was literally bouncing on his cock, which was exactly what I’d wanted…

  Chapter Ten

  It felt good to be back at the palace, but also a little strange at the same time with Solyra in charge of things. I’d get used to it, and I wasn’t worried, she was a good woman. I had to admit Vik was right, she had a better temperament for the top job.

  The awkwardness of the initial meeting went away fast, when Solyra retreated to the private wing, and took the rest of us with her. At that point, she passed out hugs which seemed to melt that perceived distance.

  Solyra said, “I’m glad you’re alright, things looked to be getting close there at the end.”

  Vik nodded, “It was close, it wasn’t quite hopeless, but the humans really came through for us there at the end. Watching can be more difficult than being there. We need to decide what to do next. The Stolavii are still a threat with over three hundred fifty ships, and although I don’t think we should knock them permanently out of space, we should at least remove their teeth. Let them start from scratch, and perhaps shock them into reconsidering their policies in space.”

  Solyra frowned, “What did you have in mind?”

  He said, “Two-part plan. We’ll send in fifty ships to their secret build system or at least they think it’s a secret, and smash their infrastructure. Another hundred ships can go to their home world. We’ll launch missiles from sixteen light minutes away, and be able to destroy their fleet from a distance. I think that’s better than waiting for them to go looking for a slave contingent.”

  Solyra looked thoughtful for a minute.

  “What about the Suaterans? Don’t you think the Stolavii are already reeling?”

  Vik said, “If the Suaterans move, we can abort if we have to move. It’s actually one of the reasons I don’t want to go too far into either of their systems. It gives us flexibility on pulling out and redeploying if necessary.”

  Solyra sighed, “I see the appeal, but I don’t think we need to.”

  Vik looked taken back, “May I ask why?”

  Solyra giggled, “So careful brother? Feel free to speak your mind in our royal wing, though I’d appreciate keeping the name calling to a minimum.”

  Vik snorted, “Then why?”

  Solyra turned to me, which was surprising, because I was all for taking it a step further and quarantining the bastards.

  She asked, “What do you suppose the Stolavii are doing now?”

  The obvious answer popped into my head.

  “They’re going to try and address their balance of power problem. There’s no way they don’t know we have shields almost three times stronger than they do, not to mention the shielded missiles, which as far as they know have an effective range greater than their two-light minute range at the least.”

  She turned back to Vik, “Do you think that might take longer than a couple of weeks?”

  Oh, where she was going with this was obvious now.

  Vik reluctantly nodded.

  Solyra said, “From what I understand, the new ship can wormhole into their system, and destroy them all with plasma from a star without ever getting close to their weapons range. Just a handful could destroy their fleet very quickly, even one by itself could do it in about an hour. Our goal needs to be getting to that point, then we can deal with them when they act in an offensive manner again, and not need to worry about doing it before they make a move.

  “On another note, it would also save us a lot of credits, it would take a lot of missiles and power resources to destroy three hundred and fifty-eight ships from across a star system. The new ship can do it simply by expending star plasma. Much less expensive. I think it’s better to wait, once the new ships are out we’ll no longer be in danger, and any improvements they make to adapt to the shields and missiles will be a moot point.”

  Vik asked, “How…”

  Solyra smirked, “I knew what you’d want to do when you got back, and I’ve had time to think about it. Plus, the new ships and capabilities have come up often in my conversations with Lori. It’s a risk we don’t need to take, and the Stolavii are effectively out of the equation already. At least, out of it long enough to get our new fleet which makes it all moot. It won’t be unbeatable forever, but I imagine our new fleet will give us a whole lot of breathing room, perhaps for years.”

  She added, “In case I’m wrong, and the Stolavii do move before the new fleets done, we’ll have to team up with Earth again. I really don’t think that will happen though, they’re angry and aggressive, but not stupid. The Stolavii leaders also aren’t in the heat of battle, so I don’t think they’d give suicidal orders to the only fleet they have left.”

  Vik nodded, “That was the only reason we lost even one ship, their last effort was suicidal. Alright, so unless the move attacking the Stolavii are off the table, even when we get the new ships. What about the Suaterans?”

  She sighed, “That’s an even bigger problem for us. The Stolavii, at least the ones in charge and out in the ships, are slavers, dishonorable mercenaries, and pirates. In short, scum who have been preying on the empire and other independent systems for hundreds of years. I have no problem smacking them down when it’s needed. The attack and suppression of the peaceful Suaterans was our brother’s real mistake. I worry he woke a sleeping giant, and that they’ll never trust us again.

