Between the Sheets

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Between the Sheets Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  Slowly, gently, make it last. God, I loved how he felt in my hand, and how that feeling transmitted itself to a point between my legs. Mark’s eyes were closed now, his breathing gentle, and that excited me even more. I moved my hand a little faster, feeling the ridge of his helmet as it slipped beneath my fingers, the moisture of his pre-come as it slicked my pinkie.

  Did I dare take a peek? The doctors’ station outside was quiet; a phone rang somewhere and a few machines were beeping. A voice sounded, but it was distant. With my free hand I raised the blankets, using them to screen myself from the doorway. Oh fuck, he was beautiful down there, eight inches of solid man muscle, dwarfing my hand as it rose and fell on his shaft.

  I heard Mark laugh. ‘Does everything look normal? I’ve not actually been able to see for myself.’

  ‘It looks fine, sweetie. Finer than fine.’ I let the covers drop again; felt cheated as they cloaked him, but the rhythm of my hand was clear beneath the blanket, and I leaned over a little, planted a kiss on his stomach. ‘I just want you to get better,’ I whispered.

  ‘You keep doing that and I will,’ Mark answered, and then, ‘OK, faster now. I’m coming. Oh Christ, Chrissie, I’m coming!’ And he was. He did. And this time, I did fling the blanket back, in time to watch an arc of come soaring over his torso, to spatter on his chest, while more, even more than last time, flooded across his stomach.

  Again I reached for a Kleenex, then grabbed a whole wad of them and began dabbing at the goo. But my own hand, too, was sopping and … I don’t know what happened then, if I just wasn’t thinking, or if some instinct that I’d never before awakened somehow and suddenly took hold of my soul. But I raised my hand to my lips, glanced down to the great glob that was pooling by my thumb, and then very slowly, very deliberately, licked it up with my tongue.

  Mark’s eyes were wide, just gazing at me. My own, I think, must have registered the shock. Not at what I’d done, I wouldn’t even try to process that until later. But at what I discovered. He smelled different, I knew that. But he tasted different, too. He tasted good.

  ‘Is everything alright in here?’ A young voice sing-songing at the door, laughing eyes dancing across the sight that lay before her, a patient’s stomach and chest festooned with damp tissue, a slowly softening cock still leaking its final secrets, and two pairs of eyes melting into one another.

  ‘Yes, everything’s fine.’ Mark recovered first. ‘Thank you, nurse.’

  ‘That’s alright then.’ And then, ‘You know you can draw the screens if you need a little privacy? We don’t like you to do it all the time, but if it’s just a few minutes here and there, that’s fine.’

  ‘Thanks. I didn’t know that. I’ll remember it.’ She left and we both burst out laughing. ‘How long do you think she was standing there?’

  ‘I haven’t a clue,’ he said. ‘Once I started coming, I lost all sense of my surroundings.’

  ‘You and me both.’ I could taste him on my tongue still, on my lips and on my gums. Still salty, still tart, but fresh as well. Clean. Delicious. You probably wouldn’t want to have to live on the stuff, but a mouthful every so often? Yeah, that would be fine. And I wondered what the rest would taste like. For the first time in my life, for the first time even in my imaginings, I longed to take a cock; Mark’s long, hard, beautiful cock inside my mouth, to suck and suckle for as long as it took, till he flooded my mouth and it ran down my chin. Oh God, all those wasted years. Why couldn’t he have tasted this good, back when we were together?

  I shook my head, glanced across at the clock. ‘Nearly four. Time for me to run. Are you OK?’

  His smile was as wide as the Hudson. ‘Better than OK. Better than better than OK. Are you sure you have to go?’

  ‘You said your mother would be here around four. I should scoot before she arrives. And you should probably get your breath back.’

  Mark nodded. ‘See you tomorrow?’

  ‘Try keeping me away.’ I kissed him hard, then leaped away. ‘No, let’s not start that again. I’ll see you tomorrow.’ I straightened his covers, tossed a last tissue into the bin, and left.

