Witch Way Box Set

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Witch Way Box Set Page 1

by Jane Hinchey

  Witch Way Box Set

  A Paranormal Cozy Mystery Collection

  Jane Hinchey


  Witch Way to Murder & Mayhem

  About this book

  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

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  Read more by Jane

  About Jane

  Witch Way to Romance & Ruin


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Leave a Review

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  About Jane

  Witch Way Down Under

  About this book

  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Leave a Review

  Free Book

  Read more by Jane

  About Jane

  Copyright © 2018 by Jane Hinchey

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-0-9946007-9-0


  Published by Baywolf

  This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor to be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  For Alayna, because your mom loves you so much.

  About this book

  Tick Tock. Time is running out.

  My parents are missing in outback Australia. Only they’ve left me clues. Clues that tell me they were close to a significant discovery—the location of a copper scroll that leads to untold treasures. A scroll that treasure hunters would kill for.

  Now I’m in a race against time. Together with my Gran, best friend Jenna, my familiar Archie, and bad boy lawyer Blake Tennant, we head to an outback town called Arrowstrand, where the locals are hiding their own secrets, and I must rely on my magic and blind faith to venture into the unknown.

  The stakes have never been higher; can I reach my parents before it’s too late or will they be lost forever?

  Author’s Note

  Hey! Welcome to the weird and wacky world of my imagination. I hope you enjoy your time here.

  If you love anything supernatural as much as I do, then you’re going to enjoy the journey ahead - at least I think you will.

  Witch Way Down Under is the third book in my Witch Way Paranormal Cozy Mystery series, with more to come, so make sure you sign up for my newsletter to receive my free starter library AND get notifications on when the next book is ready.

  I also write paranormal romance, so by joining my newsletter you’ll receive a free book in each genre.

  You can sign up for my starter library here:


  Okay, ready to weave some magic and solve some mysteries?

  I’ll see you on the other side!

  Jane Hinchey

  Chapter One

  “I’m going to need chicken blood, salt, five candles, and a bottle of vodka.”

  I looked at Gran in surprise. “Vodka? For the spell?” She was rummaging in the pantry and turned to me triumphantly, a bottle of vodka held aloft. Gran was what you’d call eccentric. She most certainly didn’t dress her age— eighty —and today's outfit was no exception. Zebra print leggings under a hot pink mini skirt, a leopard print halter top, and Ugg boots.

  “No, that’s just to celebrate turning his weeny into a teeny tiny pickle.”

  I laughed, the first true laugh I’d had in days. “You know I’m behind you one hundred percent,” I said, chuckling and wiping the tears from my eyes, “but one of us with a revoked witch’s license is enough, don’t you think? Plus, I already put him through hell.”

  Gran slammed the vodka onto the table, making the vase in the center wobble and the wilting roses drop a few more petals onto the tablecloth. “You were too soft on the cheating bastard,” she scolded, placing two shot glasses on the table a little more gently. “A snake? You could have done better.”

  “Don’t forget the monkey. Then a rat,” I reminded her. Though I’d turned my ex-fiancé into all of those things, I wasn’t proud of it. Gran, on the other hand, was indignant I hadn’t taken things further, like make Simon’s offending appendage drop off.

  Simon was an English professor at the East Dondure University in the city. I worked as a librarian for the East Dondure Public Library—that was where we’d met when he’d come in requesting assistance on a paper he was writing on historical witchcraft from the 1650s. Our shared passion for books and history had been the beginning of a whirlwind courtship, and despite accepting his proposal, it had been over a year and we still hadn't set a date. Now there was no need. We'd been at the faculty’s annual Christmas Ball when I caught him in the cloak closet with a student. The rage that had roared through me had unleashed my magic in an unholy blast, turning him into creature after creature with no thought or control behind it. Unfortunately, my public display had consequences and here I was, back in Whitefall Cove living with my Gran.

  Watching her struggle with the bottle of vodka, I took it from her and twisted the cap off, pouring us each a shot.

  “Here’s to asshat’s pecker falling off!” Gran toasted.

  “Gran,” I warned but raised my glass and tossed back the shot, my eyes watering as it burned down my throat, heating and then numbing. I coughed.

