Inked MC Boxset: Books 1-6

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Inked MC Boxset: Books 1-6 Page 9

by Vanessa James

  “I’m … I’m sorry about that Laney. I really am. I’ll explain myself when we’re in a safe place, but I promise I won’t. I really do.”

  I looked into his eyes, trying to discern whether he was lying, but I didn’t see any sign of it. I trusted him on this point, and I quickly followed him away from this place.

  We went to his car. We drove in silence through the city. It did not take long for us to reach the location where he wanted us to be.

  “This is one of our establishments––it’s property of The Ravens. It’s an office center––we use it for meetings. We should be fine here.”

  I checked the place out. It seemed fine. It was one of those typical office blocks consisting of unimpressive architecture that basically served a purpose. I then looked into his eyes. He seemed totally focused. I could see that he wanted the same answers I wanted but that he was just as unsure as me where we could get them.

  “You’re worried, aren’t you?” I inquired.

  “About this? Fuck yes, I am. I don’t … I don’t really know what to do, Laney. I’m honestly worried, but if I keep you in the dark, it’ll just make things worse. I learned that hiding everything from you and not explaining my situation is just as bad as me going on like nothing is wrong.”

  I felt my mouth open.

  “Wow. I didn’t expect you to understand. I’m a little shocked.” I thought he might try to weasel his way out of understanding what’s going on, but I guess not.

  “Nope, I understand fully well what I’m doing, Laney. The truth is, I want to keep you safe, but I don’t know how. I’m honestly worried about you, and I don’t know what to do. I feel … scared––honestly.”

  Scared? Of what? I looked him over, and for the first time, I noticed that his blue eyes were downcast, like he felt ashamed about what he was about to tell me. His eyes also seemed to dart around all over the place.

  “If you need to talk about it, I’m right here you know,” I insisted.

  “I know, Laney. Let’s get settled in first. What I’m about to tell you is hard for me too. And I want to get your agreement on a couple of things first. I want to talk to you about what to do next.”

  “Okay. That’s fine with me.”

  We moved to the building, neither of us saying a word. The façade literally looked like your average office complex, but when I got inside, I realized this place looked like anything but an office. There were couches, but there was also a bar, a couple of side rooms, and even a bedroom at the end of the hall which was nice.

  “This is technically one of our safehouses. It’s been a while since I’ve been here though, not since Robert was … alive,” Stephan said.

  I was about to ask who Robert was, but judging by the downcast look on his face, I thought it better that I didn’t. I sat down on the couch while he grabbed us a couple glasses of wine. He then grabbed a cigar, lighting it, exhaling a thick bluish white trail of smoke.

  “Sorry, I hope this doesn’t bother you but I need something to ease the nerves right now.”

  ‘Don’t worry, I’m feeling the same way. It’s not every day that some madman tries to kill you, you know.” Besides, I somehow liked the smell of the cigar and it did make him look kind of distinguished.

  He didn’t respond. I saw him take another long drag, blowing out a trail of languorously billowing smoke. He then put his hand down.

  “Laney, what I’m about to ask here will determine our future, our relationship. The truth is, I learned today that … that you’re in great danger if you stay with me. I’m sorry for leaving you this morning, but the thing is, I feared commitment since I knew that I wasn’t the right guy. I have a lot of shit on my hands, and you’re a good girl. You have a normal job, have always lived a normal life, and you’re just so … so straight,” he explained.

  “How do you know that I never got into trouble?” I asked, looking at him fiercely. He seemed slightly affronted by my words.

  “Want the truth? I had one of my associates run a background check on you. To make sure you weren’t a criminal. But now, I realize that you’re probably the most innocent person I’ve ever been with. I’m sorry for not asking you, but I had to know.”

  My body felt tense, and I was frustrated he didn’t even bother to ask. I gripped the glass.

  “You really could’ve just asked,” I snapped.