  “I sent out messages of peace, and offered reparations for the ships, space infrastructure, and people lost, but they haven’t responded yet. Until they move against us, we’ll take no preemptive action against them. It’s my hope we can resolve this without it getting worse, but my feelings tell me we’ll have to put down a few of their attacks, hard if we can, before they’ll come to the table. If even then. Regardless, we’ll do what we have to do to protect our empire and its allies. The war, if there is one, will start defensively, but it won’t end that way I fear.”

  Vik snorted, “Any good news?”

  She smiled faintly.

  “The G
ionus sent me a greeting when they heard I took the crown, and at least that independent system has accepted our apologies, though our new relationship is still being worked out by ambassadors. Earth seems to be a solid ally as well, for the moment. So at least we have good relations with half the independent systems.

  “Our own empire also seems to be focused on the positive, and future growth. So, it’s not all bad at all, really our biggest problems are the Stolavii and Suaterans, and the former of those is handled for the moment.”

  Vik nodded, “I’m glad there weren’t negative ripples from me stepping down, and you taking over.”

  Solyra nodded, “Isyth, Vehiri, and Raitov are fine with it. If anything, the move seemed to reassure some of the outliers. That you cared enough about the empire to give up power I mean, not anything I did or have done yet. So far, the reactions been positive on both Xulia and Kaprorix, but those worlds will take longer to recover I think.”

  Vik asked, “When are you doing your first tour?”

  Solyra tilted her head, “Three months I think. There’s a lot going on, and it will give time for the ripples of change to settle. In three months, the Governors will have something solid to talk about, and clearly defined problems if there are any. Plus, the new fleet will be built out minus the replacements we make over the next year. I’ll want my admiral of the fleet along as well.”

  Vik groaned.

  Solyra giggled, and said in a teasing tone, “Duty calls, admiral. I couldn’t possibly show up in anything less than the flag battleship.”

  I snickered, and Solyra winked at me.

  I also couldn’t argue with any of her decisions, it just made sense. Why risk more lives attacking the Stolavii, when we can let them brood a few weeks until we have a much more complete tactical advantage.

  I’d also feel guilty fighting the Suaterans when the time came. They were just untrusting, and xenophobic. Damn Denik to hell and all that, if he wasn’t there already that is.

  Vik said, “So it seems like we’re waiting for the Suaterans, anything else you need?”

  Solyra nodded with mock gravity, “I need to borrow one of your guards for a few hours, for an expedition.”

  Vik raised an eyebrow, and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

  “An expedition?”

  Solyra continued in faux earnestness, “Cyntariel and I are going shopping, and it wouldn’t do to not have Lori’s opinion when we pick out dresses and new shoes. I need an empress wardrobe.”

  It was clear to me we’d run out of crisis to deal with, for the moment. It would be good to step back and relax a bit before things blew up. I wasn’t sure when the Suaterans were going to move, but it wouldn’t be long.

  Vik laughed, “Fine, anything else?”

  She nodded, “We’ll need your A.I. as well.”

  Solyra winked at Jillintara.

  “I’d steal her for myself permanently if I could. I know you depended on her council as emperor brother, as well as an assistant and a leader and interface to all the other empire A.I.s, but I also know how you feel about her.”

  I was inordinately pleased that Solyra was treating her like one of the girls. It also helped that Dessia wasn’t around, but I wondered why that was.

  Jillintara blushed, “How about one of my daughters? They’re like me, more Isythian than… logically computer like. Several will have bodies in just a few days.”

  Solyra looked taken back for a moment, and then smiled, “If any are interested, have them contact me. I know they’re all eagerly awaiting ships, the ones that don’t have them that is. Wouldn’t you have been bored without a ship to watch over too? I… don’t really need one.”

  That was a good point, and there were another thirty or so without ships now.

  Myra sent to me, “I’ll do it.”

  “I thought you wanted a ship?” I subvocalized.

  Myra said, “I’ll have a body, be near the empress and lots of people, and I can still watch over the power station, probe ship, and the A.I. body creation lab. Yes, taking care of a ship would keep me busier, but so will watching out for, and working with, an empress.”

  I said out loud, “I think Myra wants the job.”

  Solyra nodded, “I’ll talk to her about it later, but right now we have an important expedition to take care of.”

  I snickered.

  Solyra added curiously, “Umm, is she always listening?”

