Wickedly Ever After: Halloween Hijinks (Paranormal in Manhattan Mystery: A Cozy Mystery on Kindle Unlimited Book 8)

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Wickedly Ever After: Halloween Hijinks (Paranormal in Manhattan Mystery: A Cozy Mystery on Kindle Unlimited Book 8) Page 9

by Lotta Smith

  But there was something more bizarre about the scene.

  Indeed, Nikki and Johnny weren’t alone. They were surrounded by Clara and others, and all of them were ghosts. I squinted and counted them. There were a dozen ghosts, and all of them were old except for Clara. I had a hunch they were the source of the insanity I’d felt previously.

  “Hi, Mandy!” One of the elderly ghosts waved at me, prompting me to suck in air. It was the late Giselle McCambridge, whose murder Rick and I had investigated a few years ago.

  “Madame Giselle, what are you doing here?” I asked in a stage whisper.

  “What am I doing here? Of course, I’m here to help Clara help Fynn’s wife,” she said, holding her chin high as always. “If you haven’t noticed, our tombs are located very close to Clara’s and the pond where Fynn has been entrapped. Anyway, our Halloween trip to this side of the world has been shaky due to Fynn’s murder and his weeping. Just because we’ve moved on to a better place doesn’t mean we can’t come back to this side of the world during Halloween and the holiday season. So I’m ready to kick that man really hard in the oompa-loompa!”

  I had no choice but to give her a small smile as my ghostly acquaintance pumped her fists.

  “Oh, by the way, I heard you and Rick have finally tied the knot. Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!” she said excitedly.

  “Madame Giselle, could you possibly focus on helping Nikki for now?” Clara reminded her, gaining our attention. “We have Halloween and all holiday season to catch up with each other, remember?”

  “Oh, of course. Focusing on the priority is rule number one for running a successful business.” Giselle clapped her hands. She turned back to Johnny holding Nikki at gunpoint and began to preach to him in her commanding tone. “Drop the gun and get down on your knees, you idiot! What kind of a sissy man does this to a defenseless woman? Stop being such a moron! Shame on you!”

  Jackie and I looked at each other, rolling our eyes. Giselle McCambridge used to be the queen bee of Upper East Side’s poshest society when she was alive, and now she was dead and cussing Johnny as if she had morphed into some sort of bureaucrat roaming D.C. They say life is full of surprises, and I couldn’t agree more. I was secretly bracing myself for more swear words to come, such as the one starting with an F, but before her rant got more colorful, a relatively younger guy who seemed to have come straight from a Paris runway started yelling.

  “You know what? We all know you murdered Fynn!” He shook his fists above his head. I knew I had never met him, but he looked somewhat familiar to me.

  “He’s Gianni,” Clara told me. “You should’ve seen him in the news. What a tragedy that he had to suffer such a brutal demise at the young age of fifty-one. Apparently that new boyfriend of his was bad news. I can still remember the day the news of his murder came out.”

  “What were you doing?” Jackie asked curiously.

  “It was in mid-July, and I was convincing Rick that the summer camp he was heading for was so much fun, and he actually enjoyed it.” She closed her eyes longingly. “Except he had to leave early due to dismissal.”

  “Was he kicked out of camp?” Jackie asked eagerly. “What did he do?”

  “It was just a trivial misunderstanding. He went missing for a short period of time, and then he was caught kissing a local girl in her parents’ living room. The camp counselors thought he staged his own kidnapping to participate in an inappropriate relationship with a local girl. But in my opinion, that was just an unfortunate misunderstanding. He was the kissee and not the kisser. Anyway, he was sent home. Ah, memories…”

  I rolled my eyes. I had a hunch Rick wasn’t an innocent victim. Considering the track record of his dating habits before—look at Page Six for the reference—and the fact that he kissed me just out of the blue on day one of my working with him, I didn’t believe her.

  Meanwhile, the ghosts were doing their best to stop Johnny from committing more crimes, mostly by talking sense and yelling at him. Some of the mightier ones dared to use force by attempting to punch and kick him. However, due to their nonphysical status, their ghostly arms and legs just went through Johnny.

  “Madame Giselle, why don’t you throw some objects at him, like the time you tried to crack my head with a flying vase?” I whispered.