  Outside, the nurse we’d been talking with was waiting. ‘He’s doing well, isn’t he?’

  ‘Amazingly,’ I answered. ‘How much longer do you think you’ll be keeping him?’

  ‘To be truthful, I can’t really say. It’ll be a while, I think, and there’s a lot of recovery for him to get through before he’s back playing the fool on the roof.’ She paused, then looked around. ‘But you noticed the difference, didn’t you? I could see it in your eyes.’

  I think I gasped, but I caught myself quickly. ‘You mean ...’

  She nodded, smiling mischievously. ‘Yeah. And it’ll keep getting better as well. It was the cigarettes. People go on about the health benefits of stopping smoking, but how many smokers really pay attention to that? Yes, you may get lung cancer. But you might get run over by a bus as well, and it wouldn’t have mattered how many packs a day you got through, the bus is still going to kill you.

  ‘No, if you want a guy to quit smoking for good, tell him what really happens. His erections will last longer, he’ll produce a lot more semen.’

  ‘And it’ll taste better as well.’

  The nurse laughed. ‘Oh, you noticed that as well? I thought it was just me. But yeah, it tastes a whole lot better. And if you tell him that, and keep proving it as well, I guarantee he’ll never look at a cigarette again.’ Then, leaning close, she whispered softly, ‘And you won’t believe what will happen to his tongue. But you’ll need to wait a while before you find that out for yourself. Until he regains a little more movement.’

  ‘That’s OK,’ I told her as I turned to leave. ‘I can wait. I’ve got more than enough catching up to do already.’ I did some quick math, counting the years since I last tasted cock. ‘About 17 years worth.’

  ‘Lucky Mark,’ she replied. ‘I’d better make sure we’ve enough tissues in stock.’

  A Woman’s Body

  by Serles

  Katie sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her clitty. Her attractive face knotted in concentration. She was unaware of the pink and purple room filled with matching white furniture her mother had selected. Consumed by the warmth building in her body, she increased speed of her hand to hurry an orgasm. Faster and faster she wiggled her finger; the stimulations were bringing her closer to an indescribable sensation. Her body stiffened. She quivered. She whimpered loudly, climaxing.

  As early as five or six, Katie was aware of her mother’s ability to control her father. It was not something she could define, but there were times when her father’s eyes glazed over when he saw her mother wearing a new outfit for church, or when she wore shorts with a tight T-shirt, or when she put on her faded red night gown without a bra before going to bed. At other times, in a depression, he looked at her in anguish and despair. Those were those occasions when it was especially quiet in the house. Her mother and father wouldn’t talk, and then her mother would put on one of her outfits, and soon after their home would return to normal. By the time she was thirteen, it was clear to Katie that a women’s body was a highly desired commodity, and males would pay a high price for whatever mystery it held.

  At age fifteen she developed physically. Her new curves, pretty face, light-brown hair, and athletic legs made her a target for every cocksman in the school. Wherever she went, she caused a stir among the male population, much like her mother. The mystery of a woman’s body was clarified. She saved her most sought after treasure. At eighteen she was still a virgin and she consciously decided to take advantage of her body to get what she wanted. If it worked for her mother then it would work for her.

  She wanted to be Orchard Valley’s Home Coming Queen. Even though she was popular with a wide range of friends, she wasn’t sure she could win a popularity contest on her own. There were a number
of other beautiful and popular girls in school who would be competitors for the title. The issue for Katie was what or who could insure her election.

  Zack Green was the answer. He was the most popular guy in the school, and was known as a player with a long string of playmates. As the senior class president his support could sway other students to vote for her. From the first day of school her plan was to use her virginity to win Zack’s support. As editor of the school’s weekly newspaper, it was easy for her to get to know him through a series of interviews related to his position and various school issues. The meetings resulted in joking, flirting, and double entendres. A record of their conferences appeared in the first four issues of the newspaper. By the end of September they had their first date.

