Hot Corner (Baseball Romance)

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Hot Corner (Baseball Romance) Page 2

by Chase, PJ

  Isabel sleepwalked through the next couple of years, not sure what to make of her life or how to rebuild. Then one day, Isabel just picked up and left. But now she was back and looking happy. It was great to see Isabel again, but even better to see her with a smile on her face. Audrey was curious to see how Isabel was able to bounce back only three years after her husbands death.

  "Yeah, you deserve to be happy," Audrey said.

  "We all deserve to be happy. No one should have to go through life miserable," Isabel replied.

  "Amen to that," Audrey said.

  "I just wish I'd taken my own advice sooner," Isabel replied.

  "Speaking of, where have you been all this time? I haven't seen you in ages," Audrey said.

  "I took a vacation to Hawaii that lasted a little longer than I anticipated," Isabel replied.

  "So that's where you've been all this time," Audrey said.

  "Yeah, all the way up until a few months ago," Isabel said.

  "That must have been one hell of a vacation," Audrey joked.

  "It sure was. I went there a widow and came back a wife," Isabel replied.

  Audrey's eyes opened as wide as saucers. "Damn."

  "What can I tell you? I found a man that I couldn't say no to, so when he asked me to marry him, I said yes," Isabel explained.

  "Wow. That's amazing," Audrey said.

  "So is Joshua. Not only is he totally hunky, but he's also as sweet as can be," Isabel explained.

  "He sounds incredible," Audrey said.

  "All the guys in Hawaii are. The men are different there. They really get what's important in life. Not to mention so many of them are total hunks because they surf everyday," Isabel replied.

  "That does sound like paradise," Audrey admitted.

  "Have you ever been to Hawaii?" Isabel asked.

  "Nope," Audrey said.

  "You don't know what you're missing out on," Isabel replied.

  "Maybe I don't," Audrey said. "But look, if it's such paradise, then what are you and your husband doing back here?"

  "My mom just had a hip replacement," Isabel revealed.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry," Audrey said.

  "Look, she's going to be fine. She just needed some help while she's on the mend. Joshua and I should be heading back to Hawaii soon," Isabel replied.

  "You're a lucky woman," Audrey said.

  "Well, if you're ever in Hawaii, let me know. I know tons of hunky single surfers I could introduce you to," Isabel replied.

  "Don't tempt me," Audrey said.

  "No, I'll leave that to the guys. Now if you'll excuse me, it's been great running into you, but I have to go see my mom in the hospital," Isabel replied.


  Isabel sure managed to open Audrey's eyes in a hurry. Vacations were hard to come by though--especially to Hawaii. There always seemed to be so much work to do at the ballpark. Not to mention Hawaii was about as far away from Florida as could be. Still, hunky surfer guys were a hard thing to resist.

  Still, after Audrey's conversation with Isabel, the idea of escaping seemed intriguing. After all, if it could work for Isabel, it could work for anyone. Isabel had fallen on the kind of hard times that Audrey couldn't even imagine. To have lost her husband at such a young age of nineteen was just unfathomable. Hell, Isabel was still young. But to be able to recover from such a loss was a feat in itself. Yet there Isabel was, happier than Audrey.

  Chapter Five

  As much as Audrey wanted to fantasize about hunky surfers all day, she had to go back to work. But as she made her way into the break room at the ballpark, she found something incredible on the table. It was a book. But not just any novel. It was a romance novel set in Hawaii with a hunky surfer right on the cover.

  Audrey couldn't believe her luck. It seemed almost like fate. What were the odds that she'd randomly run into an old friend from high school that told her about hunky surfers in Hawaii, only to have Audrey come across the first Hawaiian romance novel she'd ever seen in her break room. Audrey had to read it. She couldn't just let a coincidence like that pass her by. So Audrey picked up the book. But just as she did, Tatum Miller entered the break room.

  "There it is," Tatum said.

  "There what is?" Audrey asked.

  "My book. I thought I'd lost it," Tatum said.

