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Fated Page 13

by Delisa Lynn

  “Yes, Dad, Audrey’s birthmother. Do you think, oh hell, do you think she has mom too? She hates her because she was in love with you.”

  “Damn it, son, you may be onto something.”

  “Alton should be here, actually, I see him pulling in now. Get over here.”

  “I’m halfway there now. Where would she have taken them?”

  “I’m not sure, but hopefully she doesn’t hurt them. I can’t believe all this time we thought it was Ian.”

  “All right, don’t leave until I get there.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll be here.”

  “Alton, man, it’s Audrey’s birthmother, and I think she has not only kidnapped her but also has my mom. From the video footage I saw, she had a gun on Audrey, not sure how the hell she got a key to get in, but she had one.”

  “What the hell kind of twisted shit is this, man? I didn’t even know that she talked to her real mother. Or has she?”

  “She hadn’t talked to her, she kept writing her and Audrey just ignored her. The woman has some sort of infatuation with my father. I guess they dated back in high school, then my dad went off to the Army, then married mom. I guess years ago that she told Audrey it was her fault that my dad didn’t want her. It’s some sick shit man. We have to find out where she has taken them. My dad is on his way here.”

  “I’ll call this in; did they leave any kind of clues?”

  “No, not at all. Here I’ll pull up the footage for you.”

  “Okay, that will give me some sort of idea of what is going on.”

  “This bitch looks crazy dude, and if she hurts my woman, I will kill her. I can’t believe we’ve been looking at the wrong person all this fucking time. Then today, she got her chance to come in, I was helping dad at the barn, apparently, she forced my mom in her car at the bingo hall. We have to find out where they are. He should be her any minute; can you put out an APB on that car?”

  “Wow, Audrey was good not to put up a fight; it looks like her mom is crazy enough to shoot her. Yes, I’ll put it out now. When your dad gets here, you two go together and I’ll go in my car, we will search the wooded areas along with all the abandoned places. Did you call her folks?”

  “Okay, damn it, I didn’t. I’ll call her dad now. I know he will flip the fuck out, he hates his ex-wife.”

  “I suggest you call him, maybe he would know where she would take them. Zander, do you think she would kill them?”

  “Fuck if I know, all I know is we have to find them before she gets a chance to. I’ll call Mr. Ridge now.”

  “Mr. Ridge, sir, it’s Zander. I uh… Your ex-wife has kidnapped Audrey and my mother. We thought that Ian had been sending her these notes and sabotaging her car, but after seeing the video, I think it was her mother all along.”

  “Son, you have to be kidding me? I know Sandy is crazy, but I don’t think she would do something like that.”

  “Sir, we have her on video. I am looking at it as we speak. Do you know anywhere she might have taken them? I know she has some sort of umm, crush on my father.”

  “Damn, I always hoped it wouldn’t come to this. Listen—meet me at the old Sinclair estate. She might be there with them. That’s where she grew up, I am heading there now.”

  “On my way now, sir. I have my dad and Alton Miller with me.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few. Son, bring protection.”

  “Yes, sir. I would never kill anyone, but if she hurts my girl then she is a dead woman.”

  “I understand; I’ve spent Audrey’s entire life trying to protect her from that monster. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay, sir.” I say as I hang up the phone, motioning for my father and Alton to follow me. Why they hell would they be at the Sinclair place? I think to myself.

  My dad hops in my truck and we drive silently to the estate. It looks old a run down, there is no sign of them or that they have even been there. I can see the hurt and pain in my father’s eyes, he adores my mother, and I always admired the love they share. I was shocked when Audrey had told me about him and Sandy—she is nothing like my mother. She is evil pure fucking evil.

  “Son, it doesn’t look like they are here. I don’t understand why she would take them. It’s been over twenty-five years that your mother and I have been married, surly Sandy has moved on.”

  “Dad, the woman is crazy. I think she still loves you. I know when Audrey was a teenager she did the same thing. That’s when she moved and Mr. Ridge filed for a divorce.”

  “Hey, Zander, Mr. Kelley, I don’t think they have been here. Do you have any idea where they could be?” Mr. Ridge says as he runs his hands through his short grey hair.