  After a movie at the Madison Theatre and a hamburger and coke at Wally’s, a local student hangout, he was assertive in his car parked in a wooded area not far from her home. They kissed for a long time. It was heavenly, he was a good kisser. She allowed him to fondle her breasts and after some protest allowed him to unfasten her bra and free her breasts. His warm hands caressed her breasts and hardened her nipples. When he kissed her breasts and sucked her nipples into his mouth she almost lost control because of the arousal raised in her vagina. She stopped him, however, when his hand sought her pussy. It was late she explained. Her parents were expecting her home by an eleven o’clock deadline. She wanted her first time to be in a nice romantic place, and not in the back seat of a car. When she told him she was a virgin he agreed to wait.

  Katie had saved her virginity for this moment. She was trading her maidenhood for the title of Homecoming Queen. It had taken Zack longer than he wanted to find a place suitable to Katie. He took odd jobs, sold some of his sports equipment, and did extra chores around the house to raise the money for a room at the Bluebonnet Motel. They were in a beautifully decorated room with colourful paintings on the walls and a king-size bed. It was a Friday evening and both sets of parents were out of town. Now he was standing ogling her nakedness and stroking himself.

  He had already brought her to two orgasms. After a long session of kissing, he’d used his finger to explore her pussy and massaged her clitty until she climaxed. She had done the same thing many times herself, but having a guy do it was more exciting and it was her best orgasm ever. This tall, handsome, muscular male drove her crazy with his tongue in her mouth while his finger slowly rubbed around and over her clit. She gradually warmed as the feeling of impending pleasure spread though her body, then with a rush like a flood she shuddered as enjoyment soaked every fibre of her body.

  The second time, he feasted on her breasts until she was giggling and wiggling in pleasure. It was his tongue, however, trailing from her chest to her cunt, wetting her pubic hair, slipping into her pussy, and caressing her clitty that made her come the second time. It was awesome. It was her first experience with cunnilingus. She had read about it and girlfriends had told her about it, but what she read and heard were understatements. When he put his head between her legs, she watched but soon fell back, her body tingling, and arms flailing. The unrelenting licking of her love button drove her to thrills and an orgasm. The bliss was beyond her wildest dreams.

  Lastly, the magic event she had anticipated was about to happen. Zack, his cock rigid, was hovering between her legs. At his urging, she spread them wider opening her pussy to him. The head of his latex sheathed dick bobbed in and out of her lips. She was trembling from the excitement and the fear of penetration. Raising her head, she watched him move toward her opening and slowly push himself in. She groaned at the pain of her tearing hymen. His cock was too big, it was agonizing. She fell back thrashing her head from side to side on to the bed. He withdrew and entered again. It felt better and she relaxed. Pulling back he inserted his cock again. It wasn’t too big and she moaned in pleasure.

  He waited a moment and began stroking her. The sliding of his cock against her pussy walls was exciting. Sensations she didn’t know existed caused her body to tingle. The more he humped the better she felt. He pounded her hard, stopped and waited, pumped her easy, stopped yet again, then fell to her body and plunged into her as fast as he could. She was in constant pleasure. With each forward stroke, she lifted her pelvis as if inviting him to go deeper. She held him tight feeling the warm of his body within hers. Giving as much as she received, she permitted herself to release her body and mind to the animal pleasures that two people can give each other. A wonderful glow filled her body just before she was jarred by his last powerful stroke and the sensations of her first vaginal orgasm. They climaxed together and lay in sexual ecstasy.

  For the next two months they went steady. They made love whenever and wherever they could. He introduced her to fellatio; she loved sucking cock, much to his delight, and smelling, tasting, and feeling his musky salty liquids in her mouth. They simultaneously engaged in fellatio and cunnilingus using several sixty-nine positions. Zack was experienced and they screwed in a large number of positions; missionary, female superior, side saddle, reverse cowgirl, and standing. They fucked in her house, his house, in the woods, on a golf green, in the back seat of his car, at a football stadium, in the parking lots of restaurants, retail stores, and malls.

