Bloodstone (Talisman)

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Bloodstone (Talisman) Page 72

by S. E. Akers

  I lifted my head like I intended to speak. Valisco leaned closer and let out a snide laugh. “A coward begs,” he sneered.

  I took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds, rallying as much power as I could in light of the iron’s effects. My focus was steadfast. No one was going to hinder me from what I had to do — not even the one who lurked in the dark recesses of my mind. My rigid eyes relaxed as soon as I’d felt their reassuring flicker. I sensed there wasn’t a large amount that had formed, but from what I remembered, a dab was all one needed. I used my remaining strength to force out a gust of the lapis lazuli poison I’d whipped up and aimed it straight for his nose and mouth.

  I heard the rattling “clang” of Valisco’s blade when it struck the ground. I pulled back to see his trembling face starting to darken. The noxious blue poison was pulsating inside him, flooding his veins. The shuar witch clutched his neck as he wobbled around convulsing and gasping for air. Federo watched the spectacle through a set of disbelieving eyes. Valisco had barely made his way over to the Amber Talisman when he grabbed a hold of his shoulders and then dropped dead to the ground.

  Damiec bellowed out a loud throaty laugh. “I may have missed a drop,” he revealed with a smug gleam.

  Federo stormed back and forth in a rage and then turned to his supernatural cohort. “Did you know about this, Ferrol?” Federo questioned him, noting the look of contempt written all over the Howlite Talisman’s face. “YES!” the Amber Talisman-turned-sucker confirmed in a grumble. “I can see that you did! Always the TRAITOR!”

  Ferrol slammed his fiery staff on the ground and gave it a quick twirl. “If the shoe fits,” he grinned.

  Ugh. I rolled my eyes and lowered my head back down against the slab. In some remote warped way, I’d never felt so “wanted” in my life — by three different guys.

  Federo removed his tiger’s-eye from around his neck and tossed it aside. “I have secrets too,” he assured his deceptive cohort, flashing the blue-green hue in his eyes.

  Ferrol eventually wiped the dumbstruck look from his face and reached into his pouch. The Howlite Talisman pulled out several carnelians and reared back his arm — loaded, cocked, and ready to go. Federo shifted into his jaguar form without delay. He pounced around the rocks, dodging the explosive red-orange stones effortlessly. Ferrol tossed the last carnelian in his hand, only for Federo to escape its strike again when he leapt behind a large cluster of boulders.

  “You may claim your brother’s powers, but that’s all!” Ferrol yelled. “You’re nothing but a scared little pussy!”

  Federo sprang up on a boulder, back in his human form. He now donned a stocked quiver on his back as he stood there arching his bow. He released the arrow quickly, without the slightest need for aim. The turquoise-tipped arrow sailed across the cavern and magically banked a sharp left. It struck Ferrol in his hip and propelled him backward. The arrow had impaled his body, leaving him helplessly tacked to the earthen wall.

  Federo jumped down off the boulder. “Just see how hard I scratch,” the Amber Talisman growled ferociously. With Damiec still restrained and Ferrol now pinned in place (with his powers assuredly being drained by the turquoise), Federo turned his attention to the limp body of his witchy sidekick. He knelt beside Valisco and closed his lifeless eyes with a grimace. When finished, his hands began to twitch in an escalating frenzy until they had formed two shaky, flaming-red fists. Federo pried the sunstone out of Valisco’s grasp and rose to his feet in a fierce jerk. No doubt about it — he looked PISSED!

  Whipping up the lapis lazuli poison had taken the last of my energy, but I highly doubted if Federo would venture close enough for me to blow him a kiss, now that the jig was up.

  “This ends NOW!” Federo vowed as he selected a sparkly turquoise arrow from his quiver. He ripped off a scrap of cording from Valisco’s bag of heads and began attaching Tanner’s diamond to the turquoise arrowhead.

  My chest started to itch. I know where that one’s headed! Desperate for help from ANY source, I turned my stare to Damiec and Ferrol. Surely they would try to stop him, if they could. Ferrol was still attempting to dislodge the arrow to free himself, while Damiec was using the wicked hot flames from the carnelian staff to melt away a section of the silver chain. OH, they were trying to be of some assistance all right — just so they could take a stab at finishing me off themselves! I needed help, but rest assured, I wasn’t necessarily pulling for any winners in this nightmarish killing-contest.

