Sex Magick

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Sex Magick Page 30

by Tom Raimbault

  “You haven't touched your beer. Why don't you drink it?”

  Amber returned to her catatonic state, this time with a face of rage that indicated her to be a split-second from unleashing her violent, wicked side.

  “Tell me thank you.” Daren ordered. He picked up the rose and placed it back on Amber's lap. “Say, 'Thank you, Daren. Thank you for the rose.' And why aren't you drinking your beer? Drink it!” Daren had enough of Amber's rudeness and lifted the bottle to her face. “Drink! I'm going to pour it on your face if you don't open your mouth.”

  He wouldn't dare! This is what Amber thought. But much to her unpleasant surprise, cold beer had been dumped on Amber's face. She violently shook her head, did the spit-take and then knocked the bottle out of Daren's hand while exploding with a primordial scream, “Stop it!” She jumped out of her seat and stood up. “You son of a bitch! Stop it! I hate you!”

  Daren calmly took a sip from his bottle. “That was cute. I like that side of you. Oh, but look; you've got beer on your blouse.” He took another swig of beer. “Take off your blouse.”

  The evening was turning into nothing less than a sexual assault. Amber's face was red and her eyes equally matched. The nerve of Daren to demand this!

  “Take off your blouse! Let's go! Take off your blouse and your bra!”

  Of course Amber stood there, hating Daren with all of her heart.

  “Come-on! I want to see some tits! I want to see what Amber's tits look like! Take off your blouse and bra.” It appeared to Daren that he would need to help Amber. And that's when the violence for the evening began.

  Before Amber knew what happened, Daren lunged over and tore her pretty blouse open. He was so strong and it happened seemingly in the blink of an eye. Daren didn't have time to waste playing with unclasping Amber's bra. Like a piece of paper, he tore open the front and then whipped both the bra and blouse off and onto the floor. In equally amazing time, Amber's skirt had been yanked down along with her panties. All-in-all, in less than seven seconds, Amber was completely naked.

  “Look at those gorgeous tits!” Daren stepped back and admired Amber's body. “You're beautiful. No wonder I want you!” But rather than take Amber right then and there, Daren walked over to the opened crypt and pulled out another beer. He finished his first and then opened up the second. Then he sat back down on the bench. “I want to check you out for a while.”

  This wasn't Amber's idea of fun. Feeling humiliated and unfairly exposed, she immediately bent over to pick up her clothes.

  “Uh-uh! Leave those alone! Put those clothes down! You are not to put your clothes back on. We are far from done.

  Amber covered her breasts and vagina with the bundles of clothing.

  “Did you hear me? We're not done!”

  But Amber would continue to disobey.

  “Actually, I've got a better idea.” Daren set down his beer. “I don't think we've established the rules around here.” Daren bent down and picked up the rose from the ground. Then he approached naked Amber. “Tell me thank you!”

  Amber stared at the ground. He could strip her of her clothes and even rape her. But she would never thank him for the stupid rose!

  “Tell me thank you! Let's hear it!”

  Amber remained silent.

  And just like before, with brute strength and speed, Daren secured both of Amber's thin arms above her head with one hand and then pinched her naked nipple with the other. He pinched and squeezed; enough to make Amber scream out in pain. “Tell me thank you!”

  All Daren could hear were blood curdling screams from Amber.

  “Come-on! Thank you! Let's hear it! I'll pull it off. I'll pull this freaking nipple right off your tit! It's either 'thank you' or you lose your nipple. Now what's it going to be?” And that's what Daren started to do. He pulled Amber's nipple so hard that her beautiful breast turned into a cone. The very flesh attached to the chest nearly felt like it would rip. He was so crazy, demanding to simply hear “thank you” from Amber's lips.

  Even Amber's powers couldn't save her in that moment. She had been dominated, belittled and brainwashed in that moment to the point of truly fearing that she would lose her breast. And that's why she finally gave in. She actually thanked Daren for the rose. “Thank you!” she screamed out.

