Romance: Cowboy Way of Love

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Romance: Cowboy Way of Love Page 2

by Undiscloseddesires2015

While Peony’s first riding lesson went smoothly, the photographer’s plans didn’t. Peony’s sister Petunia had been on horseback enough to hold her own, but Pansy and Primrose were clearly terrified. Poppy, on the other hand, had been drinking all morning, and in her case, it was the horse that was terrified. They’d put her on Snowball, a gentle gelding who generally had a laid-back attitude, but by the time Hunter and Peony arrived at the photoshoot, Snowball had his ears back and his eyes were wide.

  After a few quick casual shots, the photographer tried to get everyone to line up for some staged photos. Simply getting the horses into a line proved to be too much for Poppy. She pulled back too hard on Snowball’s reins. The mild mannered horse sat down on his haunches, dumping the big woman on the ground.

  There was a lot of screaming. “That horse tried to kill me!” Poppy shrieked. “Did you see him rearing up?”

  Her boyfriend, a quiet man who never seemed to have much to say but perpetually had the flask at the ready for his sweetheart, pulled Poppy to her feet and started to lead her away. “I told you this whole horse thing was a bad idea,” he said. “Come on in the house and I’ll make sure you’re not all bruised up.”

  “I better not be bruised up,” Poppy announced to the world at large. “If there’s one mark on me, I’m going to have that dangerous beast put down!”

  “Well, that went well,” Petunia said, after Poppy and her partner were out of earshot. Everybody laughed, except the photographer.

  “We’re going to have to adjust some of what we had planned,” he said.

  “Adjusting is what we do in this family,” Petunia replied. “We’ll do what we can, and what we can’t, we can’t.”

  Hunter saw Seth admiring his wife to be in this moment, and smiled. The fact his little brother could appreciate Petunia’s take-charge attitude was a good sign of happy years to come, he was sure of it. Over the course of the next hour, the remaining members of the wedding party lined up in different poses while the photographer snapped pictures. During this time, Peony was growing more and more comfortable on LouLou.

  “That’s a wrap, everybody,” Petunia announced, when the photographer was finally satisfied. “I think we’re going to take a pass on the trail ride thing.” She cast a concerned glance at her mother, who was sitting in the shade. “Mama’s getting tired.”

  “Oh,” Peony said. “That’s too bad.”

  Hunter cast her a surprised glance.

  She smiled and shrugged. “What? LouLou’s a sweetheart. I wouldn’t mind going for a little ride.” LouLou shifted her feet beneath her and Peony’s smile faltered for a minute. “As long as it’s not too rough of a ride, that is.”

  Hunter smiled. “There’s no law that says we need everyone else with us to go for a ride.” He chuckled. “I do live here, after all. I know all the prettiest spots.”

  “Show me,” Peony replied. “I want to see your home.”

  They ambled away from the photoshoot, Wally carefully plodding his way up toward one of Hunter’s favorite trails.

  “Hey,” Seth called out to them. “Where are you going?”

  “We promised this little lady a trail ride,” Hunter replied. “I’m not about to let her down.”

  A strange look crossed Seth’s face, and then he smiled. “Have a good time, bro.” His smile deepened. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Then his expression grew more serious. “And make sure y’all are back in time for the rehearsal dinner!”

  “All of those cows are yours?” Peony asked. The trail they’d taken brought them up on a ridge that looked over the Shipman ranch; over a thousand head of cattle were grazing the lower pastures.

  “Most of them,” Hunter said. “Some of them belong to the bank, but that’s how ranching goes. It takes three cows to make any money. One to pay the bills, one to pay the interest on the bills, and one to put some cash in your wallet.”

  “Do you like doing it?” Peony asked. “Being a rancher?”

  “I couldn’t imagine doing anything else,” he said. “This is what I’ve done all my life. My brothers? They’re not ranchers. Seth loves the computers, and I don’t know what Jerry would do if he couldn’t teach school. And of course Mark being a preacher… when you’re called like that, what else can you do?”

  Peony took a deep breath. “Hunter. Look at the family you come from. Everybody’s accomplished. Petunia tells me all the time what a genius Seth is…”

  “Petunia,” Hunter gently interrupted, “is a woman in love.”

