Inked MC Boxset: Books 1-6

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Inked MC Boxset: Books 1-6 Page 5

by Vanessa James

  “There’s a lot going on right now, and I can’t really explain it. But could you at least do that for me?”

  This was all I was asking for. If this buffoon couldn’t do that, then it was a lost cause.

  “Sure, sir. Are you sure you’re alright—”

  “Please stop asking questions,” I snapped.

  “Sorry. You look like you have a lot going on. By the way, didn’t you come here with a date? Does she know about this?”

  “No, and right now, I’d like to keep it that way. She doesn’t understand any of this.”

  “I see. Well, if you need anyone to talk to, let me know. We’ll send over the papers for the acquisition tomorrow. It seems the brothers had a whole hell of a lot of commodities, and a whole bunch of dirt too. Terrence, in particular, had a whole string of crimes, enough to fill a book. You did the right thing, Stephan. Even though you’re the leader of a mob gang, you take out the bad guys, and you make sure that everything is in place.”


  So why did I feel so shitty when I answered Mitchell.? I felt really guilty for what I did, and I hated it. After I finished talking with Mitchell, I left the party. I looked for Laney once more, wondering if she might stick around and speak to me about any of this.

  No such luck. I figured as much, but the pain of it still stung, even though I didn’t think she’d have the heart to face the facts. That I worked such a questionable job. I didn’t know what to do, other than to just wait its course.

  I went to my office after the whole mess at the party, ignoring all of the calls and messages. Even my second-in-command at the tattoo shop was ignored. I had a lot to think about, and I didn’t know what to do about it.

  I sat at my desk, typing up the report. I’d inform all of the guys about what happened tonight starting tomorrow. I turned on the news, immediately realizing that the stock price of the brothers’ company had plummeted ever since their untimely death. The death was reported to be by “mysterious circumstances” but anyone who knew who they were would think it was something else.

  When it came to the mob, and the control of the city, people would know, but not a soul would ever dare speak of it.

  It was obvious why. I had power, I had control, and I could make people disappear. Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to brag about it, but I could take care of myself, and anyone in my way if the time came for that.

  “It’ll all be okay,” I said to myself.

  Even though I feared the future in my heart, and mostly was worried about what happened with Laney, I realized that there was no sense in focusing all that much on it.

  The next day, I went into the office, and I noticed there were three emails in my inbox. They were all from Mitchell, and each contained the documents.

  He got the properties.

  I smirked, typing him a response, saying he’s a great contact, and that I’d be signing them today. I wondered how everyone would react to yet another property controlled by my company.

  I felt powerful, I felt good. But, the happiness in my heart was non-existent.

  “Why,” I asked myself, stepping away for a second. I managed to acquire one of the biggest commercial properties and a stake hold in the oil industry. I could make this place richer and more powerful than ever before.

  I didn’t use the money for the most part for myself. I did pay myself, but I was responsible in many cases for the betterment of the town. I gave anonymous grants to different sectors, and it was part of the reason why this place was so successful.

  I made sure to provide a means for everyone to survive.

  I didn’t think I did anything wrong.

  But then, I noticed another email. This one containing a skull and crossbones. I looked at it, and I started to notice that there was a cryptic message too.

  “It looks like a virus but…”

  I didn’t know. I didn’t see a link, it just had strange lettering and characters in the contents. As I opened it, I read the letter, immediately tensing.

  Watch your back. you’re not alone. She’s next.

  Oh fuck. I gripped the desk, trying to figure out who sent this. But the email they used had no traces to it, and I immediately wondered if Laney was okay. I tried to call her, but it went straight to voicemail.

  “This might be my imagination,” I said to myself.

  But I didn’t think that was the case. There was something almost sinister about the contents of the email. I had no idea what it meant, but I did know that whatever it was that it wasn’t good.

  I snapped my laptop shut and looked over at the doorway.

  “Harris,” I said out loud.

  Suddenly, my second in command showed up.

  “Yes sir?”

  “Can you tell me where Laney from the other night is? I know that we put a tracker on her.”

  “Will do, sir. Just give me but a moment.”


  I waited for a second, realizing that if she found out that I put a tracking chip on her person that it may end badly. But then, shortly after, Harris gave me a piece of paper.

  “It says near the college campuses. Not sure what she’s doing there, but maybe that’ll help.”


  He nodded and left. I looked at the contents of the paper he gave me. It really did include an exact view of where she was. But what was she doing on campus? I didn’t know for sure, and while I felt a slight hint of regret even going after her like this, I wanted the truth.

  I got up, grabbing my coat and heading out of there, feeling the fear in my heart. I didn’t think I was a terrible person, and I hated that she thought I was. Maybe I could convince her outside of the party, away from the dead bodies, and I could talk to her as myself, not as a mob leader.

  Chapter 3: Laney

  I didn’t hear from Stephan after that.

  I thought maybe he’d try and convince me that he wasn’t all bad, but it didn’t work out that way. Instead, I was left alone.

