Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series Page 8

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  “Mmmm. “ He responded, then, “It’s been over a yeah Sir. Remember, you're addressing your Dom little submissive. You wanna try again?” He latched onto the straining nipple and sucked it into his mouth as he worked her.”

  “It’s been over a year sir.” She said, gratefully as she began to get some relief from the ache inside of her.

  “Good girl.” He responded, he kissed, her then, hot and hard. His big warm palms soothe her arms, cupping her breast as his mouth coaxed and sucked at hers, enticing her. Oh god, he could kiss, she thought, her legs continued to fall open aching for more of his cock inside her hungry folds.

  He pushed her clit and continued the diligent work inside her with his cock. Her pussy felt good now, her passage already stretching to his length and around it, the pressure building inside of her and with him so deep, soon she tightened like as a bow string, trembling with readiness for her orgasm. “Your pussy feels good Francine, you’re ready to come again aren’t you? - You can say, yes sir, or if you really want to please me, say yes Master.”

  Still a little afraid, of her feelings, but terrified he would stop she responded, “Yes, Master”.

  As soon as she said it she felt him pause, it was as if a huge breath escaped from his body and he gave her a very deep, hot stare, “I really liked the sound of that Francine.” He worked her even deeper now. His cock pressed her aching clit against his stroking, twisting cock due to the position of the pillow beneath her. Her bound body was pressed against him in all of the right places now and before she could process what he was about she felt his fingers, wet from her own heat pressed against her dark passage, but instead of cooling her off it tipped her into a trembling, shaking, unexpected orgasm, the world as she knew it splintering and breaking apart inside of her,. Eventually she felt a warm and languid heat settle and flow in all of her limbs. Smiling in the dark he removed the bonds on her arms and legs as well. “We’re going to have fun Francine,” he said smiling down at her with his handsome face. She looked at him with immediate worry. “Oh no, no more of that kind of fun, for the moment. That will have to wait for when I return.” Huh?

  She felt the snick of a water bottle as he handed it to her. She was almost too weak to drink but too a sip before he held her close.

  She was really starting to relax here and now, now he’d told her this. “I'll be leaving you tomorrow for a couple days Francine.” He felt the tremor of worry go through her, but she didn’t say anything. “Sometimes I’ll have to leave,” he continued, “but never for more than two days, to get supplies and to work, but it will never be more than two days.” He felt her turn away from him and he pulled her against him. He knew she was torn between her worry about having him go and wondering if she should say something.

  “Don’t be afraid Francine, you’ll be fine.” He tried to reassure her, “No one knows you're here, but me, and I’ll be keeping an eye on that little collar of yours. Stay in the cabin, and you’ll be fine.” Oh yeah, the collar, she continued her silence, but eventually he heard. “Uh huh.” It was a very small and tentative response.

  “Don’t tell me you’ll miss your Master Francine?” He said trying to goad her. He could almost see her hackles go up, but she caught herself, taking refuge in her silence. This was not behavior he wanted to encourage, but he understood it.

  “Maybe you’ll just miss the sex?” He went on. Impatient she swatted at his hand stroking her arm and moved a foot or so away.” Eventually he heard her breathing even out to a restless sleep.

  He said to her back, serious as a heart attack, “Because I’ll miss you Francine.” A few minutes later his stated body also found refuge in the silence of sleep.

  Early the next morning

  Francine came out into the hallway and caught K by the front door as he put on his coat. She was wearing the short silk robe and slippers he had left out for her. “Francine, why aren't you sleeping? It’s early, not even six o’clock.”

  She had a funny look on her face. “Please don’t leave, Sir.” she said softly.

  Sighing he zipped up his coat. “Francine, come here.” She walked over to him and he took her in his arms. He looked down at her and she looked up at him. “You know how hard it is for me to leave when you ask me so sweetly?” she looked down in defeat knowing what his answer had to be.

  “I know this is hard for you Francine, because of what you’ve been through, but I promise you're safe here. I’ll only be gone two days. Just stay in the cabin and watch movies and read. I’ll be back before you know it OK?”

  With that he cupped her face and pressed his lips hungrily against hers, his kiss was hot as he pulled her against his thick lined jacket and soft jeans. He pulled her up on her tip toes so he could plunge her tongue inside her mouth doing with it what he didn't have time to do with his body. When he pulled back she was breathing a bit faster and she realized he had been clutching and squeezing her firm bottom, adding to her pleasure.

  “Who’s sub are you?”

  “Yours Sir”. She said shyly, still wishing he would stay, but wilting underneath his stern gaze.

  “Good,” He pulled her close in a final embrace and said in her ear. “ go back to bed and dream about us together.” Releasing her he went to the door and let himself out locking the door behind him. She watched through the window as he got in his F-150 and drove down the driveway. She watched until it disappeared out of site.

