Embracing Us (An Embracing Series)

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Embracing Us (An Embracing Series) Page 8

by Delisa Lynn

  “Alright, I’m calm. Now quit trying to be my damn boss, and find my damn wife and our kids.”

  I know he means well, but I feel like he is bossing me around. Hell, maybe I need it. There’s no greater fear than fearing you’ve lost the woman you love. I can feel my heart rate increasing, and I see Kade talking to a security guy, once we round the corner. I hadn’t seen him in years, and he looks great. The Marines did him well. He is mine and Ashton’s age, he grew up in Texas with our Uncle Marco.

  “Kade, man thanks for getting here so quick.” I say as I pull him in for a quick hug.

  “No problem, man. You look like pure shit, cousin. We’ll find Lila and the kids, so just breathe. I haven’t been able to track her credit cards yet, but I’m having her phone records sent to me now. It’ll just take a few minutes to update.”

  “Thanks again, I owe you man. Anything you need just let me know.”

  “Liam, why don’t you have a sit? Kade and I will talk and figure out what to do.” Ashton says as he points to the benches.

  “Okay, only because I have no patience right now.” I say as I walk over to sit, down and I can feel the tears streaming down my face. My wife is gone and took my babies, no one knows where she is. I call her friend Megan to meet us at the Venue.

  “Hey Liam, I’m sorry I got here as fast as I could. I looked through all the cases he had been working on before her accident and didn’t see anything. She does have her blackberry with her though, she used it about an hour ago. She called a number in Anaheim. Maybe a hotel? Here’s the info.” Megan says as she hands me a piece of paper with a number written on it.

  “Thank you. These are my cousins; Ashton and Kade.”

  “Let’s do this, we have a long trip ahead


  We’re about hundred miles away Anaheim. Liam is sawing logs. I’ve never heard anyone snore as loud as that fucker. I know he’s tired and worried. Hell, I’m just as worried, I have tears stinging my eyes. She has my son, and I know she would never hurt him. I’m glad that we’re able to have Kade help us, he and Megan seem to hit it off. They’re both in the back still trying to contact hotels, the number Lila had called was disconnected. But we tracked her credit card to a family diner in Anaheim. I think she is headed to Disney Land.

  It’s been almost twenty four hours. I just keep replaying everything over in my head. Why would she want a tattoo and why would she run away, especially to take the kids. I know Liam hurt her feelings, but Jesus Christ. That’s no reason to leave. There has to be an explanation for all of this. My phone starts ringing, I don’t even look at the number, I just answer.


  “Ashton, where the hell you at? Where’s my damn brat?”

  “What the hell, Christa? He’s at Sofia’s.” I lie, not wanting her to know where he is.

  “Um, I wasn’t aware he was there. Where are you? Let me guess, you’re out with some whore right, you’d rather get that big ass dick of yours sucked then hang out with the brat?”

  “Do you not listen to your goddamn messages woman? I’m with Liam. We are looking for Lila, she’s missing. We think she is in another city. And quit calling my son a brat, he isn’t a brat. He is a good child, you would know that if you spent time with him, instead of your fucking crack pipe. Leave him where he is, I’ll pick him up.”

  “Why would she go there? What the hell did he do to her?”

  “Not sure, and what makes you think he did something to her?”

  “Anyways, I don’t care about all their family drama, and what they had for breakfast and shit. I need some money Ash, my account is empty. I can’t find any around here either.”

  “I’m not sure what you’ve spent your money on, but I’m not supplying you and your friend’s habits. I can’t talk about this right now. Leave AJ where he is, I’ll pick him up when I get home.” I say, then hang up.

  I don’t give her time to say a damn thing. I need to file for a divorce, she isn’t going to change, and my wonderful wife is a fucking junkie. She stopped for a long time, but she is back to her old habits. I don’t mess with that shit. I’m not in love with her, never have been. I’ve stayed because of my son. After she stole my bike, she said she quit and was clean, apparently she isn’t.

