Embracing Us (An Embracing Series)

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Embracing Us (An Embracing Series) Page 16

by Delisa Lynn

  “Well, isn’t this cute, all the Ellis’s together for a party to welcome home the new spawn. Why wasn’t I invited after all, I still carry the same last name and it looks like my son is here to. Come to mommy Ashie.” She says as she holds her arms out. He hides behind Ashton’s legs and is holding on for dear life.

  “Christa, what the hell are you doing here? You weren’t invited. Jesus when is the last time you showered? You smell awful,” says Ashton.

  “What’s wrong Ashton, you think you’re better than me, because of all of your money? What do you think your precious family would think about you if they knew you paid me off so you could keep our son? Hell, now that I think of it, are you sure he is yours? You do know that I was fucking anything with a dick when I got pregnant. Hell, I still am, and I love it. Don’t you miss my lips around your co...”

  “Get out of here now! Ladies will you please take the kids outside away from this trash. I’ll take care of her.” Ashton says as he motions everyone to leave. I’m not going anywhere. So I stand next to him as did Kade.

  “Oh what’s a matter you don’t want no one to know that, I still suck a mean cock? Can I just have some money or my son and I will be on our way.” She says as she picks up a plate and starts eating cake.

  “I’m not giving you a fucking dime. You do know I have a restraining order against you and you can go to jail for being around me and AJ? So I’d suggest that you leave, and don’t come back.”

  “Ashton, Ashton, haven’t you learned anything? I can do as I want, remember I have connections. So either the money or the brat which is it? You wouldn’t want me to cause a scene now would you?”

  “I’m not giving you either. Now you listen to me, you stupid crack whore, get the fuck out and don’t come back.” Ashton yells as he grabs her arm and starts walking her to the door. This bitch is crazy, I look at Kade and he knows exactly was I was thinking. He smiles and shakes his head.

  “Ashton, let go of me you dumbass. I need some money and I have no other way of getting it. They will kill me if I don’t pay them. Please, you can’t let them hurt me. What will Ashie, think if he knows you wouldn’t help me and I was killed? You would definitely win the father of the year award.”

  “As of right now, I don’t giving a flying fuck what the hell happens to you. I have tried so hard to love you and make a family for my son, but I can’t. He is better off without a mother, did you see how scared he was of you? He can’t stand to look at you. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Now go and don’t come back, or we will call the police.”

  “Fuck all of you, I don’t need your goddamn money anyways. I never did, and you can tell that kid that his mother is dead because of his father. You may want to get a DNA test to see if he is yours.”

  Ashton slams the door in her face and turns to face Kade and me, standing behind him. I can tell he is upset. He runs his hands through his hair and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He looks at Kade and me, and says, “I’m sorry about that. Also, I had the DNA test done when he was born. He is mine.”

  “Ashton, how much money have you given her? Do you want us to call this in? All you have to do is say the word and they will arrest her. They know the shit she has been doing, and although she has connections, so do we.” I say as I hug him.

  “I think, it has come to that. I’ve given her way to much money. I’m not giving her anymore. Come on let’s check on everyone else. We will worry about her later. I’m sorry about all of this.”

  “No worries bro, I know it isn’t your fault.” I say as we go to check on our children.

  Just as we start towards the other room we hear a loud crash. We all three take off running out the front door. Christa ran her car into Ashton’s truck. He’s so pissed. I can see all the veins in his neck popping out. She’s high, I can tell she is.

  “Oops, how could I have not seen that big truck? Ashton, you may want to get that piece of shit fixed.” She laughs as she pulls out of the drive way.

  “Fucking bitch, I’m so over all of her bull shit. This has to stop, or I’m going to be in jail for murder.”

  “Calm down man, I’m calling our connections now. Let’s see how fast our connections trump hers. Then she will see.” Kade says.

  “Come on, let’s go check on the kids. I know AJ is probably scared and worried.” I say as I push Ashton back in the house.