  Chapter 11

  Back with the “organization” K sat in one of the small the obsequious looking office spaces at his laptops preparing his final bi-weekly report. From the outside of the building you’d never believe on the inside they’d be responsible for the running of such an obscene assembly. The outside was an innocuous and modest looking brick facade office space located in a modest part of Running Brook County Maryland. The office space that just so happened to be owned by his family. Shit. Most of the dirty part of the business was handled in the basement. The last time K went down there was when he purchased Francine. He was in one of the upstairs offices now, helping to run the books; run them and copy them for the FBI, that is, but the slavers didn't know that. Hence, his continued existence; and now Francine's as well.

  Speaking of his little blue dot...he pulled out his iPhone. Yes, there was an APP for that. Without warning a smile inched across his face. Thinking of Francine always put him in a good mood. He’d missed sex - really missed sex. Being around these assholes had doused his libido, but having her around caused him to think of little else. It was like he had a permanent hard on. He thought about the way her hair was mussed against the pillow in the morning. Wow. What would she look like after he’d ridden her missionary? The way she bent over as she moved the dishes to the dishwasher, her sleek legs balancing her weight, made him want to hide a few dishes for later. Her bored expression as she looked out the window sometimes, made him want to give her something to keep her entertained.

  He’d been reading a few of her books, he’d found them - entertaining, but probably not in a few modern day virgins got uninhibited real quick. Like they’d pooped out of the womb knowing everything. For a moment he wondered if his Francine was a virgin. The thought made him sigh. He didn't think so. She didn't seem like she was very experienced, but she didn't seem awkward and uncomfortable like the virgins he remembered in high school who laid there while he had to try to coax a response. He rolled his eyes glad those days were behind him. Besides if she was he probably wouldn't have been able to pry her from his hands. Things would have gone really wrong then, for both of them. He’d had his doubts, and truthfully this whole thing could still blow up in his face, but acquiring her was the best thing he’d ever done.

  A few of the books had been “relaxed” to a couple of “key” pages. Pages containing all sorts of interesting stuff. He’d found himself off at the sex shop where he purchased a few of his favorite toys, then he’d gone to the grocery store for food. Shit, glad to know his priorities were in order.

e was heated to fuck her and when it came to submissive women his instincts were rarely wrong, but considering how they’d met he’d have to be patient - improvise. Down boy, down, she was not some chick in a sex club. She was his Francine coping with difficult circumstances. She had a PhD for god’s sake. He tried to remember the girls in college that were going for PhD’s. He didn’t remember any of them being as sexy as her.

  Pulling up the app he entered his password. A map of the cabin sprang up, connected to a chip in her collar that connected to a satellite in space. There was his little “blue dot” now in the kitchen, maybe getting a snack? Maybe she was busy creating a special serum from those plants she loved, just for him, so she could line his coffee in the morning. Here's your coffee K, nice and strong this time, just like you like it. No, I'll just have juice Sir, I'm fine - really. As he looked she moved to the living room, her blue dot moving across the black grid.

  His macabre musings were interrupted by Armin strutting in like a peacock in one of his suits, smelling like one too. “How is your new slave?” He was tall with his dark skin and polished hair. His clothes tailored to his body and reeking with his sticky wealth; the kind that was made off of human flesh. He had been in the business a while and reeked of human suffering. Armin worked the business on both sides and K found him distasteful. He enjoyed a woman’s fear and whatever he had said to Francine had gotten her so wound up while she had kneeled in her chains she had not been able to stop crying for several hours after. He held Armin personally responsible for some of that time she spent floating in her own head for those two days she spent as his sleeping beauty.

  Armin had found her stay quite funny, K found him quite wretched. “You know there was someone really powerful in The Organization who wanted her.”

  “Was that someone you?” asked K still typing into the columns on the computer, using his numbers to try to keep himself grounded. Armin smiled.

  “No, not me, she was a pretty little thing, but too easily frightened for me. No, no, it was someone else higher up.” K knew he had to be very careful how he answered. He wanted Francine off of the radar, especially if there was someone “powerful” in the organization that wanted her. He didn't want anyone coming back for her - Francine was his.

  “The first time I tied her and fucked her she couldn't stop crying.” She did some crying alright, from pleasure. K knew from experience the best lies were made from truth. “I’ve already had to beat her more than once, but she’ll do. She thinks I’m a deviant, but we’ve reached an agreement.”

  “How disappointing for you and after you paid a premium to get her. Would you consider selling her back to us?” K stopped typing for a moment and looked up, this was curious indeed, but he kept the surprise from his face - barely. K had never heard them make such an offer. Whoever had wanted Francine, must be really disappointed about giving her up.

  “I’m too busy to start from scratch with someone else, besides true submissives, who knows if they really exist? If you don't mind Armin I’ve got a lot of work...?”

  “Of course, of course my friend and again, I’m sorry you were disappointed, at least she survived the transition.” Armin left and shut the door, the transition he’s referring to of course the weeding of Francine off of their obscene drugs. The ones she could have died from. They had given him some more to take with him (free with purchase) in case he had “needed them”; K had flushed them down the toilet.

  He shook with fear at just the thought of what could have happened if Francine had fallen into the wrong hands. In spite of all her sass and protestations, she was inherently honest, along a submissive’s earnest desire to trust and to please. To know how close he had come to that part of her being cruelly stamped out forever didn't bear thinking about.