  Going steady with a well-known stud was not without costs, because she lost her pure reputation, but she gained more than she lost. Katie got what she wanted. She was elected Homecoming Queen. At the last football game of the season Zack escorted her to the middle of the field to rousing applause and cheers. A sash was placed over her pink evening gown, a crown on her head, and she was handed a trophy:

  Katherine Putnam

  Homecoming Queen

  Orchard Valley High School


  The party after the dance was held at Zack’s house, and because she was in demand by both guys and gals, there was no way for them to slip away for a quickie. That was fortunate Katie thought, because she no longer loved him, if she ever did. She had been his private depository for the two months since she willingly gave him her cherry. His attention, affection, and sexual skills were enjoyable, but it was time for her to move on. She had to find someone who could provide what she wanted next, to win a beauty contest.

  Katie had taken dancing lessons since she was six, and was an excellent dancer having won several competitions. One of the female judges, Jean Lane, was a dancer, and Katie was confident she would get her vote simply based on her talent and ability. The other female judge, Linder Koger, was a well known actress in the Southeast, but an unknown about what she liked and disliked in a contestant. Therefore, to insure herself of winning the contest, she had to win the vote of the only male judge, Ray Norris. He was a well known local TV personality, who had a reputation as a womanizer.

  Ray was the answer to her winning the Dixie Land Beauty Contest what Zack was to her becoming Home Queen. How could she charm him into taking her to bed? Each contestant had to have a fifteen minute personal interview with the judges. Katie had to use her allotted times to her advantage.

  She knocked on Ray’s office door at exactly 4:00 p. m.

  ‘Come in,’ he said, with a baritone voice used to speaking clearly and enunciating his words.

  She stepped into the office and before he could speak she asked, ‘What do I have to do to win your vote?’

  He stood, smiled at the possible meaning of her question, and said, ‘I’ve looked at your folio, and you’re very talented. What you have to do is show the judges your abilities.’

  ‘I know your reputation. You like young pussy.’ Katie pulled her panties to the floor, stepped out of them, and threw them to him. She walked around to his desk, pulled her skirt to her waist, sat on the edge, spread her legs, and said, ‘Here’s some young pussy. Is it enough talent to win your vote? This is your first but not last chance.’

  Jake was bemused. He hesitated and said, ‘You’re kidding, right?’

es this look like I’m kidding?’ she asked, fingering her pussy with one hand and exposing a breast with the other.

  ‘This doesn’t guarantee you my vote,’ he said, unzipping his slacks and pulling them and his shorts down.

  ‘It will after you try this,’ she said, taking his erection and guiding him to her opening.

  He took the breast she offered into his mouth and pushed his erection toward her entrance.

  She sighed, grabbed him by the ass and propelled her pussy onto his cock. She humped him as fast and hard as she could, ‘You’d better hurry we’ve only got ten minutes.’

  He got into her rhythm. They were a team with a goal in mind: orgasms.

  She lay on her back, wiggled her body from side to side, fingered her clit, and sighed with pleasure at his experienced stroking.

  The nerves in her pussy were firing on all cylinders as his plunging cock rammed her with abandon. She was frenetically rubbing her clit. Between his cock and her finger they reached their points of no return. She put a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming as she climaxed. His dick expanded, hardened, and poured cum into her waiting pussy with his last thrust.

  After draining himself, he pulled out and used his handkerchief to clean himself, ‘Damn, your good,’ he said.

  Katie cleaned herself with her panties, put them in her purse, smoothed her skirt, and restored her breast, ‘I want some more of that. Meet me in back of the girl’s dormitory at midnight after the first round of judging. I told you this was only the first time. It was nice meeting you Mr. Norris,’ she kissed him on the cheek and left the office.

  The preliminaries began the next day. During the morning and afternoon they modelled casual wear, bathing suits, and evening gowns on the stage and runway. Katie showed off her casual wear to perfection. In the bathing suit she pranced around the stage and up and down the run way like Hidi Kim. The evening gown fit her perfectly and her modelling was regal. She wore it as though she was already the queen. Her confidence, poise, grace, and presence easily placed her in the top ten on the ballots of all three judges.


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