  “Sorry. I really do feel bad about it, Laney. But I had to know. I was scared of commitment, because … I’ve never had this. I’ve messed around with girls before, but those flings never turned into anything more. Now that I’m here, right there with you, I’m honestly scared of what to do about al of this.”

  I felt for him. Mostly because I could see how guilty he felt. “I know you’re sorry, Stepan. I forgive you.”

  “Thank you, Laney. So, I have to ask you one thing. You saw just a glimpse of my life today. You’ve seen me kill people and attempt to save the gang from trouble. Right now, we have trouble that goes back years, trouble I’m going to have to deal with myself…”

  He took a deep breath as if he was about to impart the gravest of truths.

  “And I’m going to tell you right now if you don’t want anything to do with this, we can just … part ways and forget about this. I understand if you don’t want to be with me, but it’s not going to ever be totally safe. Not till I take him out.”

  Who was “he?” I wanted to ask, but before I could let out a breath, he continued talking.

  “So now that you know … about … my past and how unsavory it is, I’ll ask you this, Laney. Do you want to get involved? Because you’re in danger. I’m not going to sugarcoat any of this. I don’t know who we are dealing with for sure yet, so I’m going to just say that you’re not totally safe with me. You may be safe if we do break this off, but otherwise, it’s your choice. Yes or no. do you want to … stick around?”

  I thought about this for a minute. I knew it was risky. Normally, I would’ve said no, and I would’ve run the hell away.

  But that was the old me. The me who didn’t face new things. The old me would’ve cowered in her bed.

  But not anymore. I didn’t care. There was something that gripped at my heart, telling me to stay here with him, to stick around, and I knew for a fact that, if I did finally say yes, it would make sense. But there was another part of me telling me to not be an utter idiot.

  Well, right now this fool had an answer.

  “I’m staying.”

  Chapter 6: Stephan

  To say that I was shocked was an understatement.

  My eyes widened with surprise, and when I looked at Laney, I tried to see whether there was any degree of uncertainty. But there wasn’t. She seemed wholly sure of the commitment she had just made.

  She really meant it. She wanted to stay.

  “You’re serious,” I asked, not really believing any of this.

  “I wouldn’t dare lie about something like that, Stephan. I want to stay. Even if it’s scary … I want to stick around. I want to do this, for both of us.”

  Wow. I took a long swig of my wine, and then took a drag of the cigar. I didn’t expect that much dedication or loyalty. But then she looked at me with pure confusion.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I’m just … honestly surprised you trust me like this. I mean, I really do appreciate it, Laney. You don’t understand right now, but I really, really do appreciate it,” I said.

  “Yeah but why? I thought you were expecting me to stay.”

  “God no. I was honestly expecting you to say no. But you surprised even me.”

  I looked at her, and for a long time, we didn’t say anything. I felt my body grow tense, and soon, my chest started to ache. It felt heavy, almost warm in a sense. When she looked at me, I felt my cheeks flush.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just … this is the first time someone’s meant it, and it feels kind of nice,” I told her.

  She nodded. She leaned over, grabbing my han
d. My whole body tensed in that moment as she looked at me dead in the eye. Her gaze was unwavering, the expression on her face neutral.

  “Good. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, Stephan. So, if you need to talk about anything, you can.”

  I believed her. I really felt that energy. I nodded. And then I leaned in, hugging her.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much,” I said.

  She hugged me back, and we didn’t do much besides embrace one another for a brief second. I then pulled back, trying to think about where to begin with this whole story. After a moment or so, I then figured it out, nodding to myself.

  “Alright, I guess we can begin this story by telling you a bit about my past,” I said.

