A Love Like Ours

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A Love Like Ours Page 6

by Baker, Tory

  “You must be Presley,” Robert says, and he gives me a warm smile, shaking my hand.

  “I am, thank you for having me,” I reply.

  “Give it time, you may want a hotel after one day here. Kristine has been in a tizzy as soon as Lincoln told us you two were coming.” Lincoln and Robert laugh. Kristine comes closer to me, “Ignore those two, we have plenty of room here. I know Lincoln will take you to see the shows, but if you have time to do some shopping, I’ll take you one afternoon.” The warm welcome, the offer to spend time with everyone, you wouldn’t know that Lincoln came from this amount of wealth. He’s as cool as a cucumber and simply stated, he’s down to earth. His house back home shows that in every way.

  “I’d like that, I wish we could stay longer but Lincoln hasn’t found a manager yet that he trusts to help him at the bar,” I tell her.

  “Well, maybe this summer you two can come back out this way or by then maybe things will have settled and we can take a trip to see you two.”

  “We’d love that,” I reply as we walk inside their home. The men are trailing behind us, talking about the family business while carrying our bags inside.

  “Your home is beautiful,” I breathe out.

  “Thank you, this is where my boys grew up. Robert and I have talked about selling, but I’m just not ready to let go of our family home.” Their home isn’t pretentious, no it’s homey. You can see how much joy and love they have as a family, much like my own.

  “I’m not sure I’d leave it either,” I smile warmly.

  Robert and Kristine show us to our room, incidentally enough it was Lincoln’s childhood bedroom, with an en suite bathroom attached to it.

  “If Lyla saw this was your bedroom growing up, she’s be so jealous. She had to share one bathroom with three of her brothers. I’m pretty sure that’s why she loves to travel so much for her job now,” I tell Lincoln.

  “I can’t say that I blame her, it’s hard to believe she’s one of four children though,” Lincoln states, coming up behind me as I look into the backyard, my mind ready to have the afternoon to laze around the pool.

  “Can we hang out at the pool today?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, Mom and Dad would love that. Get ready and I’ll go let them know our plans.”

  “Okay,” our lips graze each other’s and then he’s heading to the door, I watch him the whole way, wondering how I got so lucky to have Lincoln in my life.



  Presley fit right in, just like I knew she would. I didn’t have to worry about Mom stealing her away, Presley willingly hung out with her. Which made today a day to hang out with Devon and Dad.

  “You ready to deal with this?” I ask Devon as we step into the law firm our family keeps on retainer.

  “Yeah, it should have been dealt with before. What about you? You’re making some big life decisions today too,” Devon replies. Dad is silently observing us, much like he did growing up.

  “Oh yeah, I’m ready for Presley to have our last name. This is just the first step to ensuring her future. Next stop is a jewelry store, and this doesn’t go any further. That means not a word is to be said to Mom. You know she’ll tell Presley before I even propose.”

  “You’re not wrong, Lincoln. She’s always been horrible at keeping secrets,” Dad states.

  “Then let’s get this shit on the road,” Devon says.

  We walk into the office, go right to the conference room. Our attorney is already waiting for us, a stack of papers at the ready.

  I asked him to get my paperwork ready, in case something ever happened to me, I’ll be leaving everything to Presley and to our future family. Not that something will, but more or less a precaution. I don’t want her worried about our finances being a problem if that time ever came.

  Devon on the other hand, he’s going after Stacey for a court ordered paternity test. She’s hemmed and hawed long enough. It’s been a month since he made an appointment she never bothered showing up for.

  Who really knows what she’s up to, she could be going after money, or maybe Devon really is the father, whatever it is, we’re ready to get the answers.

  “Robert, Lincoln, Devon, how are you gentlemen today?” Walter asks.

  “We’re doing okay, ready to get this shit taken care of,” my dad answers gruffly.

  “Well, let’s get to it. We’ll work on Lincoln’s since his is the easiest,” He shuffles papers and tells me where to sign. I do as he says, and it’s taken care of in just a few minutes.

  “Now for the hard part,” Walter says.

  “I was worried about that,” Devon runs his hands through his hair.

  “We can serve her papers to get the paternity test, but and here’s the big if, she could contest it and ask to wait until the baby is born to have the test ran. I don’t know her finances, but she could lawyer up. Worst case scenario we go to court, she tells her sob story to the judge and then we still have to wait.” He gives Devon his options.

  “Looks like no matter what, we have to serve her to at least get the ball rolling. What do you think Dad, Lincoln?” Devon asks.

  Both my father and I nod our head in agreement, I say, “I think you get it started now, that way she can’t come back at you later on. I’d also suggest no communication unless it’s through a text or an email. Something is shady with her.”

  “I agree with you both, sign the papers and let Walter handle the rest,” Dad states. You can tell he’s fit to be tied with how things are turning out. It shouldn’t take an act of God to find out if this child is Devon’s or not.

  “Alright, where do I sign?” Devon asks Walter. They get the paperwork all taken care of, then we head out to the store before I head back to Presley.



