The Manny

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The Manny Page 11

by Piper Rayne

  He’s busy jotting notes down in the margin.

  “I like it and I see your point.” He places the script down with his pencil, leaning toward me. “Tell me, Ms. Andrews, do you see anything else that needs tweaking?”


  I only see you.

  But I don’t say that. I can’t.

  His hand skims up the inside of my thigh. “Tell me, Layla, what do you want?” he whispers, his breath tickling my ear.

  You! I want to scream, but instead remain quiet, allowing his hand to cup my pussy though my leggings.

  “I don’t know,” I say in a breathy voice, just as he pushes one finger into me through the fabric.

  My body tenses, my back arches, and I suck in a quick breath.

  “You think we should keep this professional?” he asks as his finger runs up and down the seam of my leggings.


  “I agree. Should I stop then?”

  My head is screaming yes, but he knows I’m like a bee to a soda can when it comes to him. I hover and hover and somehow, I’m not able to resist the lure even though I know it’s a trap. I’ll dive in eventually, knowing it’s sure to cause me pain.

  “I think we should talk about the ramifications of our actions.”

  He places an open-mouthed kiss on my neck. “Ramifications?” His fingers are conducting some sort of symphony that has my body humming. “I like you, Layla, and I think you like me too.”

  Through the fabric of my yoga pants, he finds my clit and all his attention focuses on the small nub, alight with a million nerve endings searching for release.

  “I do like you. A lot,” I manage to squeak out.

  “Then let me take care of you. I want to feel you come all over my hand.”

  With the one statement I lose the battle to fight.

  My back is arched, and through the thin fabric of my t-shirt and yoga pants, Vance nips at my breasts. His fingers strum my pussy like he’s a Grammy-winning guitarist. Eventually his fingers push past the waistband of my leggings and the skin-to-clit contact is almost more than I can take. His lips capture mine in a slow kiss that matches the movements of his actions below. My orgasm climbs like a diver swimming up to the surface of the water. It’s not a fast release, not explosive. He slowly and steadily brings me higher and higher until I bite down on his lower lip with a long growl of pleasure.

  Even after it’s clear my orgasm finished, Vance’s hand moulds to my hip and he continues to make out with me until we’re both out of breath.

  “Are you relaxed now?” he asks, staring down at me.

  “Like spaghetti.”

  He laughs, kissing my lips one more time. “Then I did my job.”

  He sits straight up, the weight of him gone, and it immediately brings a feeling of loss.

  “Let me repay you.” I get on my knees, about to straddle him.

  “Not tonight.” He packs his stuff and stands. “You need to get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  Well, this seems weird, but okay. I’ve never had a guy give me pleasure and not expect something in return. Not that I have all that much experience since I met Carver on the set of the family sitcom we both worked on as kids, but still.

  I follow him to the door, and he strips the shirt off his body and puts on his jacket.

  “You can keep it,” I say.

  His hand moves around my neck and he pulls me to him, his mouth commanding my full attention. I’m certain my knees weaken, but he keeps me held up.

  “My buddy is having a barbecue on the beach this weekend,” he says. “Any chance you’d want to come?”

  Is he asking me on a date? I’m positively giddy inside.

  I bite my lip and nod.

  He takes his thumb and pushes my lip down. “Keep doing that and I’ll never leave.”

  “You can stay.”

  He chuckles. “Nope. You are getting some sleep. Good night, Layla.”

  “Good night.”

  The door shuts and my heart opens.

  Damn him.

  Chapter 13


  The bonfire is already going, and unlike Jagger, who would invite two hundred people to a shindig he was throwing, Leo’s kept the guest list small for the barbecue.

  Grabbing a beer from the bucket, I sit in a beach chair looking out at the ocean when two hands cover my eyes.

  “Guess who?” a high-pitched female voice sounds in my ear.

  The small set of hands come off my eyes and I stand up and turn around.


  She throws herself in my arms. “Bet you missed me,” she whispers and her hand slides down my back to grab my ass.

  I take a step back. “Hey, Kali.” I take a swig of my beer. Why the hell is she here? She’s not even a close friend of Leo’s.

  “What kind of hello is that?” she asks with a false smile on her face.

  I should warn you now. I’ve slept with Kali. Once. And I was very drunk. Since then she thinks we’re soul mates or some shit, even though it’s been almost a year and I’ve never been a repeat offender with her.

  “I’m expecting someone.” Honesty is always best, right? I push from my mind the fact that I haven’t been completely honest with Layla.

  “Expecting someone?” She wrinkles her nose. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I invited someone to meet me here tonight.”

  Just as I say that my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and see Layla’s name on the screen.

  Last night after I left, I texted her the address. Maybe she’s having trouble finding it or something.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “Bad news. Babysitter bailed.”

  “You have so many sitter problems.” I walk away from Kali toward the edge of the ocean and look around. A few of Leo’s friends have kids and although that will mean an early night for Layla, a few hours with her is better than nothing. “Bring them.”

  “I think we’ll take a rain check.” Disappointment is clear in her voice so I push a little more.

  “Have I never told you? I don’t have a rain check policy. It’s now or never.” I curl my toes in the sand beneath my feet, waiting for her response.

