Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series Page 15

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  After that he began to work her with the the heavy phallus and lube until she was pushing against him, clearly enjoying the fullness. Then he pulled out the bullet and placed it lightly over her clit before activating it.

  Her hips jerked in response and he felt her moan around his cock. “Come anytime you wish Francine” She felt tremors the soft and then heavier tremors against her clitoris as he continued to move the phallus inside her, it was like someone released the bow and her whole body shook and shook and shook.

  “Keep your mouth open Francine.” She did she felt him, still so hard then he quickened ejaculating against the back of her throat. His taste was clean like salt she licked up and down his shaft and around sucked the bulbous head making it as pleasurable for him as possible, enjoying the last shakes of his body as his hoarse sounds of release as he held himself over her convulsing from pleasure.

  He groaned looking down at her, moving to the side so he could see her pretty face.

  She looked back at him, her hazel eyes clouded over with her orgasm. He placed one hand gently over her spent mound, ever so slightly, as if moved by the faintest breeze he felt her hips sway, his cock spurted in response.

  He looked into her sensual hazel eyes and then down her body, assessing her - “I thought you'd like the dildo Francine.”

  “I did,” she admitted sheepishly, unable to look at him, “just not as much as you.”

  More pleased than he could say, his randy cock already filling again at her soft admission he moved back up the couch looming over her, kneeling between her open legs massaging around the ropes to make sure the blood was still flowing and she was still comfortable, she was, her eyes heated with her desire.

  He opened a condom and mounted himself at her gate looking down at her, waiting until she met his dark eyes, loving that she asked for him. "You're cunt’s so greedy. Say fill my greedy cunt with your cock master. " Wondering if she would do it.

  “Please fill my greedy cunt with your cock master."At her words all the all the blood rushed from his body, including his brain, to his cock and he did, pushing right in, he heard her gasp. She was scalding and tight like suction, pulling at him so hard, oh God hedidn’twantomove, but when he did, it felt so good! He began working her in and out, trying not to lose it, trying to remember he had a real live woman beneath him and not a toy. If he hadn't tied her he’d have probably already lost it.

  The dildo had been big, but smooth, he was big, but rigged and slightly curved filling her at different points, pushing at different places against her walls. It felt completely different and so good. Her muscles clenched and pressed almost burning in their need to come. It scared her how quickly her orgasm was coming. She heard him muttering and wondered if he even knew what he was saying, "Such a greedy pussy, you have such a greedy pussy Francine.”

  He was slowing down now, grinding against her clit hitting her G spot, stroking skillfully to bringing on her orgasm- she was almost there. "You’re gonna drain your poor master,” he was saying, suck him dry with your pussy,”

  He palmed the bullet again, taking it in his fingers, placing it on her clit between them. Francine saw stars, arching and twisting in the ropes, all her muscles straining as pleasure twisted through her, sweat breaking out through her pores. She felt him seize up, jerking against her again as his rhythm became uneven and she knew he was having another orgasm. That from anyone else she’d of taken as a sign of defeat. “Oh God Francine,” He said breathlessly, “I hope you’ve had enough now.” His hands were already on the ropes. Her heart was still beating fast from her orgasm like his, but he snuck a peek at her as he started to loosen the other leg and then her breasts. They tingled as the blood rushed back and she whimpered.

  Looking at the worn out expression on her face he just smiled. He picked up the blanket from the floor nearby and wrapped them both in it, holding her against him.

  Chapter 21

  The Boss was coldly furious. He looked around him at the already small drab office he’d been reduced to. It was nothing like the rich accommodations he'd become so accustomed to. Slowly he had come to realize that like water on a rock his enterprise had been losing money. By the time he realized what was going on a couple hundred thousand had leaked out and for the life of him he couldn’t figure out where or how it happened. He only know that like snow racing down a mountain in a crashing avalanche things were getting increasingly worse.

  He stared uncomprehending at his computer screen and the reflected balance on his account. Disbelief was intense inside him, how could such a thing have happened? There were a limited few in The Organization with the passcodes to the accounts and no one he knew had the ability to pull off something like this. How was a leak even possible? K was the last hold out as far as sampling their merchandise and in the end even he had purchased his own slut. To hear Armin tell it he was wearing her out regularly too. Armin was a gossipy bastard when he wanted to be, but his loyalty was without question.

  So who? He would find out. Once he figured out who was responsible he’d make an example of them. He’d peel the layers of their subterfuge from them like layers from an onion before tearing them from limb to limb.

  * * *

  “Our strategy is working K, stopping the referrals, recovering the sales - it'll be over soon. We just need to get all the players. But as long as The Boss is out there you're not safe.” Frank Edmond his handler from the FBI added, “By the way, if you are keeping a sex slave, I will assume for her own protection you will let her go ASAP, since she’s not safe with you either.” K was calling from his truck as another damn blizzard, raged all around. This damn winter. Gray surrounded him, threatened to smother him, you could barely see in front of you. Would it ever end?

