The Summer Sword

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by Alaric Longward





  THE SUMMER SWORD © 2018 Alaric Longward

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  Adalfuns the Crafter – mysterious old man trying to help Hraban fight Tear. Will help Hraban three times if Hraban proves himself worthy.

  Adalwulf – champion of Hulderic, later ally of Hraban

  Adgandestrius – a Chatti adeling, son of Ebbe, brother to Gunda.

  Adminus – Catuvellauni noble in Britain, brother of Togodumnus and Caratacus. A schemer and former exile in Rome.

  Agetan – son of Tudrus the Elder, brother of Tudrus the younger, twin to Bohscyld.

  Alberich – Langobardic Thiuda.

  Albine – daughter of Ebbe the Chatti.

  Albis River – Elbe River.

  Alde – sister of Gochan, Sarmatian noble.

  Alexander – a Roman admiral.

  Ansbor – Hraban's rotund friend, sarcastic yet staunch.

  Ansigar – Hraban's scheming friend.

  Antius – also Gaius Antius. A trader and negotiator, a servant of Rome who is plotting the downfall of both Germania and certain Roman nobles.

  Antonia Minor – widow of Drusus, mother of Germanicus, Claudius, and Livilla.

  Aretas IV – king of Nabataea, ally of Rome

  Ariobarzanes – king of Armenia, supported by Rome

  Aristovistus – in the past, a famed leader of a confederacy of Suebi. Tried to conquer Gaul 58 B.C. Defeated by Gaius Julius Caesar. Grandfather of Balderich, the old leader of Marcomanni.

  Armin – Arminius, a Cherusci noble, son of Sigimer, husband to Thusnelda, foe of Rome, of Maroboodus, and of Segestes.

  Arpus – the Thiuda of the Chatti

  Arrius Vibius Bricius – a Mediomactri Gaul noble living near Rheine, father of Cassia.

  Aska – first man created by Woden, Lok, and Hoenur.

  Balderich – grandson of the famous Aristovistus, grandfather of Hraban, leader of the Marcomanni.

  Bark – brother of Wulf, priest of Freyr, foe of Maroboodus.

  Bato – there were two of them, both leaders of the Illyrian tribe’s revolt.

  Berard – the Thiuda of the Semnones.

  Bero – brother of Hulderic. Followed Hulderic from Gothonia to regain his ring and vengeance. Foe to Maroboodus.

  Bohscyld – son of Tudrus the Elder, brother to Tudrus the Younger, twin to Agetan.

  Borena – Hraban’s half-sister, Sarmatian noble

  Burbetomagus – shared capital of the Mediomactri Celts and the Vangiones.

  Burlein – youngest brother of Isfried and Melheim, noble of the southern Marcomanni.

  Camulodunum – city of Camulos, former capital of Trinovantes, now lorded over by the Catuvellauni.

  Caratacus – Catuvellauni in Britain, brother to Togodumnus and Adminus.

  Cassia – daughter to Arrius Vibius Bricius, a Gaul, and a healer. Wife to Hraban, mother to Gervas.

  Castrum Flamma – a Roman fort in the lands of the Luppia River.

  Castrum Luppia – a Roman fort in the lands of the Matticati.

  Catualda – son of Bero, cousin to Maroboodus.

  Catuvellauni – a tribe in Britain, foes to Trinovantes and Atrebates. Lords of Camulodunum, where Hraban is hiding Thumelicus.

  Ceionius – the Camp Prefect of the XVII

  Cenric – son of Gunhild

  Chatti - a fearsome Germanic tribe living north of the Maine river, south of the Cherusci.

  Chauci – mighty Germanic tribe of the North.

  Cherusci – a mighty Germanic tribe living at Weser and Elbe Rivers.

  Chariovalda – lord of the Batavi, allies of Rome, client to Drusus and Hraban's captor.

  Cilia – slave of Julia, lover of Wandal.

  Cornix – optio of the nineteenth legion, servant to Gaius Antius.

  Danubius River – Danube River.

  Donor – the war-lord of Armin, Hraban’s enemy.

  Draupnir – ring of Woden. Every ninth day, this wondrous, dwarven-crafted ring would spill eight others.

  Draupnir's Spawn – spawn of Draupnir, Woden's ring, and the influential ancient ring of Hraban's family.

  Drusus the Elder – son of Livia, one of the highest-ranking heroes of Rome, and a supporter of the Republic. Hraban’s lord.

  Drusus the Younger – son of Tiberius.

  Ebbe – Chatti noble, father of Gunda and Adgandestrius, ever ready to oppose Rome.

  Eggius – the Camp Prefect of the XIX.

  Embla – first woman created by Woden, Lok, and Hoenur.

  Ermendrud – daughter of Fulch the Red, lover to Hraban, then Wandal's wife to be.

  Ernust – the Thiuda of the Chauci

  Euanthe – whore and later wife of Tudrus.

  Euric – father of Wandal, a blacksmith.

  Felix – a Celt slave to Maroboodus and Hraban. Hraban's friend.

  Flower – slave of Cassia.

