All By Herself (A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Book 1)

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All By Herself (A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Book 1) Page 7

by Tasha Blue

  “Shut up,” laughed Zoe.


  Zoe nervously adjusted her dress. Gladys had been charming and friendly, but she was so desperate to get the job that she couldn’t help feeling a few butterflies in her stomach.

  “You have a great resume,” noted Gladys. “Amber mentioned that you had been let go from your previous job. Could you tell me why that was?”

  Zoe said, “It’s a bit embarrassing.” She told her what had happened with Edward de Winter.

  “That is a problem,” said Gladys. “The old boy network is pretty strong and Edward is powerful in this city.”

  “So you won’t be able to find me a job?” asked Zoe with trepidation.

  “I didn’t say that,” replied Gladys. “Normally getting a job for someone with your background would be a cinch, but in this case it’s going to be a bit of a challenge. Edward is powerful, but there are people who are opposed to him. You don’t get to be a man like him without making a few enemies. Let me see what I can do.”

  “Thank you,” said Zoe gratefully.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” said Gladys. “But I will be happy to help. I admire you for trying to keep the baby. That can’t have been an easy choice to make. And it takes courage to stand up to a man like Edward de Winter. I’ll do what I can to get you a job.”

  Zoe stepped out of her office feeling hopeful. After being steamrolled by Edward, it was good to know that there were some people who were fighting on her side. Her mind turned to the court case. Finding a suitable piece of evidence was proving tricky. She went back to her apartment and fixed her lunch wondering what to do.

  Her phone buzzed and she answered it. It was Carla. She told her of what happened at the interview.

  “Well, that is some good news,” said Carla. “I’m pray this woman will be able to find a job for you.”

  “Yes. I also need to figure out how I’m going to find proof of the night I spent with Michael.”

  “Surely there must be someone who has seen you stepping out with this guy.”

  “I know. After all, I did it twice.”

  There was a silence. Then Carla said, “Twice. You slept with him again?”

  Zoe winced, realizing too late that she had put her foot in it. “Um, yeah,” she admitted guiltily.

  “Well, at least he won’t be able to get you pregnant this time,” observed Carla sarcastically.

  Zoe did not need to have this conversation with her mother. “Okay Mom, I’ll let you know what happens.”

  “Not so fast. How is your morning sickness?”

  “Better. Though all the stress I have been feeling is not helping.”

  “You take care. And stop hopping into bed with that useless SOB. That’s what got you into this mess in the first place.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  Zoe was relieved to cut the line. She had enough on her plate without being hassled by her mother. She was heading home when she got another call. It was Michael.

  “We are in luck,” he said.

  “Hard to believe, but go on,” said Zoe wearily.

  “A friend of mine has our picture,” he said.


  “Yeah, he’s a member of the press. He didn’t publish it, because he thought I would be compromised. But I have the picture. I’ll send it to you. It’s all the proof you’ll need.”

  “Sounds good,” said Zoe. Things were slowly improving and she felt justified in being a bit more hopeful. Soon after the call, Michael sent her the picture. She looked at it. It was a photo of Michael and her leaving the nightclub. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to establish that they had met. She was sure the judge would order a paternity test when he saw this.


  The next day, Michael called her again.

  “Nervous?” he asked.

  “A little.” The case was due to be called the next day and she was already a bundle of nerves even though she felt reasonably confident that she had the evidence she needed.

  “I’m going to be there as well,” continued Michael.

  “What?” Zoe was surprised. “Why?”

  “Dad wants me to be hands-on about this matter. Clear my name and all that sort of thing. Don’t worry, I will look suitably surprised when you produce that picture.”

  Zoe giggled. “I didn’t realize you were a good actor.”

  “My dear, there are many things about me you don’t realize,” said Michael gravely.

  “Is that right?”

  “For instance, I happen to be a cunning linguist. Would you like me to come by your place and prove it?”

  “Later,” said Zoe laughing. “Let’s get this thing sorted first.”