  Today is Nikki and Brody’s wedding day, hell I think I’m as nervous as she is. The hairdresser is meeting us at the vineyard. Greyson will be a month old tomorrow, and I have my body back. My dress fits perfectly. We had the bachelorette and bachelor parties last night. Nikki and Tatum couldn’t drink, but the rest of us could. They loved the strippers, well that was until the men decided to crash our party, and Brody and Ashton put on a show for us. I’d never saw Brody as drunk as he was last night. He has already called me three times today. He hasn’t seen or spoke to Nikki, because she thinks it will be bad luck. Meg, Tatum, and I hid her as best as we could when both the guy’s limo and ours pulled up at the same time. It’s still awkward communicating with her and Evan.

  “Lila, where is my dress? I don’t think it’s going to fit. Look, my stomach grew overnight.” Nikki says as she falls onto a chair crying.

  “Love, your dress will fit. Stop crying, you’re making your face red. The hair and makeup lady will be here soon. So stop. I have something for you.”

  “Okay, it’s my hormones and nerves. You didn’t have to give me a gift, Lila.”

  “Don’t be silly, I wanted to. I hope you like it, and please don’t make me cry.” I say as I hand her the gift bag.

  “You shouldn’t have, Lila. I can’t believe you did this, of course I’m going to cry again.”

  “Now you have something old, the cupcake charm that was Addison’s. You have something borrowed, which is the extra butterfly charm. That was mine from the bracelet Evan bought me. You have something blue, the baby booties charms, and I did pink, too, just in case. And last, something new, the bracelet. You don’t have to wear it, you can attach it to your bouquet. I think it would look beautiful.”

  “Thank you so much, I can’t believe you did all of this. Of course I want to wear it, are you kidding? No way is it going on my flowers. Will you put it on me, please?”

  “Of course, I can’t believe you’re getting married. Do you remember the first time you met Brody? It seems like so long ago, did you know then you would marry him and his cowboy strip poker ass.” I say laughing.

  “I sure do. The four of us had some good times, and I didn’t know that day, but later on I realized he was in fact the man who stole my heart. Is that how you felt about Liam?”

  “Now you know it wasn’t at first, but the day I decided to make love to him for the first time that was when I realized it. Then he told me he was going into the Army. I was so hurt, I didn’t tell him I loved him for weeks. I did though. God I’ve loved him so much, we have been through hell and back, and he still looks at me like he did when he asked me out. So yes, I knew I would marry him someday, didn’t plan everything in between happening. But that is what makes us stronger, right?”

  “You two are the strongest couple I know. Your love for each other is beautiful, your story is like a fairytale. Well kind of, you know what I mean.” She says laughing.

  As I walk down the aisle, I see Brody standing there, with Evan and the other guys. I was last to walk down the aisle, Tatum, and Nikki’s sisters were already there. Brody looks so nervous. I look over and smile at my handsome husband, holding our son. I reach my spot and I stand there waiting for Nikki and my girls to walk down, they practiced so much. The song changes to “At Last” by Etta James. Then I see the prettiest bride I’ve ever saw, Nikki walking with Addison and Maddison on each side of her. They have their little arms wrapped in hers, I can’t help the tears that are falling. Everyone was bragging and smiling at them, they look so proud.

  Once they reach the rest of the wedding party, they let go of Nikki and Br
ody takes her hand as she hands me her bouquet. The girls waited patiently looking and smiling at all the guest, then they knew what they were supposed to do. The preacher speaks up and says, “Who gives this woman to marry this man.”

  The girls look at me and I nod and they look at the preacher and in unison they say, “We do, Sir. Uncle Brody, take care of Aunt Nikki and our baby.”

  I can’t help the gasp and giggle I let out. They are so proud of themselves, they walk over and sit with Liam. I knew they could do it, they love Nikki so much. They were so excited when they found out she was pregnant. As Brody read his vows to Nikki, I can’t help look put at Liam, my wonderful husband. He’s so damn sexy, and seeing him with all three of our kids makes my heart melt. It makes me think of our wedding day and how nervous we both were. He saw me staring and winks at me, and mouth, “I love you.” I smile and continue to listen to Brody give his life to Nikki, the only woman he’s ever loved.