  “Well, that’s sad because it’s a never right now.”

  “Until Monday, you mean?” I laugh since after Nanny Theta, I told Layla I’d do another week or two until she can find someone suitable. Really, she just needs someone for when we start filming my script, which won’t be for a while.

  She giggles and the sound makes me wish I could see the look on her face while she’s doing that, witness the delight that must be present in her eyes. “Yeah, I guess so. But have fun tonight. We’ll plan something another time.”

  “No. Come on. I’ll help you with the kids.”

  “I’m not sure… I thought your house was all breakable?” She throws the words from when she first asked me to be her nanny back at me.

  “Now that I love them so much, I’m okay with it. Get in the car and get over here. Besides, we’ll pretty much be on the beach anyway.”

  She releases a breath. “Okay. Let me get them ready.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  “If you’re smart you’ll be Payne-proofing your house.” She hangs up and I tuck my phone back in my pocket.

  One of the other kids throws a ball and I manage to see it coming in my peripheral vision and catch it before it hits me in the head.

  He comes over and I hand it over to him.

  “Thanks, Vance.”

  “You’re welcome.” It’s then I realize I have no idea what that kid’s name is and he’s always at Leo’s parties.

  He smiles and runs away, kicking the football back to his brother.

  I stand there wondering why it bothers me now, the realization that I was too self-absorbed before to care about learning his name. What’s changed?

  It’s a stupid question because it’s already becoming clear to me that Layla’s
presence in my life is starting to change everything—whether I want it to or not.

  An hour later, I’m waiting outside for Layla and the kids, drinking my beer and sitting on the stairs to our condo building. I’ve lived here since I moved to Los Angeles. I can certainly afford better at this stage of my life, but for some reason I’ve never had the urge to move. It’s a great complex right on the beach, the rent isn’t astronomical, and the tenants are all pretty cool.

  But I know that’s not the reason I stay. It’s because it’s familiar and holds a lot of good memories. It’s where Leo, Jagger and myself first met—sharing one of the units together while Jagger’s family was in a short period of cutting him off the purse strings. We’ve been friends for over a decade and in a lot of ways we all grew into men together. In the years since we first shared a place both Leo and myself have moved into our own units as apartments came up in the complex, and Jagger has moved on to his high-rise condo and Malibu pad, but we’re all still tight.

  As I sit there reminiscing to myself, I try to ignore how antsy I feel to see her. I don’t understand what’s happened. How can a woman pique my interest in such a short time? I haven’t even slept with her, and not because she didn’t want to. I’m hesitant to cross that line because I actually like this woman. A lot.

  A black SUV rolls slowly down the street and stops in front of me. The driver exits the vehicle and opens up the back door. I should have realized she’d call for a car.

  Layla steps out wearing a pair of tight jeans, a blouse, and jean jacket. She unstraps Via and holds her, while Payne climbs out on his own.

  “Thanks, Miles. I’ll call you in a few hours.” She shuts the door and the three of them walk toward me.

  “Hey, guys.” I high-five Payne and Via, who just keeps slapping my hand.

  “Are you sure about this?” Layla looks apprehensive.

  “Of course. The party is low-key, no press or anything.”

  She nods, but I figure it’s better to get her into the back—someone could have followed her.

  We head through the courtyard in the center of all the units and reach the beach. Payne immediately runs toward the other kids and joins in with them, kicking the ball.

  “Oh, boy.” Layla tenses next to me when she spots how many people are here and her gaze fixes on Payne.

  I place my hand on the small of her back and lean in. “Relax. I promise, everyone is good people and they won’t be taking pictures and selling them to the tabloids.”

  She nods a few times. “Okay, I’ll try.”

  “Now, give me Via and let’s get you a drink.” Via actually comes to me when I put my hands out for her and I pretend we’re flying away before settling her on my side.

  Jagger is sitting on the beach chair and we have to pass him as we make our way to the cooler.

  “Layla, you got Vance to hold a baby?” he says when he sees us. His eyebrow is so far cocked you’d think he had lessons from Dr. Evil in Austin Powers.

  “Hi, Jagger,” Layla says softly. “This is my daughter, Via.”

  “That’s an usual name,” he says.

  “It’s actually Olivia, but ever since she was little Via just stuck.”

  “How cute.” Jagger looks between the two of us, his usual smile absent.

  “Why don’t you go get a drink, Jagger?”

  “I have a beer,” he says, holding it up in front of him and pinning me with a stare.

  “Then just go,” I tell him and his sour mood.

  “I can’t be the only one out of the three of us who thinks this is a bad idea.”

  “What’s a bad idea?” I ask him.

  “You guys playing house, that’s what.” He shakes his head like a disappointed father.

  “Here.” I pass Via to Layla. “Can you excuse us for a minute? I’ll join you in a sec.”

  “Sure.” Layla walks toward Payne, but Leo quickly cuts her off. At least he seems more welcoming than Jagger.

  “Cut the shit, Vance. I told you to stay away from her.” Jagger’s voice is laced with anger and I kick myself for not giving him a heads-up before I invited her.