  “I am not sure. I had no idea Sandy felt the way she does. I haven’t spoken to her in twenty-five years or so.”

  “I know, Dexter, she has some issues. I had no idea that she would do something like this. We need to find them; at this point she may hurt them both.” Says Mr. Ridge, as he looks around the property.

  “Zander, we just got a call, there is an old bread warehouse on six sixty five. They spotted a car matching Sandy’s. It’s a large place, but has been empty for years.” Alton says as he jumps in his car.

  “I know that place; I worked there before and after I joined the Army. Oh dear God, this is all because of me.” My dad says.

  “Dad, it isn’t your fault. Let’s go! Mr. Ridge ride with us, sir.” I say as I start my truck, and back out of the Sinclair place. I follow Alton, going as fast as I can.

  “Oh my God, Mrs. Kelley. Are you okay? How did you get here?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Audrey, do not question that whore.”

  “Audrey, dear, she is crazy. Please listen and do as she says,” Mrs. Kelley pleads. She has blood running down her face, her eyes are black and clothes are torn.

  “What have you done to her? Just let her go. This is about me ruining your life isn’t it—then let her go.”

  “Please, you think everything is about you. That bitch is the one that took my Dex from me. He loved me, and then when he came back from Texas, he was with her. This is all about her; she is nothing but a home wrecking slut. You know he was going to marry me. He asked me right here, well he didn’t come out and ask but he said we would someday be husband and wife. Everything was perfect then, she came along. Then that worthless son of theirs was born. So I married your father. Then your ass was here nine months later. So Audrey, don’t tell me this isn’t about her.”

  “What do you want us to do? You can’t just keep us here. If you kill us, they will know it was you. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life in prison for a double murder. Let one of us go, please.”

  “Sandy, he did love you. But things changed, he broke up with you before he and I started dating. He never cheated on you.”

  “Stop it, just stop it. I can’t think with you running your mouths. Just shut up, before I hurt you both. As soon as Ian gets here, he is going to take Audrey with him. Then I can finish little miss home wrecker off. He didn’t break up with me until after you two moved here. Don’t feed me your bullshit, Vivian. I know you were fucking my Dex while you were in Texas.” My mother says as she ran the gun along her Vivian’s cheekbone. “Where the fuck is Ian? He was supposed to be here an hour ago.”

  “Ian is working with you?” I yell out. “Should have fucking known. He is as sick and twisted as you are.”

  “Oh, Audrey dear, you are so fucking clueless. Ian has always been working with me. How do you think I knew your every move? He is very gullible, and he’s also good in bed. Yeah, I’ve been fucking his sweet ass for years. The things that boy can do with his tongue. Hell, I think I may need to fuck him when he gets here.”

  “You are sick, no, sick isn’t even the word. You are a fucking lunatic!” I say as scoot closer to Vivian.

  “Stop. Get back over there. I promise you, I will hurt you. You mean nothing to me, never have. I should have aborted your ass.”

  “If I mean nothing then why
are you doing all of this?”

  “Haven’t you two figured this out yet? Get a fucking clue. She ruined my life with Dex. Then your fat ass came along and ruined everything else. Now once you both are gone, then I can have Dexter back. I know he still loves me. Mmm, what I wouldn’t do to have his thick cock inside of me again, I’m sure it’s still as good as it was twenty-seven years ago.”

  “You touch my husband and I will kill you. He doesn’t want you, even if you were to kill us and get us out of your way, he would never have anything to do with you.”

  “Vivian, Vivian, Vivian… You ever talk to me like that again, I will blow that skanky little head of yours off.” She seethes as she whacks her with the handle of the gun. Her blood splatters on my legs.

  “You are a sick twisted, bitch. Let your daughter go, this is about us. You want to beat me to death? Come on you, crazy whore. Fucking your daughters ex to pay her back that’s real classy of you, Sandy. Dexter was right, you are nothing. He did the right thing when he broke it off with you.”

  “I will kill you, you fucking whore. I was his everything, until you came along. I hate you; you destroyed what he and I had.” Sandy says as she sails on top of Vivian, beating her with her fist.