  When Nikki starts her vows, I can hear the tears in her voice. She is shaking so bad, I step a little closer to her and whisper, “You got this, sister.” She stands a little taller and continues with her vows. I notice Evan looking at Tatum standing next to me. This isn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. Hell, I’m just glad he didn’t end up with Alyssa. Tatum filled me in on her and Evan’s past and what Thayer did to her, it broke my heart. She is super sweet, and she and Evan are perfect together.

  The photographer took a million pictures, and now it was reception time. I had prepared my speech, I was after Evan, and I honestly didn’t know what he was going to say and I wasn’t sure I could speak after him. I drank two glasses of wine to prepare myself.

  “As most of you know my name is Evan and I’m Brody’s best friend, he and I go back a long time. Hell, he is the brother I’ve always wanted. I remember the day he and Nikki met. We were in New York at a pizza place, and he noticed her right away. Of course he needed me to go with him to talk to her. I didn’t think he would be able to snag up a pretty lady like her, but he did. He was hooked from that moment. I’m glad that they found their way back to each other and I wish them, many years of happiness, no one deserves it as much as they do. I believe that everyone is made for someone, and no one could make this man as happy as Nikki does, she also keeps him in line. I love both of y’all, and Nikki take care of my brother.”

  Damn how the hell was I supposed to top that, he didn’t even read a script? I’m so glad he didn’t mention us, I was worried about that considering that he and I was always with the two of them, when they were together. I take a sip of my drink and cleared my throat, it was my turn.

  “Hey everyone, I’m Lila, and Nikki and I have been best friends since we were five. She, Addison, and I were the three amigos, until she moved to Ohio. But then I found her in New York. That’s where we met Brody, I can honestly say, she was in love from the first time he spoke. She had a date with him, and stayed out all night. They were at a coffee shop, and she came home the next morning happier than a bee in a honey jar. I of course was infuriated that she was out all night with a stranger and she was on cloud nine. They were inseparable and you can see the love they shared. I can’t think of a better man for her to spend her forever with, he’s smart, handsome and a hell of a poker player. Nikki and Brody, here’s to you and many years of happiness. Brody if she gets out of line, just take her credit cards and she’ll behave. I love you both, and can’t wait to hold that sweet Godchild of mine.”

  I go over and sit next to my handsome man, my mom took the kids, so we can party with everyone else. He is sitting with Zander, Ashton, and Kade. Megan is dancing with some stranger, and by the looks Kade is giving them, he isn’t happy. I don’t know why they just don’t make it official yet. Instead they walk around staring at each other like two teenagers afraid to talk.

  “What are you up to over here?” I say as I sit on Liam’s lap.

  “Hey beautiful, nothing talking with the guys. What about you? You ready for that surprise yet?” he whispers in my ear.

  “Hmm, maybe depending on what it is. I figured I would wait, till Nikki was ready to go. She look so beautiful doesn’t she?”

  “Okay, it can wait. Of course she does. Brody is one lucky man that for sure.”

  “Wasn’t our girls the cutest? They were so excited, and the looks on their little faces was adorable.”

  “They couldn’t stop talking about it, once they sat down, I had to tell them to keep quiet until the ceremony was over.”

  “I love you and our perfect little family. I’m going to find Nikki and let her know I’m leaving. I can’t wait to see what you have planned.”

  “I love you too, now hurry back.” Says Liam as he smacks my ass.

  I have a huge surprise for my lovely wife. Her mom is keeping the kids tonight. I had a little help from Rosa and Megan. Lila’s been wanting to go to Hawaii and with everything that has been going on, I thought I should bring it to her. Our beach has been turned into a tropical paradise. I think I’m just as excited as she will be.

  “Okay, so where are we going?” Lila asks as she walks over and takes my hand.