  On the one hand, it gave me some time to think about us. On the other hand, I did miss it. Even though our fling was short-lived, I did appreciate the time we spent together.

  I thought that maybe on Monday he’d possibly come back, and we could talk about this like normal adults. But when I got there, the place was empty. I walked into the office, seeing my boss there, and I looked at him with a questioning glance.

  “What happened to that new guy you were working with by the way?” I asked.

  “Oh, him? he ended up quitting. He said that while this company was good, he actually had some personal business to attend to. He was a strange man,” Thomas said.

  “You’re right about that.”

  I missed Stephan. I wondered what he was doing right now after what had become of the Balton brothers? I thought maybe my boss might know something. I looked at Thomas.

  “Something the matter there?” he asked, scrunching how brow.

  “Yeah, remember the Balton brothers? I thought maybe you might be familiar with them.”

  “Oh them! Yeah, I heard they died an unfortunate death. It seems one of them was sick. I guess both of them had some rare disease or something. The media hasn’t come forth with a bunch of information on them, but the assets were already acquired. It seems like there was a mysterious buyer in the shadows, just waiting to buy everything up. It’s a shame because I was planning on making a deal with them,” Thomas explained.

  “You were going to make a deal?”

  I didn’t like the way that sounded. I folded my arms over my chest, feeling my throat grow dry at the mention of this.

  “Yeah well, I’m glad that I didn’t if that’s what you’re curious about,” he said.

  Why didn’t my boss make the deal? What did it mean?”

  “Why were you against it?” I asked.

  “Truth is, the Balton brothers had a contract with me, but from the confidant I discussed this with, in the fine print I would’ve lost the entire company. Th
ose brothers had a history of tricking people into handing over their assets, and if they don’t agree it can put the other person in danger. I learned it’s best to never mess with those guys. They’re crazy, and I guess I learned my lesson,” he explained.

  “I see. By the way, what’s the name of your confidant?”

  “Oh, he’s just a man named Mitchell. Why?”

  That was the guy from the party. So, my boss was all tied up in their affairs too.

  “I see. So, you may know of the Ravens then too?”

  “You mean that gang? Sure, I do, but I don’t associate with criminals like that. I know that their track record isn’t the worst, but they are questionable at that. Why, what do you know about them? I’m surprised someone like you has ever heard of the Ravens. Usually, it’s best to stay away from those types. They’re not good to hang around.”

  I appreciated his concern, but I also didn’t like the idea that our company was this close to being bought out by a bunch of criminals.

  “Do you know if the Balton brothers … actually attacked anyone else I heard that they would do anything to get money and assets. Maybe it’s for the best that they’re gone,” I said.

  “Well, they weren’t the most pleasant people to deal with, but so far I know of nothing else. But I’ve heard they’ve exploited women and children before. Don’t know how true that is.”

  “I see. Thanks Thomas, I’ll get to the paperwork you wanted. And if you know whether that mysterious businessman will be back, that would be appreciated. I thought he might stick around. After we went to the party, he acted very odd.”

  That was putting it lightly. But then again, I don’t think my boss knows that he hired someone who killed two men.

  “I see. Very well. I haven’t heard much, but I’m sorry it didn’t work out. You two were a cute couple,” he said.

  I blushed, feeling my face redden at his words. I didn’t think we were a couple, but here was my boss, assuming that shit.

  “We … we weren’t like that.”

  “I see. Sorry I assumed anything. I should get going. You have a busy day ahead of you.”

  He adjusted his tortoiseshell glasses and waltzed off, leaving me along in the office.

  “Stephan … what are you doing now?” I whispered to no one but myself.

  I didn’t want to miss him. I felt like this would only get worse. But then, I got a mysterious text message.

  Hey there. It’s Stephan. Want to meet up at the college campus tonight? I think we need to talk this out. Like adults and all. Let me know what you think.

  He wanted to talk this out. I was still nursing the wound from the other night, feeling the guilt in my body. Sure, it’d been three days and you’d think I’d get over this a little bit faster, but it wasn’t all that easy.

  I texted him back, saying we could meet up tomorrow. After I pressed send, I waited. He agreed to it, but I had a feeling that there was something else going on here that was deeper than I thought. I didn’t know what to do.

  I missed Stephan, but I was still torn on how to feel about him. Sure, he meant well, but was I ready to take that side? I wasn’t sure.

  The rest of the day I focused on work, trying to focus on something else other than Stephan. No such luck. My stupid brain kept reminding me he existed, and I grimaced. I wish there was a way to turn off your brain completely, but alas, until technology caught up with this, I guess I’d just have to attempt to forget.

  But, as I thought about him, I wondered if he felt the same way. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like him but did Stephan house the same feeling?

  I wanted to believe so, but who knows.

  After work that night, I went over to the same bar where I had had all those drinks after discovering my ex, Drew, in flagrante delicto with my former best friend. It seemed like a lifetime ago now.

  The bartender looked at me with a chuckle. This time, it was a buxom redhead with tattoos.

  “Careful there, princess, you don’t want to drink yourself half to death or anything,” she said.