  I guess she didn’t realize she dropped her gun. I scoot over, until my foot touches it. I bring it in and grab it with my hand that I’d freed up, while she was arguing with Vivian earlier. I look around, I don’t see Ian anywhere, she’s been watching for him.

  “Get off of her, or I will blow your head off.” I say as I point the gun at her. I am trembling but it would give me complete pleasure if I blew Sandy into next week.

  “You bitch, how did you get that? Give it to me now, if not you will be sorry.” She says staggering toward me.

  “I’m already sorry. Sorry that you gave birth to me. I can’t believe you of all people you are my mother. The things you have put me through, knowing you were behind Ian attacking me in New York. Knowing that my baby died because of you gives me enough reason to kill your sorry ass right here and now.” I say as I place my finger on the trigger. Praying that Zander would find us before Ian does. I heard a door and realized it was too late. Ian is here.

  “Well, well, Audrey, we meet again beauty.” Ian smiles as he walks through the door holding a shotgun. “Why don’t you drop that there gun, before I have to hurt, my beauty?”

  “You’re as sick as she is.” I yell as I drop the gun and kick it over to him. Sandy runs over and kicks my legs out from under me. I fall landing on my back. I raise up but she kicks me again.

  “Stupid girl you are. Ian, I do not see what you see in her. But here she is. Either you take her, or I am going to kill her. So get her out of my face.”

  “Come on, Sandy, don’t hurt my beauty. The things I’ve been dreaming about doing to her.” He smirks as he runs his hand across my face. I was so nauseous, just looking at him made me ill.

  “Ian, take the fat whore out of my face. Remember what we discussed? Look at me? Remember?”

  “Yes…I remember. I can’t hurt her though. You know I’ve waited far too long for this chance. She will finally be mine. I won’t have to worry about anyone coming between us again.”

  “You fuck this up, I will castrate you. So do what you have to do, then you can do what we planned. You want to fuck this piece of shit before I off her? She is old and pruned up, I am sure of it. Poor Dexter probably has to beg for it. Ahh, he won’t have to beg from me.” She laughs. “Just think Viv, your man will be fucking me tonight.”

  “Sandy, you have fucking issues. I’m taking my beauty. I don’t care what you do with Mrs. Kelley, too bad it wasn’t Tatum. I would love to fuck that pussy.”

  “You’re both sick, twisted cum sucking fuckers. Ian, Tatum hates you. She would fucking murder you herself.” I scream out. I see a light shining through the window. God please, let that be help. I have no clue what this douchetwat is going to do to me. I do not want him touching me more than he is already.

  “Hello, is anyone in here?” I hear a male voice call out, from the other side of the building.

  “Alton, oh God. Help us, please we are in here.” I yell.

  “Sandy, how the hell did they know we were here?” Ian questions as he pulls me closer to him. I can smell marijuana and alcohol on him.

  “Did anyone follow you?” she asks Ian, as she starts shaking her head.

  “No, I even parked a mile away.” Ian answers.

  “Fuck…fuck…fuck…I will kill all of you. This wasn’t in the plan Ian.” She says pounding her head with her fist.

  “Audrey, Vivian? Are you two in here?” The male voice calls out again.

  “Yes, help. Please, they are going to kill us.” I cry. I knew Zander was going to save us.

  “You stupid little cunt, you have done the wrong thing.” Sandy says pointing the gun toward me.

  “Zander, Alton. Please help.” I cry

  “Audrey, baby, I am going to save you. I am almost in there.” Zander yells.

  “Zander, be careful they both have guns.” I cry out, as Ian pushes the shotgun into me.

  “Oh, isn’t that cute, you don’t want him to get hurt. Ian, take her out of here, I am going to get rid of miss perfect pussy before my man gets here.” She laughs as she turns the gun toward Vivian.

  “Zander, please. She is going to kill your mom.” I scream as Ian pushes me to the side and jumps in front of Sandy’s gun, she fires toward Vivian. It hits Ian in the leg. He yells out and she swings the gun toward me. “Ian, why did you do that? Now I’ll have to kill your precious beauty.” She laughs

  “You can’t kill her. Alton, man, hurry up.” Ian coughs as he pulls his shirt off and wraps his shirt around his leg.