  Once the diamond was fastened to the arrowhead nice and tight, Federo gave one of the feathers on the other end a purposeful lick as he sharpened his prickly scowl.

  Even as weak as what I was, I tried to convoke any remaining vigor from my muscles. I flailed about like a fish flapping on dry land while I tugged at the shackles behind my back, but it was useless. I couldn’t break them. Rolling off the slab for cover wouldn’t do any good either — not with the track of his ammo.

  Federo rested his arrow on the bow and pulled back on the string. “This is not payback… IT IS MY DESTINY!” he vowed and then swiftly let loose of the arrow.

  I may have watched its release, but I quickly closed my eyes in a flinch. I didn’t want the last thing I saw before I died to be a flying, diamond-tipped blue-green blade of death. As I lay in my sanctuary of darkness, a surprising image surfaced in my mind. It was my last earthly memory, and it wasn’t of my father or any special moment we shared. And strangely, it wasn’t of my best friend either, whose face I desperately had dreamt of seeing again for months. It was of Tanner. We were in the woods, but we weren’t training or anything remotely like that. It was when I’d bumped into him out on Shiloh Ridge… The day we first met… The moment when I’d run into his brawny, awaiting warm arms. I felt his blissful and protective touch now, just as I did then. If I had to go, my mind couldn’t have chosen a more soothing or perfect memory.

  As I lay there bracing myself and basking in my vision, I couldn’t help but wonder why the arrow hadn’t pierced my chest yet…and why the blissful feeling seemed to be growing more intense. Though I didn’t want to tear myself away from the image of Tanner’s handsome face, curiosity won out and forced open my lids. To my sheer amazement, I spotted a bloody hand crushing the turquoise arrowhead, hovering merely inches from my heart. It began beating wildly when I noticed the amethyst ring on one of its fingers.

  Tanner. Salvation never looked so sweet.

  Bits of crumbled turquoise fell out of his hand. All that remained was the diamond, his diamond, safe and back where it belonged. I could only see the side of his face, but I could tell the Amethyst Talisman’s blood was boiling. I’d never seen him radiating so much fury. And by the direction it was aiming, thankfully, I wasn’t on its receiving end.

  Federo reached back to remove another arrow from his quiver, but all he seized was air. It was empty. He looked around his shoulder in a fit, only to find Kamya standing there, holding the lot of them in her tight-fisted grasp.

  “Looking for these?” Kamya growled. He tried to change into the jaguar, but the hell-bent-on-revenge Ruby Talisman drove them all into his gut before his transformation was complete (though by his scream, some of them may have found a different home). She broke off their shafts and commenced with a swift harsh kick, lodging them in place and sending his now feline hide flying across the cavern. Then she turned to whoever of his thugs was closest and sought out her vengeance, using only her two bare hands.

  Tanner pulled me into the comfort of his embrace. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the diamond’s power was gone. His assuagement waned when his gaze fell upon the wound on my neck, and at that moment, he knew — no confirming words were needed. His eyes ignited into a scorching hue of violet. “WHERE. IS. HE!?!” Tanner demanded in a fierce roar as he panned the cave.

  I knew he was talking about Damiec. I pointed to the spot where he was a moment ago. “He was right over there. I saw him using Ferrol’s staff to melt the silver chain. He must have broken free.
” Tanner looked deep into my eyes. His anguish was as evident as the blood drenching my clothes.

  Tanner stifled his emotions with a hasty exhale. “Turn around. Let’s get you out of these things,” he directed and extended one of his amethyst blades. I held my hands as far away from my body as I could. Instead of slicing my restraints, he grabbed my hand.

  “Were you wearing your moonstone when Damiec was taking your power?” Tanner questioned anxiously.

  “Yes,” I confirmed. “They still thought it was a tiger’s-eye.” I glanced over my shoulder. “Why?”

  Tanner whirled me around. “Because, it protected you,” he declared, beaming an ardent smile. “He couldn’t take the last ounce of them. The moonstone’s magic is constantly charging your stones and it keeps your body in a perpetual state of healing. He’s merely borrowed them temporarily. As his fades, yours will return.”

