Striker: A Dark Bully Romance (Redwood Rebels Book 1)

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Striker: A Dark Bully Romance (Redwood Rebels Book 1) Page 10

by Rachel Leigh

  “Are you forgetting that this is my fucking house!” I shove him again and again, until we are halfway down the hall.

  “This is my game!” My teeth grind as my fists clench.

  His gaze drops to the balled knuckles at my sides. “You wanna fucking punch me?” He steps up. “Do it. I dare ya.”

  “You try and screw this up just because you’ve sprouted an obsession, I’ll do more than punch you.”

  “Me.” He laughs. “You’re the one about to drive your own plan into the ground with Josh. You plan to hand her over to another man. Get a grip, jackass. She’s temporary, and once you’re finished with her, she’ll never even look at you again. In which case, I’ll step in. Dry her tears, give her a shoulder to lean on.” He pats his shoulder with a smirk then leans closer and whispers, “I’ll fuck you right out of her system.”

  Heat spreads through my entire body as I cock my arm back. Just as I’m about to release it, Lars flees to my side, grabbing hold of my arm and pulling me back a couple feet. “Would you two shut the hell up. She could be in there listening to this shit.”

  All eyes shoot to the door. An open circle replaces where the handle once was. Pushing past the guys, I walk over and slouch down to look inside. If she was in there, she would have heard us. She would know that her handle was just taken off. I peek in the hole and see her perfectly made bed. “She’s not in there.” I stand back up. Pushing aside all the anger toward Zed, I realize we have to work together on this one. I point to Lars. “Get the number of those two nitwits she hangs out with—Shay and Wyatt—call them.” I look at Zed. “You’re obviously obsessed with the girl, pull anything from memory and check it out. I’ll go to her dad’s house.”

  Lars and Zed stand idly watching me, so I snap my fingers. “Now, damnit!” Then we all break apart and, without any further discussion, we go our own ways. Walking down the steps, I pat myself down, thinking that maybe I grabbed my phone and didn’t realize it. Sure as shit, nothing.

  I tear off every cushion and even tip the couch back and still can’t find it. It’s like it just fucking disappeared. My mind replays the last time I had it. He was calling. I ignored it and set it down. Marni came home. I took her bag off her shoulder and tossed it on the couch.

  Next to my phone.

  That bitch!

  My little rebel will pay for this stunt she’s just pulled.


  “Thanks for meeting me.” I lean into Wyatt and rest my head on his shoulder. “I just had to get away from there for a little bit.” Nuzzling my head closer, I find comfort in my friend. Wyatt is the kind of guy who would drop anything for someone he cares about. He’d pick you up at three o’clock in the morning on the side of the road when your car broke down after a heated argument with your ex-boyfriend. He’d take you to the doctor for a pregnancy test when you thought that just maybe you were pregnant. And he’d also hold your hand when you get the results. Negative. We celebrated that night. He’s also the best person to sit in the bleachers with during football practices just to watch the guys in their tight pants. Though, he only has eyes for one guy—Shane West.

  “I’d like to say that I understand, but I have no idea why you’re even staying in that house.”

  “I wish I could tell you, but it’s better this way right now. I do need your help, though.” I lift my head and turn my entire body toward him, tucking one leg underneath the other. The weathered wood of the old bench pokes into my skin. The bench sits between a couple large trees down one of Miners State Park’s trails. It felt like a good place to go and not be found.

  “Aw hell, Marni. Don’t tangle me up in this shit. You know those guys already hate me.”

  “They don’t hate you. They just don’t know you and they look at you as an easy target because you’re too nice. Besides, they won’t even know that you’re helping me.” I place a hand on his arm. “I really need you, Wyatt. I don’t have anyone and there is no way I can ask Shay for help. She’s a parrot.” I love the girl, but if you want to keep a secret safe, don’t share it with Shay. She will repeat everything you say and the next thing you know, you’re hearing your own story in different words from someone else.

  His expression becomes earnest. “You’re serious?”

  “Dead.” I nod, while chewing on my bottom lip.

  “Alright. What do you need me to do? Kick some ass? Kiss some ass? You name it and I’m on it.” He chuckles, searching for humor in this whole situation.

