AnnaRose (Tails Book 4)

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AnnaRose (Tails Book 4) Page 8

by R. E. Butler

  They sat on the couch and ate, talking about work and kids.

  “If you wanted to teach at the pride school, we could definitely use another teacher,” Demi said.

  “But you teach kindergarten,” Annie said.

  “Yeah, but we’re short staffed, so while I’m doing kinder, two other teachers are doing combined grades one through four. It’s a hassle. I’d be happy to move up to another grade.”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “The pride school is a great place to work. They wouldn’t care that you’re human because Hemi’s your mate.”

  “Not officially.”

  “Yeah, what’s up with that? Don’t you want to mate him?”

  “Of course. But I don’t know him really well.”

  Demi snorted. “If I found my heart-match, I’d jump him on-sight.”

  “Really? Even in public?”

  “So long as Hemi or my parents weren’t around, you bet!” Her eyes twinkled when she spoke. “Finding the one person on the planet meant for you? Hell yeah, it’s special. I get that you’re human and your people don’t have heart-matches, but you can’t tell me you don’t feel in your bones that he’s your one and only.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “So, what’s the wait for?”

  Annie hummed. “It’s just what humans do.”

  “Well, not all of them. It’s well known in the pride that Ree and Mercy both took their heart-matches to bed the night they met, and so did Emberly. You may be a bit more skeptical than them. Is that it? Do you not trust Hemi?”

  “It’s weird that you want to talk to me about your brother getting laid.”

  Demi’s face wrinkled as she scowled. “I hadn’t thought of it that way. Ew. Gross.”

  Annie grinned. “I’m crazy about him. Half in love with him already and it’s only been a couple days. But neither of us are in a rush, except...”

  “Except what?”

  “Every time we’re snuggling in bed, I want there to be more. I’m feeling very torn apart by it all.”

  “I can’t tell you what the right thing to do is, but you should know that there isn’t a stronger, fiercer and more trustworthy male on the planet than my brother. The way he’s being all protective of you? That’s because you’re his other half. I guarantee if you texted him now, he’d text you back immediately because he’s keeping his phone close in case you need him. That’s what a heart-match is.”

  “I love that. You’re very sweet and he’s lucky to have you on his side.”

  “I’m lucky too. Trust me.”

  “Enough about me. Tell me about the alpha.”

  “Ah, damn it! Don’t bring him up!” Demi flopped back on the couch dramatically. “He won’t leave me alone.”

  “You’re not his heart-match though?”

  “Not even a little.”

  “It sounds like what Roy is doing to me, but Benecio hasn’t attacked you.”

  “Thank goodness, no. Your situation is hella scary and I hate that you’re going through it. Benecio keeps trying to get people to sway me to his side, but I don’t want to be mated to him. I’m worried about what would happen if I did. He’s good looking and he’s powerful, but I feel no real attraction to him.” Demi rubbed the space between her eyes and sighed. “My parents said they grew to love each other, but I’ve seen what love in a mating looks like and it’s not what my parents have. I think they’re more companions than mates, together because they were mate-matched, and they were happy with their chosen mate. I don’t want to just exist in a mating—I want to be on fire all the time. Consumed.”

  Annie figured that the moment she gave in to Hemi she’d feel the same way—utterly consumed by her sexy lion.

  It was tempting to rush into bed with him, because she knew she’d feel more connected when they joined. But part of her wanted to wait a little longer.

  Waiting made things better. Hotter.


  “I hope Benecio moves on. I’m sure it’s stressful to have to deal with your parents wanting you to mate him.”

  “Super. Your folks like Hemi?”

  “Very much. My dad thinks he’s awesome.”

  “Cool. I think our parents will like you once they get over you being human. It might take a while. But Hemi won’t care about that, and you shouldn’t either. It’s not up to our parents to decide what makes us happy once we’re adults.”

  “My parents wouldn’t dream of interfering unless there was something wrong with him or our relationship. My mom’s parents hated my dad. I guess he was something of a bad boy and ran with a rough crowd. He gave it up for her when she got pregnant with me. I have a hard time picturing him as a bad boy, but I guess we don’t really see our parents as sexual beings since it’s gross.”

  “Super gross.”

  Something banged outside. They both froze and stared at each other. Annie glanced toward the windows along the family room.

  “What was that?” Annie whispered.

  “I don’t know.”

  Demi and Annie stood at the same time and walked to the windows. It was dark out, and there was no illumination at the side of the house.

  Demi frowned and peered harder out the window. “I’ll go outside and see what’s up.”

  “Are you nuts? What if it’s Roy?”

  “He’d be crazy to come into our territory.”

  “I think he’s very crazy. Let’s call someone.”

  Demi pulled out her phone. “I’ll call one of the lions on patrol. Uh, shit. I don’t have a signal. That’s weird.”

  Annie’s heart started to pound as she picked up her phone from the coffee table. “I don’t either. I think it’s Roy. He used a scrambler when he ran me off the road so I couldn’t call for help.”


  “Do you have a landline?”

  “No, who has those anymore?”

  “My parents.”

  “And probably people who know that cell phones sometimes lose signals and a backup would be nice. I should get one.”