  I’d never heard more thrilling news or felt a more pure sense of relief in my life. “So that’s why Helio didn’t come out?” I posed aloud.

  “Precisely,” Tanner affirmed.

  “But I felt the lapis lazuli’s full energy. He didn’t touch it. Why wouldn’t he?” I questioned.

  Tanner looked thoughtful and notably suspicious. “I don’t know. But Damiec always has a reason.”

  “How did you find me?”

  Tanner raised his brow. “A good guess…and a little help,” he admitted and directed his stare behind me.

  I looked over my shoulder to see of all people, Padimae standing there with an equally relieved smile stretched across her face.

  I turned back to Tanner. “Wait. You accepted help…from a witch?”

  “Voodoo Queen,” Tanner corrected as he spun me back around. “Let’s be respectful.” He sliced through my restraints in a flash and pulled me close to his chest. “After all…I had to get my diamond back,” Tanner whispered into my ear, his lips nuzzling the edge of my lobe.

  Thankfully my back was to him so he couldn’t see my flush, though I’m sure he sensed it.

  Kamya rushed over. “Are you okay? Is Helio still in there?”

  “Yes,” I assured her. “But Damiec drained my powers.”

  The Ruby Talisman tilted my head as she eyed my wound. “Just drained?” she questioned skeptically.

  I nodded and flashed her my moonstone. “Just drained,” I reconfirmed. I noticed a few bites and scratches on her arms. “How are you?” I posed with a slight wince.

  Kamya locked her fingers together and stretched her arms above her head. “Feeling warmed up,” she said, cracking her knuckles. “I don’t know about you, but I need to reciprocate all the hospitality our gracious host has shown us.” Kamya spotted Ferrol out of the corner of her eye. “Aaahh!” she gasped and clutched her hands together. “And it’s not even my birthday!” She pointed to the arrow and stomped her foot on the ground. “He’s even wrapped and everything!”

  No doubt about it. Kamya looked like she had just struck the jackpot of “revenge”. A roaring growl delayed the Ruby Talisman’s naughty plans and directed all of our attention to the other side of the cave.

  “You cannot stop the will of fate!” Federo fumed. “The sunstone was delivered to me! And so was the diamond!” He braced himself on a rock, struggling to get to his feet, and plucked the last arrowhead out of his gut. “THIS IS MY DESTINY!” Once he had wrapped up his rant, the Amber Talisman cast his gaze down towards the river of molten rock bubbling below. Federo barely waved his hands when a wall of the hot magma surged out of the ravine.

  Padimae whirled her arms up and began chanting. We watched her striving to keep the towering surge of lava at bay, but Federo’s force was penetrating her hold, virtually slicing through it effortlessly. The scorching fluid had almost reached its crest and would be crashing down on us within a matter of seconds.

  I grabbed Kamya’s arm. “Can’t you help her?”

  “That’s molten rock, not fire,” the Ruby Talisman huffed and turned to Tanner. “Don’t simply stand there looking dashing, Mr. Grey. Some water, if you please?”

  “Do you seriously think there’s enough in here to make a dent in that thing?” Tanner snapped back, never taking his eyes off the flesh-melting tidal wave.

  “Easy now,” Kamya barked. “I’ll fare okay, once I’ve chipped myself out, of course. I only ask because you’ll be drained, or worse…Shiloh will be extra-crispy with her powers stretched thin, and witchy-woman over there will go up in smoke,” she added with a canny grin. “A Saturday night stake-’n-bonfire in Salem will seem like a treat.”

  That was all I needed to hear. I stepped forward on a hunch and concentrated on the lapis lazuli — the only card I could pull for now. With a twist of my wrist, I summoned a whirling funnel of air. My latest life or death situation made tuning out Lazarus’ whispers as easy as before. I focused all of my energy on the tornado spinning rapidly in my hand. Just as the lava started its crippling descent, I wrapped the twister around the molten rock. It was quite a shock, actually feeling the weight of the heavy magma. A red-orange cyclone had amassed before our eyes, whirling violently and spitting out random bursts of flames. I pushed out my hands and cast it in the opposite direction. The massive churning glob smacked the wall in a large splatter and started hardening back into its solid state as soon as it hit.