  “We are going home for some alone time. I know you can’t have sex yet, but we can do other things. Maybe watch a movie and cuddle?” I ask knowing there will be no moving watching.

  “Well, as you know Mr. Ellis, I can do whatever I want. I’m all healed you know. So if you want to make your very horny wife happy, you won’t turn me down.”

  “Well hell baby, if you put it that way. We will go home, to the bed and skip the surprise.” I say laughing, she has no idea what our beach looks like, and if she is ready to make love we will do it on the beach under the moonlight.

  “I think I can give you a little example of what I can do, that’s if you can handle it?” she says as she licks her lips.

  “Oh, I can handle whatever you want me too.” I say as I fasten her seatbelt and walk around to the other side of the SUV. I get in and she is staring at me and she turns the radio on, and “Gorilla” by Bruno Mars was on, she busts out laughing.

  “This song is perfect, and so are you.” She says as she slides her seatbelt off and leans over in my lap.” She unzips my pants, and pulls my length into her hand, she pulls my pants with her other hand, so I lift my ass up. I still have both hands on the steering wheel. She cups my balls with one hand why stroking me with the other. Before I know it her mouth is on me. She moves her mouth up and down with her hand, while the other is massaging my balls.

  “Hmm, baby. That feels so good. You know exactly what I need.” I say as I put my left hand in her hair and gently push her head down further, I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to drive while she was doing this. So I pull over, we are still on the vineyard’s property, the main road is still another ten miles away. I put the SUV in park, and pull her dress up around her waist, she isn’t wearing any panties, and she was so ready for me. “Jesus Li, where are your panties?”

  “I took them off when I went to the bathroom. They’re in my purse. I knew at some point I’d take them off.” She smiles as she put her mouth back on me. I reach around her perfect body bending over me until I found her spot, the spot I haven’t touched in almost five weeks since we weren’t able to have sex the last week of her pregnancy. I love her pregnant, but the no sex part is the worst.

  “Come up here, woman. I want to kiss those beautiful lips. I want to hold you. Do you think it will be okay?”

  “It will more than okay, I told you that I was all healed, and I am so ready for you to take me, take me right here, no one else will be leaving for hours. All I want is to feel you inside of me, my body is aching for you.” She says as she straddles me, I didn’t have a chance to say anything, she takes my still very hard shaft and guides it through her wet and tight opening.

  “Do you know how much I love you, and having you on me like this? The day I can’t make love to you ever again, will be the day I die.” I pull her bottom lip between my teeth and suck on it h
ard, and then our tongues find one another. We make love in the driver side of the SUV, until we were both breathless and satisfied.

  “I love you so much Liam. Now do you still have a surprise for me?”

  “I do, you sure you want to go, and we can always stay like this for ever.” I say laughing. I saw headlights coming down the pathway, fuck someone is leaving. Lila is still on top of me, and I’m still inside of her. I can’t see who it is but they get a little closer and pull up next to us. It’s fucking Evan and Tatum. My tinted windows were steamy, I roll the driver’s side window down.

  “Hey, are you guys, uh…okay?” Tatum asks laughing.

  “Hey sweets, yeah we are. We decided to pull over here and talk.” Lila says as she looks down at me smiling.

  “Be careful, and have a good night. We are headed to the hotel, Nikki still wants us all at brunch, so we will see you then.” She says as Evan waves and they pull off.

  “Well, that was awkward. You think?” I ask.

  “Not at all, I like Tatum. She is really nice, very southern. I’m glad that she and Evan was able to finally be together after what her ex done to her.” She says as she climbs back over in her seat. “Oh fuck, damn it. Maybe I wasn’t as ready as I thought. I need something to sit on till we get home.” She says as she grabs a blanket from the back seat.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurting? I’m glad you like her, she seems really nice.”

  “I’m fine, yeah I need to go home shower and make love to my sexy man again.”

  “I can do that, home it is.” I say as I pull my pants up and drive away from the spot we had just almost been busted making love.


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