  “It’s a little late for that,” Annie said.

  Demi cracked her knuckles. “I’ll shift and go look. You lock up behind me. He might be crazy, but I’m pissed, and I’m bigger than him in my shift.”

  Annie didn’t want Demi to go outside. She didn’t know anything about shifters fighting each other, but if Demi got hurt, she’d never forgive herself. “Hold on. Let me think for a sec.”

  She glanced around the room and saw keys hanging from a hook by the front door. She grabbed the key fob for Demi’s car and went back to the window, staring out into the darkness.

  She hit the panic button.

  The quiet night was broken by the flashing lights and honking horn. The side yard was illuminated by the lights. Annie could see a man standing a few yards away, but the light didn’t quite reach him to reveal his face. She didn’t have to see it to know it was Roy.

  Roy lifted a hand and pointed at Annie. “You’re mine!” He screamed the words and it was like an arrow laced with panic hit straight through her. She took a step back, her heart slamming against her ribs.

  And then someone tackled Roy.

  “What the hell?” Demi asked.

  The two rolled on the ground, and even though the windows were closed, Annie could hear the fists landing on flesh and the angry growls. One of the men howled in agony and rolled to his back. A coyote darted off.

  “Oh no!” Demi said. “One of the lions is hurt!”

  Just as Demi turned away from the window, a few more men showed up and surrounded the man on the ground. One of them yelled, “Turn off the damn car, Demi!”

  Annie fumbled with the key fob and turned it off, the sudden silence overwhelming.

  A man strode toward them and Demi unlocked and opened the window.

  “Hey Reign,” she said.

  “I found this on the ground. It’s a scrambler.” He pressed a button and Annie looked down at her phone, fin
ding her signal back.

  “I’ll call Hemi,” Annie said.

  “Who’s on the ground?” Demi asked.


  “He’s hurt?”

  “Pretty clawed up. Doc’s on the way.”

  “How did Vale know to come here?”

  “He was patrolling and crossed a scent that wasn’t familiar. Since we were on the lookout for a coyote, he texted to let us know he found something. We followed him here.”

  Hemi answered the phone and Annie told him what happened, and then she had to sit down because her legs were shaking so much, she was afraid she was going to fall. If it weren’t for Vale and the patrol, something terrible could’ve happened.

  “Baby? Annie? Talk to me, sweetheart,” Hemi said.

  She opened her mouth, but nothing came out but a squeak.

  Someone stood in front of her and she realized that Demi had opened the door and let in Reign. He held out his hand and she gave him her phone.

  “Hey man, it’s Reign. Your mate and sister are fine. A few of our guys shifted and went to look for him but judging by how fast he is, who knows if we’ll catch him. In the meantime, me and Killion are sticking around. We’ll stay until you’re off for the night.”

  Annie leaned back and closed her eyes. She could hear Hemi’s voice but not what he was saying.

  “All right. See you in an hour.” Reign cleared his throat and she opened her eyes.

  “He’s gotta wait for Blu to get back from a supply run. We’ll stick around until he shows up.”


  Reign nodded and strode from the house. Annie let out a deep sigh. Demi sat next to her.

  “Holy shit, girl. You said he was crazy, and you weren’t kidding.”

  “I know, right? I’m so glad Vale showed up. Will he be okay?”

  Demi opened her mouth to answer but a roar sounded from outside and she chuckled. “He just shifted. That roar means he was in pain as he changed. The shift causes our healing abilities to accelerate and it can be painful to shift if the injury is bad. He’ll be fine.”


  “Hemi’s on the way?”

  “After Blu gets back.”

  “Okay.” She stared at her for a long moment and then she patted her knee. “I’m going to talk to the guys outside. Holler if you need me.”

  Annie tried to relax. She knew she was safe now—at least for the time being—but she couldn’t shut off the part of her brain that worried. The one thing she was positive about was that she wanted to be with Hemi, and hoped he showed up soon.

  While she was wishing for things, she’d also add that Roy would take a hike and never return.

  Chapter Twelve

  Hemi rolled to his back when he heard his phone buzz. He fumbled for it, knocked it off the nightstand, then cursed as he had to extract himself from Annie and grab it off the floor.

  Swiping to answer, he sat up and yawned. “Yeah?”

  “Hey, it’s Killion.”

  Hemi’s sleepiness evaporated and he rose to his feet. He grabbed his jeans as he hustled from the room, so he didn’t wake Annie.

  “You got any news?”

  Demi had pulled him aside last night after he’d gotten to their place around midnight and explained she’d suggested Killion make some calls and figure out where Roy was from and if he’d behaved like this in the past. Roy’s sister had been the first person Hemi had suggested contacting, and Killion had promised to keep him updated on anything he learned.

  “Yes. I called the sister, Violet, first thing this morning. She didn’t want to talk to me, so I took another cop with me and went to pay them a visit in person. Her husband, Ross, is human, and he spoke on her behalf. He said that Violet’s alpha chose an abusive male for her arranged mating. It was suspected that Roy killed the male, but no one could prove it. Violet and Ross met, and she became pregnant. The alpha kicked her out. Roy followed, but not before trying to kill the alpha and his family in retaliation.”