  Daren eased up on the pulling, but maintained the painful hold on Amber's nipple. “What?”

  “Thank you!”

  “Thank you for what?”

  “Thank you for the rose!”

  “Who gave you the rose?”

  “You did!”

  “So who are you going to thank?”

  “Thank you, Daren! Thank you for the rose! It was wonderful of you!”

  And with that, Daren released his aggressive hold on Amber's nipple and then wrapped his arm around her back. The two of them eagerly kissed like they were starved to be kissed. Soon, Daren released Amber's wrists. But to make sure she understood his control, Daren firmly pressed the thorny rose against Amber's breast while engaging in one of the hottest, steamiest make out sessions ever had in that mausoleum.

  It didn't take long for Daren's pants to come off and for Amber's naked body to be thrown on the mausoleum floor. Convulsing and being whipped around like a rag doll that mopped the floor, Amber had the living hell screwed out of her. And when I say screwing, I mean Daren slammed himself in and out like he was angry and severely punishing Amber for being a naughty, cock-teasing, little bitch. That's what she was, a little cock teaser. And that's what you do to a cock teaser! You rip her clothes off, dominate her and then screw the living hell out of her.

  Amber could only lie there, screaming and creaming. It's what she needed!

  So let this be a lesson to all the young women who consider attracting a man with sex magick, or casting one of those silly love spells. The problem is most women run away and lose interest once a man has been affected. But the spell can never be reversed. He turns crazy and won't stop until he finally has you, even if he has to violate you in a mausoleum late at night.

  * * *

  About an hour later, Daren and Amber stood on the road near her Grand Prix that had “run out of gas”. The two giggled as Daren poured the remaining gas into her tank. And before departing for the evening and going their own separate ways, Daren informed Amber, “Next time we'll do it in your bed, okay?” Then he slapped Amber's ass.

  Daren was such a gentleman that he made sure Amber's car started and then watched her drive off. His work was done. Amber had been satisfied. Finally, Daren would have the ability to make love to his beautiful wife.

  Chapter 48

  It seems everyone was enjoying rough sex in Mapleview! The following afternoon, Jim kneeled in Ekaterina's bed, straddled over her Russian ass while engaging in aggressive doggy-style sex. In recent days, Ekaterina seemed to enjoy rough sex. And she was beginning to cry out unusual poetry in between her vocal expressions of being dominated.

  “You the dog! I the bitch!

  You the helve! I the axe!

  You the cock! I the hen!

  That, that I desire!"

  It was all beginning to alarm Jim. Only weeks ago, Ekaterina was a crazy, old lady. But from what Jim could see now, Ekaterina was the same age as him. Her sexual emotions were complex. And lately it seemed she was in need of rough sex. Some afternoons she would put up a fight and refuse to become submissive. She wished to be manhandled and dominated, then to have her clothes torn off and coerced into sex. At the moment of submission, Ekaterina appeared to slip into an erotic trance in which she would slowly caress herself while finally being taken by Jim. She would kneel or lay in whatever position Jim had wrestled her into and act as though her aggressor had forced a taboo pleasure onto her. At some point during the sexual encounter—usually before climaxing—Ekaterina would cry out what could have been described as pseudo-poetry, citing that the she and Jim had metamorphosized into savage animals and then cried out for her desires to finally manifest into reality.

  If you were a man who observed such bizarre, ritualistic behavior during sex with an older woman, and then witnessed her radical and undeniable transformation into a young woman; would you be alarmed? Jim certainly was! These days of Ekaterina's sex rituals and her undeniable transformation were a turning point for Jim. Since December, Ekaterina had exposed him to an alternate reality in which Vodka could place one into a dreamy trance and make for hypnotic sessions of scrying. There was talk of Jim having a severe deficit in his Karma that could only be repaired by allowing the old, witchy Ekaterina to have sex with him. And now she had changed into someone younger and unrecognizable. Magick happened; Jim participated and he worried that perhaps there were consequences. Was he tricked into all of this?

