Sweet Giselle

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Sweet Giselle Page 21

by Karen P. Williams

  “Whatever the scene was you were supposed to shoot today, do it with her,” he told both of them.

  That was all it took. My lips trembled and tears ran down my face at the realization that I was going to be sexually assaulted by these two men. One of the men yanked me on top of him. He positioned my legs by grasping my thighs with both of his hands and spreading them open so they straddled him, and without even a moment’s hesitation, he rammed his dick into my pussy. The other man gripped my head and shoved his dick into my mouth. I was forced to give him head while the other invaded my insides. And the pain from him yanking my hair and the other one going inside of me was intense.

  When my husband was convinced that he had had enough of that position, we switched. I was riding one guy like a cowgirl, while the other was letting his semen spill on my face. My pussy was dry and burning, like it was on fire. The guy I was forced to ride turned me around so I was facing him. The other one came behind me and, while the guy was still in my pussy, jammed his dick into my ass. I screamed in pain, but he showed me no mercy.

  Giovanni made a call on his phone. Two more men came into the room. They were also able to invade my body. One more man came in. It became one big gang bang, where I was forced to sex all five of them before my husband’s eyes. It got to the point where I stopped crying and stopped begging my husband to stop what he was allowing them to do to me. Lexi was still in the room, watching me go through this. I looked her way only once and could swear I saw her crying.

  When all five men stood in front of me and sprayed me with their semen, getting it all in my hair, eyes, nose, and mouth, my husband finally said, “Enough. Get the fuck out. Nette will have your money tomorrow.”

  They all left the room.

  My insides were so sore, and there was blood trickling down my legs. I used my hands to wipe the semen off my face while my body was curled in a fetal position. That was when I heard her. Lexi was sobbing.

  I turned and looked at her face, then at Giovanni. His eyes were narrowed at her.

  She sniffled and said, “I’m sorry, Giselle. So sorry for all of this. I have done some really, really horrible things on account of Giovanni. To you and to my family. I hate myself.”

  So she had done it. She had given him her cousin.

  I looked at her tear-soaked face, her trembling shoulders. Despite the horrific truth of her character, I thought about how tight we used to be. I realized I still loved her; in that moment, I still did. Someway I figured out in that moment that all along Lexi had been a victim, because she never really had felt loved. And victims tended to victimize. I was not justifying what she did, but just figuring out why.

  Giovanni saw how my face had softened toward her. It seemed to enrage him. He looked at Lexi and growled, “Oh, you’re not mad at her anymore, Lexi? You no longer want her spot as my wife? With all the luxuries she got, and you don’t have to sell your ass anymore without getting a fraction of what she got?”

  Lexi shook her head.

  He turned, looked at me, and said, “Giselle, you aren’t mad anymore that she fucked your husband? You forgive this bitch? Do you accept her apology?”

  I nodded, looking at her. Who knew what was going to happen to me at this point. If I was going to die, I didn’t want to die hating her.

  “Good. Giselle forgives you. Now maybe God will forgive you for being such a trifling piece of shit,” he muttered.

  Out of nowhere Giovanni pulled out a gun. He pointed it at Lexi. She looked horrified and scared. The color drained from her face, and she raised her hands, silently begging, because yeah, her lips were moving, but no words or even sounds came out of them. I had my hands over my mouth, horrified.

  He pumped several bullets into her body, until she stopped moving.

  Chapter 22

  Giovanni dragged Lexi’s limp body out of the room. He grabbed my clothes and said, “I’m going to leave you like the animal you are.”

  As he dragged her, I knew I needed to stop looking at her eyes, which just wouldn’t close. But I couldn’t. Yes, she had betrayed me, but she was the only friend that I had ever known and had. I sobbed in my arms on the bed. Giovanni closed and locked the door, making me once again someone’s prisoner. I didn’t know what Giovanni had in store for me next. The fear of it sickened me to no end. But I knew that when he was done with the torture, he was going to kill me.