  "Oh, so this is yours," Audrey asked.

  "It sure is. And damn is it hot," Tatum said.

  Audrey smiled. "Oh yeah?"

  "Audrey, you don't even know. When you read this, you'll never look at surfers the same again," Tatum said.

  "It's that good, huh?" Audrey asked.

  "Are you kidding? It makes me want to hop on a plane to Hawaii," Tatum said.

  "Can I borrow this?" Audrey wondered.

  "Not until I'm done with it. I need to know how it ends," Tatum said.

  That was the kind of ringing endorsement that Audrey didn't hear often. Audrey didn't want to wait a couple of days until Tatum was done with the book though. She wanted to read what all the fuss was about now. So after work, Audrey headed out to the bookstore and picked up her own copy. And Audrey wasn't disappointed.

  Audrey didn't usually read a lot of romance novels, but this one was different. That night, she found herself devouring the book. The whole while, Audrey almost couldn't believe what she was reading--and not just because of the tropical setting. The story was so wonderful. The book was about a heartbroken girl from the South that moves down to Hawaii to start over. Once down there, the girl meets a hunky surfer that captures her heart and makes her believe in love again.

  Audrey couldn't help but be swept up in the story. Then again, who didn't love a good love story? Audrey wished that her own life would follow that same path. It seemed that her friend Isabel's life had already beaten her to it though. The similarities in the fictional story and Isabel's real life were absolutely striking. It was as if Isabel was living a romance novel life, albeit with a happily ever after ending that was long overdue. If Isabel was able to pull it off, anyone could though. And Audrey was all too ready for her turn.

  Maybe Audrey wouldn't have to wait much longer though. See, because Audrey was a firm believer that things happened for a reason. And what were the odds that she'd just get done talking to an old friend about Hawaii only to return to work and see a book about that very subject? Sure coincidences happened, but this seemed like more. As if something greater was at play. Audrey had been looking for her luck to change. Maybe this was the universe's way of nudging her in a new direction. Maybe Audrey was meant to follow in Isabel's footsteps. What if a fairy tale life was waiting for Audrey in Hawaii? Audrey didn't know what the universe had in store for her, but she was excited to find out.


  "I want to hear more about Hawaii," Audrey said.

  It was one thing to read about it in books. It was another to talk to someone that had actually been there in person. And there was only person in town Audrey knew that fit that bill--Isabel. So Audrey brought her curious mind to Isabel's house.

  "Uh oh. I think I've created a monster," Isabel joked.

  "Well at least you take credit for it," Audrey joked.

  "I guess there are worse things I could be responsible for," Isabel said.

  "To be fair, you're not totally responsible. I just finished reading this book that takes place in Hawaii that was just amazing," Audrey explained.

  Isabel smiled. "Let me guess--it was called 'Luau Love.'"

  Audrey furrowed her brow. "Yeah. How did you know that?"

  "Are you kidding? You don't forget a book like that," Isabel replied.

  "So you've read it too then, huh?" Audrey asked.

  "I've practically memorized the thing," Isabel said.

  Audrey's curiosity was suddenly off the charts. "Is Hawaii really like that?"

  "If you have the right guy," Isabel replied, nodding slightly.

  "Are you saying I can live the kind of life that's in the book?" Audrey asked.

  "I'll just say t
hat with the right guy, any place can seem like paradise," Isabel answered. "But when you're in paradise and you also have the right guy by your side, life can't get any better."

  "Well my life could definitely be better if I could ever get around to finding that right guy," Audrey said.

  "The thing is, there's plenty of fun to be had in Hawaii even without a guy in your life. Why do you think so many people go there on vacations?" Isabel asked.

  "And honeymoons," Audrey said.

  "And once you're there, you never know what could happen," Isabel hinted.

  "Don't give my mind the room to roam. My imagination loves nothing more than to run wild," Audrey insisted.

  "Take me for example. I didn't go to Hawaii looking to find a man. I just wanted to escape everyday life. But life had other plans for me," Isabel said.