  “Be nice!” Peony scolded, brushing her fingertips against Hunter’s bicep. He smiled at the contact, and nudged Wally close enough that his leg brushed up against hers. “My point is, my family’s not like that. Petunia’s worked hard, and she’s doing all right. But as for me, and Pansy and Primrose? We’re still figuring life out. We’re not at that level.”

  Hunter snorted. “Appearances are deceiving, especially where my family is concerned. Jerry’s a teacher now, but my parents spent a lot of sleepless nights wondering if he’d even finish school. Mark was a lunatic until he found Jesus.”

  “What about Seth?” Peony asked.

  “He’s probably the best of the bunch. I think that comes with being the youngest. He saw us making all the mistakes, so he didn’t have to.”

  Peony let out a sigh. “I’m glad to hear it. Petunia’s head over heels for him, you know.”

  Hunter smiled. “I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual.”

  “So what about you, then?” Peony demanded.

  “What do you mean, what about me?” Hunter said. He playfully looked off into the distance. “I was a perfect angel. Scout’s honor.”

  “Oh, please.” Peony said. “I’ve seen the way you look at me. You’re no angel.”

  Hunter blushed. “Girl, that body of yours?” He pointed up toward the sky. “I guarantee there are angels up there right now hanging halfway out of heaven, just to check you out.”

  Peony laughed. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Shipman.” She grew serious. “But spill the beans. Tell me your darkest secrets.”

  “When I was fourteen,” Hunter said, “I ran away from home. I decided I had had enough of ranch life. I was going to see the bright lights and big city for myself.”

  “How far did you get?” Peony asked.

  “San Diego, California,” Hunter replied. “My parents were pissed.” He shook his head. “This is where I should probably tell you about my horrible sense of direction. I’d started off for New York.”

  Peony laughed again. This time, her humor came from a place deep inside her. Hunter enjoyed watching the way the joy shook her body. Everything jiggled, just a little: her breasts, her belly, her thighs. Small tears formed in the corners of Peony’s eyes. She didn’t bother wiping them away.

  “And after you got home?” she asked.

  “I was grounded for a long time,” Hunter said. “We’re talking extra chores for a year, a year and a half.” He shrugged. “But it worked. I never really left home again after that. Of all the boys, I’m the one who stayed.”

  “And you’ve grown the ranch quite a bit.” Peony observed. “Petunia was telling me about it.” The exact words her sister had used the words had been multi-million dollar outfit, but Peony didn’t feel the need to mention that now.

  “I’ve been lucky,” Hunter said. “And blessed. There’s not much more a man could want than what I have right now.”

  “What would you add to that mix?”

  His gaze was frank and direct. “You.” Hunter nudged Wally even closer, close enough that he could lean over and kiss Peony.

  It was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. Hunter found Peony’s lips to be warm and welcoming; they parted at his slightest touch.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, when he pulled away. “I’ve wanted to do that from the first moment I saw you.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” she said, leaning toward him for another kiss. “There’s a few things I’ve wanted to do myself.

  His blond eyebrow arched upward. “Such as?”

  Peony laughed. “Nothing I know how to do on horseback,” she said. “How do we get down from here?”

  Hunter slid out of Wally’s saddle and walked around to stand on LouLou’s left side. “Swing your leg over,” he said, “and I’ll help you down.” He turned his attention to LouLou. “You’re going to stand perfectly still, understand?”

  LouLou complied, and a few seconds later, Peony found herself standing in Hunter’s embrace. “Wow, Cowboy,” she said, reaching up with one hand to let her finger tips trace over his cheek, “You’re even cuter up close.”

  Hunter laughed. “I’m more of a rancher than a cowboy,” he said. “Even though I’ve got the hat.”

  Peony snuggled in close. “Doesn’t matter. It’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to the wild, wild west.” Her kiss was intense, and her wandering hands were very knowledgeable. Within a few seconds, Hunter found himself fully erect inside his jeans.

  “Wow,” he said, shifting awkwardly in his boots. “I’ve never had kissing do that to me before.”

