Tora (The Tora Trilogy Book 1)

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Tora (The Tora Trilogy Book 1) Page 9

by Lucy Nichols

  Daniel frowned as he watched Eva. Normally she didn’t like doing this in front of everyone, but what choice did she have?

  “I won’t hassle you.” Taya said in a robotic voice, looking confused for a moment, stepping away from her.

  But she looked like she was recovering quickly from Eva’s mind trick.

  Eva had discovered over time if she got really pissed about something, enough for her mind to go into overdrive, she could control everything how she wished. It sounded amazing, but Eva tried to avoid using it. What she felt afterwards was horrible. It was an unclean feeling, like what you got when you sinned.

  She ran through the crowd; some people turned to the watch the commotion, but suddenly she didn’t care what anyone thought of her. She was pissed, upset and confused.

  How could a glorious moment turn on its head?

  As she reached the door, she heard fast footsteps behind her and Daniel’s voice calling; but she continued to run, shutting the world out.



  The night played over in her head like some bizarre dream.

  Dancing with Daniel had felt wonderful, even though their brief moment had been spoiled. During that moment she thought…… she didn’t know what she had thought – it didn’t matter anymore.

  Eva kept nulling over reasons why Daniel would have done would he did, but none the reasons she came up with led to a clear conclusion. He surely would have seen Taya push her away! But if he did, why did he act as if nothing had happened?

  That was the worst part. Being mocked for simply having a dance! She didn’t get many chances in life. The moment had felt right – but it turned out she had been horribly wrong.

  Even after feeling so horribly upset and being unable to tell her friends she couldn’t stay, she held off crying until she got to her dorm.

  But that didn’t stop her from hearing the music from the party. It bounced across the landscape, and found her semi-isolated room, giving her a headache.

  Thankfully when she got back, Bella was nowhere to be seen. She hadn’t seen her all afternoon either. Her clothes were strewn over her bed, but in a neat way as if she had been sorting through her closet. Although there was nothing special about their room, Bella’s half of the room was designer chic. Clearly, she had made an effort to add her touch by creating a feature wall of sketches displaying her fine design skills. Despite Coome Bank’s miserable environment and strict daily regime, Bella knew how to pass the time.

  Eva flopped onto her bed, flicked off her lamp and sobbed. For hours she tossed and turned in her bed, frustrated that her mind wouldn’t stop thinking. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about Daniel.

  Anyhow she must have got some sleep in the night, because she woke – terrified.

  It was dark outside. Night had fallen entirely, but the moon was out. Eva usually opted for a midnight swim, but all she desired was a good night’s sleep.

  Tap. Tap.

  Fear pinching her stomach and heart racing fast, she held her breath as she slowly sat up and rose from the covers. It wouldn’t have been Bella, because when she turned her head as a precaution, the covers were pulled back like they were before.

  Eva saw something move outside her window. Everything looked wild; the trees outside were swaying violently. But the warier part of her mind told her there must be something else. Was it the shadows playing tricks on her?

  Calm down Eva. She told herself adamantly. Taking a deep breath, she turned on her lamp.

  Then she saw something outside her window.

  At first she thought her mind was playing tricks but a much louder thump and set of glowing eyes peered back at her.

  Those eyes belonged to Daniel. He looked somewhat hopeful as he gazed inside her room.

  What on earth was he doing outside her window? And especially at this time of night!? This was a girls’ only lodge of dorm rooms and they were way over the other side of the school. She thought it would be hard for him to get around here without getting caught. However as he was outside her window she figured he would have found another way. He was going to have a LOT of explaining to do.

  “I’m sorry.” He mouthed, his voice carrying through the glass. He gestured towards the window for her to let him in.

  Eva folded her arms angrily. She was still pissed off at him and it was about time he realised how hurt she was.

  She would have left him outside if it weren’t for the terrible weather. It would be cruel to leave him outside in the snow.

  Eva walked over to the window and turned the lock. Opening the window was hard at first, a sign of misuse, but after a massive push it finally flew open. Instantly cold air rushed inside the heated room causing Eva to shudder and cover her arms. Daniel looked from side to side in caution, climbed over the ledge and closed the door carefully behind him.

  Daniel stopped, taking in the room.

  Ugh. He had picked the worst time. Her eyes were all puffy from crying, her mascara had run and her pj’s were less then flattering. They were the sad, comfy variety.

  His eyes were pitiful, and he looked remorseful, but Eva wasn’t sure what to think of it.

  “What do you want?” She asked impatiently, placing her hands on her hips.

  “I’m sorry.” He apologised again, but in that emotionless way of his. Without warning, he stalked towards, her and Eva was afraid of what he planned to do.

  “I don’t care who you are Daniel.” She said in a small voice, biting her lip.

  But Daniel was already so close to her she could barely think.

  “But you had no right –” The words died on her lips.

  His eyes glowed even brighter than they had before, and heat flushed through her. She felt like she was melting, softening under the power of a supernatural drug. She didn’t no what to do with her hands, how to stand. But she felt weak at the knees, powerless as he leaned closer and bent down to kiss her.