  "Life has a way of throwing plenty of curveballs I've found," Audrey commented.

  "Tell me about it. But happiness is never too far out of arms reach. Sometimes you just have to stretch a little more than you expected is all," Isabel said.

  "After all you've been through, it makes me feel really happy hearing those words come out of your mouth," Audrey replied.

  "It may not be that long before those words come out of your mouth too," Isabel said.

  Audrey was confused. "What do you mean?"

  "Joshua has a single friend back in Hawaii that I think you'd just go crazy for," Isabel revealed.

  "And let me guess, he's a surfer," Audrey said.

  "He sure is. I think you two would really hit it off. He's hunky as hell, not to mention sweet as can be. He's actually looking to join the pro surfer tour next year," Isabel explained.

  "He sounds great," Audrey said.

  "Why don't you find out how great for yourself? I'll give you info. You can e-mail him or something," Isabel replied.

  Audrey tensed up. Her eyes were wide as ever. It was information overload, and Audrey was having trouble processing it all.

  "What's the matter? Too much of a curveball for you?" Isabel asked.

  "No, it's just that before now going to Hawaii was just some crazy idea in my head. But now it's dawning on me that this could actually work. That my fantasy has a chance of becoming a reality," Audrey explained.

  "The question is, are you ready to take the risk not knowing if there will be a reward waiting for you?" Isabel asked.

  Chapter Six

  It was safe to say that Audrey had always been a dreamer. But as the weeks went by, her head seemed as if her head would never leave the clouds. Whereas at one time going to Hawaii only seemed like an escapist fantasy, Audrey was now entertaining it as a real possibility. The faraway look in Audrey's eyes did not go unnoticed however. So one night Elizabeth visited her sister in her room as Audrey stared out the window.

  "What's going on with you?" Elizabeth asked. "You seem like you're a thousand miles away lately."

  Audrey was startled at first. She hadn't even noticed her sister entering her room. Audrey tried to deflect.

  "Like you should talk," Audrey replied.

  Elizabeth wasn't going to be thrown off the scent though. "Exactly. So if I was able to pick up on it, that should tell you something. Now what's going on?"

  Audrey could continue to dance around the issue, but she knew it would do no good. Instead she decided to let her thoughts out. But not without one caveat.

  "Alright, just promise you won't tell mom," Audrey said.

  "Woo, this should be good," Elizabeth replied.

  Audrey then took a deep breath before beginning.

  "What do you think of Hawaii?" Audrey asked.

  "I don't," Elizabeth initially blurted out. But then confusion came to her face. "Wait--Hawaii? Where did that come from?"

  "Did you know that there's a bunch of single hunky surfers there?" Audrey asked.

  "I do. I mean, that's kind of what they're known for--you know, among other things," Elizabeth joked.

  "Yeah. I'm so jealous," Audrey replied, sarcastically. "I mean the place is truly paradise."

  Elizabeth stared into her sister's eyes. She knew that look.

  "Wait a minute. Are you thinking of going to Hawaii?" Elizabeth asked.

  "I've been doing a lot of thinking about it actually. The question is, what do you think of the idea?" Audrey asked.

  "You know how far it is from Florida right?" Elizabeth joked.

  "Of course I do. But moving there really worked out well for Isabel, so maybe it could work out well for me too. What do you think?" Audrey asked.

  "I think mom's head might explode if she hears about this," Elizabeth replied.

  "Oh come on. You went all the way to New York City for college," Audrey argued.

  "And you saw how that took a toll on her. Tell me she wasn't pulling her hair out the entire time I was gone," Elizabeth said.

  Audrey got quiet in a hurry. Her mom sure was. Audrey had to constantly hear her mother complaining about why Elizabeth couldn't have found a school closer than New York. Especially since Audrey had gone to school down the street at Gator University.

  Audrey deflected. "Forget about mom for a minute and think about what an opportunity this could be for me."