  “Lightweight,” Gran muttered, not quite under her breath. Another thing about my Gran was that she could drink pretty much anyone under the table. Don’t let her diminutive size, and advanced age fool you; she had a cast iron liver and a taste for spirits—not of the ghostly kind.

  “Child…” Reaching across the table Gran placed her gnarled hand on top of mine and squeezed. “It’s good to have you home. I’m sorry
it’s under such circumstances, but it’s still good to have you here. Whitefall Cove has missed you.”

  “I never thought I’d say this,” I admitted, eyes glassy, “but it’s good to be back.”

  I’d been living in the city for five years and hadn’t been back in all that time. But after the incident at the Christmas Ball, I’d returned to the apartment I shared with the two-timing rat Simon when the decree from Drixworths Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry had arrived, suspending my witch’s license, effective immediately. Further instructions to follow. I’d been stunned. I hadn’t expected my punishment to be so swift or brutal. Then the text had arrived from my boss. You’re fired. Perfect, I’d hit the trifecta. I knew then that I was done with city life. My career was over, no one would hire me again, not after the performance they’d all just witnessed, despite being the best damn librarian the city had ever seen, so I squeezed my belongings into my Lexus and hit the road.

  “You’re taking all of this very well.” Gran peered at me as if her eyes could see into my very soul.

  I shrugged. “Truth be told, Gran, I’m more upset about losing my witch’s license than I am about Simon.”


  I looked at my left hand where a week ago a massive diamond ring had decorated my finger. I’d sold it at a jewelry store on my way out of the city, and had pocketed a sweet ten grand. I’d been silently surprised that Simon had bought such an expensive ring, but then he was all about appearances. And now that I knew the truth, knew that his engagement to me was a smokescreen for what he was really up to, I had no qualms about selling it.

  I sighed, clenching my fingers into a fist and meeting Gran’s gaze. “I’ve done nothing but think about him and that night, and while I’m pissed off about the whole thing, I’m not brokenhearted.”

  “You didn’t love him.” Gran nodded in understanding and I narrowed my eyes. Did she understand? How could she when she’d married the love of her life at eighteen and they’d been together, happy and in love, up until the day he’d died, ten years ago.

  Sucking a deep breath into my lungs, I held it, then blew it out softly. “No. I didn’t love him.” But I’d thought I did. I'd believed myself to be in love with him. I guess he'd done me a favor.

  “That’s why you wouldn’t set a date for the wedding. Despite having that ridiculous bauble on your hand.”

  “I guess.” I hadn’t hung around to discuss it with Simon, to ask him why he’d cheated on me, or how long it had been going on. I’d been angry, furious even, but buried deep beneath it all was a sense of relief.

  “This is where you belong, Harper. Want a waffle?” The abrupt change in topic had my head spinning and I laughed again. Life with Gran was never dull.

  “Sure. Why not?” Ten o’clock at night drinking vodka shots and eating waffles. Only in Whitefall Cove.

  Pulling out her wand, Gran set the kitchen to work and before long a plate piled high with waffles was sitting in front of us. I missed my magic. My own wand was upstairs in my room, as useless to me as a twig. Its magic had been stripped and I mourned the loss. I’d yet to hear from the Academy on how I could go about restoring my powers, but I held on to the last words of their message—more instructions to follow.

  “You should buy The Dusty Attic,” Gran said, shoveling a mouthful of waffle into her mouth and pointing her fork at me.

  “I didn’t know it was for sale. What happened to Mr. Dudley?”

  “He and Eve retired to Florida. Six months ago. The bookstore has been sitting empty ever since.” She shoveled another mouthful in, nodding. “It would be perfect for you. And prove to the Academy that you’re getting some stability in your life.”

  “Buying a bookstore would prove that?” I said. “Wouldn’t they think it was an impulse buy?”

  “It’s not an impulse buy. The Dusty Attic has been waiting for you. It was always meant to be yours.”

  I choked on a mouthful of waffle, coughing hard, my eyes streaming. When I eventually got myself under control Gran was still eating, unconcerned.

  “What do you mean? About The Dusty Attic being mine?”