  AJ is my world, and if we don’t get away from her, she will drag us down with her. I haven’t even fucked her in over a year. No way am I touching her. After we find Lila, and the kids, I’m getting a lawyer, and getting rid of the trash in my life. I deserve better and so does my son. I’m a good guy, and hopefully there is a nice woman out there that I’m destined to be with.

  “Hey man, how close are we? How long have I been asleep?” Liam asks as he runs his hand down the side of his face. He has been asleep so long, he has a seatbelt print on his cheek.

  “You’ve been a sleep for a while, we are almost there, better wipe that drool off of your face.” I say laughing.

  I feel so bad for him, he looks rough. He did get a little sleep. When we find her, my ass gets a nap next. I drank more than I wanted last night, then dealing with all of this today is making me really tired.

  “She’s at the Disney Grand. I just talked to the desk clerk. She just checked in about an hour ago. She has another lady and all three kids with her.” Kade says as he leans in between the car seats.

  “Good, we should be there within minutes.” I say, I look over at Liam. I can see the unshed tears in his eyes.

  “Is it okay if I go in and talk to her first?” I ask, knowing she won’t want to see Liam probably. “Just in case she is still pissed with you.”

  “That’s a good idea Ashton, we will sit in the lobby and wait.” Liam says.

  We all walked in the hotel, we look rough, and three handsome men that look like they hadn’t slept in days walking in with a beautiful woman. I bet they had their opinions of us. I walk to the front desk and there was a young blond working.

  “Welcome to the Disney Grand, can I make you a reservation?”

  “Hi Miss, how are you? I’m actually looking for my sister, Lila Carls-Ellis, they said she had checked in a few hours ago with my sister and kids.”

  “Yes, she did. She is in room number five-thirty-two.”

  “Thank you so much, Ma’am. Here, I know it isn’t much, but buy yourself something pretty.” I say as I hand her a one hundred dollar bill.

  I go to find her room and knock on the door, Kaylin opens it. The look on her face is priceless, she just opens the door and points to the bathroom. The kids are asleep already. AJ is in one bed and the girls are in another. Lila’s in the shower.

  “Li, it’s me Ashton. I’m coming in, so cover yourself up.”

  “Ashton, what the fuck, how in the hell did you find us? And how did you get in my room?”

  “Well, we called Kade in to help us, then your friend Megan. They’re both downstairs with Liam. Why in the hell did you come here? Why did you take the kids?”

  “Why not? Liam sure doesn’t want me around. I wasn’t leaving without my girls and knew AJ would enjoy hanging out with us. Please don’t be mad at me. I love him as if he were my own, you know that. Now go out so I can get dressed.”

  I hand her a towel, and she steps out of the shower, she looks so sad and tired. The towel barely fits around her belly, she has a beautiful glow. I still kick myself in the ass daily. She was always supposed to be mine, then I fell right into that trap for Liam to have her. Stupid me.

  “Liam is worried sick about you, lady. We know you were at the tattoo shop. Why did you want a tattoo now? We also know you were at Addison’s grave. But we didn’t think you would come this far. Why here? Why couldn’t you go to the bounce house?”

  “Well, your wonderful cousin treated me like shit yesterday, and I will not be talked to like that. I guess he told you, about the baby right?” I just look at her not saying anything back. “Well I cheated on him and this baby might be Evan’s. Don’t look at me like that. Yes, I fucked up, I deserved the whole
strip club thing. But I wanted a tattoo to prove to him that I’m only his, but I couldn’t because of the baby. So I went to get my girls and couldn’t leave my little nephew, I called Kaylin and we headed here.”

  “Li, I know everything. We all make mistakes, but that gives you no reason to run away. We all were so worried. Now get dressed there is three others that want to see you.” I say as I hug her tight. She wraps her small arms around me and lets out a sniffle.

  “Ugh, fine. I just wanted to be alone for a few days. Just to think, I’m sure Liam wants a divorce.” She says wiping tears from her face.

  “Why would you think that? That man loves you more than anything. I’m going to send him up here okay?” I say, as I lean over and kiss her temple.

  “Thanks Ashton, I’m glad you don’t think I’m a whore.”