  “You mean…”

  “Yeah, the time I spent as an apprentice. I worked with the former boss of our gang. He was a man named Robert. He found me when my parents tossed me out. I found out that they didn’t want me, and when I was seven, I was kicked out of my home for being an unruly child. I found out my mom had an affair with another man, and it wasn’t my dad’s kid. He kicked me out and might’ve killed her. I don’t know, I just know she isn’t around anymore. I lived on the streets until Robert found me. He took me in. The truth is, he treated me better than my own father did. He actually sat down and listened to my problems, was honest with me, and made me feel happy. I really didn’t regret it. Then, when I was 15, he told me the truth: that the ‘work’ he was doing was actually related to a gang, and he kept me around because he saw me as an heir.”

  She sat there, her eyes fully on me, and I could tell from the way she looked at me that she cared.

  “I see. So, you became his heir in a sense?”

  “God no. I didn’t want anything to do with it. I told him I was glad to help but that I was scared to do so because I felt like if I did end up falling into this trap that it could negatively impact my life. But, at the same time, I wasn’t in a good place and Robert saved my damn life. So, I agreed in the end.”

  I remembered the day he asked me. He told me that if I left, I couldn’t come back. I knew that it was a threat, and probably not the best thing to do, but I also couldn’t just leave. I mean, he did so much for me, and that kind of already sealed my fate.

  “I didn’t want to do it, but I managed to finally come to terms with it over time. It was a bit scary, but I did it. So, I learned from Robert how to be a better leader. It took a lot of time, but from when I turned 15 to about three years ago, I became a leader. I learned how to deal with all the connections, to use force when needed, and to conduct myself in a polite and befitting way,” I explained.

  “That sounds like a ton of work,’ Laney said, sitting back, fully relaxing for the first time.

  “Oh, it was. I almost gave up. He was strict, but it was mostly ruling with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Over time, I learned how to be more competent as a leader. I grew, became stronger and I was happier than before. He helped me learn how to be the person I am today, and I thank him for that. He finally was planning to let me take over when it happened.”

  My body tensed as I remembered that night, the night I became the leader of The Ravens involuntarily. The plan was to have a ceremony, but that was cut short.

  “What … happened?” Laney asked.

  It was hard to talk about it. I could feel my mouth growing dry as I fought the urge to just run away from these feelings. I could just stop here, but then, I spoke.

  “The week before I was to have the ceremony to take over, a ceremony where anyone who was anyone would show up, it happened. I… I found Robert’s dead body on the ground. It was at the office I still use. We were planning on meeting up, to discuss the terms for our next acquisition, but … that didn’t happen.”

  Her eyes widened. “Wow. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.

  It’s in the past now. And honestly, I had a feeling it would happen sooner rather than later. The truth is, Laney, this isn’t an easy way of life. It’s hell. It’s totally not for everyone. I’m still going to have to kill, still going to have to push through and take care of people who are in my way. I’m still going to destroy anyone who harms me or the Ravens, and that includes those who stand in my way. This isn’t an easy way of life, but I’m going to ask you, Laney, do you want in?”

  I heard no response from her for a minute. She was torn, torn between staying with me and getting the hell out, which I could understand. I didn’t like this either.

  “You’re serious?” she said at last.

  “Damn right I am, Laney. I’m not going to sugarcoat any of this. It isn’t easy for me, and it sure as hell isn’t easy for the other person. So, it’s your call. We can end this now. I can give you a pill and by the time you wake up, you’ll forget about me. I can move on somehow. I don’t know if it’ll be that easy, and I really don’t want to, but I will if it’s too much. And I get it. I’ve never told anyone about Robert before,” I explained.

  Telling her felt relieving. I had it sitting in my head for such a long time, that getting it out in the open felt like a huge relief. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t want to show that emotion right now. It’s easier to stay stoic and maintain composure. But then, I felt a hand on my thigh, and I turned, looking at Laney.

  “If you have to cry, don’t hesitate,” she said as if reading my inner turmoil.

  Holy shit. She meant this. Suddenly, I felt my entire body begin to shake, my mind racing and my heart throbbing. I then started to let my tears fall, my guard coming down, and it felt both terrifying, but relieving. She leaned in, giving me a hug.