  “I know! I’m trying.” Frowning, she groaned for a few seconds, but then she shook her head. “Oh my goodness. It looks like I’ve lost my mojo after spending a few years in a better place. When I met you for the first time, I wasn’t aware of my life status, or lack of it, and I was able to throw objects and make a huge mess of my home.”

  “It’s okay, darling.” A gentleman in an elegantly-tailored suit popped up from out of nowhere. He was the late Mr. McCambridge, Giselle’s husband. “The lack of your strong power is good news, because it means the anger you’d previously had inside you has dissolved into nothing. Anyway, thank goodness I’ve finally found you! Who could’ve imagined you’d be in the middle of… what are they doing? Are they shooting a TV show or something?” He furrowed his eyebrows as he took in the surreal scene in front of us.

  Nikki and Johnny were motionless, as if time had stopped moving in their world. Nikki was on her knees, her head bent down and her shoulders slumped like she had lost all her faith in everything.

  She was the one who broke the silence. “Are you serious? Did you really think you’d get to marry me… if you killed Fynn?” Her voice was low, throaty, and so painful. “Did it ever occur to you that it was a stupid idea?”

  “No, it didn’t,” Johnny replied. His tanned face was devoid of any expression, but his eyes were gleaming as if he was on drugs, or completely insane. “I’m serious.”

  Nikki looked up at him. She stared into his eyes for a while, but his face failed to show any emotions. Finally she shook her head and looked away from the man who killed her husband.

  “Fynn was such a pain in the ass. He had everything I didn’t— you, a beautiful child, caring parents, and gentle personality everyone loved. Even the general manager here was smitten by him, always saying things like, ‘Fynn is such an asset here as he brightens everyone up.’” Johnny pointed at the car dealership with the tip of his jaw. Then he wrinkled his forehead and spat, “So I decided to take everything from him.”

  “It’s not like Fynn did something to hurt you! How could you?”

  “He didn’t do anything to hurt me? Hello? Are you kidding me? Just his mere presence annoyed the shit out of me! No, annoyed is an understatement. Traumatized is more like it. So we were working on the same task, and our superiors used to say nice things about his mediocre work while my better work was treated like a piece of shit, and they told me to work harder to make it even better and even more pristine! When he made a mistake, everyone tried to cheer him up, saying nice things like ‘You learn from your mistakes. That’s what counts,’ and I was scolded. When he looked sad, they were so worried about him, asking him what had happened, and when I’m sad, people are like, ‘Stop looking so sullen,’ and that’s it. Does that seem fair? No, I don’t think so.”

  As Johnny went on with his rant, beads of sweat trickled down from his face to his chin and then onto the ground.

  “Who said life is fair?” Nikki shot back. “Everything you said is none of Fynn’s fault! You were just a jealous thug!”

  “Everything is his fault!” Johnny screamed. “Since childhood, I’ve been compared to him, and he’s been using me. Be it directly or indirectly, he’s taken advantage of me throughout all those years! If only he didn’t exist, I could’ve had a better life!”

  “Excuse me? You’ve been hanging around with Fynn when you had such an ugly grudge against him all the time?” Nikki’s face contorted as if she was suddenly struck by a terrible pain.

  “I came up with a plan to kill him when I learned that he purchased a life insurance policy two years ago. I’d kill him off and marry you. For the past two years, all I could think about was how to end him, and that
was the best time of my life.”

  “What? How were you plotting your crime for… so long?” Nikki’s jaw dropped.

  “It was so hilarious to see Fynn talk about the future, like Jennie growing up and getting married to some guy, and him crying his eyes out from joy and slight jealousy, and his plan to buy a home. I knew he didn’t have a long future, because he was soon to be murdered. What a loser!” Johnny let out a vulgar cackle.

  “Johnny…” Taking a deep breath, Nikki spat, “You are so sick!”

  “Maybe… maybe not.” Johnny’s eyebrows made a slight twitch, but otherwise, he was still expressionless. “You have two options: marry me or die here. Pick your poison.”

  His knuckles turned white as he gripped the gun tighter, directed at Nikki’s head.