  “Anytime babe, and I would never think that about you. We go back a long time Li, and I will always be here for you. Never forget that. Don’t take my son again, or I’ll have to tickle you till you piss yourself.” I say laughing.

  “Oh shut-up. You aren’t even right. You know I have a weak bladder.” She says smiling.

  I leave the room and to go send Liam up to his very confused wife. I’m not sure what happened with them, but she was definitely confused about everything. I personally just needed to go to sleep.

  “Liam, she is up in her room. I told her I was sending you up. Do you all want to just stay here, and get a few hours’ sleep?” I ask as I look at the three of them. Kaden and Megan are pretty comfortable with each other.

  “That’s fine, I’m pretty tired myself. As long as Megan is okay with it, the three of us can share a room. I promise to be on my best behavior.” Says Kade, as he throws his head back laughing.

  “I’m okay with that, I trust that you two won’t hurt me. I just need sleep.” Says Megan.

  “Okay, well Liam you go to your wife. I’ll get us a room.” I say to the three.

  I can’t believe they came looking for me, I just needed to get away and this was the closest place that I could think of where the kids would have fun. Hell, I was ready to enjoy my Disney time too, who doesn’t love Pooh Bear.

  I prepare myself because I know Liam, he’s going to come running through that door apologizing. He shouldn’t have to though if that’s the way he felt. I ask Kaylin to switch rooms with me, so I went to hers. She and I have become really close lately. Hell, she and Megan are the only friends I have here. Damn Megan, came here with the guys and she gave them my blackberry info. She either wants Ashton or Kade or hell, both. She’s a sucker for hot tattooed men and they both are.

  I make sure my hair looks okay, and I throw a little make-up on so Liam can’t see the tiredness in my eyes. I am so tired, but I don’t want him to know that. Hell, he may use it against me. He comes walking up to me saying he was sorry. He falls to his knees and grabs my waist and starts crying, hugging me, and talking to baby bean.

  I should let his ass plead a little. I know I may be a bitch, but he hurt my feelings. I know I deserved it but who the hell pisses a six month pregnant chick off. Yep, my wonderful husband, I’m not being sarcastic, he really is wonderful. I’ve never met a man more amazing than him. Having him break down and cry like a bitch right now is breaking me, knowing I’m the one that caused all of this.

  “Lila, I’m so sorry love. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean any of that stuff I said. You’ll never shame our name. No matter what, I’m your husband, I want no one but you. Always and forever. Baby, look at me, where have you been, and what were you thinking of leaving and taking the kids?”

  “Liam, I wasn’t sure. You hurt my feelings badly, and I was confused. It seemed like you didn’t want me or baby bean to be a part of your life. So I left, and I was going to run away without my babies. I visited Ads and went shopping. Then I wanted to leave, so I went got the kids and came here.”

  “Beautiful, I will always want you and baby bean. Don’t. You. Ever. Think. Otherwise.”

  “I just feel like, I’m nothing. I’m a whore, Liam, a fucking whore who doesn’t know who her baby’s father is.”

  “You are fucking perfect. You hear me, don’t you ever say that shot again. I love you so much, you know that right. Please, never let what happened today, ever happen again. Talk to me. Don’t run from me. We are in this together. That’s my baby. You hear me? Mine.”

  “I love you so much, I don’t know what I was thinking. I was scared, hurt, and just left. The girls are fine, they and AJ are all asleep.”

  “I’m sorry, I know you all were worried about me, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. Can we snuggle. I need you to hold me so bad.”

  “Anything you want, I’m going to shower first. Go ahead call room service, and have them bring me a Turkey Club Sandwich and a beer. Whatever you want, will you see if the others are hungry too?”

  “Of course I will, go shower. There is body wash and shampoo already in there.”

  “Ahh, I get to smell like sweet peas and sugar.”

  “Shut-up and go wash that sexy body, so I can snuggle up to it all night. I missed you holding me last night, the kids are with Kaylin in the next room.”

  I call Ashton, and he says they will order their food, for Liam and me to work things out because he hates seeing us like this. He has changed so much, I think this is a start to a new friendship with Ashton.

  “Liam, everything okay? Why aren’t you sleeping?” I ask, as I run my hand down his chest.