  “All right. See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye.” Zoe cut the line with a smile on his face. Didn’t Michael realize the gravity of the situation? He seemed to relish the prospect of putting one over his father. Zoe just hoped that everything would work out smoothly.

  She was still feeling nervous as she rose to her feet as the judge entered the chambers. This time, sandwiched between the two lawyers, Michael was there as well. He had looked suitably aggrieved when he saw her. He seemed to really playing his part to the hilt. Zoe was too nervous to enjoy such high jinx and gave him an exasperated stare.

  The judge sat and stared at them grumpily. “Well, every day seems to bring a fresh paternity suit case. Let’s get this over with quickly. Miss Williams, do you have any evidence to present to this court that would substantiate your allegations?”

  Zoe took a deep breath to calm herself. “I do, your honor.” She opened her file and took out a printout of the picture and handed it to the judge. “A picture was taken when we were leaving the night club that night. Here it is.”

  The judge stared at it moodily and then handed it over to Harry O’Neil. “What do you make of this?” he asked.

  If Harry was dismayed by this evidence, he didn’t let on. Instead, he gazed at Zoe with a sardonic smile on his face. “Your honor, are we supposed to accept this picture as proof that this woman who has nothing to recommend about her had a dalliance with the most eligible bachelor in New York? It is simply a picture of two people walking out of the nightclub. What evidence is there that they even know each other?”

  Zoe was outraged. “This picture clearly shows us walking out together. And for your information, you may think I am a nobody, but I happen to be an accomplished professional.”

  Harry’s grin grew wider. “Is that right? Isn’t it true that you lost your job recently?” He turned to the judge in a tone of righteous outrage. “We have seen this kind of hustle before. This woman has lost her job and is on the verge of being on the streets. What does she do?

  She cooks up a story about having a child by my client. No doubt she will be selling her story to the tabloids for a tidy sum before the week is out. In the meantime, my client gets his good name sullied by a woman with no decency and scruples. If the court orders this test, it will strengthen the resolves of countless con artists like this.”

  The judge seemed impressed by what he had to day. Zoe was staring at him open mouthed. He had certainly managed to twist the facts to suit his argument.

  “Is this all the evidence you can present to this court?” the judge asked.

  “I-” Zoe tried desperately to say something, but her mind had gone blank.

  The judge sighed. “In that case, I dismiss the case.” He raised his gavel and Zoe’s heart sank.

  At that moment, a sole voice disturbed the hushed silence of the court. “It’s true.”

  Everyone turned to see who had spoken. There were gasps of surprise when they realized it was Michael. He stood up. “It’s true,” he said quietly. “I did sleep with this woman.”

  “I don’t understand,” said the judge querulously. “If you admit that you slept with this woman, why are your attorneys arguing that you didn’t?”

  For the first time, Harry looked ruffled. “I, um, I would like a moment t
o confer with my client.”

  The judge ignored him and spoke instead to Michael. “Mr. de Winter, do you wish to go on record as admitting that you had sexual relations with this woman.”

  Michael nodded. “Yes, I do.”

  “And the baby, is it yours?”

  “I don’t know,” said Michael after a moment.

  “If you had made this admission earlier, you could have saved a great deal of the court’s time,” snapped the judge. “I hereby order you to submit to a paternity test. You have two weeks to present the results to the court.”

  He slammed the gavel and marched grumpily from the court. There were more murmurings after he left. Harry and Sam stormed off looking furious.

  Michael went over to Zoe. “That was a brave thing you did,” she said.

  He smiled wanly. “It was about time.”

  “How are you going to explain this to your father?” Zoe asked.

  Michael shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said. “I’ll think of something.”

  People were staring at them. “You’d better go,” said Zoe.

  “Okay,” said Michael. “I’ll call you later.”

  Zoe nodded. She left the court room feeling stunned. She needed time to process what had happened. To have Michael stand up for her at the last minute had really surprised her. She felt elated that he had taken some responsibility for her pregnancy. She also felt trepidation about how Edward would react. She had learnt first-hand what a ruthless man he could be and she knew that he wouldn’t take what Michael had done lightly.