  There’s a beat of silence between us before the wind picks up and rustles the dry leaves at our feet. Unzipping my backpack, I pull out Talon’s phone and hand it to Wyatt. “I need you to tap into this phone and get a list of every single call, text, and voicemail. Anything you can get for me, I want.”

  “Woah,” he throws his hands up, “I’m not touching that.”

  “Calm down,” I snicker. “It’s Talon’s phone. He was having a very in-depth conversation on it last night and I’m pretty sure it was about me.”

  Wyatt gets to his feet and begins pacing in front of the bench. Pulling up the hood of his sweatshirt, he stuffs his hands inside the front pocket. “I can’t do this.” His head shakes continuously. “Do you know what they’ll do to me if they catch me with his phone?”

  Unfortunately, I do. I’m more aware than anyone of what they could do. I’m also aware that they’d probably get away with it. I stand up and brace my hands on either side of his shoulders. “They will never find out. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I thought you would get hurt.” It’s only a semi-lie.

  I’m confident they won’t find out, but I’m not one-hundred-percent sure that they won’t come after me. Wyatt isn’t the most tech savvy guy around, but his dad owns Magna Tech, and they are a world-renowned tech company that specializes in cellular devices. They’ve helped crack cell phones for the local police, FBI, and even the CIA. It’s one little device and takes only minutes to download all data onto any SD card.

  Chewing on the inside of his cheek, I can see that he’s nervous as hell. “Let’s say that I do this. What exactly do you plan to do with whatever information you're given?”

  “That depends.” I’m not even sure. I just need something to go on that could explain what Talon has been up to. I’m starting to think that there is much more to Josh’s death than what the guys are letting on. They still haven’t even told me how he died. Just that it was an accident and he deserved it. I need more. If I’m involved, and possibly implicated, I have to know exactly what happened that night. “I do need you to promise me one more thing.”

  “Nope,” he shakes his head, “I’m out.” He actually begins to walk away. I drop the phone back in my bag then zip it up, catching up to him quickly.

  Wyatt is the guy who doesn’t do haunted houses, doesn’t even watch scary movies. He almost pissed his pants when a monster jumped out of a treasure box on Scooby Doo. “Please, Wyatt. I’m begging you.” I fold my hands in prayer. “The only promise I need is that you give the card straight back to me, without looking at it first. I don’t want you getting pulled into whatever mess they have going on.”

  The same mess that I’m currently entangled in. I would never want Wyatt to know about what they did to Josh. Not because I’m worried he’d snitch, but because I know he wouldn’t, and he’d live with that knowledge and guilt forever.

  Drawing out a sigh, I can tell he’s thinking about it. When he drops his shoulders, a smile inches up on my face. “Ok. Under one condition,” he says.

  “You name it. I can handle a condition.”

  He perks up. “You’re coming with me.”

  Hooking my arm around his, I agree with a nod. “You don’t even have to ask twice. You know how much of a rush I get by being sneaky.” I waggle my brows and laugh.

  “Yes. Yes, I do. And that is exactly why you need me,” he pauses and looks at me with a grin, “to keep your ass out of trouble all the damn time.”

  It’s true. Wyatt has saved me from a m
ountain of regrets. He’s a good friend. Which is exactly why I feel like the worst friend in the world right now for getting him involved.

  I just need to protect this phone and make sure Talon doesn’t find it, then hope like hell that I can get out of that house as easy as I did today. No one was even paying attention when I snuck out the back door. Now that my phone is back on and dozens of messages are coming up on my screen, it’s obvious they are well aware of my absence. It makes me smile knowing that they are all panicking and trying to figure out my whereabouts. Almost makes me feel a little special to be this important to them, even if it is because they fear I’ll share their secret.

  Pulling down the driveway to my house, my stomach twists into knots when I see Talon’s truck parked out front.

  Fuck. I should have known he’d come here looking for me. At least Dad is in Dallas and I don’t have to worry that they may have tried to kill one another. Creeping down the driveway at five miles an hour, I use the time to unzip the bag and grab the phone. Keeping my eyes on Talon to keep suspicion off me, I lean forward and toss it underneath the driver's seat.

