Hot Corner (Baseball Romance)

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Hot Corner (Baseball Romance) Page 5

by Chase, PJ

  "I'm going to go with cheesecake," Peter joked.

  Audrey was not joking though. "I'm being serious here," Audrey said.

  "Really? I didn't know we did that," Peter replied.

  "What can I say? You got me thinking," Audrey said.

  "Alright, well it's simple," Peter replied.

  "Simple? It's the most debated question in human history," Audrey said.

  "True. But to me, the meaning of life comes down to one thing," Peter replied.

  "And what's that?" Audrey asked.

  "Making the world a better place any way you can," Peter said.

  "Wow. That's actually a really good answer," Audrey replied.

  "I can't take credit for it though. My mom has been telling me it nearly since birth," Peter said.

  "She didn't waste any time, huh?" Audrey asked.

  "Well, you only get this one life to prove yourself," Peter reasoned.

  "And are you doing that?" Audrey wondered.

  "I'd like to think so. I help out whenever I can. On off days I try to volunteer in the community. I try to be nice to everyone I meet. But you can't ever be sure if you're doing enough," Peter explained.

  "Yeah. I guess you just have to keep doing what you're doing," Audrey said.

  "How about you?" Peter asked.

  "I think I'm doing alright. But it's like you said, you can't ever be sure if you'd doing enough," Audrey said.

  "I'll bet you're doing just fine," Peter replied.

  "Thanks, but you know that's not your call," Audrey said.

  "Don't I know it," Peter replied.

  Audrey smiled at Peter.

  "I think you're doing just fine," Audrey admitted.

  "Well thanks," Peter said.

  Audrey gazed into Peter's eyes. "You know, I'm glad I've gotten to see this side of you."

  "I know it's probably surprising seeing me do something other than cracking jokes," Peter said.

  "Yeah. But it's the best kind of surprise," Audrey replied. "Do you have any more surprises for me?"

  "I think this is enough for tonight," Peter said.

  "You're probably right," Audrey replied.


  "Wow, look at this view. What did I do to deserve this?" Audrey asked.

  Peter had taken her to an off the beaten path part of Orlando with an amazing view.

  "I guess you could just say you were in the right place at the right time," Peter replied.

  "Somehow I get the feeling that a little more planning went into it than that," Audrey said.

  "You got me," Peter replied.

  "Well I have to say, this is an unforgettable view," Audrey declared.

  "You know, when I was in Hawaii, I saw a lot of great scenery. But given the choice of being there right now, or right here with you, I'd pick here every time," Peter explained.

  "You just get sweeter by the minute, don't you?" Audrey asked.

  "What can I say, I think I'm falling for you," Peter said.

  "You think or you know?" Audrey asked.

  Peter then gazed into Audrey's eyes and gave her a deep kiss.

  "I know," Peter answered.

  Audrey then gave Peter a kiss.

  "I second that," Audrey said.


  "Well, another terrible date," Audrey joked.

  "Talk about a brutal losing streak. Just one bad date after another, huh?" Peter replied, dropping Audrey off at her doorstep.

  "Yeah, we just can't catch a break," Mark said, keeping up the ruse.

  "What do you say we call it a night before it gets even worse?" Peter replied, sarcastically.

  "You know, it's funny. I've never met anyone that can keep up with my jokes before," Audrey admitted.

  "How does it feel to meet your match?" Peter asked.

  Audrey gazed into Peter's eyes.

  "It feels really good actually," Audrey said.

  "In more ways than just jokes too," Peter replied. "I couldn't imagine a better romantic match either."

  "Now you're just buttering me up," Audrey said.

  "I can't help it. When I'm around you, the compliments just fly out," Peter replied.

  "Well far be it for me to change a winning formula then," Audrey said.

  "So, do you have any plans for tomorrow night?" Peter asked.

  "That depends. Are you asking me out again?" Audrey replied.

  "Of course. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend a night than with you," Peter said.

  "I can't see how I can say no to that," Audrey replied.

  "So is that a yes then?" Peter asked.