  Kristine and I went out earlier today and hit the holy cannoli of premium outlets. I may have killed my credit card today with clothes not only for myself but a few things for Lyla, Callie, Clairabella, and my mom.

  We made it back to their house before the guys got back. After dropping off my mountains of bags in our bedroom, I met Kristine out on the back patio to have a snack and a drink.

  “All that shopping has made me thirsty, how about you?” Kristine asked as she was pouring herself a glass of white wine.

  “I would love a glass of wine, anything I can help with?” I ask.

  “No, I had snacks made before we left this morning. If I know my boys, they’ll be back soon and ready to devour anything in their sights. Make sure you eat now, or you may not get anything.” I smile as she says that. I’ve seen Lincoln eat when he’s starving, I once made a taco casserole and he ate half of it before I was finished with my own.

  “Thank you for today, it was a lot of fun. I may need to buy another suitcase to bring everything home though,” I laugh nervously. Not thinking of how I would bring it back home.

  “You can take one of ours, and we’ll bring it back when we go to Florida. Simple as that, and Presley, there’s no thanks needed. It was a lot of fun to shop with someone besides the women who try to hob knob. I hope we can do it again,” she says with a smile.

  “I’m ready whenever, well actually, pause that thought. Let me pay my credit card bill first, then we’ll see when I’m allowed to shop again.” I chuckle because the damage has already been done. The two of us are laughing when Lincoln walks in with his brother and father. He immediately comes up to me.

  “Why wouldn’t you be allowed to shop again?” Lincoln asks.

  “Wait until you go to our room, I think that’ll be answer enough. The damage has been done and my card may be permanently banned now,” I say with a chuckle. He’s hugging me from behind.

  I turn around in his arms and say, “How did everything go?”

  “He got the ball rolling, now we sit back and wait. Did you pack or buy a dress? I want to take you out on the town tonight?” Lincoln wiggles his eyebrows. I can’t help but laugh, when he wiggles his eyebrows and bri
ngs out his smile, it makes my heart light up.

  “I think I may have gotten a whole store while we were out,” I kiss him lightly.

  “Can you be ready in an hour or so? I need to shower myself and get ready. I’ll do it in Devon’s room so you can have the bathroom.” Lincoln’s voice is hoarse with need, my body flushes thinking about the way he took me this morning, my leg hitched over his hip. Lincoln thrusting in and out of my body while we looked into each other’s eyes. Lincoln didn’t take my body, no Lincoln worshipped every inch of my soul.

  “Yes, I’ll be ready. We can share the bathroom though,” I offer.

  “I love that you wouldn’t mind sharing, but Presley we won’t leave the house if we do that,” he grunts.

  “Well then, I guess you better vacate the room before I change my mind and follow you into the shower,” I wink at him and slowly step away.

  Lincoln grunts and then turns to head up the stairs. I guess, I have some getting ready to do. I’m really glad I took the time to wash and blow dry my hair this morning or I’d never be ready on time.



  I’m not sure how I kept my hands to myself after seeing Presley come downstairs, her hair a flowy mess of curls, a dusting of light make-up, pink painted lips, and a dress that shows off her curves in all the right ways. It’s a cream color that has a teasing glimpse of her leg all the way to her thigh when she walks. The thin straps holding up the top half has some kind of pattern on her breasts, giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her breasts. It wasn’t the front that about killed me, no, that would be the back. It’s completely backless, the dimples in her lower back being showcased, and I know my hands will be all over her tonight.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” I whisper into her ear as we’re swaying on the dance floor at the hotel restaurant we’re staying at, something Presley has no idea about. When she was in the shower I snuck back into our room and packed a small bag for each of us.

  “I don’t think you have,” she winks with a smile. I’ve told her a few times just how gorgeous she is and how much I love her.

  “Well, Presley Stevens, let me ask you this. Will you marry me? Carry our children? Be my soul mate for the rest of eternity?” I drop down on one knee, looking up at Presley.

  “Yes!” Her arms go up over her head as she shouts, I stand up, and she launches herself into my arms. The cheers around us fade in the background. It’s the two of us together, our lips meeting, fighting for dominance, wanting to take this further, but knowing that will have to wait until later.

  “Would you like to see your ring?” I ask when we break apart.

  “Oh, whoops. I guess?” She questions back.

  “You’re a goof, but you’re my goof. Now and forever, I love you so much, Presley,” I slide the three-carat diamond solitaire ring on her finger.

  “I love you, Lincoln with all of my heart and soul,” she looks at the ring, her eyes practically bugging out of her head.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get over how much money you have, this ring is amazing, and I love it with everything I have, simply because you chose it for me, but I just want you to know, your money, it doesn’t make me love you anymore or any less. With or without money, I’ll always love you.”

  “Fuck, what you do to me, your words, your soft smiles, and the way you need me as much as I need you,” I respond.

  “Good, that’s good. I have probably a stupid crazy idea, but I really want this to be a just us thing. It may seem entirely selfish, and you may hate it,” she rambles on.

  “What is it, Presley?”

  “How about if we get married tonight, just the two of us?”