  When I finally come to a stop, he’s already at my door attempting to pull it open. I try to hit the unlock buttons, but he’s still pulling. “Open the fucking door.” He growls from the other side of the glass.

  “Let go of the damn handle and I will,” I shout back. He finally lets go and I toy with him a little bit by hovering my finger over the button.

  “Get. Out. Of. The. Car,” he says each word like it’s its own sentence.

  Finally, I humor him and unlock it. Before I can even attempt to open the door, he beats me to it and grabs me by the arm. “Can I unbuckle the seatbelt first?” I snarl, as he continues to pull on me like I’m a damn baby doll.

  “You think this is some sort of joke?” He slams the door shut then backs me up against it with his fingers still coiled around my bicep. “Gimme my fucking phone, Marni.” His brows lower as he bares his teeth. Having him so close to me and hearing the way my name rolls off his tongue is actually calming my anxieties. It’s replacing them with an overpowering desire to bite into his lower lip and suck his tongue into my mouth. “Did you hear me?” he barks.

  Not even realizing that I was watching his lips, my eyes shoot up to his. “Your phone?” I question, playing dumb. “Why the hell would I have your phone?” I attempt to squirm out from beneath him; I am a terrible liar, and he’ll see the truth all over my face. I bite down on my lip to refrain from smiling when he doesn’t even give me an inch. Dad always told me he could tell I was lying because I’d smile.

  “I don’t like being lied to and that’s exactly what you’re doing right now. Don’t make me give you a cavity search in your driveway. I’m sure Daddy wouldn’t like seeing that on his cam footage.”

  “Seriously, Talon, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Did you lose your—”

  The smack of his hand against the car jolts my body into a tense position. My back steels against the door, and my eyes grow wider. “Don’t fuck with me!” He lashes out.

  I slap his arm away and duck underneath it when I see an opening. Picking up my pace, I head straight for the house. I have to get him away from this car.

  Naturally, he follows me. He doesn’t try to catch up, though. Just slow strides behind me like Michael Meyers does before he takes the chainsaw to his victim’s head.

  I attempt to close the door, but he speeds up at the last minute and sticks his arm in. But that doesn’t stop me from trying. “Goddamn you!” He pounds his whole body into it full force, and I stumble backward as the door comes open. Giving it a swift shove, he slams it shut. “You’re gonna pay for that. For all of this.”

  Ignoring his threats, I keep walking and end up in the kitchen. Not exactly my plan, but we are away from the car and away from his phone, so I relax a bit.

  With my palms pressed against the cold countertop, I swallow hard and remain silent.

  Spinning me around, so my back is pressed against the counter, he clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, a sinister grin replacing his indignant look. “Gimme my phone or I’ll find it myself.”

  When I don’t respond, he inches his face closer to mine. “Spread your legs.”

  “What?” I huff. “No way!” His hand sweeps from my thigh upward as he pries my legs open. “Is it here?” He cups my crotch.

  “Do you really think if I had your phone,” my voice raises a few octaves, “I’d hide it in my fucking vagina?”

  “You’re a kinky girl. Wouldn’t put it past you. Maybe you like the vibration when I get a text message.”

  “Now that’s just gross. And for the record, it would never fit.” He begins rubbing aggressively against the fabric of my jeans and I want to tell him to stop, but once again, my body is at war with my mind. Hormonal fucking bitch that she is.

  My head tilts to the side impulsively when his mouth trails the lobe of my ear. “Where is it, Marni?”

  Closing my eyes, I mutter, “Still don't’ know what you’re talking about.” Using my lies as his motivation, he begins rubbing harder. Sending a current of shudders between my legs, spreading to my belly then straight to my heart as it begins palpitating at an unhealthy rate.

  “Cameras.” I manage to choke out. “They’re on.”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck.” He grabs me by the waist and hoists me up onto the counter. His fingers snake up my shirt and tickle the skin of my sides just beneath my bra.