  His silence apparently spoke louder than anything he could have said. Frank like most good Doms was nothing if not perceptive. He heard him sigh, “You should've let her go weeks ago K, I told you we picked up that dirty cop that snatched her and he’s in custody. So I will assume if there was any alleged collared slave like Armin said before he met that unhappy accident in the tank, I need to know that she’s uncollared now.” That Frank, he was a clever SOB. He’d thrown Armin in the tank with some men that really didn't like slavers and rapist where he’d met a very unfortunate end.

  K smiled and though he couldn’t see him through the phone lines, Frank did the same as his thoughts gathered pleasantly in his head. Apparently someone on the force might have let it slip that Armin was in for things like human trafficking, slavery and forced prostitution. A couple heartbeats later, without an ounce of color in his voice he inwardly added oops.

  Anyway it was the least he could do for an ever grateful K. Armin was one less thing they all had to worry about now - including a lot of victimized women. Setting the ones free at that over embellished residence he had set up had felt damn good. How you hide something like that in the basement of a townhouse in the middle of Georgetown he’d never understand.

  Frank was still waiting for K’s response about the submissive/slave he’d never turned over to the FBI after purchase. There was a very pregnant pause on the line. Carefully K said, “Say there was an asset involved - and I wanted to be with her.” I think I’m in love with her. He kept the phone against his ear as he scooted down in the truck’s comfortable seat, his stomach churning at the already dreaded answer. The silence on the other end of the line only made it worse.

  “It’s impossible K, you can’t. They’ll find you and hunt you down. Then her. You’ve always known, there are two ways for you to end this as long as he’s out there. Flight or death. I’ve found a ship. Once you finish your little out of state mission for them and we wrap this thing up it can take you overseas until we put head dick away for good.” Or take care of him, he added silently, like we did Armin. “Either way we’ll get ‘im. Then, eventually you can come back be with your girl, but as long as one of you is alive, it’s impossible.

  K pushed end on the phone ending the call,
looking out the window, all his thoughts inward. The blizzard continued to roar, blanketing the truck in a wave of white.

  Chapter 22

  Francine laid in bed alone listening to the battering of the blizzard against the cabin’s walls. The snow lay in heavy sheets outside, the wind blew fiercely as it whistled through the ladened trees. There was no reason to be afraid, there really wasn't, but the room was so quiet and she felt so vulnerable there alone. Where was K? The whole cabin was quiet and creaked occasionally under the weight of the snow. The trees were leaden with it over their bare naked branches. It was a lonely thought and her mind drifted to the old adage, if a tree falls in the woods alone does anyone hear it?

  She sighed frowning, wanting to shake off her melancholy. With K away - again - she had come to accept two things. It was tough being here alone, which sucked. Francine had always valued time alone. In the past she had liked the silence of her own mind. It was going to be tough dealing with this new anxiety after her ordeal. She was not accustomed to needing or missing anyone.

  She’d had a few boyfriends as she’d told K earlier in their relationship. Ending a relationship hurt, but she would eventually recover, finding solace in her work and her own thoughts as they crystallized and formed a bright mosaic in her mind. This constant looking for him was - disconcerting.

  And two: her hand went absently to her collar as she sat up straight in bed. Even though she'd be out of here first chance she got, something told her that if he hadn't stepped in her situation could have been much more dreaded. She sighed her eyes focused out back behind the cabin.

  Slowly before she could change her mind she got out of bed, the area carpet was soft beneath her feet as she looked for her slippers and eased on her robe before ducking into the hallway and down the hall.

  K was before the fireplace, it was warm there and he was on his computer. He was often on his computer more and more now a days only doing God knows what. Of course he never discussed it with her. And she could never sneak a peek since the the computer continued to be password protected. Hearing her soft footfalls he looked up and over his shoulder and saw her coming.

  “Francine, what’s wrong, it’s late?” He rubbed his eyes in that familiar way. “Why aren't you sleeping?” He asked. She was too ashamed to tell him. He called her his brave girl. She wasn't.

  She looked like she’d just woken up, all disheveled and warm. He thought briefly about the request she continued to make from him whenever he left. She was so different than, decisive, direct. He’d had no problem finding her what she needed, but still the next time she’d asked for some more of her rare chemicals she’d resorted to speaking slow and over pronouncing. He'd of been offended, but then she’d followed up her last request with sexiest, ...if it would please Master? Got him hard as a rock. Sure it would! He had kissed her, letting his hand trail down her back until it squeezed her bottom, soon she’d melted and sighed against him with pleasure.

  Fuck! Would she be needing anything else? A quart of his blood? His liver maybe?

  Francine approached him slowly. Honestly with him she’s felt safer more at ease than she'd felt since before her whole ordeal has began. She really didn't know where life was going to take her next before meeting him having just given up her apartment, having buried her last remaining relative. She had just put some stuff in long term storage, packed a small suitcase, thrown it in her SUV and just drove. If it wasn't for the very nasty abduction thing, being here with him would be like being on vacation.

