The Trophy Wives Club

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The Trophy Wives Club Page 10

by Ali Spooner

“Sorry, Boss. It was a great workout. How about we leave it at that?”

  “That’s perfect. Let me grab my keys from the office and we can get on the road. I’m starved.”

  “Amen to that. I feel like I could eat a whole steer.”

  Marley walked to the office and found a note from Lindy and three hundred-dollar bills. She slipped one of them into her pocket and placed the other two in her desk. Luna was finishing off a bottle of water when she returned. “Ready to ride?”

  “Right behind you. I’ll lock up.”

  Marley walked to her car and waited for Luna. When she climbed inside, Luna said, “You know, I was thinking of saving up some money and buying a Jeep. I love my bike, but it’s not always a convenient mode of transportation.”

  She smiled at her friend. “I was thinking I might trade old Betsy in too. She’s been so reliable I hate to let her go. I may hand her down to my oldest nephew who will be old enough to drive soon, to keep her in the family.”

  “I’m sure he’d appreciate that. My first vehicle was a seventies-era Ford truck, and I drove her until her wheels were about to fall off.”

  “This old girl was my first brand new car. I drove mom’s Impala after she died, until I started having problems with it, and decided to go new.”

  “At the rate these ladies are going, we could both probably buy new soon.” Luna smiled. “There’s nothing better than to get compensated well for the things you love most.”

  “I’ll agree with you there.” Marley pulled out of the parking lot as something triggered a memory. “I believe Danna’s deceased husband owned a string of car dealerships. Maybe she can work you into a nice Jeep deal.”

  “There’s a thought. I’ll bring it up to her in the future after I have some money put back.” She rolled the window down for fresh air and to let the wind blow through her hair. “I’m ready for a night on the dance floor at Sister’s. I can’t believe it’s been over a week since I’ve been there.”

  “You and Pepper have been very busy this week getting the equipment set up. How long do you think it will take you to finish tomorrow?”

  “No more than a couple of hours. Why, do you have something planned?”

  “I thought I might cook breakfast in the morning and after you finish setting up the equipment, you can help me set up a workout routine.”

  “I’d love that. I’ll even volunteer to cook breakfast if you’d like,” Luna offered.

  “Your omelet was very tasty last time.”

  “Do you have all the ingredients?”

  “Yes ma’am, I do. Lindy set me up with a grocery delivery service today and I think I’ll go online while y'all are working and put in a major order to get me well stocked. I got some very basic items today.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. Would you mind if I cook in your flat? After we both sleep in for a bit.”

  “You’re welcome to cook, but I don’t think my body understands the whole sleeping in concept anymore. I’ll enjoy my coffee and maybe order my groceries if I’m awake before you.”

  “That works for me.”


  When they arrived at Victor’s, Pepper and Haley were just getting out of their car. “Hey, it’s good to see you,” Marley said as she hugged Haley’s neck. “I hope you’re ready for work Monday.”

  “I am so ready. I finished out my notice at my other job, and I’m excited about a new adventure. From the stories Pepper is bringing home, it’s turning into a great place.”

  “It’s been a busy week and I’m looking forward to you coming onboard to help with some of the office work. Appointments alone will keep you busy.”

  “Awesome, I like busy. Do you think the coffee and juice bar will be used a lot?”

  “I think it’s rapidly turning into a hangout spot,” Luna stated.

  “We’ve accumulated some laundry already, but I’ll get everything laundered tomorrow,” Marley said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I was planning to come with Pepper tomorrow, so I can do it while they finish setting up the equipment.” Haley smiled. “It gives me a great reason to come out and set up my work area too.”

  “Fine by me. Let’s go eat ladies,” Marley directed them to the front door.


  Lindy’s face was beaming as her guests arrived. Luna nearly drooled over the menu and Lindy encouraged her to select the porterhouse steak. “If you’re going to be corrupted, you might as well make it worth the trip.”

  “I’ll take you up on that, Boss, I’m starving,” Luna answered with a smile.