  Fulch the Red – warlord of Bero, father of Ermendrud.<
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  Fulcher – Hraban's conscience and friend.

  Gaius Caesar – Gaius, heir apparent to Augustus, son of Julia, brother of Lucius Gauis and half-brother of Postumus.

  Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus – Augustus, the first man of Rome, seemingly keeping Rome a republic, but in reality, creating an empire where he would hold the power over the military and much of the legislative power. Strove to ensure the continuation of his line in charge of Rome.

  Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus – Caligula, the Roman Emperor whom Hraban sacrificed to elevate Claudius.

  Gaius Sentius Saturninus – Saturninus, a Roman consul, supporter of Augustus. In the book, he is helping Drusus with the wars of 12 B.C. to 9 B.C. A fair ruler, a wise general. In reality, he would not arrive in Germania until 4 A.D. and would be replaced by Varus in A.D. 6.

  Galdr – magic, spells, rhythmic spell singing.

  Gau – a Germanic county, administrative area.

  Gernot – Hraban's weak-willed brother, son of Sigilind and Maroboodus.

  Germanicus – son of Drusus the Elder, third in line to the throne of Augustus.

  Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso – son of famous Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, a praefectus of auxilia.

  Gochan – the chief of the Sarmatians, Hraban’s half-brother.

  Gothoni – old Germanic tribe from the Baltic Sea.

  Grim – Ubii Guard.

  Grinrock – capital of the southern Marcomanni, home of Isfried.

  Grip – a Matticati guard of Armin’s

  Gulldrum – ancient abode and shrine of Tear's clan and god by Elbe River.

  Gunda – a Chatti noble, daughter of Ebbe, brother of Adgandestrius.

  Gunhild – sister to Sigilind, Hraban's aunt, daughter of Balderich.

  Gunnvör – Burlein's archer, slayer of Guthbert.

  Guthbert – Batavi rider of Maroboodus, brother of Leuthard.

  Hadewig – Thumelicus's real name.

  Hagano – Hraban's friend, youngest of the Bear Heads.

  Hands – a Chatti bounty hunter.

  Hard Hill – capital of the Marcomanni, oppidum hill next to Rheine.

  Harmod the Old – champion of Hulderic.

  Helm – the Thiuda of the Chatti

  Hengsti – the war king of the Matticati, allies of Rome, famed riders.

  Hermanduri – vast Suebi nation covering much of the Weser River. Roman allies.

  Horse-Arse – a Matticati guard of Armin’s

  Hraban – the Raven, the Oath Breaker, the main character of the story. Son of Maroboodus, he is telling his story to Thumelicus, so he might one day have his fame redeemed and his daughter Lif know the truth about him. Husband to Cassia, father to Gervas.

  Hulderic – Hulderic the Gothoni, noble of ancient house, father of Maroboodus, grandfather to Hraban, brother of Bero.

  Hunfrid – a Vangione noble, son of Vago, brother of Shayla, Koun, and Vannius.

  Inguiomerus – a Cherusci noble, brother to Sigimer and Segestes, foe of Rome, but envious of Armin's growing power and of Armin's ability.

  Isfried – lord of the southern Marcomanni, head of his own large family. Ally to Bero, Balderich's lord. Brother of Melheim and Burlein.

  Ishild – daughter to Tear, sister to Odo, she is a girl entwined in her mother’s and brother’s attempt to destroy the world. Torn between her family and her love for Hraban, she makes Hraban's life full of hard choices.

  Istros – Dacian gladiator.

  Iullus Antonius – son of Marc Antony.

  Juba II – king of Mauretania.

  Julia – daughter of Augustus, wife of Marcus Claudius Marcellus, Agrippa, and second wife of Tiberius, mother of Gaius Caesar, Lucius Gaius, and Agrippina through Agrippa, and Postumus through Maroboodus.

  Kleitos – the Prefect of the Guard.

  Koun – a Vangione noble, foe to free Germani. Brother of Shayla, Vannius, and Hunfrid, son of Vago.

  Leuthard – a Batavi warrior who served Bero, then Maroboodus. Brother to Guthbert, Maroboodus's bodyguard.

  Libys – Chatti vitka

  Lif – Hraban's and Ishild's daughter.

  Lífþrasir – son of Odo.

  Livia – mother to Drusus and Tiberius through Tiberius Claudius Nero, wife of Augustus through a forced divorce and marriage.

  Livilla – daughter of Drusus, and betrothed of Gaius, and Drusus the Younger

  Lok – a trickster, half deity, half giant. Bound by the entrails of his own son for causing the death of Baldur, son of Woden, and for his chaotic nature.

  Lucius – a man of Maroboodus, who deserted.

  Lucius Gaius – Lucius, son of Julia, brother of Gaius Caesar, Agrippina and half-brother to Postumus.

  Luppia River – Lippe River in middle Germany. Where much of the Germanic wars took place.

  Maelo – famous opponent of Rome, Sigambri Germani noble.

  Mallovendus – chief of the Marsi

  Marcomanni – the bordermen, Suebi Germanic tribe divided into two gaus, counties. Led by Balderich and Maroboodus.

  Marcus Lollius – Roman noble and supporter of Augustus.