  Peony smiled and undid Hunter’s belt buckle. His zipper, which had been straining to contain the desire behind it, practically unzipped itself, revealing the white underwear he wore beneath.

  “You are single,” Peony exclaimed with delight.

  “Of course I am,” Hunter said. “We wouldn’t be doing this otherwise.” He looked down, confused. “But how can you tell that from looking at my drawers?”

  Peony laughed. “Because no woman you’d think was worth having would let you walk around in these sad looking briefs,” she said, gently hooking her fingers in the elastic waistband of his shorts. “They have got to go.” She tugged his shorts downward, setting his swollen cock free. “Now, this is nice,” she purred.

  Hunter smiled. “I’m glad you think so.” His eyes widened as he saw Peony wrap her dark fingers around his pink shaft; the contrast in their skin tones sent an electric jolt running through his body. “Oh, wow.”

  Something in Peony’s affect shifted; in the moment, Hunter saw his lover return to the languid woman he’d been watching exercise that morning. Her movements were slow and dreamy as she stroked the length of his throbbing cock; it was with the gentlest of caresses that she stroked the tip, her thumb beat a tender drumbeat on the underside.

  He tried pushing his hips forward into her grasp, but she retreated from his advance; her touch became lighter the more Hunter sought it.

  “Oh,” Hunter breathed, shaking as he tried to will himself still so she would touch him. “Oh, please…”

  Peony rewarded his supplication by wrapping both hands around his shaft and squeezing. The embrace wasn’t tight, but it was tight enough to bring Hunter up onto his toes. He could feel his balls gathering up beneath him – a sensation he hadn’t really experienced since he was a teenager, when just the thought of a girl was enough to send him off.

  Peony slid her fingers back and forth, stroking his tender flesh expertly. Just when he thought he couldn’t take anything else – that all of his dreams had been realized – Peony bent her head and flicked her warm, wide, wet tongue over the throbbing end of his cock.

  There were no words. Hunter’s groan was pure need; birds took wing from nearby trees at the sound. Peony smiled and moved forward, opening her lips to slowly embrace Hunter, inch by inch by inch.

  Her mouth was so hot and so tight and so completely unexpected that Hunter couldn’t bear it. “Darling,” he warned. “You need to stop right now because I’m going to lose it.”

  Peony, instead of stopping, redoubled her efforts. She started to suck on his length while using her fingers to caress Hunter’s aching balls. He didn’t dare look at her, because he knew the sight of her lush form knelt down in front of him would be the final straw…and then he looked at Peony, because he couldn’t help it. With one last hopeless moan, he let his hips slide forward as far as they would go, and whimpered, “Please, please.”

  She grabbed him by the hips and pulled him closer as he came. Hunter closed his eyes and was still almost blinded by the starbursts of pleasure exploding across his vision. He was shaking after, when Peony pulled away, gently kissing the tip of his cock before pulling his shorts back up.

  “You all right, Cowboy?”

  “Better than all right,” he said. He reached down and helped Peony back to her feet, and then he kissed her. “You’re absolutely amazing.”

  She smiled. “I try my best.” They were staring at each other, just about to kiss once again, when Peony’s cell phone rang.

  “Shit!” she exclaimed, rummaging in her pocket. “That’s Poppy.” She read the text message and cursed. “The rehearsal dinner’s starting in twenty minutes,” she said. “We’d better be there or our ass is grass!”

  It was clear that Poppy was feeling no pain by the time Peony and Hunter arrived. She seemed to have completely recovered from her horseback riding accident and has appointed herself the emcee of the evening’s festivities.

  “Champagne toast!” Poppy announced, raising her glass. “Let’s drink to Petunia and Seth having a very happy life together.” She shot a drunken glance at her sister, and a mischievous drunken giggle escaped her lips. “With lots and lots of babies! Cowboy babies!”

  Everyone laughed, and Mama Rosa stepped up, smoothing over the moment and stopping her daughter from making any more proclamations. “Okay, everyone, champagne toast!” She waved a hand, deploying a handful of her grandchildren through the room, bottles in hand, to fill everyone’s glass.

  When the young man reached Peony’s spot, she shielded her glass with her hand, and said, “No thanks, darling. I’m good.”