  “Sorry. I just need something to forget for a bit,” I said.

  “I feel you. Well, if it’s about a guy, it’s better to forget. Don't’ get hung up on their bullshit. You’ll be better off that way,” she said.

  “Maybe you’re right. Thanks.”

  I tried to heed her advice, but that was far easier said than done.

  After I finished my drink, I stared around the bar. A part of me wondered if I should get another tattoo, maybe this time something to signify my own insecurity and doubts about my relationships.

  I never heard from my ex, nor from Andrea. I missed Stephan. At least when he was around, I could turn off the loneliness. But I didn’t think that was the only reason I enjoyed him.

  When I thought about Stephan, my heart ached, my body lurched, and I realized that maybe the feelings were deeper than expected. Maybe I did like him.

  Relationships were rough.

  The next day, I continued on with my day as planned. My boss came in to tell me that we ended up making more sales than ever before, and I couldn’t believe this was happening. He told me that if the Balton Brothers hadn’t died, we’d be going under, but for some reason their death had saved us. It saved the company.

  Was Stephan really right about that?

  I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction, but maybe he was onto something. I guess we’d meet up tonight and talk this out like adults.

  A part of me didn’t want to, but there was another part of me that was curious to see if it was possible to discuss this, to talk about it in a mature manner.

  Once the day was over, I left the office, heading over to the college campus. I stood near the front gate, looking around, and I noticed there was nobody there.

  “I’m here … where are you?”

  The time continued to tick. I didn’t see Stephan anywhere. I tried texting him again, but the message wasn’t going through.

  Was I going crazy?

  No, I read the message. We agreed to meet by the fountain at the center of the campus at 10 pm. That was after everyone was gone, so we could have some privacy. I sat down, waiting for Stephan to show up. But nothing.

  I was frustrated to say the least. He wasn’t here, leaving me alone. I grimaced, walking around once more in the hope he’d show up. But then, before I could sit back down, I heard a sound.

  “You’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you?”

  Before I could utter a word, a knife was against my throat. I tried to struggle, but my hands were soon bound behind my back.

  This wasn’t Stephan.

  Chapter 5: Stephan

  As soon as I realized that Laney was in trouble, I quickly ran out the door, leaving the office and heading towards the campus.

  “Shit, I can’t drive there,” I said.

  There was traffic right outside the office, and if I drove it would take way too much time. I assessed my options, finding a bike left in the alleyway.

  It wasn’t much but it would do.

  I quickly pedalled down the street, ignoring anyone in my way. I had to save Laney, even if it killed me. I quickly made my way over to where the campus was, heading inside.

  I remembered what the tracker said. It was on the campus. I heard the sounds of struggle to my left, and I quickly whipped my head around.


  I heard another scream, but it was muffled. It seemed to be coming from the fountain. I raced over there, only to find a man with a knife holding it up against Laney’s throat. She tried to fight it, stepping on his toes, but he kicked her in the back, causing her to cry out and fall down.

  “What the hell are you doing with her?”

  The man immediately turned, looking me in the eyes.

  “Oh shit! You really showed up. Boss is going to be pissed,” he said.

  “Hey, get over here,” I said, grasping the man and holding him there. He tried to fight, but I pulled him by the collar
, using my strength to slam him to the ground. He hit it with a thud, and I could only hope he cracked something. I went over there, kicking him in the stomach before tying his arms up, looking at him in the eyes.

  “What the hell were you trying to do? why did you try to hurt her?” I asked.

  I didn’t understand. None of it made any sense.

  “It’s what the boss wanted. It’s payment for her involvement with the Balton brothers,” the man spat.

  “What do you know about them?” I asked, still pinning him to the ground.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know, your pathetic Raven,” the man sneered.

  I threw him on the ground again, hearing the cracking of bones. I knew that Laney was terrified, but I wasn’t going to sit there and let that man kill her. If anything, it was in self-defence.

  “Now, let me ask again. What the hell do you want with Laney and me? She didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “On the contrary … she’s a pest that needs to be dealt with,” the man snarled.

  “What do you—”

  Before I could do much else, the man injected something into his throat, laughing in response, before falling dead.

  I couldn’t believe this. I turned to Laney who was shaking.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “I … I don’t know. So, you didn’t send the text message?” she asked.

  I looked at her, seeing her green eyes filled with tears.

  “What text message? I tried to contact you, but it went straight to voicemail and my texts were left unanswered.

  “This message.”

  She stared at me bewildered as she held out her phone for me to see. My eyes widened in response.

  “I didn’t send that. I’m sorry, Laney.”

  “It’s fine. Then who did?”

  “A new enemy. I’m going to put you on a private line if that’s okay. And I’ll give you my email. It’s protected, and nobody can get through the walls I have set up on it.”

  “Thank you, Stephan.”

  I stopped for a second, my eyes for a moment resting on her delectable curvy frame. She was still in her office attire, making her natural curves appear all the more alluring. I could see in her green eyes that she was scared, but also curious. My body tightened as I looked at her, my cock throbbing in my pants.


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