  I hadn’t cried in so long. Not since Robert died. I didn’t do it in front of a damn soul either. I didn’t want anyone to worry about me. But then, I felt Laney pull back, looking at me once more. Her hand was on my chest and this gesture made me feel oddly calm.

  ‘Don’t worry. I know this isn’t easy for you. I get it. You’re not used to letting people in. I can relate to that hardcore. But, I’m here now. I’m not leaving. And the truth is … I’ve fallen for you too damn far to run away. I do feel nervous, mostly because of how new all of this is. But I trust you. I really do,” she said.

  I felt the weight in my chest come off my body.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I really do.”

  I leaned in, capturing her lips with my own. Even though things were different and scary, I was happy. I pulled back, looking her in the eyes.

  “I … I’ve fallen for you, Laney. I didn’t expect it, but that night changed my life, and I’m glad that I can show this part of myself, this vulnerability, and it doesn’t scare you off.”

  She nodded.

  “The feeling is mutual, Stephan. I’m here for you, and I’m by your side.”

  She then moved towards me, our lips touching once again. I didn’t feel scared anymore, and I felt like I could finally move forward in a sense. I was holding back all of those feelings beforehand, and I knew that Laney could tell from the way I acted that I was tense about things. But now, I felt happier, more alive, and I’d protect Laney, no matter what. Even if hell came to do away with us, even if things got bad, I promised I wouldn’t leave her.

  Maybe I am falling for her. I don’t know what these feelings are, but they make me happy, and that’s what matters.

  Chapter 7: Laney

  As we kissed, I felt my body relax, and my heart ache slightly. I felt good, I felt happy, and most of all, I felt really and truly complete. The two of us stayed like this, kissing and exploring the way our lips felt against one another’s. I started to push a little bit harder against them, and suddenly, he grabbed my curvy body, holding me there as we made out.

  It felt like the perfect moment, and I started to grind my hips, feeling his hardened member against my body. He then pushed his tongue forward, mingling with my own and for a long time, the two of us just stayed like this, our tongues massaging and touching one another, and our bodies moving closer together. His hands moved towards my t
hick ass, touching it and massaging it, and I released a small moan of pleasure in response.

  I was happy. I didn’t feel scared, and I knew that he was hesitant in the way that he kissed me. I moved away, looking at him with a flush.

  “You don’t have to be scared. I’m … I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Are you sure though, Laney? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything.”

  I looked at him, noticing the way he seemed a bit torn, but then, I smiled.

  “I’m here for you. No matter what. I’ll help you overcome your pain, and we can work through this together.”

  “Thank you, Laney. You’re truly a blessing.”

  I felt my heart race as he said those words. My body grew tense as he uttered them. He really did mean it, and I didn’t know what to do or feel. But, when I looked at him, I noticed that he was certainly happy and that alone made me realize everything was worth it.

  We continued kissing, his lips soon moving toward my neck, planting little kisses there. I let out a couple of small cries, letting my body give in to all of these feelings. His lips continued to lightly touch and tease the tip of my neck, all the way down to my collarbone, and for a long time, I felt like time had stopped.

  I loved this, and I know that he did too. I could feel his desire growing, and it was doing the same for me. He moved his hands to my shirt, pulling it off over my body, my bra quickly following suit.

  I flushed, realizing we were in an office and here I was, topless with my lover, a man who was here for me. While we couldn’t say that we were in love, I certainly felt as if I was in a sense.

  For a long time, we just made out, but then, he moved his lips toward my breasts, taking one of my nipples into his mouth, teasing it and touching it slightly. I then started to groan, moaning in pleasure as I looked down at him. He then teased the bud with his lips, causing me to let out a small, needy moan, my whole body on edge and feeling the sensation of pleasure.

  He moved his tongue towards the tip, kissing it, and then started to suck on it again. His other hand moved towards my other neglected nipple, teasing it slightly, and when he did that, I could feel my whole body on edge, the excitement growing with his every touch.


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