  Not only had Michael admitted to having sex with her, he had virtually announced to the world that he had fathered a child with a black woman. Zoe knew how much that would offend Edward’s racist sensibilities. She wondered what new plans he had devised in his cold, ruthless mind.

  She was feeling tired and exhausted from her court appearance. She decided to go home and take a short nap. She got up and was fixing lunch when the phone rang. It was Gladys.

  “I have good news,” she said. “There is a great firm that’s looking for a person with your talent. It’s only as a paralegal, but it’s a start.”

  “That’s great!” said Zoe.

  “It wasn’t easy,” admitted Gladys. “That de Winter guy has really put a hit on your name. A lot of firms weren’t willing to touch your resume.”

  “It’s nice to know that there are some firms that are independent,” said Zoe.

  “Yeah. These guys aren’t friends of de Winter. They were happy to take you on when I told them what had happened.”

  “Thank you again, Gladys.”

  “You can thank me by acing the interview. It’s tomorrow at ten.” She gave the address and hung up.


  Zoe ate her lunch in a contemplative mood. Things were certainly picking up. On the other hand, starting over at a new place wouldn’t be easy, assuming that she got the job. She also had to deal with morning sickness, nausea, and all the other side effects of an advancing pregnancy. She knew it would be tough to cope with the demands of both.

  She was watching TV that evening when the doorbell rang. She partially opened the door and was surprised to see Michael standing there. “Oh, hello,” she said and unchained the lock to let him in.

  “I’m sorry for coming unannounced,” said Michael. “I-I just wanted to talk to you.”

  “Of course,” she said. “How are you doing? Are things okay with your father?”

  Michael looked a little pale. “It didn’t go too well. He’s threatening to cut me off from everything.”

  Zoe sat next to him on the sofa. “You know, I admire you for standing up to him. I’m beginning to realize how hard that can be. But do you think what you’re doing is wise? I mean, I’d like you to be a father to this child and I could use the financial support. But I don’t want you to lose everything.”

  Michael shook his head. “I’ve let this go on too far. I’ve let him walk all over me, belittle me, humiliate me, bully me. All that is water under the bridge. But, inexcusably, I have let him abuse and insult the mother of my child, to attack you with his sick, bigoted views. I could never live with myself if I let him destroy you like that.”

  Zoe leaned over and gave him a hug. She realized that he genuinely cared for her and the baby. He caressed her stomach.

  “You know, your stomach used to be flat,” he commented.

  “That’s because I’m having your baby,” she said. “You tend to lose your abs—among other things.”

  He looked into her eyes. “You still look beautiful, Zoe.”

  She felt a deep surge of emotion when he said that. On an impulse, she kissed him. Oh no, not again, she thought as he kissed her back. She had told herself that the second time she had done it had been because her judgment had been impaired by the drugging. She had decided it would be best to stay clear of intimacy till all the issues had been settled.

  But all her doubt evaporated as she felt Michael’s lips on hers, his arms wrapped around her. He stopped to look at her again. “You have taught me what it is to be a man, Zoe. I want you to know that I will always be there for you—and for our child.”

  Zoe felt her eyes tearing up. She kissed again with increasing passion. As their tongues entwined and they made out passionately, Zoe decided that her sofa had seen enough action. Taking him by the hand, she led him to her bedroom.

  Michael kissed her slowly and tenderly again before slowly undressing her. He kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. He ran his tongue down her chest till he reached her breasts. Zoe had naturally full breasts, but her pregnancy had made them even larger. He showered them with kisses, teasing each nipple till it stiffened and stood fully erect.

  Zoe’s nipples were extra sensitive and she moaned as he flicked his tongue over them. He gently caressed her round stomach, kissing it slowly while looking into her eyes. Zoe wrapped her legs around him and offered him her pussy. She knew how great he was at cunnilingus and waited impatiently for him to start.