  Audrey smiled.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Just as Audrey's life seemed to be getting back on track, life threw her another curveball. She returned home the next day with an e-mail waiting for her. But it wasn't just any e-mail--it was from Florida. Audrey knew what that meant. Isabel's single friend from Hawaii had finally written back. That was just the complication Audrey didn't need in her life. A month ago, Audrey would have opened the e-mail without thinking twice. But things had changed since then.

  "Are you just going to stare at it, or are you going to open it?" Elizabeth asked.

  Audrey was not eager to get into that conversation with her sister. But Elizabeth's curiosity wouldn't be denied.

  "Actually, I was just going to ignore it," Audrey said.

  Elizabeth couldn't believe what she'd just heard.

  "Are you serious?" Elizabeth asked.

  "Don't you have wedding preparations to make or something?" Audrey deflected.

  "Really. You're seriously going to try to deflect with me?" Elizabeth asked.

  "Ok fine. I don't see any reason to open it," Audrey admitted.

  "To find out what it says of course," Elizabeth replied.

  "Except that maybe I don't see any benefit in finding out what it says," Audrey revealed.

  "Even if the guy says he's interested in you," Elizabeth wondered.

  "Elizabeth, you know I'm dating Peter now," Audrey replied.

  "I know, but you made this huge deal about Hawaii before. You were talking about moving there even," Elizabeth said.

  "Things change," Audrey replied.

  "Things must be going pretty well with Peter then, huh?" Elizabeth asked.

  Audrey couldn't contain her excitement. "Better than I even imagined."

  "Well, this just got more interesting. Tell me more," Elizabeth said.

  "What do you want to know?" Audrey asked.

  "Everything," Elizabeth said.

  "I'm not sure we have enough time for that. But rest assured that I like Peter enough to put those thoughts of Hawaii behind me," Audrey explained.

  "That's good to hear," Elizabeth said.

  "And it's long overdue," Audrey replied.

  "So you're finally happy then?" Elizabeth asked.

  "Oh yeah. And here's hoping it continues," Audrey said.

  Three Months Later

  Audrey and Peter's relationship didn't lose any steam over the next three months. They had so much in common and found that they could never spend too much time together. Whenever a date ended, they looked forward to the next one. It was the honeymoon phase for sure, and there was plenty of mooning to go around.

  They had the makings of a great relationship. One that could go the distance. It was actually surprising to Audrey how quickly she was falling for Peter. Almost like she was making up for the romance she'd been missing in her life.

  At night before bed, Audrey allowed herself to picture the future. She knew it was still early, but she just couldn't help herself. Being the dreamer that she was, Audrey imagined what their life could be like together. The family they could have. The joy that could be awaiting them. And Audrey couldn't wait to see what the future brought them next.

  The End.

  High Heat

  Chapter One

  Audrey Maxwell had always loved baseball. The crack of the bat. The pop of a fastball hitting the back of a catcher
s mitt. The diving catches. The thrill of seeing a base stolen. And the joy of watching a home run fly over the fence.

  Audrey had grown up at the ballpark. Her father played minor league ball. So when she was younger, every day after school Audrey would join him in the clubhouse. She'd watch batting practice and get to know all the players. For Audrey, it seemed like life couldn't get any better.

  With an upbringing like that, it was no surprise when Audrey sought out a career in baseball when she grew up. But while Audrey's father never discouraged her from taking a job in the front office, he did warn her against mixing business with pleasure when it came to her dating life. Audrey didn't listen. She'd been attracted to ball players ever since her hormones kicked in.

  To be fair, Audrey's father came from a different perspective. He was a career minor leaguer. In ten years, he never made it to the big leagues. That took a big toll on his emotions. His pride took a big hit. And it was exactly that kind of emotional roller coaster that he wanted Audrey to be spared from. Also having been around so many baseball players, Audrey's father also realized what dogs some of them were.