  My three companions guided their stares back to me, in unison. I couldn’t have felt more proud if I tried.

  “Why is it always ‘a woman’ that ends up pulling ‘a man’ out of a ditch?” Kamya teased.

  Tanner narrowed his eyes. “To remind us that we keep you around for more than your looks,” he fired back.

  We each commenced with our own surveillance of the hazy scene.

  “WHERE’S FEDERO?!?” Tanner roared.

  Kamya snapped the shaft of an arrow on the bend of her knee and threw it on the ground. Then she formed a ball of fire in her hands. “Ferrol’s not here either!” she spat out and hurled the flaming sphere like major-league pitcher against one of the earthy walls.

  “Are you done?” Tanner quizzed impatiently.

  Kamya threw her nose in the air and folded her arms. “YES,” she replied, acknowledging her supernatural temper tantrum.

  “He still has the sunstone. I’m going after him,” Tanner announced. “The three of you need to stay here.” Before Kamya could utter her first objection, he cut her off with a curt, “Just in case any of them come back.”

  I didn’t buy his reason, and I could tell by the overly appeasing and humble way Kamya nodded that neither did she.

  “Federo has my golden topaz,” I warned.

  Tanner laughed out a sharp grunt. “Naturally.” He swiftly drew one of his amethyst swords and pointed to Kamya. “Don’t let her out of your sight!” he ordered. With his finger holstered, he bolted out of the cave in a streak of shimmery purple light.

  Kamya eyed the opening and tapped her foot like she was waiting on something. After a few seconds, she whipped around and yanked me to my feet. “Let’s go.”

  “What are you doing?” Padimae objected.

  “What do you think? I’m not letting her out of my sight,” Kamya declared.

  I cringed. Talk about selective hearing.

  “That is not what he meant,” Padimae scolded. “She has not recovered her powers completely. Even I can sense that.”

  “That’s why a little exercise will do her some good,” the Ruby Talisman stated. “She needs to get her blood pumping.”

  “You are being reckless,” Padimae attested with a cynical glare.

  “It’s three against one out there,” Kamya argued. “That’s reckless. Think of it as evening the odds.”

  I turned to Padimae. “Kamya makes a good point,” I remarked. While I watched the Voodoo Queen shake her head, a nagging thought grabbed me by the back of my neck. I looked over to the spot where Federo had tossed my purse. It wasn’t there. I searched around in a whirl of panic. “Where’s my purse? Have either of you seen it?” T
hey both shook their heads. Without skipping a beat, my mind flooded my ears with the alarming sound of a fire bell.


  Another feeling came over me, but this time it felt like a kick in the gut. “Damiec took it,” I surmised. “I think he knows it’s a gris-gris!” And like clockwork, yet another polarizing thought emerged. “If he still has enough of my powers, can he pull out the hilt? Even with the concealment spell?”

  “I honestly cannot say,” Padimae replied somberly. “Its magic protects only your things, and right now, child, Damiec claims most of the diamond’s power. In theory, the wand is more his than yours, at least until the window closes. There is a chance it could answer to him for a spell.”

  Kamya looked thrilled. “Now we have to go…So we can get it back, of course,” she elaborated.

  “In her state? With Damiec possibly wielding the diamond wand as we speak?” Padimae posed.

  “We don’t know that for certain,” Kamya argued. “I’d give it a million-to-one.”

  “No,” Padimae stated, taking a staunch stance. “It is far too dangerous.”

  “I can’t risk him discovering it…and then Tanner—”

  The insightful Voodoo Queen let out a sigh and patted my cheek. “I need no verbal explanations. I can see what truly drives your choice. I will guard the discus. Go,” Padimae urged and shooed her hand. “But be very careful.”

  I’d barely affirmed her request with a nod when Kamya jerked me out of the cave. We hurried through the tunnel, only to come to a screeching halt as we darted out the exit. We stared across the perilous canyon, nothing less than stymied. The magical rocky bridge was no longer there.

  Kamya kicked a rock over the edge and let out a frustrated growl.

  “How are we supposed to get across? Jump and climb up?” I posed.

  Kamya eyed me with an astute raise of her brow. “I’ve got a better idea, but we both need to be on board,” she insisted.

  “Okay,” I replied. “What do I—”


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