  He obligingly began licking her clitoris. She purred with pleasure. “Oh, that feels good,” she panted as he slowly teased her bud, making it harden as he lightly flicked his tongue over it.

  Unlike most men, Michael liked giving oral sex and he enjoyed giving it to Zoe. He loved the taste of her pussy, the way her box contracted as she came, the look on her face as she climaxed. He licked her labia now, stimulating her cunt bit by bit. Zoe squealed as he stuck her tongue into her slit. He could feel her pussy walls become wet as he stuck his tongue in and out of her.

  “Oh, yes, yes,” she cried as he continued to lick her snatch. He could taste her pussy juices as she became aroused. He inserted two fingers into her cunt and began finger fucking her. Zoe enthusiastically moved her hips in rhythm to his strokes. He inserted another finger. He continued licking her clitoris as he stroked her with his fingers.

  Zoe cried loudly as she came. Her body shook with the force of her pulsating orgasm. She wondered if her neighbors heard her making love. No one had said anything, though the old lady down the hall did give her a funny look whenever they met. But Michael had that effect on her and she was past caring.

  “My turn,” she said, reaching down and stroking the huge bulge in his pants. Michael was already fully hard and Zoe enjoyed feeling it though his pants. His cock reached down to his thigh, she noted. She teasingly stroked it, paying particular attention to the huge head. Finally, she had enough of the teasing. She longed to feel his giant shaft in her mouth. She unzipped his trouser and let the thing pop into view. Not only was it massive, it was also perfectly proportioned she thought as she stroked it.

  She teasingly looked at him as she licked the bulbous purple head. He groaned. Zoe began to suck on his cock. With her hands, she jerked him off and fondled his balls. Michael began to thrust into her as she spat some saliva on his throbbing dick and continued sucking him vigorously. She swallowed his cock to the hilt and sucked him deeply. Very few girls had bee
n able to do that, and Michael closed his eyes and groaned with pleasure. Zoe had become quite adept at this, and repeated it several times. Michael came close to shooting his load and controlled himself with difficulty.

  Laying her down, he took off the rest of his clothes. Zoe lay back and parted her legs in anticipation. Fully turned on, she received his huge organ into her slot with pleasure. In the beginning she had felt some discomfort, but now she had become accustomed to his size. Being fully aroused made her vaginal walls stretch without complaint as the monster cock slid in.

  Michael let it rest deep inside of her. Zoe moved slowly, letting it rub slowly against her g-spot. She felt her legs trembling. His cock was buried deep inside of her and she felt the pressure of it in her stomach. Slowly he began to thrust into her. She wrapped her legs around him and moved her pelvis in a semi-circular motion as he fucked her.

  Michael felt her cunt began to clench powerfully around his shaft. He knew she was going to come soon and quickened his stroke.

  “Oh, yeah, fuck me harder,” cried Zoe as he began to pound her. She grabbed his muscular buttocks and pushed him towards her, all the while thrusting up to meet his stroke. Her entire body began to shake with the intensity of her orgasm.

  “Oh, shit, I’m going to come,” she shouted. Her eyes rolled backwards and her body shook in spasms as she powerfully climaxed. She squirted her pussy juice all over Michael’s dick and balls. He almost came himself, but managed to control himself. He was determined to fuck the living daylights out of this woman.

  He paused for a moment, savoring the feel of her cunt clenching around his cock. Then he began to pound her once more. He knew by now just how to fuck her, hitting her g-spot at the right angle.

  “Oh, fuck, you’re going to make me come again,” hissed Zoe as she felt another climax welling inside of her.

  “That’s it baby, come for me,” encouraged Michael, pounding her with increasing vigor. Zoe loved the feel of the muscles of his buttocks clenching as he fucked her.

  “Oh God, harder, harder!” she screamed through gritted teeth as he continued to pound her. She arched her back and began to thrust against him as she felt a massive orgasm greater than any of the others washing over.


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