  Audrey was the kind of woman that learned things the hard way though. Especially when it came to love. Audrey was a sucker for a handsome man with big muscles and a great swing--and it ended up costing her. So with her heart on the mend, Audrey tried to resist the thing that she was attracted to the most.

  Peter didn't make it easy. Working in the promotions department at the ballpark, you'd think Audrey would be far enough away from the field to stay out of trouble. But Audrey ended up catching the eye of "Mr. Reliable" in the halls. Peter was not a flashy player. He didn't live and die with the long ball like the power hitters did. Instead, Peter hit for average. He found ways to get on base. To manufacture runs. And come through in the clutch. That's why his teammates nicknamed him Mr. Reliable.

  Peter was also a genuinely nice guy in world where huge ego's ruled. Not to mention handsome as hell. Just watching Peter take batting practice was enough to make Audrey swoon. Looks aside though, Peter wasn't immune to the emotional roller coaster that Audrey's father had warned about. Peter had been hanging around the minors for five years without getting so much as a sniff of the big leagues. And it didn't look like Peter would get called up anytime soon.

  It was one thing to work hard and play hard. It was another thing to be an elite talent. Still, Peter wasn't about to give up on his dream of one day playing pro ball. It was that kind of tenacity that Audrey couldn't get enough of.

  But it was also Peter's tenacity in bed that she love. Peter always took care of Audrey's desire first. He always made sure she came. He took the time to pleasure every inch of her. And he made sure she always went to bed satisfied.

  There was something so raw about the way Peter made love. He transformed when he was between the sheets. It was phenomenal. On the field, Peter was Mr. Reliable, but in bed, he was a homerun hitter. The man sure knew how to go long and deep.

  "Oh God, give it to me just like that," Audrey moaned.

  "Whatever you want, I'm all yours," Peter said.

  "Oh, you know how I want it. And you always give it to me just right," Audrey replied.

  Peter kissed Audrey's neck as she cocked her head back, her mouth hanging open with ecstasy.

  Some women liked to take their time. They wanted a slow burning love. Audrey wasn't like that. She wanted it hard and she wanted it fast.

  Peter gave her everything she wanted every time without fail. He seemed to live to please her. Every moment in bed felt like paradise. And Audrey didn't want it to end.

  "Yeah, you like that?" Peter asked, speeding his thrusting up.

  "I love it," Audrey replied, wrapped up in her desire for Peter. "Just keep going, harder--faster--oh yeah."

  "Don't worry. I'm nowhere near stopping," Peter insisted.

  "Give me every inch," Audrey pleaded. "I want it all."

  "Here you go. It's yours," Peter replied.

  Audrey's passion was unequalled. She couldn't get enough of Peter. But all good things had to come to an end eventually. Fortunately for Audrey, the end was the best part. Peter and Audrey climaxed, bringing a hot end to their time between the sheets. But their passion for each other was still just heating up.


  "Have I told you how sexy you are?" Peter Short asked.

  It was turning into a six month anniversary that Audrey Maxwell would never forget. The sky was lit up with a dazzling array of colors. She was with a wonderful man. And the entire evening was exceeding her expectations. Then again, Audrey's expectations were hardly grand in the first place.

  After all, there was serious heartbreak in Audrey's past. The kind that crippled her emotions. The kind that followed her around. And after such a large fall from grace, Audrey was scared to let anyone in again. She was tired of getting her heart broken. But Peter seemed different. He looked at her like she was the only woman in the world.

  "A woman can never hear that enough," Audrey said.

  "In that case, I can say it again," Peter replied.

  "And here I thought you would have run out of compliments by now," Audrey said.

  "Trust me, there's plenty more compliments to go around," Peter explained.

  "I'd be careful with expectations if I were you. They can really come back to bite you," Audrey remarked.

  Peter smiled at Audrey. "So far so good."

  "Let's hope we can keep it that way," Audrey said.

  But Peter was quick to answer. "I don't think that will be a problem."


  Finally everything seemed to be going right in Audrey's life. But from her past experience, that was usually when things started to go wrong. Maybe Audrey was just nervous though. It was a big day after all. See, while Peter was looking to get promoted from the minors to pro ball, Audrey was looking for a promotion of her own in the front office of the ballpark. And that day she was going to find out if she'd get it.