  “Could you get anymore perfect? Hell yes, let’s go, right now.” My hand reaches the small of her back, I feel her sink into my hand. Fuck yeah, this woman was meant to be mine.



  Making it back to the hotel without stripping both myself and Lincoln took everything I had. His hands were tangled in my hair, our mouths fused to one another, tongues tangling together as one on the ride back to our room for the night, something Lincoln surprised me with. Our relationship has been a whirlwind, we say our vows to one another in front of the officiant and the witness. It may seem to be the absolute worst thing to do to our family members, but both Lincoln and I wanted this time just for each other. We finally make it up the elevator and my jaw drops, I figured we’d be in a room, maybe bigger than what I would pick but nothing like this. We’re in the penthouse.

  “Holy shit,” I ramble out.

  “Baby, I wasn’t going to get us any old room for a night like tonight,” he guides me to the wall of windows, you can see all of Las Vegas from here.

  “It’s beautiful,” I murmur.

  “The only thing beautiful I see right now, is you.” I gasp, Lincoln’s fingers are blazing a path of heat along the length of my spine.

  “Lincoln,” I moan, feeling his fingers find the clasp of my dress, at the nape of my neck, with nothing holding it up, it falls with a whoosh at my feet. I’m completely naked besides a pair of nude lace panties and my heels I wore tonight.

  “God damn, what you do to me, baby,” I turn around, Lincoln is still dressed in the suit he has on. My hands find his hair, Lincoln’s hands go to my hips as he picks me up, my back against the cool glass causes my nipples to pebble even further.

  “Please,” I moan out, not knowing what I want, but the sensation of his clothed body against mine is making me yearn for more.

  He holds me up with his thighs and I wrap my legs tighter around his waist as he divests himself of his suit jacket, tie, and finally his shirt. His body is lean with muscles, the tattoos on his arms are gleaming, my lips find his nipple. Lincoln’s head is tilted back as he allows me to have my way with him. Something he usually doesn’t allow.

  When I feel his hands between our bodies, and the sharp hiss of the zipper I know it won’t be too much longer until he’s deep inside me.

  My own hand wraps around his girth, sliding up and down. Feeling his pre-cum coat his length.

  “You keep doing that, and I won’t make it, Presley. And we both know you want me deep inside your pussy,” he grunts.

  “God yes,” Our hands work together, the feel of his pants abrading my skin as his cock is finally deep inside me. It’s the perfect amount of pleasure all at once.

  Lincoln’s hands find mine. He entwines ours together, raising them over my head, his body supporting mine as he glides in and out of me, pushing up when he thrusts in, right on my clit. It has my pussy tightening down on him, threatening to push me over the edge.

  “I won’t last long, you’re going to need to get there quick,” Lincoln demands.

  “I’m there,” I moan, and he powers in and out of me a few more times. When I feel his release inside of me, it triggers my own, and we come together.



  “You know there’s going to be hell to pay when we see your parents, right?” I tell Presley as she’s laying down on my chest. We’re back home and at my house now, my parents took our eloping better than I expected. I think my mom was more excited over the possibility of grandchildren more than anything.

  “They weren’t too ticked when we called them, it surprised me too. But if things haven’t calmed down before we get back, I have that under control, I texted the group chat. Lyla has something up her sleeve to help smooth things over a little for us,” Presley is tracing the lines of my tattoos, something she does when we’re lying in bed talking about nothing and everything in between.

  “That’s good, I don’t want your parents upset. I know you’re their only child, baby. But, I’m also man enough to admit that I’m glad it was just the two of us.”

  “Me too, be prepared though. I think Lyla is pulling out the big guns which usually means a party, she asked if she could use Maverick’s to set things up. I hope you don’t mind that I told her yes.” She
stops what she’s doing, leans up on her elbow, her long hair blocking my view of her nipples that I want back in my mouth.

  “Gorgeous, what’s mine is yours. As long as she doesn’t burn the place down, I think we’ll be alright.”

  “Yeah, she’s planning something big before you open the bar tomorrow. Family only though. I wish your parents and brother could have made it to share this time with us,” the lines on her forehead showing just how much she means that.

  “They’ll be here soon, maybe not Devon, but Mom and Dad won’t be able to stay away much longer. They get the itch to travel every now and then, it’s been awhile since they’ve had a vacation.

  “That’s good, I like them, and I know they miss you too. Your mom looked at peace when everyone was under her roof for dinner,” she drops back down onto my shoulder, a yawn sneaking past her lips.

  “Glad you like my family, baby. Thankful as hell I like yours, no matter what tomorrow brings,” I bring her closer into my side.

  “I can face anything, as long as I have a love like yours, Lincoln Anderson,” she mumbles, slowly drifting off to sleep.

  “Me too, baby, me too,” I reply, as sleep is taking me under.



  Lincoln and I walk into Maverick’s the next day and it is completely decked out, from top to bottom there are white balloons, photos of Lincoln and me blown up, out for display, streamers galore, and food.

  Thank goodness, I’ve been so worried about how not only my parents would take our news, but also my aunts and uncles, I could barely eat this morning. I saw the look on Lincoln’s face, he was none too pleased to say the least.


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