  As the hours drifted into night, I found myself unable to sleep, and I prayed my brother came soon, and I hoped he could get me out of this. I also prayed to God to get me out of this situation, and I hoped that my baby was still alive.

  When I heard the door open, my breath caught in my throat. I sat up in the bed quickly, not knowing what my husband was going to do next.

  I was surprised to see Mr. Pride, Giovanni’s dad.

  “Dad!” I cried.

  “Giselle, what in the world?”

  He took in my naked body, all the dried-up cum on me, the dried blood on my thighs, the bruises, and my missing teeth. But thank God I had stopped bleeding. I was just hoping the blood came from the penetration and not from me losing the baby. The blood was watery, so that gave me hope, because once Lexi had a miscarriage and she said the blood was thick, with clots in it. I didn’t have that.

  “It’s Giovanni. Dad, he’s turned into a monster. He killed my friend. You have to get me out of here before he kills me. And I need to get to the hospital before I lose my baby!”

  He pulled a handkerchief and a bottle of hand sanitizer out of his suit pocket. Then he poured some of the sanitizer on the handkerchief and started wiping my face clean.

  “Dad, get me out of here please. Giovanni had all those men rape me and ...”

  He looked surprised at my words. “What?”

  Before I could respond, the handkerchief dropped from my face and his hand brushed against one of my breasts. I sighed as a look of lust came over my father-in-law’s face. He dropped the handkerchief and the sanitizer.

  Horrified, I begged, “Please no!”

  He started unbuttoning his pants.

  I jumped up and rushed up to the door. He grabbed me and tossed me back on the bed. I landed on my side.

  Before I could get up, he pressed the full weight of his body on me so I couldn’t get away and yanked down his pants.

  “Get off of me please,” I begged him.

  He ignored me and took out his dick, slapping it against my ass. It instantly got hard. He completely flipped me onto my stomach and forced his dick in my pussy. I screamed. He shoved my face into the bed, muffling the sound. I was already in pain, raw and sore from the other men that had raped me earlier. It was like pouring bleach on a stab wound. That was the level of pain I was experiencing.

  And in my mind, repulsive was the only word to describe being raped by my father-in-law. I was disgusted that he would do something like this to me. He saw I was weak and couldn’t fight for myself, and he took the opportunity to sexually assault me.

  As he rocked against me, he said, “Oh yeah. You got some good pussy. And I’ve wanted to try it from the first day I saw your pretty ass. I don’t know what you did to my son, but don’t worry. Giovanni said that it was okay.” He was even stronger than his son, and I knew there was no way I could break the hold he had over me. So I lay limp and let him take it, since I couldn’t overpower him.

  I cried, though, all through the ordeal. Even when he flipped me over and continued to force himself inside of me. He placed a hand over my mouth and made a kiss face with his lips. I once again prayed to God that He get me out of this situation. That was all I wanted. After he ejaculated inside me, he shoved me away and rose from the bed.

  He snuck out of the room, as if he had never even entered it and violated me.

  I slept to block the images of Lexi’s dead body and Giovanni’s father and all those other men raping me.

  I was awakened by someone coming into the room. It was Giovanni. He came with a dress and a pair of shoes for me to put o

  He tossed them at me. “Here you go, slut. Put this on now.”

  I donned the dress quickly and slipped my feet into the flats.

  He yanked me by my arm out of the room. We went through the back of the house, and when we got outside, I noticed that Rodney had pulled up Giovanni’s Range.

  Rodney opened the door on my side of the truck, and Giovanni shoved me in before getting in on his side. He put his matching iPhone on the car charger and drove to the gates. When security took too long to open the gates, Giovanni leaned his head out the window and raged, “Open these motherfucking gates! You see me in the camera. You know who the fuck I am!”

  They opened.

  Giovanni sped out. As we hit the busy street, he said, “You know, I still can’t believe you had the nerve to come into my home pregnant by another man.”