  She shrugged, waving a hand in the air. “Oh you know, some things are destined, and this is one of them. We all wondered what that old bookstore was waiting for and when you came home it hit me. It was waiting for you.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I just do. I’m an eighty-year-old witch. I have skills.”

  I studied Gran for a moment. She had a point. She’d never steered me wrong. Even when she’d waved goodbye to me when I’d moved to the city, she’d wished me well and had told me that this was just one step on my life’s journey and that I would be back in Whitefall Cove one day. I hadn’t believed her. I had my sights set on bigger libraries than what Whitefall Cove could offer, and East Dondure Public Library was perfect. I made a comfortable salary, I lived in a comfortable apartment, lived a comfortable life. I had everything I thought I ever wanted. And then I hadn’t.

  “I guess it couldn’t hurt to take a look.”

  Stepping into Whitefall Cove’s only realtor office was bittersweet. Seeing my high school nemesis, Whitney Sims, wasn’t. Whitney hadn’t changed much. Still a tad overweight, still squeezing herself into skin-tight dresses. Her hair was better. Rather than the blonde frizz she’d battled in high school she now wore it in long sleek tresses curling over her shoulders, and her makeup was on point. Despite the heavy application, she was actually an attractive woman beneath the war paint.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Harper Jones. I hear you need my help.” Her voice was the same. Nails on a blackboard. A shudder ran up my spine. I plastered a smile on my face and turned to greet her.

  “It’s good to see you again, Whitney,” I lied, holding out my hand. She took it, her handshake limp. I schooled my face to hide the repulsion I felt. Wet fish handshakes made my skin crawl.

  “I hear your career went up in flames.” The sneer curling her bright pink lips made me want to punch her in the face, but I restrained myself—she wasn’t worth the trouble.

  “I’m here to sign the papers for The Dusty Attic. I assume you’re handling the sale since you’re the only realtor in town. Too bad you don’t have your own office and have to work out of Parker Construction,” I shot back. I wasn't about to let her walk all over me. A flush of color darkened Whitney’s cheeks, but whatever retort she had was interrupted by a young, attractive brunette carrying a cardboard tray of take-out coffees.

  “Here you go, Whitney,” she said with a smile, then looked at me and frowned. “Oh I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Whitney had an appointment this morning or I would have gotten you one too.”

  “Not a problem at all. I’m meeting a friend at Bean Me Up after this.” I smiled in response.

  “I’m Christina, by the way.” She beamed at me and set the coffees down on the reception desk, then held out her hand and gave me a firm handshake. I smiled in delight.

  “Harper Jones.”

  “Oh yes, you’re buying The Dusty Attic.” She nodded enthusiastically. “I’m so excited to see what you’ll do with the place.”

  “Thank you, Christina, that will be all,” Whitney cut in, a look of irritation pulling her brows together.

  “You’ll get lines if you keep frowning like that.” The words slipped out before I could stop them, and judging by the stiffening of her spine and the way she squeezed her hand into a fist, Whitney did not appreciate my observation. Again, she was stopped from replying by the door bursting open and her husband, Bruce, stepping inside.

  He nodded at Christina and then held out a phone to Whitney. “You left this at home.”

  “Thanks.” After taking it from him, she ignored him completely.

  He cleared his throat, threw me a smile and said, “Good to see you, Harper. Your gran sure is happy you’re home.”

  “Oh God,” I groaned, “what has she done now?”

  He laughed. “Nothing bad, I assure you!
Although I’m not sure if you know she’s been putting up fliers around town announcing the grand new opening of The Dusty Attic?”

  “She’s what?” I shook my head. No, I hadn’t known. I was signing the final papers this morning and collecting the keys. I was nowhere near ready for a grand opening. But that was typical Gran, ten steps ahead.

  “She always was an interfering old biddy,” Whitney muttered.

  Bruce looked at her with an expression on his face I couldn’t decipher. “On that note, I’ve got to run. Once again, welcome home, Harper, and congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  As he rushed out the door, Mike Palmer, owner of Palmer Construction, came in, talking on his phone. He paused when he saw me and smiled, lowering the phone for a second.

  “Hi, Harper, welcome home.” Then his eyes landed on the coffees on the reception desk and he veered over, snatching up the one with his name on the lid. “Thanks, Christina, you’re an angel.”


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