  “Stop it!” I shrieked. I was going to yell, “Drop the gun and get down on your knees! Put your hands where I can see them!” like the badass cops and agents from various cop shows, but when Johnny’s bloodshot eyes met mine, I realized it wasn’t such a good idea after all. First of all, I was basically on my own. Okay, so I had an army of headstrong ghosts in my alley, but the maniacal killer couldn’t see them. Also, he had a gun and I didn’t. I had my purse, which contained a wallet, handkerchief, a packet of tissues, lipstick, hand sanitizer, and a little pot of Vaseline.

  I froze, thinking how cool it would be if only I could manipulate the time flow…


  “Ah…” Nikki opened her lips, producing a hoarse noise that meant nothing and everything. With her eyes wide open, she extended her arms toward me. She opened her lips again, apparently trying to say something, but her voice couldn’t make a word out of it.

  “Who the hell are you?” Johnny glared at me. His eyes glittered with some horrendously strong emotions.

  “I’m Amanda Rowling, and I’m here to help Nikki,” I declared, hoping to seem strong and confident so he’d think twice about murdering her.

  “How?” He furrowed his eyebrows.

  “I’m not going to tell you,” I said defiantly. “What kind of a moron blurts her plan to the psychotic killer she’s just encountered?”

  “That’s a good point,” Jackie and Clara said in unison, but I wasn’t sure if they were right.

  “Whatever.” Johnny shrugged. “Nothing really matters. I’m gonna kill both of you here.” He gave me a horrific smile and grabbed Nikki toward him. His index finger reached for the trigger, and…

  Call me chicken, but I braced myself for the sound of a gunshot. To be honest, I ducked inside the alley. When you’re confronting a maniac with a gun, you feel waaay safer to stay sandwiched between two walls. Oh, by the way, did I mention I was unarmed?

  “That’s not good! Everyone, let’s focus our power to stop him from pulling the trigger!” Clara commanded, and the ghosts glared at Johnny’s hand simultaneously. Some of them had their hands clasped in front of them, and others directed their palms at him. From the outside, they were acting like a bunch of kids trying to bend a spoon without touching it, but none of the kids in my neighborhood managed to actually do it. Assuming from the track record of their inability to touch him, I didn’t have high hopes, but they were serious.

  And indeed, as I looked from the narrow pathway, they seemed to be winning, and winning, and winning.

  “What the…?” Johnny wrinkled his forehead. I could see he had every intention of pulling the trigger and shooting Nikki. A number of blood vessels bulged in his right forearm, but his index finger was fully extended and locked in that position. It was so true that people’s will and determination mattered. Apparently, the army of mostly geriatric ghosts was successfully taking his right hand into custody.

  My jaw dropped. It was both shocking and amazing how dead people were able to intervene with living people. Their super power was so extraordinary.

  At the same time, I was undetermined about my next move. If I were Gibbs from NCIS, or Rick, I’d definitely have kicked Johnny really hard in the nuts and then beaten the crap out of him. But I wasn’t Gibbs, and I wasn’t Rick. I was no expert in combat or firearms, and to be honest, guns scared the wits out of me.

  Besides, if I interfered at the wrong time, I might break their power equilibrium and let Johnny’s locked finger loose. And if his finger was freed, he might pull the trigger and the gun might go off.

  “Mandy, why don’t you stop standing here doing nothing like a scarecrow?” Clara called for my attention. “Our concentration is not going to last that long, so you have to do something!”

  “Okay.” I nodded, took a deep breath, and slapped both of my cheeks. I had to make up my mind, and I thought some physical stimulation would be good to improve my concentration. Gosh, I desperately needed to concentrate. As they say, there’s a first time for everything. Attempting to wrestle a murderer ready to kill another victim was definitely a first for me. I pumped my fists to gather what little courage I had inside me, muttering, “Yes, I can. Yes, I can…”

  When I inhaled and exhaled for the umpteenth time, I heard not just a gunshot but more…

  Bang! Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

  Then came the scream of a cat.

  My jaw dropped to the ground. Many thoughts crossed my mind, but the most striking one was that I had just let Nikki die because of my stagnation. Oh my God! She had a child… How can I face Jennie after I let her mom die? And on top of it all, how can I look Fynn in the eye and tell him that I failed?

  I thought, thought, and thought, but I didn’t have an answer.