  At first his kisses were like feathers, so soft and perfect. But then they developed into something deeper. When she looked up at him, his expression was intense and he kissed her more desperately like she was the only one keeping him alive.

  His lips tasted sweet; the pleasure that ran through her made her want more.

  Everything she had wanted to say to him before, she couldn’t; all her anger had floated away, like dissipating clouds.

  The night was no longer cold. The wintery air no longer sent shivers across her skin. Eva only felt Daniel’s mouth on hers, his arms pulling her close and deep delicious warmth radiating inside her.

  They both pulled away, gasping for air and Eva had to stop herself from smiling.

  The concern etched on his face was so real – so vivid, she couldn’t read what he was thinking. Eva could only imagine how he felt about her.

  After catching her breath, Eva leaned up on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him slowly.

  For a second, Eva thought he looked hesitant, but then he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. His arms felt slightly muscular, solid and firm against her skin.

  And for a split second, Eva felt safe in his arms.



  Unexpectedly, he pulled away as though it was all a mistake. He walked over to her window and stopped, peering silently at something outside.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Come with me.” Daniel said. He stood there, his eyes still trained to the window, looking at something distant.

  “Where?” Combe Bank was her home now. There was no way Mr Foley would allow her to leave.

  Daniel turned away from the window. His eyes were so dark, so intense, it was almost impossible for Eva to believe they were real.

  His face had darkened a shade too.

  Daniel sighed. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then closed it, as if it wasn’t worth saying.

  Suddenly he looked so serious, Eva could almost
see his agony. But she was desperate to know what was bothering him. Seeing him worried and anxious just made her uncomfortable.

  “This is not your home.” He said softly, as though it would change her reaction.

  Eva wondered what he was getting at.

  “Combe Bank is my home now -.” Eva started.

  “No its not- ”

  “What are you on about?” Eva snapped, her body straightening upwards.

  “You’re Nephlim.” He looked at her blankly, his dark smouldering eyes burning into her.

  And what the hell was that supposed to mean?

  “What the hell, Daniel? Am I just supposed to nod and say, oh yes that seems about right?”

  “I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it’s true.”

  “Trust you? Since when have you become trustworthy? At the party you treat me like shit, you tell me I’m doing everything wrong, and then you come to my window and tell me who I am when I know myself better than anyone?!”

  Tears welled up at her eyes again, but she forced them back and swallowed the lump in her throat. She didn’t want her to cry in front of Daniel. She just wanted him to know how hurt she was. He deserved to know how she felt betrayed and humiliated.

  “I’m sorry.” He apologised. “I honestly am. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Then why did you?” She glared.

  For while, he didn’t say anything, but then glanced at her, his eyes filled with hurt and said “I didn’t want to see Taya get you hurt.”

  He stuffed his hands in his pocket and shrugged, sincere regret etched into his dark eyes, but he wasn’t looking at her. He stared past her, like he was too embarrassed to meet her eyes, or he didn’t really mean it. Eva didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say. She was overwhelmed, stunned and embarrassed that he had set foot in her room now.

  Eva dropped back onto her bed and threw her quilted blanket over the top. The open window was filtering in a bitter cold air that made her shudder. She wanted Bella here, to talk to and break off her dispute with Daniel, but she hadn’t turned up.

  Daniel lowered his eyes.

  “I’m trying to protect you.”

  “So you’re going to tell me now you’re my guardian angel or something?” Eva mocked.

  But after she said it, he nodded.

  She folded her arms angrily.

  “You see shadows, you’re 17 years old, you lost your parents as an infant, you’ve never fit in, you’re a picky eater, you attend therapy that had never worked for you, and you love midnight swimming.”

  Eva gasped and put one hand over her mouth. “That’s enough creep.” She motioned for him to stop, gaping at him, her eyes wide; incredulous and disbelieving.

  How did he know about the shadows she was seeing? She had never told anyone about it. Or could he see what she saw?

  She ran her hands through her hair and sat up straight against the bed head unsure how to proceed.

  Eva’s whole body went numb. Her head felt heavy. She was too shocked to think clearly. It was late now, the sky dark with vague patches of dusty grey and tweeps of small sounds from birds that came out at night. Probably the vultures or – now the large night owl that kept the annoying birds at bay.

  Daniel was still standing a few metres away from Eva on the bed, no doubt wondering how to go ahead. He was respectfully quiet, but as Eva looked up she could feel his watchful gaze. She still wasn’t sure why Daniel was here and why she should be feeling guilty around him. After all he had been the jerk at the party. And now he was telling her things about her personal life that she kept only to herself. Her head spun. Questions whirred in her head and all she was desperate to ask was: why and how did he know?

  Who exactly are you then?” Eva tucked a lock of hair behind one ear.

  “I’m your tracker and guardian angel.” He said quickly, like he had been expecting to answer that question for a while now. “It’s my job to bring you home, to where you belong.”

  “Am I the only one you’ve ever brought home?” Eva interrogated, dreading the answer already.

  “No.” He said, shaking his head.

  “You’re not the only one.”