  Hemi hummed. Roy clearly had balls and a violent streak.

  “Ross said they didn’t want him to come with them, but he wouldn’t leave them alone. He declared they were a band of their own and that he was alpha and they’d do what he said. They’ve had to move a handful of times, because Roy gets attached to a female and stalks her and he has to be driven away.”

  “So, they knew he was an asshole stalker but didn’t warn Annie?” Hemi asked with a growl.

  “Basically. Ross said that if they speak against him, he turns on them, so they just stopped. He wanted to warn her, but last time he tried to intervene, he spent a few days in the hospital and Roy threatened to kill their son.”

  “Damn.” Hemi scrubbed a hand down his face. “How did he get chased away before?”

  “He’s mostly a coward. Ross said that when he’s confronted that he runs away.”

  “His suggestion is I find Roy and beat the hell out of him?”

  “Basically. Reminds me of my mom saying that bullies are all cowards. I think it’s the case with this guy. The problem here, of course, is that he’s proving difficult to catch.”

  Hemi sighed and rubbed the space between his eyes. “Tell me about it. Thanks for the call, Killion. It would be nice if Vale tackling him was enough to send him on his way, but I’ll go on the assumption that it’s not.”

  “Duke said he’d keep the patrols going until things are clear, but suggests you outfit both your place and Demi’s with security lights and other safety measures since you’re still working at night.”

  “Actually, we’re going to move into Duke’s apartment at the bar for a while. He and Titus both would rather us be there so I can keep working and Annie can be safe, than for me to quit. China and her cousin are going to stay with Demi for a while too.”

  “Good. Keep me posted if you see anything out of the ordinary. Roy has a warrant out for his arrest already because of the restaurant attack and violating the restraining order, so at least I can detain him if we find him.”

  “Will do. Thanks.”

  Annie sat next to him on the couch and curled up, tucking her legs under her and rubbing her cheek on his shoulder. “We’re moving into the bar?”

  “I was planning to ask if you wouldn’t mind doing that. I talked to Titus while I was waiting for Blu to show up from her supply run and asked for the week off. He said they can’t spare me, so I said I’d quit, which I really don’t want to do. I like working at the bar. But I like you far more and I want you to be safe. Titus asked me to reconsider, and I suggested I could bring you to the bar with me and you could hang out in the apartment, which is fully secure.” Which had led him to suggest they move in. Duke and Ree didn’t use the apartment anymore, and the bar was outfitted with plenty of security measures as well as the extra security for the second floor.

  She exhaled sharply. “This is upsetting your life so much.”

  “I don’t care about that.”

  “I do.” She leaned back against the couch and frowned. “I wish he’d never come here.”

  “Me too.”

  “Demi told me about working at the pride school.”

  His brows rose. Annie told him about their conversation and his lion was one hundred percent on board with her switching jobs. While her school had security measures in place, and he was going to continue to have someone from the pride watch the school when he couldn’t, he thought working at the pride school was a great idea.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. We haven’t known each other long. I mean, I know what we are together, but this is a lot to take in so fast.”

  He put his arm around her and drew her close. “I know, sweetheart.”

  “All I could think about when Roy showed up was that I wanted to be with you. Not just that I was scared and wanted you to protect me, but because when he looks at me like I’m property, it makes me realize how connected I feel to you.”

  He kissed her temple. �
��I feel connected to you too. I’m sorry things are so tough for you right now, but I don’t regret you being in my life. If I couldn’t work at the bar anymore, but it meant you were safe, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”

  “I know. I hate to leave the school. If Roy would just leave town, I could work there without issue.”

  “The pride school has a lot of benefits, though. One of which is you getting to know the pride better.”

  “That’s true. I don’t want to make any decisions when I’m stressed. I’ll just be going on my emotions.”

  “That’s understandable.” He offered to make her breakfast while she got ready for work, and by the time he dropped her off at the school and waved at Pike, who was hanging out in the parking lot to keep an eye on things, he was tied up in knots. He wanted to tell her to get out of the preschool immediately, because even with Pike watching and the human guarding the door, Roy was dangerous. And the coyote was clearly of a mind to keep coming at them until he got to Annie.

  He busied himself packing up their things to stay at the bar and then crashed for the afternoon.

  Pike brought her to the bar after work, and Hemi had a couple of hours to spend with her before he started his shift. A dozen times he wanted to ask her to be his mate in truth so he could mark her, but he didn’t. The timing never seemed right. On his way out the door of the second-floor apartment, she asked if they could go out on another date on Friday.

  He stared down at her, her pretty eyes wide with curiosity. “I’d love that. What did you have in mind?”

  “I thought I could cook for you, and then we’ll see where the night takes us.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He meant to give her a quick kiss before he went downstairs, but the moment he pressed his lips to hers, all thought fled. She wrapped her arms around him with a soft moan and opened her mouth, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in. That first slide of his tongue against hers made his lion purr. He tilted her head and deepened the kiss, holding her close as they kissed. The sweet scent of her arousal spiked in the air and he wanted nothing more than to take her, but she pulled away with a disappointed sigh.


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