  Goosebumps spill down my body when his mouth pulverizes mine. Rolling my hips, I straighten my back and coil my fingers in his hair. He lets out a breathy moan that arouses me further. When his tongue darts in my mouth, taking mine hostage, I allow it. Inviting the taste of mint gum that still lingers on it.

  Pushing everything out of my head—the cameras, the phone, the fact that this is wrong—I force his body into me, craving the friction between my legs.

  Our mouths disconnect as fast as they linked. I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth. “What’s wrong?” I ask. Out of breath for no reason whatsoever. I feel like I just ran a mile and it was only a twenty-second kiss from a guy who hates me—who I hate.

  “Stand up.” He grabs my waist and helps me down. “I still need my phone.” His eyes hold that look of lust and desire. Wide, dark, and fully dilated. Unbuttoning my jeans and taking down my zipper, he gets on his knees then tugs them, along with my panties, all the way down in one swift pull.

  I’m standing pantless, in my kitchen, where my dad could be watching, where Ruby could walk in at any moment, and all I want is for him to shove his tongue inside of me while he’s knelt at my feet on the mosaic tile.

  The sliding of a drawer has me looking down. “What are you doing?” Completely ignoring me, he takes something out. “What is that? An ice cream scooper?”

  When he begins brushing it against my inner thigh, moving it up leisurely, I tense up. Chills shoot up from the touch of the cold aluminum. “Talon?” I say his name as a question.

  “Where’s my phone?” he asks again.

  “It sure as hell isn’t in the ice cream container, if that's where you plan to look. I told you—”

  I gasp. Body shooting up, eyes open wide, and my heart fleeting when he sticks the tip of the handle inside of me.

  “Where is it?”

  There is no way I can tell him where it is. There is also no way that I am allowing him to stick…

  My thoughts trail off when he begins pushing it in slowly. Spreading me open, as I close in around it. I don’t stop him. I don’t even think I’m breathing when I feel it against my clit. He begins sliding it in and out, and my mouth gapes open. Looking down at him, his eyes are fixated on the object in his hand. As if he feels me watching him, his gaze shifts to my watchful stare.

  He smirks, pleased with himself. “I knew you were a kinky little shit.”

  “Fuck you.” My breaths hitch when he picks up his pace. Foolishly, I spread my legs apart f
arther, relishing in the unthinkable pleasure that a kitchen utensil is bringing me right now.

  Fighting to fill my lungs, I draw in a deep breath and the exhale comes out as a raspy moan. Talon grabs my foot and lifts it up so that it rests on his shoulder. “Oh my God.” I whimper when it begins sliding in and out so fast that it feels like my vagina is having a seizure. “Fuck!”

  I throw my head back. Taking what is being given to me. I don’t even give a damn what is delivering this insane amount of pleasure. Humiliation be damned. My hand slides down my chest, cupping my breast in my hand and giving it a firm squeeze. Talon stretches up his free hand and takes mine off of my breast then drags it underneath my shirt. When he removes his hand, I continue to massage my breast beneath my bra. Tugging at my nipple and letting out sounds I didn’t even know I could make while he power drives the ice cream scooper in and out of me. My breaths shudder uncontrollably when I begin to pulsate around the aluminum handle.

  “You like that, don’t you?” He looks up at me again, and I get the feeling that he’s enjoying this just as much as I am.

  I don’t answer. Instead, I get a good grip on his hair and slam his face into my core. His teeth clank against the aluminum, but I don’t let him pull back. I wrap his hair around my fingers and tug until he begins sweeping his tongue up and down over my clit. Just when I’m at the highest high of my entire life, he jerks the scooper out.

  I lift his head up so that he’s facing me. A devious grin is on his face as his tongue darts at his lips, taking my arousal into his mouth. “Why are you stopping? Please, Talon—”

  “Phone. Now.” He shoves one finger inside of me, but I need more.

  “Finish me off now or I’ll find someone else to do it.” I tap my finger to my chin. “Zed, maybe.”

  The reaction I get from him is everything I didn’t expect when he bolts to his feet. The aluminum hits the tile with a thud when he grabs me by the waist and spins me around. I hear the sound of his zipper then feel his pants slide down the back of my legs.


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