  “I’m so—”

  “Shut up, bitch! You don’t know the meaning of sorry yet. But you will! When I get done with you, you are going to be so humble. Back to the wife I knew and loved. I know you were fucking Bryce. Last night I went through your purse, went through your phone. I saw all the texts you sent him and the ones he sent you. You have been carrying on an affair with the piece of shit who took you. You lied to me. And what’s more, bitch, you have been sneaking off to see him, deceiving me. Giving all your love to him. All those days you were leaving, you were going to see him. I should have had you followed and checked your phone. But you were my angel, and I never in a million years thought you would share your body with another man!”

  One of his fists slammed into the steering wheel. “I’m going to have him killed just to let you know. Just like I killed his sister. Yeah, you heard me. I killed her. But first I’m going to get rid of the baby inside of you. The thought of the shit makes me sick to my goddamn stomach.”

  Alarm hit me. That was where we were going. He was taking me to get an abortion. I loved Bryce, and I did not want to lose our baby. The thought of aborting my baby had me teary-eyed and filled with anxiety.

  “No! Please, Giovanni. Don’t kill my baby.”

  He punched me in the side of my face, making my head bang on the car door. “Bitch, you’re begging me to save another man’s baby after what you’ve done to me? You should be begging me to spare your life!”

  I sobbed as Giovanni stopped at a red light.

  “How the fuck can you hurt me like this, Giselle? Maybe I should just kill you, instead of letting you make this right by killing that baby inside of you.”

  “If you kill this baby ... you might as well kill me.”

  That did it. Giovanni went into full attack mode.

  The light changed to green. Giovanni maneuvered the car with one hand, all the while punching me in my face several times with his other hand.


  He took off his seat belt and continued to beat on me like I was a man, despite my begging him to stop. With that same hand he grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked it from my scalp. Then he fucked my face up with more punches.

  I tried to fight him off, but the power of his fist was too much for me.

  He swerved over to the right lane, toward the curb. Another fist closed down on my mouth, slamming into my teeth. I could feel my lip burst and blood fill my mouth. I also felt dizzy. Another punch landed in one of my eyes.

  “I’m going to beat that baby out of you. Then there will be no need for a fucking abortion.”

  He resumed the hits, almost missing a stop sign. He struck me in my face again with a closed fist. Since his attention was barely on the road, he swerved and almost hit the car next to him. Then he slid over to another lane, never decreasing his speed. But when he saw that the car in front of him was not moving, due to the green light changing to yellow, he slammed on his brakes so hard that the truck jolted forward and he rear-ended the car in front of him. His head slammed down super hard on the steering wheel.

  When Giovanni didn’t immediately get up and resume kicking my ass, I assumed he had passed out, and I did not waste any time. I snatched his iPhone. I didn’t take the time to see if he was okay. I unsnapped my seat belt, opened the car door, and jumped out of the car. I slipped past the car behind Giovanni’s Range Rover and hit the sidewalk. I just ran for my life. I turned a corner and looked behind me. So far I didn’t see Giovanni. So I was relieved but did not stop running. I ran down another busy street.

  Not bringing attention to myself, I looked to see where I was. I was on Birch Street. I took a deep breath and slipped into Mountain Meadows Café. I went directly into the bathroom. I slipped into a stall.

  I called Bryce and prayed he would answer. The first time I called, it went to voice mail. “Shit!” He probably thought it was Giovanni calling. I sent him a text saying:

  It’s Giselle. I have Giovanni’s phone. Emergency!

  Once it went through, I waited a few moments. I took a deep breath and dialed his number again. He picked up on the second ring. He must have assumed it was a trick, because silence was all I heard on the other end.

  So I said quickly, “It’s me, Giselle. I need you to come get me now!”

  Chapter 23

  Relief was what I felt when I saw a man’s shoes underneath the bathroom stall.

  I stood and unlocked the door. I knew I looked a mess with a black eye, a busted lip, missing teeth, and knots on my forehead, and with my hair wild and some of it gone.