  I nodded, “When our cruiser was destroyed, the powered systems on the ship suit died. The ships reactor had been powering the base stations. At that point, I realized how stupid that was, and fixed it. The orbs that protect you and the rest of us are controlled by Myra, and powered by the power plant. I had her set it up a while back, it was why they still worked and were able to get us off the ship, when our ship was dead. All ships will work that way, emergency equipment like the evacuation orbs and ship suits will be powered by both, either the ship or in case of failure the power station. Most of the orbs on ship won’t be like that, only the ones dedicated to the crew. So, long story short if it isn’t too late, yes, she’s monitoring and protecting you at all times, which requires listening.”

  Solyra smiled, “Shopping, expedition.”

  I laughed, “Ready when you are.”

  Chapter Eleven

  When we left the palace, it was the four of us plus six royal guards that had the talent of disappearing into the background. Of course, I was aware of their every move with my genetic upgrades, but managed to ignore them for the most part.

  The shopping trip was a success, and a lot of fun. We did more chatting than we did actual shopping, and we also stopped off at a restaurant later that night. It’s something I never had before, back on Earth, but I was getting to really enjoy a girl’s night out, or in this case a day of shopping, food, and drinks.

  The people sometimes stopped to stare for a moment, both because of the empress and the human in their midst, but otherwise left us alone. Of course, we got very good service in the stores we visited. It wasn’t lost on me that we could’ve shopped from the palace, we all had overlays, but there was something about getting out that just couldn’t be denied.

  Cyntariel, Jillintara, and I picked up a few things, but not nearly as much as our new empress. To be fair, I didn’t need much. On the ship, we were in ship suits, and on the ground I wore that dress with the guard colors. Maybe I wouldn’t have to do that second one much anymore, not with a new empress on the throne. Still, with all the stuff Solyra picked up it was a good thing they had delivery. I doubted the four of us plus the six royal guards could have carried it all.

  We were at a high class bar of sorts, and the night was closing in. I imagined we’d be going back to the palace soon. I’d had a couple of drinks, but not enough to degrade my awareness. Still, it felt good along with being surrounded by friends and loved ones.

  Solyra said, “Do you all have plans for tonight?”

  I shrugged, “Not really, what did you have in mind?”

  I really didn’t have plans for tonight, outside of a vague desire to seduce Cyntariel again. I hadn’t seen her for a few days, but I’d survive for a bit longer. Just being around her for most of the day was a good thing. There was also the idea that our relationship was very new, and that nervousness and unsureness was still present between us.

  Solyra replied, “No idea, I just know I’m not looking forward to going back yet.”

  I grinned, “If we were on Earth I’d say dancing, or…”

  Cyntariel asked, “When are you taking me?”

  I laughed, “After the Suateran’s are dealt with and things calm down I think. Janson invited us back to visit, and of course we could have gone anyway.”

  I just needed to make sure I wasn’t on a wanted list. It was weird, but last I checked I had high security clearance with the secret service and military, but was on the most wanted list in the FBI and still wanted for murder with some local authorities. The joys of big government, and the
left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. I still worried my old handlers might be looking for me as well.

  But… with hologram technology I could disguise myself in public, if it was still needed.

  Solyra sighed, “I can’t go.”

  I tilted my head, “You sure about that?”

  She raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean, of course I can’t.”

  I shrugged, “Why not during your tour, it seems logical to me. You can visit your ally under treaty along with the worlds in the empire.”

  I practically scented burning wood as her eyes narrowed in thought.

  Jillintara said, “As far as tonight, we could take in a show,” she turned to me, “We have theatre and concerts like your world has, though different.”

  I smiled, and looked at Solyra, who smiled back.

  Girl’s day out ran into girl’s night out, and we had a blast. It was quite late when we got back to the palace. I’d had plans for when we got back, but Vik did as well, and I suppressed my surge of annoyance when he claimed Cyntariel for the rest of the night. It wasn’t like I was left without options, I just missed her. I wound up spending the night with my sweet Jillintara, and wouldn’t have traded that time for anything.

  It was at breakfast the next morning when the other shoe finally dropped. We were all at breakfast, including Dessia. They conversation stayed casual during breakfast, and it wasn’t until we finished that it was discussed at all.

  Jillintara said, “Ninety-six minutes ago, the five Suateran scout ships arrived back at their build system and de-cloaked as they rejoined the rest of their fleet. Thirty-two minutes after that, two hundred and twenty ships started out-system at two hundred gravities, and cloaked.”

  Solyra sighed, “Do we have any idea as to their capabilities? When Denik attacked they didn’t have that many ships, and for all we know those ships didn’t have their newest technology.”

  Vik shook his head, “They were peacefully independent, and xenophobic. We left them alone, they left us alone. They’ve built all those ships in the last thirteen months in their hidden system, or at least, a system they think we don’t know about. So, we don’t have a clue what they’re capable of.”


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