  “Oh my God! Oh my God! OhmyGod!” Jackie screamed by my side. “Mandy, you’ve got to see this!”

  “No, I can’t!” I wailed, covering my face with both hands. “You heard the gunshots… I wasn’t able to save Nikki… I’m such a big failure!”

  Then I caught Johnny groaning, followed by Nikki’s voice. “Thank you so much for saving me!” she exclaimed.

  For someone who had multiple gunshot wounds, she sounded so… what was the word… strong? And healthy, even.

  I uncovered my face and peeked into the parking lot. Johnny was lying on the asphalt, groaning and bleeding from one of his shoulders and both legs. Mr. Bubbles was furiously clawing him.

  Nikki was apparently shaken but standing on her own legs. She took a deep breath, and then she started yelling at him. “You ugly son of a bitch! Rotten roach! Rot in hell and diiiiie!”

  “Atta girl!” Clara whistled as Nikki took off her pumps, grasped them in her hands, and started hitting Johnny in the head.

  “You know what’s driving me crazy?” she said, smacking him and stabbing him with the heels of her shoes. “I can list a gazillion terrible things about you, but the worst part was that Fynn and I thought you were a friend!”

  “Stop it… please…” Johnny gasped, but Nikki was on a roll.

  “We were such idiots! Fynn was a total moron… and I was the stupidest airhead in the world!” Nikki was furious, but at the same time, she was sobbing.

  By her side was a slender woman with creamy chocolate skin and big rainbow hair. She was holding a .44 Magnum in one hand and picking up Johnny’s gun from the ground.

  Surrounding the two women, the merry ghosts from the cemetery were cheering and catcalling.

  “You know what, young lady? You should’ve starred in Wonder Woman!” Giselle declared.

  “That’s so true!” Gianni chimed in, bouncing. “Oh my God, if only I was still alive. I’d definitely have designed costumes for that movie, and I would’ve totally demanded to cast you as the star of the show!”

  “Letty!” I shrieked, coming out of hiding and running toward her.

  “Hi there, Mandy.” Letty raised her hand.

  “Thank you so much for… everything!” I said breathlessly. “I never expected you to be our superhero!”

  “Oh, that’s nothing. After dropping you off, I decided I could use a nice juicy burger and fries from this little mom-and-pop joint, so I was heading there. Then I saw him about
to execute that lady.” She shrugged and then glanced at Johnny on the ground. “No offense, but I guess I’ve just shot your cheating hubby. I’m not very eager to say I’m so—”

  “Letty, there’s something I have to tell you. First of all, my husband isn’t cheating on me. Secondly, this loser bleeding like hell is not my husband, so don’t be sorry. I’m proud of you, and you have to be even prouder of yourself.”

  “She’s damn right.” Putting her shoes back on and kicking Johnny to make sure he couldn’t get up, Nikki agreed. “No one marries such a loser!”

  “Oh… I see.” Letty curled her lips into a lopsided grin. “That’s good to hear.”

  “Thank you so much, Letty!” I glanced at my hands and realized I was shaking nonstop like a junkie. “You know… I didn’t know you had a gun.”

  “Seriously?” She raised an eyebrow. “When you’re a defenseless woman like me and driving a cab in the city, you have to take some precaution.”

  “Oh… I see.” I nodded again and again—not that I was very much convinced by her words, as it sounded slightly inappropriate to describe the mighty cab driver as “defenseless.” Then again, as they say, “Never offend a person with not one but two deadly weapons,” I offered a polite smile and nodded again. “Thank God I took your cab! You know what? I’ve never been so glad and happy about a cab ride!”

  “Fuckin’ A.” Flashing a wide grin, she winked. Then she glanced at the bleeding Johnny. “Hey, will you please tell the cops that it was self-defense, a rescue, or whatever shit on my part to shoot him?”

  “Of course. Of course! You did the right thing. Actually, I’ve never seen a more righteous action in my life!” I said.

  “Mandy, you need to breathe more slowly,” Jackie warned me, “or else you’re gonna start hyperventilating. It’ll be messy if you faint here, you know. This place is so dirty, and you don’t want to get stuck in a lowly murderer’s blood, do you?”

  She had a point, so I tried to calm down. I thought about dialing 911, but I caught the sirens of the squad cars approaching.


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