  “Relax. Nothing’s really going on. We’re just having fun.”

  “No.” He shakes his head and points the tip of his beer at me. “You think you’re having fun. She thinks you’re going to be a substitute daddy to her kids.”

  “She knows this is nothing serious. The last thing she wants is a serious relationship right now.” I down half my beer.

  “I don’t understand why you need to play with fire. You’d think you’d learned your lesson after that whole mess with Gwen, but here we go again. You know what?” He raises his hand in the air. “Do what you want. Ruin this opportunity. I hope she’s worth it.”

  “You two are looking entirely too serious. This is a party!” Kali waggles her manicured nails between us, her hips swinging at the same speed as her finger, slow and seducing.

  “Go away, Kali,” I say, my eyes fixed on Jagger.

  “Oh, look, another one of your mistakes is here tonight.” Jagger shakes his head and stands, walking away.

  “What does that mean?” Kali’s valley girl voice does nothing to remove her name from my list of mistakes.

  “He’s just an asshole,” I mumble and turn around and see Layla talking with Leo, while Via is petting Cooper and laughing every time he sniffs her. A smile graces my lips until Kali swings her small thin arm around my neck, pulling me toward her and kissing my cheek.

  Of course, Layla’s gaze shoots my way at that exact moment, because that’s my life lately.

  I move Kali off me. “I told you I’m here with someone.” Technically, I’m not with Layla, but Kali needs to know her place and that place is not cuddled up next to me.

  “Layla Andrews? I heard she and Carver are getting back together,” she says to my retreating back.

  “Don’t believe everything you read,” I toss back over my shoulder, hoping she’ll just go the fuck away.

  So far this is not how I pictured my night going.

  “Old girlfriend?” Layla asks when I bend down to join Via and Cooper.

  “Kali? No, she just lives in the building,” Leo says, thankfully leaving out the part about me sleeping with her.

  “She looks like she wants to be more than just a neighbor,” Layla comments, her eyes clearly questioning me, but it’s her smile that confuses me. She seems as if she couldn’t care either way.

  Fuck. Why does her lack of jealousy bother me?

  “I have my own neighbor. Of course, I think he’s more of a peeping tom. I can guarantee he’s sold more than one bikini photo to the tabloids.” She’s all smiles, as though we’re just friends and I didn’t make her come with my hand the other night.

  Someone calls Leo over and Cooper follows, which makes Via follow, and soon Layla and I are walking behind to keep an eye on her.

  “You should file an order of protection. Get a higher fence or something.”

  She laughs. “It’s okay, I think he’s more of an admirer than anything. He’s harmless.”

  “Doesn’t sound like it,” I murmur under my breath as I try to calm down my own rage from the thought of some creep hiding in the bushes to get pictures of her.

  “One day I’ll make it big and afford a mansion with a gate and tons of acres and I won’t need to worry about it.” She elbows me. “Maybe your film will be the one to make that happen. We can have side-by-side mansions. Then I can drop off the kids whenever I have a hot date.” She laughs.

  I try to ignore how much her comment irks me—because wasn’t I just insisting to Jagger that whatever this is between us is just fun and games?—and tip my head back and take the last swig of my beer. “Yeah, call me Manny for life.” With my beer empty, I figure I might as well enjoy another, since the rest of my evening will not involve my becoming more familiar with Layla’s anatomy.

  “I’ll be right back. You good?” I ask.

  She smiles. “Yeah. I have the
kids so this will be it for me tonight.”

  I leave her to grab another beer and dispose of my old one and admittedly to pull my shit together.

  I’m halfway to my destination when a scream comes from behind me. I turn back around to find Payne holding his leg and crying. Layla swoops Via up and runs toward Payne, falling to her knees on the sand to assess the situation. I’m sure Layla can handle it, but I find myself headed in their direction.

  Leo and Jagger both meet me there, Cooper at Leo’s side. The dog now has Via’s undivided attention.

  “It’s a pretty big gash,” Leo says. “Let’s take him inside and get it cleaned up.”

  “I’ve got it,” I tell them and pick up Payne.

  “I can take care of this. I’ll call Miles back,” Layla offers.

  “Let’s get him cleaned off first and then we’ll see.”

  “No, Mom, I’m having fun,” Payne whines.

  “Fucking dipshits!” Jagger stomps off in the sand toward a group of twentysomethings a little farther down. “No glass on the beach. What are you, morons?”

  “Hey, Jagger, lay off on the swearing.” Layla turns with Via in her arms.

  “Shit. Sorry, Layla,” he tosses over his shoulder as he strides away.

  “Impressive, I’ve never heard Jagger take instruction from a female before,” Leo says with a laugh. “I doubt it even was those kids, but he has a point. Why people bring glass to a beach I have no idea.”

  “I’m sure Payne will be fine. He’s not even crying anymore,” she says.

  “I’d like to know for sure. Coop will keep your little one busy.”

  Layla looks back and smiles. “You guys are so sweet. The three of you are good friends?”

  “Yeah, but I’m the sweetest,” Leo says, raising his shoulders and scrunching his nose in a what-are-you-going-to-do kinda way.


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