  “I’m okay, just watching you sleep. You know I love looking at you and watching you make that little purr noise while you sleep, it’s so damn cute. Something is on my mind and I know we aren’t going to hold anything back anymore. So I will just get it out, are you or have you told Nikki, that baby bean may be Evan’s?”

  “No, I haven’t said anything to her about being pregnant, she doesn’t know that we slept together, unless he told her. Because I haven’t said anything. She knows that I was going to talk to him that night, I called her for the number. She didn’t want to give it to me, hell maybe I should have listened to her. Then none of this would be happening. Should I tell her? She is my best friend, but you are my husband and if you don’t want me to, then I won’t.”

  “Babe, if you want to tell her, then that’s your choice, please don’t think I would want you to keep secrets. Hell, everyone will know you have a baby at the wedding, and if they all put it together, then they will figure it out. I don’t want Evan to know, but I would hope Nikki wouldn’t tell him, she is your best friend not his. This weekend if she mentions it then just tell her the truth.”

  “I trust her, but what if she tells Brody and he tells Evan. I don’t want him to know, are we doing the right thing? Liam what if the tables were turned, and I was with him wouldn’t you want to know that I may be carrying your child? Isn’t this wrong of us?”

  “It is wrong, Li, but I can’t let him take you and the baby away from me. I won’t let him. That’s my baby regardless. What if we wait until after he is born, then you can tell him? Would you want to do that?”

  “I’m so confused Liam, I don’t know what to do. I know you will love this baby no matter what, but I feel like he should know. You know I want you to be the father and it will kill me if you aren’t, but telling him will be the right thing to do. I will wait till the baby is born and we test you.”

  “That’s fine, Lila Rae. Whatever you think is best is what we will do. Now get some sleep. You’re going to be so tired in the morning. I’m going to take a bath, and see if it will help me, relax. I love you.” I say as I kiss her forehead.

  We all spent the next day at the park, the kids had a blast. I have to say so did the adults. I was the only one who couldn’t ride the rides. We’re all so tired we stayed another night. We checked out of the hotel this morning and are headed home. I’m so glad to see that Megan and Kade are getting along so well. They would make a cute couple. She always talks about cowboys, that would be her a good cowboy. He’s a P.I. an
d a Marine. Holy hotness, and he’s an Ellis and all of them are good men. Including my new best friend, Ashton. Now I need to find him a new woman, Christa is on drugs, I know she is. That bitch is crazy, I still haven’t told Ashton about the money she asked to borrow.

  After the conversation Liam and I had last night, I’m still so confused, I know he doesn’t want Evan to know, but it’s not fair to him. Or baby bean if he is Evan’s. I’m going to have a few days to think about it and get Nikki’s opinion. She will be completely honest with me and that’s what I need. The baby will be a month old when she gets married. I really hope that we all can get through this and remain civil. I know Liam doesn’t want me to communicate with Evan but he has moved on, and I can’t just forget about him and everything we shared.

  I’m putting him in my past. Hell, I did it for three years. I thought about him daily all three years, but now I know my place is with Liam. Evan is a friend, and will remain that no matter what happens with all of us. He saved me when I lost Liam, and I will forever be grateful for him and his friendship. I’d hoped that once we found Liam, my feelings for Evan would just fade away. Ha… Who the hell was I kidding? I think they got even stronger, all that time I thought about him. I missed what was right in front of me. My husband the man of my life, swept me off my feet so long ago, the man that would give his life for mine. That’s who I should have been thinking about.

  I stand in the lobby at San Francisco International airport waiting for Nikki, and all the memories of coming here waiting for Liam, or flying home from New York, come flooding back in. I feel a single tear stream down my cheek. I must’ve been lost in thought, I didn’t even see my friend walk up to me.

  “Lila… Hello… What are you daydreaming about?”

  “Nikki, oh God, I’m so happy to see you. I’ve missed you so much.” I say as I hug her tightly. I did miss her, I loved hanging out with her and shopping and just being us. She’s the only person, other than Addison, that ever really clicked with me. I had other friends but not like the two of them.


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