  Her experience had already left a part of her in quiet, solemnity and it was not often she let herself go. He got the feeling that even before her abduction she’d lived a solitary life, but there was joy in her. It peaked out,often when she thought he wasn’t looking. He wished more and more that he could see that side of her.

  How many women had this place destroyed? K had a pretty good idea, and the numbers were staggering. If it's the last thing I do I will shut this evil place down.

  * * *

  Armin left the office and let himself into the gray conservative hallway considering what he had just seen, about the conversation he had just had. Everyone liked that damned K, what was his real name anyway? How come none of them knew? Damn control freak, that was K. And now out of nowhere he asks for a slave and she’s just handed over. That little blond would have made a hot commodity and now she was gone. Even he, the big scary Boss upstairs had wanted her, but one word from K and even he had given way. Said K was was doing more with their books than he had ever seen.

  “He’s the money man.” The boss had said, “He’s never asked for anything, if he can pay why not? We’re all here to make money.” And K could pay, who knew? Just handed over the large sum no questions asked and carried his new slave away.

  And what was up with the hickey on K’s neck? Armin hadn't missed that. Like some woman had sucked him dry, in more ways than one. K had been gone for almost two weeks, expected time off to presumably “break in” his new toy. Those pills couldn't have lasted more than a day or so, than the “real fun” should have started. Even with restraints he should have taken a few licks.

  He looked like he’d had as much fun and was relaxed as any Dom Armin had ever seen around here, without the “war marks” to prove it. And a hickey? Armin hadn't seen one of those since he’d been around the vanillas in high school.

  Without a doubt that K was a Dom too, no one doubted that. He wouldn't have been allowed to work for The Organization otherwise. He’d gone with them to one of the clubs one time in order to set that matter to rest, the secretive bastard. He’d never seen anyone control a whip like that skilled son of a bitch. He could still hear the selected and willing sub’s cries of mingled pleasure and pain as she came over and over under his expert blows. A man didn't learn to do that without a lot of practice.

  So either K was just making due with a bad purchase, or that little blond was a hot submissive that the organization had just let slip through their fingers - to a damned accountant.

  Now the question was, how much would The Boss pay if Armin was able to get her back?

  Chapter 12

  Don’t leave the cabin.

  His words of warning echoed in her ears. Fine. She thought reluctantly. The cabin was quiet without him here. She explored it once, then again. Only one closet was locked to her prying eyes - and it was small. She wondered what was in there, but seeing as how all of his ties that he had used on her in bed were missing she could venture a guess. Trying to open the door got boring quick. He’d left her some newspapers and magazines. She read the magazines, then the newspapers.

  There was a deck of cards so she played solitaire. Then she watched a movie. There was plenty of food, and Francine had never been much of a creative chef, but she tried just for the distraction. Had her cooking always tasted like this? His leftovers were better than her best effort, now that was just sad.

  She watched the last few movies, then re-watched a few, but she mostly thought. She thought a lot about what K had said, about that dirty cop, about him being on the lookout for her. The thought of being at the mercy of someone like that man in the suite who had tormented her had completely terrified her when she was being held. Now the thought of being recaptured paralyzed her turning her mouth to cotton. She knew she could never go back there, she’d do anything to avoid that hell hole again. She was starting to realize that she had very few survival skills or self defense skills and this was something she would definitely correct if she was ever allowed to go free again.

  She was sitting in the kitchen thinking about things over a sandwich, watching the woods from inside. Her little plants were seated around her beneath or near the windows where they could get the light. Their leav
es were delicate with graceful slender veins watching them filled her with delight. One advantage to having him here was that she could go outside and search for more. yeah Francine, don’t act like that’s the only advantage. She rolled her eyes at her sassy inner voice.

  She should not be eagerly awaiting his return. Her mind flashed to feel of him pounding inside of her as her body crested on a wave of intense pleasure. Think about something else Francine. Okay, he was a really great kisser too. No Francine! Not that!

  It was hard not to. She told herself it was because she was here, with limited mental stimulation. She had no choice but to think about how great his hands were on her body, how they could be so gentle one minute and the next, swat her with just the right pressure on her bottom, or press her nipples between his fingers just enough to make her squirm and seep with passion between her legs.

  And she should definitely not be thinking about what might have happened to her if he hadn’t brought her here. Thinking too much on that might cause her to kneel at his feet with gratitude and that would be, well, that would be just wrong, right? She pushed the rest of the sandwich away having lost interest in the wake of her runaway thoughts.

  You’re here because I didn’t want someone else to have you.

  She should really spend more time wondering what that meant. She should be asking him more questions. She really should, but in reality she just didn’t care. She was too busy being grateful and increasingly attracted to him.

  Are you going to miss me Francine? Of course not, she told herself, she was glad he was gone for a couple days. Glad to be by herself. Glad to be left in peace, without all that kissing and touching. She didn’t miss him at all. She sighed as she placed her head on her upper arm stretching it over the table feeling foolish and defeated.


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