  "I know you've thought about the potential rewards, but have you really thought of the risks involved with this? I mean what if you went all the way there and it wasn't what you expected it to be?" Elizabeth asked.

  "I can always come back. A lot of people vacation there. I could just think of it as an extended vacation," Audrey said.

  "Could you really? Because Hawaii is a long way to go to come back with your tail between your legs. Especially if you've picked up your whole life to move there," Elizabeth reasoned.

  "Look, you don't know that this will fail," Audrey said.

  "True, but you don't know that this will succeed either," Elizabeth replied. "What's your heart telling you?

  "That it's tired of hurting," Audrey said.

  "Desperation can be a dangerous thing," Elizabeth cautioned.

  "This isn't just a shot in the dark though. Isabel told me she knows a single surfer dude that could be perfect for me," Audrey explained.

  "Why don't you e-mail him with a picture of yourself then and see if he even responds? That way you'll know where you stand," Elizabeth said.

  "With him at least. But even if this guy isn't right for me, there's no telling that there wouldn't be another man that could be just as good," Audrey replied.

  "You could say the same thing about a mystery guy here though," Elizabeth said.

  "True, but at least in Hawaii I could be at the beach waiting for fate to find me," Audrey replied.

  "Look, in the end it's your decision. But it sounds like you have a lot more thinking to do before you make it," Elizabeth insisted.


  Audrey had plenty of strong opinions in casual conversation. But when it came to putting her heart on the line, she was far more timid. Despite her optimism, her heart had been through too much to do something as brash as just pick up her whole life and go to Hawaii without agonizing over every detail first. And apparently there were still details to wrestle with. Not to mention Elizabeth had dampened Audrey's enthusiasm.

  So to hedge her bets, Audrey decided to take baby steps in her fascination with Hawaiian life. Audrey sat down and typed out an e-mail to the single man that Isabel knew in Hawaii. She wrote a nice little introduction, then attached a photo of herself and hoped for the best. After hitting send though, all Audrey could do was wait.


  A month went by with no response. Audrey couldn't believe it. So much for Mr. Right wearing board shorts. Suddenly Audrey felt better that she didn't let herself get too worked up, only to be let down. Still, not hearing even a peep back was added insult to the injury of her lack of love life.

  Audrey could feel the wind being sucked out of her sails. Sure she could still pick up and move to Hawaii. She could still bask in the sun on the beach looking to come acros
s a hunky surfer that was into her. But there was also a big question mark associated with making such a bold move too. The fairy tale fantasy in Audrey's mind was having to go through some serious revisions.

  Chapter Seven

  While Audrey continued to tread water with no land in sight, luck had decided to smile on her sister again. Elizabeth entered Audrey's room looking like she was walking on air. And she had an absolute bombshell to drop.

  "I'm engaged," Elizabeth revealed.

  Audrey was taken completely by surprise. "What?"

  "I know, right? It's hard to believe, but it's true," Elizabeth said.

  Audrey's eyes opened wide. "Wow. Well, congratulations."

  "I can't believe it. I'm actually going to be married. It's finally going to happen," Elizabeth explained.

  "How did he propose?" Audrey asked.

  Elizabeth looked off with a sparkle in her eyes. "He took me on a sunset walk on the beach. There was this amazing view of the sunset glistening on the water. Almost as if the universe knew John was going to propose ahead of time and decided to give him the perfect backdrop."

  "It sounds beautiful," Audrey said.

  "Oh, we're just getting started. So as I'm completely transfixed by this jaw dropping scenery in front of me, John meanwhile can't take his eyes off of me. So I ask him what's on his mind. He says, the future. How he wants it to be with me. How he wants to build a life together. How he couldn't imagine a better person to give his heart to. How he wants me to not just be his other half, but his better half," Elizabeth explained.

  "It's a shame he doesn't know how to sweep a woman off of her feet," Audrey joked.

  "I know, right? But he's not done. Just as I'm turning into putty in his hands, he smiles wide and pops the question," Elizabeth replied.

  "It's like something out of a fairy tale," Audrey said.


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