  “You have all worked hard this week, and deserve a great hot meal,” Lindy looked at Haley. “Don’t worry, your hard work starts next week.”

  Haley smiled back at her. “I’m ready to be a part of this.”

  Lindy looked at her staff around the table. “After Monday’s orientation, it’s going to be full swing at the club, so enjoy this relaxing meal. It may be your last for a while,” she said with a wicked grin.

  The food and wine were delicious and when they finished eating around ten, Lindy left the group in the parking lot. “I’ll see you all Monday. Have a great weekend.”

  “You too, Boss,” Luna and Marley said in unison, followed by a laugh.

  Luna turned to Pepper and Haley. “We’re going to Sister’s for a visit if y’all want to come.”

  “Thanks,” Pepper said. “I think we’re going to enjoy a quiet evening at home. Have a good time. You both have earned it this week.”

  “Amen to that sista,” Luna said. “Drive careful and I’ll see you around ten. Is that good for y'all?”

  “Wonderful. See you then.” Pepper opened the car door for Haley.

  Luna turned to Marley with a wide smile. “Let’s party!”

  They climbed inside Marley’s car and she started the ignition, then turned to Luna. “You realize if you pick someone up tonight, you have to make it back to your place, right?”

  Chuckling, Luna said, “Tonight is not one of those nights. I’ve had such a great sexual workout this week, I just want to dance and have some fun.”

  “I know, but I also know how Luna madness sets in when you start dancing, and the ladies go wild for you.”

  “No worries, Boss. I understand the importance of discretion for all of us. I wouldn’t dare screw up such a good thing with my libido.”

  “I understand.” Marley put the car in drive and they headed for Sister’s. At nearly eleven on a Friday night, the club would be packed. They had to drive two blocks down to find a parking spot. The beat from the club was thumping and greeted them each time the door opened. The upstairs porches were filled with women and several whistled catcalls when they saw them approach. “Bout damn time you got here Luna,” someone called from the crowd.

  “It sounds like my kinda night,” Luna said as they walked up the front steps.

  A young blonde met Luna at the front entrance and pulled her straight to the dance floor, leaving Marley laughing in their wake. She wove through the crowd to take the only remaining seat at the bar. Chancy, a blue spiked haired bartender caught her eye and motioned to her she’d be right over. Marley nodded and surveyed the crowd. Luna was a kid in a candy shop inside these walls.

  “Hey stranger, what can I get you?”

  “Hi, Chancy, how about a cold Corona?”

  “With lime?”

  “Is there any other way?”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Chancy returned with a bottle of Corona with a wedge of lime stuck in the neck. “Where have the two of y’all been?”

  “Working our tails off.”

  “I hear that. It’s good to see y’all again. Start you a tab?”

  “Yes please.”

  Before Chancy had time to move, a sultry voice called out from behind Marley. “Where do you want these?”

  “Place them over by the cooler please, Alex,” Chancy replied. “Bring several more when you can.”

  “You got it,” the wo
man said as she walked past Marley carrying several cases of beer.

  Marley only caught a glimpse of the short cropped black hair and the tight ass in blue jeans as they passed by and turned back to find Chancy watching her.

  “That’s Alex. She arrived on our doorstep a couple of days ago, asking for work. She’s not much of a conversationalist, but she’s a hard worker and the ladies seem to enjoy the view,” Chancy chuckled. “Janice and Selene met with her and agreed to let her work for Sister’s until she can get her feet under her. She can fix virtually everything and saved us a ton by repairing some of the upstairs plumbing for us. We use her for a bar back during club hours to bring out cases of beer and supplies. From somewhere out west, I think she said. She’s staying in the small apartment upstairs, for now.”

  Alex placed the cases of beer on the floor and turned back toward Marley. She felt herself swallow hard when her eyes made contact with Alex’s. Smoldering was the first thought that jumped into her mind, looking at the dark, nearly black eyes of the handsome Hispanic woman. It probably wouldn’t be hard for her to be confused for a male, but those eyes were definitely an attraction in themselves. Marley tore her eyes away and looked back to Chancy feeling flushed.