  “Alton?” Sandy said. “What do you mean Alton? Ian, did you have something to do with this?” she seethes.

  “Oh thank God, Audrey. Mom, are you okay?” Zander says, running over to where we are.

  “Sandy, drop the gun, don’t make me shoot you. I know all about your little plan, Ian has filled me in on everything.” Alton says as he holds his gun toward her.

  “Oh God, Zander. I love you so much. She is fucking crazy. So is he, but did he help ya’ll find us?” I question. As I run into Zanders arms. He has saved me. I knew he would.

  “I love you too. Yes, he called Alton and told him everything. Look at me are you okay, did they hurt you in any way? Oh shit, you’re bleeding. I am going to kill you, you fucking son of a bitch.” Zander says as he stares at Ian.

  “Dad, Mr. Kelley. Please go back she is crazy.” I beg as I see them approach us.

  “Sandy, why are you doing this? What we had was over a long time ago. Audrey is your daughter, your own flesh and blood. You would have never acted this way back then. What has come over you? Vivian and I have been happily married for years. Please let them go and we can talk.”

  “She wants to kill us and the two of you be together.” I blurt through my sobs.

  “Sandy, you can’t kill them. Give me the gun. Come on. We can talk about this.” Dexter says as he walks closer to her.

  “No, Dex, I will not. That bitch will pay for my life that she took.” She says as she points the gun back toward Vivian. All I hear is shots, I couldn’t look I know my mother has just killed my future mother in law.

  “Call nine-one-one.” I hear someone scream, as I bury my head in Zander’s chest.

  “She is dead. Are you okay Audrey?” Alton asks.

  “Oh God, Zander I am so sorry. I tried to make her let your mom go. Tatum is going to be so heart broken. How do I tell her what my mother has done? I loved your mom so much.”

  “Audrey, I love you too, sweet pea. You have always been like a daughter to me.”

  “Vivian? Oh, good Lord, I thought she killed you.” I cry as I run to her. Then I see Sandy lying there, not breathing. She’s dead. Alton shot her right in the chest.

  “Ian, you fucking bastard. I will kill you myself.” I scream as I run towa
rd him. But Zander grabs me and sits me on the floor.

  “I’m going to kill him.” He says looking at Ian. “You fucking coward, you waited until I wasn’t home and attacked my pregnant girlfriend. Our baby died because of you. You are nothing but a worthless bastard.” He yells as he beats Ian in the face. “Get up, come on fight a man. Get the fuck up I said.” He says as he grabs Ian up in one swoop.

  “Zander, come on. I’ve been shot—I can’t fight you. I told Alton that Audrey and your mother were here.” He says coughing, falling back to the ground.

  “I don’t care; do you remember when you barged your way in Audrey’s apartment, forcing yourself on her? Chasing her down those steps, then leaving her lie there while our baby died inside of her. Do you remember that fucking shit? Well she sure does. This is for Audrey,” he says as he kicks Ian. “This is for my baby, you know my baby that you killed.” He yells as he kicks him again.

  “Please, I need a doctor. Please stop, I’m begging you.” Ian cries out.

  “Oh, you need a fucking doctor do you? Well Audrey did too, when you left her lying on that cold floor bleeding while your chicken ass ran and hid like the pussy you are.”

  “Come on, Kelley, that’s enough. He did help us. I can’t let you kill him.” Alton says pulling Zander away.

  “Just turn your back, man. Let me just take him out here with my bare hands. I will rip his fucking head off and we never have to worry about him again.” Zander says trying to get back to Ian.

  “Alton, he was going to take me away. He even said he wanted to fuck Tatum.” I cried as, I hugged my daddy.

  “Audrey, it was all an act. Yes, five years ago, I came to take you and I hurt you. I’m sorry for what you and Zander lost. But all this time, I’ve kept Sandy away from you. She would have killed you a long time ago.” Ian cries.

  “I don’t want to hear it. You are lucky that you called Alton. Because the way I am feeling, I can rip your fucking head off and throw you to the wolves.” Zander says as he glares at Ian. “Get him out of my face. Now.” He says walking to me.


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