  When I saw Bryce’s concerned face, I felt so weak and drained that I stood there, frozen. I raised my arms and then dropped them at my sides. I sobbed uncontrollably.

  Bryce said nothing. He just took me in his arms and held me.

  After I told Bryce what Giovanni had done to me, he rushed me to the hospital. In all the panic of trying to get away from Giovanni, I had forgotten about the baby. I sat in the hospital examining room, biting my bottom lip, while Bryce sat in the chair across from me with his head down, waiting to hear what the doctor would say.

  The doctor came back into the room and said, “Well, I do have good news. The baby is fine.”

  I exhaled in relief. I looked at Bryce. He looked relieved as well. I silently thanked God for protecting my baby.

  “You just need to be careful, and whoever that creep is who would physically assault a pregnant woman needs to be behind bars,” said the doctor.

  We were both silent.

  “The nurse will give you your aftercare instructions, and you are free to go. Make sure you follow up with your ob-gyn.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” I said.

  The ride from the hospital was silent. The first thing I wanted to do was call Brandon and tell him to stay away from Giovanni. But despite the many times I dialed his number, he would not pick up. I was so worried that my brother might be the next casualty. I wanted to go to his house, but Bryce said Giovanni might be casing the place, looking for us. He said it was too much of a risk. So I left Brandon several messages, and he never responded to any of them. I prayed that he was okay.

  Bryce dumped his car and rented another one so we would go unnoticed in case Giovanni had some men watching us. I bit my lip as Bryce drove us to Moreno Valley. He said Percy was going to let us stay with him. I was concerned that Giovanni would find us there, but Bryce said that this was a new spot for Percy.

  It was a small two-bedroom house.

  Percy answered the door and escorted us inside. We all went to sit in his living room, but none of us said a word. It was an awkward silence.

  Percy finally broke the silence. “How you holding up, Giselle?”

  I offered a smile that was so forced. “I’m okay, Percy.”

  “You know, the day I left you with Bryce, it wasn’t to punish you. Giselle, I knew that you would be okay.”

  I chuckled. “You leaving me with Bryce was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I love him.”

  “What? Like that?” Percy said.

  I looked from Bryce back to Percy. “You didn’t know?”

“I knew. I’m fucking with you. I knew how Bryce felt. Before he even knew how he felt. Every time I turned around, he was blowing up my phone, bitching about you. You were getting under his skin, and you didn’t even know it. And he kept bitching about you because he couldn’t get you off his fucking mind.”

  Bryce busted up laughing.

  “Who would have fucking known? Giselle and muthafucking Bryce. Damn.”

  I smiled. “Who knew I would be carrying his baby?”

  Percy’s eyes got wide. “What?” He looked at Bryce for confirmation.

  Bryce nodded.

  “That’s some crazy shit!”

  “And all the reason to get the fuck out of Dodge.” Bryce rubbed one of my thighs.

  “Right. Right,” Percy agreed. I couldn’t help but notice the look of distress on Percy’s face. He tried to look cool, but an expression of alarm was definitely there.

  I said, “So where are we going from here? Better yet, what are you guys going to do to my husband?”

  It was a simple question that seemed to complicate the conversation. The question took the ease away. It was replaced with tension.

  When Bryce didn’t answer, Percy gave him a look and said, “Listen, Giselle—”

  Bryce cut him off, saying, “Hey, Percy, you still got your Superhawk?”

  “Yeah, I got it.”

  “Let me take that shit out for a quick ride. I need to clear my mind and think on some things.”

  “All right. I’ll get it out of the garage for you.” Percy stood and walked toward a door in his living room, then disappeared through it. I assumed the door led to his garage.

  Bryce looked at me and asked, “You hungry, baby?”


  He rubbed my stomach. “You need to eat to feed the baby.”

  I nodded. “Okay.” I wanted to ask him again about Giovanni, but I let it slide for the moment.


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