  Chapter 49

  It just popped out of nowhere! At least this is how it happened in Jim's perception. Oh, he knew since the before-Christmas office staff meeting that Mapleview Cable was experiencing a lack in customer growth. There were rumors floating around of a possible company buyout and even layoffs. In fact, even the name of the company that would purchase Mapleview Cable was known by some of the people throughout the office. It was a German company by the name of Fernsehen Comm. For weeks the inevitable was unofficially made known to the staff of Mapleview Cable, but only in the “rumor stage”. But Jim did everything in his power to ignore the warning signs. It wasn't his focus. No worries for the future and no concerns of what he would do for money if laid off later that year; it was almost as-if Jim didn't care. Of course we all know what was really on his mind. Jim's was preoccupied with things like Amber and Ekaterina. Some people just don't have their priorities right.

  It was Friday morning; the time that is reserved for the weekly staff meetings at Mapleview Cable. The entire staff now sat in the circle of chairs in the large conference room. This was nothing new. Ryan the plant manager preferred this seating arrangement as it encouraged everyone in the room to participate. But this morning's meeting officially confirmed everyone's fears of a recent rumor of company takeover in the near future along with possible layoffs. The experienced shock and sudden anxiety by everyone suddenly converted the room into a place for people to hash out their feelings.

  The plant manager was of no help. It should first be worth mentioning that outside of the younger cable installers, Ryan was younger than everyone in Mapleview Cable. With only a business degree and no life experience (outside of 1 year of marriage with no children), he still found his way in a high-paying, upper management career. In his mind, Ryan experienced success so quickly because he was so awesome with God-given wisdom that other's around him lacked. In reality, Daddy knew some people who pulled strings to get the job for his son.

  Ryan stood in the center of the circle that Friday morning, addressing the staff of Mapleview Cable. “Well, the big day should be July 1st. The Mapleview Cable Company sign will come down. In its place will be the Fernsehen Comm sign. Fernsehen… Does anyone know what the word fernsehen means?”

  One of the installers jokingly suggested, “Beer?”

  Another one added, “Yeah, I hear that in Germany, workers are entitled to one beer for every 4 hours worked.”

  The worried faces throughout the room momentarily lit up while cautiously giggling. Wouldn't it be cool if the German company brought with it such traditions?

  Apparently the installers were not so hard hit by the company takeover. It was Ryan's job to make sure that people understood the gravity of the situation. “Beer? Funny! Gentlemen, do you think this is funny? Is this something to joke around about?”

  The installers suddenly forced serious expressions on their faces while shaking their heads, no.

  Ryan continued, “I mean more than half of the people, if not all of us, are in jeopardy of losing our jobs in a few months. You think this is a situation to joke around about? Come-on, Gentlemen! Grow up!” Then Ryan looked around the room. “Anyone else want to take a shot at it? Anyone know what the word fernsehen means?”

  Martha, one of the customer service reps suggested, “Cable?”

  “Not quite, Martha. Anyone else?” Ryan looked around the room at the silent faces then softly whistled. “Are we all awake this morning? How about you, Jim? I bet you know what fernsehen means. You look German.”

  “I don't have a clue.” said Jim.

  “By the way, Jim; see me after the meeting. I need to talk to you.”

  Jim nodded.

  Ryan continued his discussion of the German word, fernsehen. “Come on, people! Someone might be able to tell me what fernsehen means. No?” Then Ryan shouted, “It means television!”

  The room remained silent, people most likely wondering why they were suddenly being yelled at.

  “See, people, this is what I'm talking about! There's a company by the name of Fernsehen Comm taking over in July, and nobody bothered to look the word up. Are we so dismal and apathetic that we don't care anymore? Martha, did you do some research into the company?”


  “It looks like you've had a bad week, Martha. Did you have a bad week?”

  “A little…”

  “What was so bad about it?”

  “I don't know. The weather is bad out there and angry customers keep calling and yelling about outages. Plus I guess maybe I was a little worried about the company takeover… Now I guess it's true.” Poor Martha did everything in her power to hold back the tears.