  “Yeah, she gets that reaction a lot.” Chancy chuckled and walked away.

  Marley pushed the lime into the bottle and took a long drink. Alex smiled as she passed by and Marley returned her smile. Holy shit. The ladies at TWC would go wild over that look. Who am I kidding, she is a hottie in a very different way. She couldn’t help but admire the flex of the muscles in her arms as she returned carrying three more cases of beer. I wonder what her story is?

  After ten minutes on the dance floor, the lights flickered to indicate the drag show was about to begin. Marley watched Luna separate herself from a throng of women and approach the bar. She squeezed onto a seat vacated by a woman who moved closer to the stage to view the show. A light coating of sweat beaded across Luna’s forehead.

  “Man, it’s hot out there,” she said as she wiped her brow. She nodded to Chancy who reached into the cooler for a bottle of water and headed their way.

  “I’m glad someone finally let you out of the house,” she said with a wink to Luna.

  “You wouldn’t believe how hard we’ve been working,” Luna told Chancy.

  “Uh huh, that’s the story Marley told me, too.”

  Luna grinned at Marley. “That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it.”

  “Holla at me when you’re ready for a fresh beer,” she said to Marley, then moved on to serve another customer.

  “You ought to see the new hottie they have working as a bar back,” Marley said.

  “You think someone’s a hottie? This I have to see,” Luna teased.

  “Hey, I think several women are hotties, present company included.”

  Luna nearly choked on the drink of water she had just gulped. “What did you just say? Did I hear you infer that I was a hottie?”

  “Yes, but don’t let it go to your head.”

  “You’ve never told me that before.”

  Marley blushed. “I reckon it just slipped out by accident.”

  “Thank you. That makes my night. Hmmm, I think I know who you’re referring to now,” she was looking over Marley’s head to the backroom entrance. “Androgynous, Hispanic type?”

  “That would be the one. Chancy says her name is Alex. Came in a few days ago with one of her regulars and stepped in to fix a leaking tap for them and eager to let them know she was looking for work. Chancy said she’s a great bar back and can fix virtually anything.” Marley watched Luna’s face as she continued. “She’s staying in the apartment above the bar until she can get on her feet.”

  “She’s definitely got the looks, and it sounds like she’s handy with tools. Of all kinds, I bet.” Luna wiggled her eyebrows, causing Marley to laugh. “Should we ask to meet with her later?”

  “I’d hate to steal good help from Sister’s, but yeah, I’d like to at least chat with her for a bit.”

  Janice, one of the owners of Sister’s interrupted their conversation and Marley wondered if she’d somehow overheard them talking about her new employee.

  “Hey Marley, Luna. I see you’ve noticed Alex. She’s something, huh?” Janice said.

  “How about an introduction?” Marley asked.

  Janice laughed. “Get in line. You wouldn’t believe the women who want to catch her eye, but for you, sure, I’ll take you over to meet her.”

  After Janice had introduced Luna and her to Alex, it was clear that she was a bit territorial about Alex. They’d had a short interchange and Janice had made it clear she wouldn’t be happy if Marley tried to poach her. She was almost going to give the whole idea up when Luna suggested she talk with Alex while she was away from her boss and fixing the broken toilet.

  “Let me sneak into the bathroom and see if she’s interested while she’s fixing their broken toilet. Maybe she just said that about being loyal and happy here because Janice was standing right there. I’ll be right back. Why don’t you let me go solo with her until we can find out a bit more about her past? She just hit town, so let me dig into more of her backstory.”

  Marley considered Luna’s idea. It probably was a good idea to find out more about the curious woman. She could be an ax murderer running from the FBI for all she knew. She couldn’t let her hormones get the best of her and lead her into something that would be dangerous for the club. There was too much invested for everyone. She took a long drink and watched Luna approach Alex. She nodded at Luna, and the two handsome women disappeared into the main bathroom.