  Still, given the circumstances Audrey Maxwell never thought the defining moment of her life would come while staring down a taxidermied Alligator head. Then again, she hadn't counted on a boss like Leroy Evans Jr. either.

  Minor league baseball had a penchant for wackiness. As a minor league sport, it was hard to draw fans, so you had to go out of your way to get people to the ballpark. So many of the teams had wacky mascots with over the top personalities, and teams routinely ran out of the box promotions. That kind of quirky, free wheeling attitude bled into the front office too. Even so, Leroy Evans Jr. had an outsized personality no matter the line of work.

  Before getting into baseball, Leroy's family had owned one of the biggest alligator petting zoo's in the state. And the alligator head on the wall nicknamed TJ Scales was the zoo's star attraction. But when the old gator kicked the bucket, Leroy's family didn't have the heart to keep up the old attraction. So Leroy made the effortless transition to wearing alligator-skinned boots in middle management, where Audrey's career ambitions hung on every his word. Now he kept the alligator head on the wall in his office at the ballpark as a memento to his youth. To the rest of the staffers at the ballpark, it was just creepy. But who was going to tell off the head of personnel?

  Alligator heads aside, Audrey's life had been in neutral for a while--waiting for just the right jumpstart. And being called into Leroy Jr.'s office was going to make or break her career prospects with the team. Audrey could barely breathe as she sat across the desk from Leroy and his relentless pen clicking. She stared down the reptilian wall decoration never wishing to see a lame inspirational poster more in her life. But Leroy knew just how to divert Audrey's attention.

  "You didn't get the promotion," Leroy uttered, as cold-blooded as a gator.

  Audrey sprung to attention immediately. "Wait. What?" she asked, hoping she hadn't heard Leroy correctly.

  "We went in a different direction," Leroy explained.

  No. This couldn't be happening. Audrey had spent the last four years work
ing her tail off for the team. She'd come up with countless inventive promotions. And thanks to those promotions, the team was still able to put butts in the seats despite having a below five hundred record last season. Yet somehow she didn't get the promotion? No, it had to be a mistake. Some kind of gross misunderstanding.

  "What direction is that?" Audrey asked, befuddled.

  "Frankie Lancaster got the position," Leroy declared.

  And suddenly everything made sense. Sometimes hard work didn't pay off. At least not when you were competing with the general managers nephew. Of course, Audrey hadn't realized she was fighting a losing battle against nepotism.

  But suddenly Audrey was going to get her marching orders from the biggest slacker the ballpark had ever seen. So naturally Frankie made a perfect misfit for management.

  Audrey was stunned. She wanted to try and counter with all the promotions she'd run. How hard she'd worked. What a great fit she'd be for the position. But all that was a pittance compared to an uncle that wanted his nephew to fail upwards.

  Leroy added insult to injury. "Anyway, I'm sorry Audrey. But keep up the good work. And who knows, you might win a gift card at the company picnic."


  It had been a weird day, even by Florida standards. After all, the Sunshine State was the land of geezers and gators. The armpit of America. A haven for hurricanes and tax evaders. Where elections swayed like palm trees in the wind. Still, even in a state where sanity went to get heat stroke, Audrey never expected to be woken up by the sound of an ostrich throwing up out her window.

  Weirder still, Audrey would later find out that the seven foot tall land bird hadn't escaped from the zoo, rather a washed up basketball players exotic pet collection. It turned out that the ostrich had been roaming the greater Orlando area all morning and had settled on the pool at Audrey's apartment complex as a watering hole. But the chlorine didn't agree with the ostriches stomach.

  African wildlife regurgitating in the pool was bizarre enough, but when you had an aspiring pet psychic for a neighbor, oddity knew no boundaries. Audrey had stared transfixed as Charlene Castleberry stood at the diving board in her polka dot night robe and tried to act as sooth-sayer to the runaway bird.


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