  And that's exactly where Ryan wanted his employee, admitting to being affected by stressful situations. “Shame on you, Martha! You need to remove emotions from business. When you come in those doors each day, you need to put your personal interests aside and think for the team. How would you like it if I came in a little affected by the weather and couldn't run this company? I sacrifice myself each day to come in here and run Mapleview Cable. I put my personal interests aside.” Ryan looked around the room. “And the same goes for each and every one of you. Don't let the Fernsehen Comm takeover affect the way you interact with customers and ultimately do your jobs.”

  After the bizarre staff meeting of officially announcing a company takeover, insulting everyone's intelligence and nearly scolding the employees for being affected, Ryan adjourned the meeting with, “Everyone have a great day!” But today he included, “Jimmy, let's talk in my office.”

  Jim hadn't a clue as to what Ryan needed to discuss. If costly infrastructure was ever damaged in storms or wear and tear, Ryan would briefly meet with Jim to go over the details for a report. But in recent times, nothing serious had happened with Mapleview Cable infrastructure. Only a couple PC cards were changed in utility boxes or some filters near customers' homes—standard business operations throughout the week.

  “Have a seat, Jim. And you're not in trouble. I just need to go over something with you.” Sitting on Ryan's desk was a defective 12" x 15" control circuit card that had been replaced from one of the main utility boxes in town. It was to be delivered to the manufacturer's warranty service center for diagnosis and repair. Ryan picked up the paperwork and read Jim's note, “Defective unit. Powers up but will not boot.” Then he looked up at Jim, “Did you swap this card out?”

  “Yes, on Monday.”

  “Did you bother to analyze the card any further and see what might have been wrong with it?”

  Being that the control card was under warranty, Jim was not to analyze or troubleshoot any of the components on the card. His job could only go so far as to identify the card being defective and send it off for diagnosis. Jim reminded Ryan of this. “Well all that equipment is under warranty. We're not supposed to do that. Plus we don't have the diagnostic equipment to do that.”

  Ryan was quick to reply, “You don't need to make up some excuse. Surely you could have done some troubleshooting without altering anything major on this card. Did you do that?”


  “Let me ask you, Jim; do you know what this card is?”

  “Yeah, it's a CAM—a control access module.”

nbsp; “Good! At least you know that much! And did you know that if you go online and type in the model number of this CAM along with the manufacturer, you can find a specification sheet. It even explains how the card boots up and goes online with the main chassis! How about that? And look, I can tell you all about it: the synthesizer clock is delivered to the CPU which immediately boots up. The boot sequence goes through the memory controller, through master-in-serial-out, and then begins to run voltage checks of the digital to analog controllers. Do you even know what that stuff is, Jim?”

  You might not know what these things are, but Jim certainly knew! Realizing his intelligence was being insulted, Jim was losing patience. Ryan had a business management degree, not a technical degree (not to mention background like Jim possessed). “Yes, Ryan; I know all about that. I have an electronics degree and had a do a thesis paper on computer hardware boot-up sequence.”

  “Well you sure could have fooled me! Seeing this report you filled out, it looks like you have no idea what you're doing. I'm thinking of letting one of the installers out there try out the job as lineman tech for a while. I'm going to email you this specification sheet. Read it! Start showing the warranty repair center that we know what we are doing. Try debugging and analyzing these cards!”

  Ryan was not done. “So I guess on Wednesday our customer service desk received a call from a very, irate Mrs. Linden. She wanted to watch the Oprah Show [this was 2010] but her signal had all kinds of grainy lines running through it. Do you remember that call? She said in the process of you being there, her screen went blank for about 10 minutes. She missed 10 minutes of the Oprah Show.”

  Jim recalled the morning. “Yeah, it was a defective tap. I replaced it and restored service for her.”

  “Defective tap? Where was this defective tap?”

  “It was on the line. I had to replace it.”

  The answer was not good enough for Ryan. “No, I don't want you tell me that the tap was on the line. I want you to tell me where the tap was at.”


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