  Poppy saw this. “You don’t want any champagne?” she demanded. “What’s the matter with you? You love champagne.”

  “I’m good,” Peony repeated. She raised her flute, giving her sister a good view of the more-than-half-full glass. “See?”

  “That ain’t champagne,” Poppy said. “Drink that up, so we can fill your glass proper for the toast.”

  “Poppy, leave it be,” Peony said.

  “Leave what be?” Poppy demanded. “Your sister’s getting married. That’s something you celebrate unless…” the drunk woman’s eyes narrowed as she thought, and then popped wide open. “Oh my God!” she shrieked. “You’re pregnant!”

  The room went silent. Hunter could feel the eyes of every member of his family staring at Peony. Her family was pretty wide-eyed too, but it was his family’s reaction that worried him the most. He wanted them to love her as much as he already did, and a scene like this wasn’t the way to make that happen.

  He stood up and put his hand on Peony’s shoulder. “We do have some news to share with all y’all, but tonight is Seth’s night. And of course, Petunia’s.” Hunter raised his glass and looked Mama Rosa right in the eye. “To True Love!”

  Mama Rosa raised her glass and echoed the cry. Hunter could hear his own mother joining in the toast. Someone started tapping their silverware against the glass, loudly clamoring for a kiss. Hunter took advantage of the moment to ask Peony, “Do you want to get out of here?”

  In one smooth, decided motion, Peony pushed her chair back and stood up. “Do I?” Her fingers slid smoothly into his own, and she started walking toward the door. “Let’s go, Cowboy.”

  They were out of the room and safely in the cab of Hunter’s pickup before anyone knew they were gone. Peony slid all the way over so she was close against Hunter’s side. He draped one arm around her shoulders, squeezing her gently as he drove.

  “My sister is an idiot!” Peony proclaimed. “Why that girl just can’t keep her big mouth shut, I just don’t know.” She closed her eyes. “I wasn’t ready for my family to know about any of this.”

  “She’d had quite a bit to drink…” Hunter began.

  “She’s always had quite a bit to drink,” Peony laughed, bitterly. “That damn woman’s an alcoholic. She’s drinking a
ll the time. You’ll see.” She turned her head up to look at Hunter. “And you. The way you said that.” She patted her stomach. “Everybody in that room is going to think this is your baby!”

  “If we’re together, Peony,” Hunter said, keeping his eyes carefully facing forward and speaking slowly,” boyfriend and girlfriend, or if you want, husband and wife, that is my baby in there, through and through, one hundred percent.”

  Peony, who had caught her breath when Hunter said “wife”, exhaled slowly. “Did you just ask me to marry you?”

  Hunter smiled. “Not the way I should have, probably, but yeah.” He squeezed Peony’s shoulders. “If you let me, I’ll ask you again later.”

  “You know this child is not going to look like you,” Peony said. She rubbed her hands over her stomach. “Not at all. Not even a little bit.”

  “Tell me this,” Hunter said. They’d reached the ranch house; he put the truck in park and shut it off. “Do I look like my father? At all? Even a little bit?”

  Peony studied his visage intently. He could feel her studying gaze, taking in the curves of his forehead and the way his eyebrows angled over his eyes. She studied his nose and the way that he smiled and for a very long while, his chin. “No, “she finally pronounced. “You look like your mother.”

  “So will our little one,” Hunter said. “That’s how these things go.”

  “People will talk,” Peony said. She rolled her eyes. “Poppy will be impossible.”

  Hunter opened the truck door, slid out and held up his hand to help Peony down. “So what?” he asked. “I don’t care what anyone says. I know what’s true.”

  Peony slid down into Hunter’s waiting arms. “Tell me what’s true, Cowboy?”

  He kissed her first, slow and sexy. “It’s true that you’re beautiful.” He let his hands slide down over her curves, a slow journey that stopped at Peony’s generous hips. “Every inch of you.”

  She kissed him back and smiled. “What else is true?”

  Hunter grew serious. The energy between them changed as they stood, arm in arm, face to face, and Hunter looked Peony right in the eye. “It’s true I’ll do my best for you. In every way I can, I’m going to treat you right.”


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