  That wasn’t surprising. Girls like her probably would have given up everything to go with him. He was so handsome it was agonizing.

  Eva shook her head in disbelief. Disappointment slapped her hard. She swallowed the pain. She had been fooled. Fooled into feeling loved when he insisted it was just a job. A lonesome tear rolled down her cheek. Then a snapshot of her dream the other night flashed through her head.

  The wind rolled over her. Night had fallen in the daytime. Eerily fast that Eva could barely see through the thick fog approaching. Moments ago, she was wandering through the peak of day, weaving her way through the windy trails of a dense rainforest. But almost as quickly as she blinked, the weather had taken an extreme turn for the worst. Trees swayed violently. Wind belted over her, making standing up an incredible challenge. Clamping one hand around a tree for support, she spun her head behind her. A cluster of blue light blinded her. Then a loud rustle kept her on the tips of her toes. As she spun her head around to see what was making it, a blue belt of light shone so brightly her heart raced in fear. Strangely, she felt rooted to the spot, and she couldn’t move.

  Until a hand found hers and pulled her away.

  Eva screamed. The cry was so startling she nearly didn’t recognise it. Ears ringing, she pulled against the grip.

  “Run Eva, run!” A voice yelled.

  Howls came from behind her and all that came to mind was – run! She was taking a huge risk. She couldn’t even see who it was pulling her through the darkness. She just ran without thinking. Well- there was no time to think. Distinctly, there was a rumble of movement behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, heat surged through her as she saw the shapes. They were barely human, she thought as they darted toward her……..

  She didn’t remember much else apart from being caught up in a scene of horrors. Eva closed her eyes and willed the memory to fade.

  “Just tell me what’s going on.” She pleaded, opening her eyes.

  Daniel leaned towards her to wipe the tear from her eye, but she flinched away.

  “About your parents.” His eyes were sad, and he looked down at her with pity. Eva felt the sudden urge to smile. She hated how gorgeous Daniel was, how cool he was around everyone and how he made her feel weak and lovesick at the same time. She couldn’t be angry and happy at the same time. So she stuck with her bold expression. “My parents?” Eva chewed her lip nervously.

  Did he know something about her parents? Of course not. He looked about Eva’s age, the young radiant teenage face that appeared floorless from every angle. But why did he just mention her parents?

  “They never died in a car accident.”

  “But that’s what the authorities and my foster mum said –” Eva protested, but her voice had softened, as though she wasn’t quite sure.

  Daniel ran a hand through his dishevelled hair and blinked. He was clearly uncomfortable, like he regretted telling her this.

  “Your parents were killed by the Milaquile.” He glanced at Eva blankly as though she would understand.

  Eva shuddered. “Um…..who?”

  “Milaquile.” He enunciated. “In simpler terms Milaquile is a tribe residing in South Valley.”

  “Go on.” Eva pressed, sitting up on her bed against her pillow, letting her legs dangle over the edge of the frame.

  “You belong in the Belossima valley in the land of the Tora, your tribe.” He explained.

  Eva raised an eyebrow, kicked her legs back and laughed. When she returned a gaze, Daniel just sighed.

  “See, I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.” He pointed out.

  Daniel pulled out a small notepad that just fit in the pocket of his jeans and flipped it open.

  “Look.” He said. “If you think I don’t know what I’m talking about, I saw you tonight at the party using persuasion.�

  “What?” Eva pretended to be dumb founded, but she had a slight inkling of what he meant.

  “Oh come on Eva.” He looked her over evenly. “You persuaded that girl to stop having a go at you.”

  Taya had been on her nerves that night. She had been trying to get between her and Daniel. Eva had known her long enough to know that she twisted everything you said into a load of nonsense. But when she had laid a finger on him, she already decided enough was enough. Admittedly when she looked back it was wrong. But her anger had just fuelled it. It wasn’t like she knew she was capable of it. But she knew enough to realise that Taya wouldn’t just wind down like that.

  I’m … just…um, very convincing?” She said, her cheeks burning.

  Daniel gave her look that told her he knew she was lying. But why did that concern him anyway? He had already made it clear he wasn’t interested by brushing her off. Eva felt embarrassed for her delirium over him. Whenever she was close to him and felt wonderful, he always made her feel bad.

  “I know what you’re doing. The way you’re using it, isn’t even that good.”

  “Tell me then, Mr-Know-it-all.” Eva snapped, exasperated.

  “It’s called persuasion. It’s a power I’ve noticed emerging from you recently and a sign you’re ready to tackle external forces.” He said flatly.

  Eva narrowed her eyes. “What makes you think it’s ok to spy on a girl?” She demanded.

  “I wasn’t spying. I was observing you.” He corrected.

  “And that makes a big difference.” Eva said, rolling her eyes.

  “So who are you then?” she asked again.

  “You’re tracker. I’m from the Tora tribe too.”

  “How do I know that what you’re saying is absolute rubbish?”

  Without warning, he stalked towards her and Eva froze, afraid of what he planned to do. Eva’s breath caught in her throat. She tried to swallow, but he was so close, she couldn’t even think. His face was so close to hers that she could feel his breath on her neck.


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