  “The storm woke me up K,” she finally admitted, “and I couldn't go back to sleep.” He still wasn't catching on. It still felt like weakness to admit it. The words were being dragged out of her. “The sound of the storm, the wind, and the trees...”.

  “Oh!” he says, finally catching on. It reminded her, of that night. She looks sad, panicked like she wants to cry. He can see her getting ready to descend now into her own mind, into the past. This was her way of reaching out - to him.

  “I’m chilly K.” she adds running her hands up and down her robe her toes curling in her slippers.

  K waves her over, reaching out to her and pulls a warm blanket from the back of the couch pulling her down next to him. “Drop the robe Angel.” She places her hands on her robe. Can’t she just come here for warmth? A little part of her mind protests the continuous dictates, but she pulls her robe apart and lets it pool on the floor. Her slender curves are revealed in front of the warm fireplace.

  He is careful to take a moment and look his fill before opening the blanket and inviting her into its’ warm folds. Unlocking the computer he finishes up his work with her on his lap, the computer balanced on top of them. She barely spares it a glance, she could care less. She’s grateful as always to be wrapped in his warm solid embrace, the evil wet edges of what was done to her receding from around them as she’s enveloped in the blanket and his warm arms in front of the fire. It’s like the storm outside recedes and all she can hear is the sound of the warm crackle of the logs burning, along with the warm smell of his soap and the shampoo he uses to wash his hair and the thick smell of aftershave in the curve of his strong neck. The arm holding her and not the computer curves around her bottom and cradles her thigh giving it a firm massage as well. All of this puts her at ease. but K can see she is still a bit restless.

  "Do you have to leave tomorrow?" His heart skipped a bit at her question. He liked that she was doing less and less to hide the fact that she welcomed his company when he was here.

  "Yeah, if you want to keep eating." He said, joking and being serious at the same time.

  “Well...I do." She responded. The light from the fireplace glowed in her eyes and the television flashed as it reflected off of her pretty face.

  "That's good,” he said. “especially considering I do all the cooking." He added with a smile.

  She laughed. "Do you want me to cook?"

  "No," he said, looking back at the TV. "I like to cook."

  “I've never liked it." She said. "At home I..." and then she stopped herself -home. Sometimes she tried not to think about it...

  He looked at her, then caught on. "I will let you go Francine."

  "I know." She said believing him, but still looking down.

  "Then, what's wrong Angel?”

  “Will I ever see you again?” She asked softly. He knew he had to be careful now, it must have taken a lot for her to ask. In fact his was a bit surprised by the question. Didn’t she understand how precious she was to him? He couldn’t understand why she wasn’t beating guys off with a stick. Then he remembered the plants, the reading. She was shy, and these circumstances while tragic had taken her out of her comfort zone. This he knew was a good thing and a bad thing. Good, because she obviously felt more free and easy with him out here, just the two of them, but bad because, well, it was just the two of them. Could they even work in the real world?

  He thought about the life that was waiting for him when he got back, he had been dating someone before he left, but made sure that he ended it before going to look for his sister and getting involved with The Organization. What kind of life did she want? Would he even fit?

  “Would you like to?” He countered, nervous as hell about her response.

  She shrugged a bit. “Yes.” She finally answered. He felt his heart soar and then sunk like a feather to the earth.

  Sadly he said, ”I don't know Angel.” There were still things he hadn’t told her, and she didn’t know him, not really.

  "Why not?"

  “Lets talk about it later okay?” He said knowing she’d allow the topic change, she was tired and scared of the storm, but he knew her determined mind would bring it up again eventually, it was just her way.

  This was a reprieve, the conversation was far from over. She wasn't pushy about anything, but in her there was a determined steel will as great as his or anyone else he’d ever met. She was like water on a rock when she got a campaign going; soft, but forceful. She'd only ever even rai
sed her voice to him one time - teaching her the error of her ways had been fun. He cock stirred remembering it.

  He floated back to how she had entered the room, shivering in his arms.

  “How about some mulled wine?”

  “Mulled wine? You can make mulled wine too.” She smiled. “There are a lot of different recipes. How do you make yours?”

  K’s look became mischievous, “I’ll make one, and you tell me what you think, OK? He disentangled himself from the blanket and even though Francine missed his warmth she was too intrigued to be disappointed. She wanted to follow him into the kitchen but then heard his warning. “Stay put submissive, or I’ll come back and put you in slave position.”

  She plopped back on the couch next to his computer. It shined up at her, temptation a shiny silver rectangle. Begging for at least one tiny peek. Oh yeah, like I’m falling for that again. Ignoring it she turned away curling back under the blanket and leaned her head on a pillow against the back of the couch.

  Soon K returned with two mugs of very fragrant dark red liquid. The smell was like ripe plums and cinnamon and smoke rose from the two white mugs. K gathered her back onto his lap before enveloping her with his warmth. Tentatively Francine held the warm liquid up to her nose and sniffed. It smelled delicious, like cherries and cinnamon. She took a sip, it was warm and smooth and eased down her throat.

  “That taste really good - Klaus.”

  He smiled "Klaus? I promise you that's not it."


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