  Maroboodus – son of Hulderic, father to Hraban and Gernot, husband to Sigilind. Father of Postumus through Julia. A man returning home after a long period, bringing with him war and threat of destruction of the whole world.

  Marcus Romanus – a Roman exile living with Hulderic, teacher to Hraban. Servant of Maroboodus.

  Mare Suebicum – the Baltic Sea.

  Mare Germanicum – the North Sea.

  Mathildis – wife of Brimwulf.

  Mattium – famed capital of the Chatti, home of Ebbe. Oppidum.

  Mediomactri – Gauls living west of Rheine River, opposite to the Marcomanni. Share their land with the Germanic Vangiones, foes of Maroboodus.

  Melheim – brother of Isfried, brutal and treacherous. Noble of the southern Marcomanni.

  Moenus River – Maine River, where Hraban lives as a youth.

  Moganticum – a major Roman military base started by Agrippa, it kept growing into a naval base and a trade city. Mainz of today, located where Maine River combines with Rheine.

  Nero Claudius Drusus – Drusus, stepson of Augustus, son of Livia, brother of Tiberius, husband of Antonia, and father to Germanicus, Claudius, and Livilla. The leader of the early wars against the Germani east of Rheine, and the greatest, best liked leader of his time.

  Nihta – a Germani warrior of the Rugii tribe, a harii, night fighter, and champion of Maroboodus. Deadly with a sword.

  Odo – son of Tear, brother of Ishild. The driving force behind the god who wants to destroy the worlds. Hraban's nemesis.

  Oldaric – the other Chatti lord, father of Albine. Stubborn and slow to oppose Rome.

  Ourbazo – the brother of Gochan, Sarmatian noble

  Pipin – a Batavi guard of Hraban.

  Phraates IV – the ruler of the troubled Parthian empire

  Postumus – son of Julia and Agrippa, rumored to be unstable and dangerous

  Quadi – a Suebi tribe, allies of the Marcomanni north of Maine River.

  Radulf – a Batavi guard of Hraban.

  Ralla – a völva at Hard Hill.

  Rallo – Ubii Guard.

  Rhamis – Chatti noblewoman, daughter of Aerumer

  Rochus – a Cherusci noble, brother of Armin, son of Sigimer.

  Ragnarök – the final battle of Germanic mythology, the end of most of the living things, the gods included.

  Sabinus – Roman Procurator in charge of taxing Herod’s estate.

  Sasas – a Sarmatian war-lord of Maroboodus, and the guard of Cassia

  Segestes – also Segestes the Fat, a Cherusci noble, brother to Inguiomerus and Sigimer, uncle of Armin and father of Thusnelda. Roman sympathizer. Ruler of the Cherusci lands west of Weser River.

  Segimundus – son of Segestes, a Roman priest and one of Armin’s heroes.

  Seidr – magical power of Freya, the war goddess, mistress of seduction. Völvas u
se it.

  Seiren – lover of Grim.

  Sejanus – Pretorian guard full of aspirations and greed

  Shayla – a half Celt, half Germani druid, opponent of Tear, trying to steer away the prophecy of the end of the world. Sister to Vannius, Koun, and Hunfrid.

  Sibratus – Quadi noble, brother of Tudrus the Older and Tallo.

  Sigambri – old Germanic tribe living around Lippe River. Always at war with Rome along with the Bructeri, Usipetes, Marsi and Tencteri.

  Sigilind – daughter of Balderich, wife of Maroboodus, mother of Hraban and Gernot.

  Sigimer – a Cherusci noble, father of Armin, brother of Segestes, ruler of lands east of Weser River.

  Sigvaldi – the Thiuda of the Tubantes

  Suebi – a vast confederacy of Germanic tribes stretching from Sweden to Danube River.

  Tallo – Quadi noble, brother of Tudrus the Older and Sibratus.

  Tear – also called Zahar, the mother to Odo and Ishild. Reluctant servant of her old god bent on destruction of the world.

  Tencteri – Germanic tribe from the Lippe River.

  Theudric – chief of the last free Sigambri

  Thumelicus – the man Hraban is spinning his story for. Son of Armin and Thusnelda, rescued by Hraban. He is recovering in Albion, Camulodunum.

  Thusnelda – a noble Cherusci woman, wife of Armin, daughter of Segestes and mother of Thumelicus.

  The Three Spinners – norns, the Germanic deities, or spirits, sitting at the foot of the world tree, by the Well of Fate, weaving the past, the present, and the future of each living creature. Also called Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld.

  Togodumnus – king of the Catuvellauni, lord of Camulodunum where Hraban is hiding Thumelicus. Brother to Adminus and Caratacus.

  Trinovantes – a tribe in Britain, foes to the Catuvellauni.

  Tudrus the Older – brother of Tallo andSibratus, father to Tudrus the Younger, Agetan, and Bohscyld, a Quadi noble, and leader of the westernmost of the Quadi.

  Tudrus the Younger – eldest son of Tudrus the Elder, brother to Agetan and Bohscyld, the brains of the three Quadi brothers. Husband to Euanthe.


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