  Luna approached Alex while she had her hands in the back of the tank. “Hey, you mind if I steal a few minutes of your time?”

  Alex turned around and nodded. “Sure, as long as you don’t mind me continuing to fix this.”

  “Thanks, I’m a personal fitness trainer and we’ve just opened up a new club. We are looking for someone handy with tools. I’m not suggesting you give up your job at Sister’s, but maybe you could re-consider working at both places. Chancy told me that you were great with general maintenance and a hard worker. Do you mind if I ask for some background information? Experience? Commitment to stay in the Atlanta area, etc.?”

  “Sure. I grew up in Texas and spent a little time in Nevada. I worked with my dad in the family business until he made a bad hiring decision and his handyman service got shut down.” Alex paused for a few seconds. “I’m not sure I should tell you everything, but I might not have all the papers necessary to work for you.”

  Luna nodded and considered the ramifications of what Alex had just shared. She could read between the lines and assumed Alex was undocumented. “What were you doing in Nevada?”

  “I found employment at a place called Sheri’s Ranch. I thought it was one of those fancy resorts in Vegas and I thought I could get on doing housekeeping. To make this a shorter story, I wasn’t officially hired, but one of the ladies who worked in the bordello took me under her wing and gave me a place to stay. She taught me the tricks of the trade, and I specialized in Nuru massages for female clients. Things didn’t quite work out there and I headed East.”

  Luna was leaning forward, listening intently to her story. “What happened?”

  “I was getting ready to give a massage when the client’s abusive husband busted in and started whaling on her. I think my mind snapped for a few seconds, and the fat bastard ended up with a broken nose, and some chipped teeth. He left the room, screaming about calling the law for assault, even though he was the one doing the assaulting.”

  “Did you get arrested?”

  “I didn’t stick around. When I went to my friend Ariel and told her what happened, she drove me home. I didn’t want to cause any trouble for Sheri’s, so I asked her to drive me out of town, and I managed to get a ride to Atlanta from a sweetheart of a trucker.”

  “Wow, that is quite a story. What are your intentions for stayi
ng in Atlanta?”

  “I’d like to settle down here. I think if the law was after me, they would have tracked me down by now. I think the fat bastard was too embarrassed to report he got his ass kicked by a woman to be honest, but I couldn’t jeopardize the ranch after all they’d done for me.”

  Luna smiled. “I can certainly appreciate that. Tell me a little more about your skills.”

  “There’s not much about plumbing or electricity I can’t manage. Painting, drywall, concrete, you name it, I’ve done it. Unfortunately, I’m not licensed, but can still perform the work to perfection.”

  “Is there anyone at Sheri’s that could vouch for you or give you a reference?”

  “Ariel, I assume of course, but the Human Resource Department couldn’t since I wasn’t actually on their books. They might, or might not even confirm who I am, if it may jeopardize their status.”

  “Are you planning to stay here for long? Is there a number I can reach you?”

  “I don’t have a cell, but I’m living upstairs and you can always find me here at Sister’s. Other than going out and about a little here and there, I stay pretty close to the bar.”

  “I come here often, so I’m sure we can connect again. Think about things in the meantime and maybe we can see if something will work out for both of us.”

  “Okay. I better finish up here. Sorry to cut things short, but I have a reputation to maintain and I’m usually pretty fast at fixing things. Can I ask you a question?”


  “Are you with the attractive woman sitting at the end of the bar?”

  “That is Marley, your potential boss, so play nice,” Luna grinned. “Speaking of Marley, I better get back to her. She’ll want a play by play on our conversation.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few minutes. Thanks, Luna.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Luna exited the bathroom and returned to the bar. She was able to claim the seat beside Marley.


  “Very interesting, but we need to talk later, okay?” Luna replied. She noticed the show was ending. “Was it a short show or was I gone longer than I thought?”


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