Claiming the ice Prince

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Claiming the ice Prince Page 14

by Espen Arcadia

  The Queen straightened, eyeing Aputi balefully. “No one here is backing your claim, mark or no.”

  “I will.”

  All eyes turned to Siku, who looked startled that he’d spoken in the first place. Aputi’s heart soared as he locked eyes with Siku, heart racing. It had probably taken more courage to speak those two little words than even sneaking away from the castle had required. Siku’s face paled, but his jaw tightened and he nodded confirmation to the advisor.

  The duke whirled on the advisor. “He can’t do that…can he?”

  The advisor’s face was taut. “As both a member of the royal family and the one being laid claim to, Prince Siku has every right to support the claim. I am sorry Duke Qinu, but this Aputi has every right to call upon Claimant.”

  The Queen leaned forward. “Siku, what are you doing?”

  Siku’s smile trembled, but his eyes never left Aputi’s. “Forging my own path.”

  The Queen’s face stiffened, and she stood straight once more, eyeing Aputi with an inscrutable expression. The advisor looked ready to fall over, clutching the table even more fiercely. The entire hall had erupted in a low buzz of whispered conversation as the whole court took in the next stage in the drama. Aputi however, only had eyes for Siku, who was watching him with a nervous but hopeful expression, hands balled at his sides.

  It was Duke Qinu however who spoke, stepping forward to jab a finger at Aputi.

  “You may have Right of Claimant, but as the one who asked for his hand, I too bear that right.”

  The Queen sighed. “There cannot be two claims.”

  Aputi closed his eyes, knowing there was a precedent for that as well. He had really hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but the Duke’s outrage was too great for him to back down quietly.

  The advisor sighed heavily. “There is only one way to settle two claims, Your Grace.”

  Duke Qinu straightened. “I challenge you, for the Right of Claimant.”

  Aputi didn’t hesitate. “I accept.”

  Aputi peered out from beneath the curtain, sucking in a sharp breath. It looked like the entire collection of people from the grand hall had come to see him and Duke Qinu fight it out. Nobles still dressed for a wedding were lining the walls on the raised seating above the fighting ring. Apparently, the space was normally reserved for tournaments of the knights, and general large-scale training.

  “And now I get to be the main attraction,” Aputi muttered.

  “You always seemed to like the attention.”

  Siku’s voice brought Aputi around so fast he nearly fell over. Siku had shed his magnificent wedding robes, replacing them with a more subdued gray, lined with a deep, forest green. The artful tumble of his hair had been undone, falling around his shoulders without the pins to hold it in place.

  “Siku,” Aputi breathed.

  “My mother probably hasn’t noticed that I’ve disappeared from her side. I don’t think she’s too happy with me at the moment.”

  “Learned a few tricks from me when I wasn’t looking?”

  Siku smiled. “She’s so lost in what’s happening, I don’t think she’s aware of much.”

  “Kind of threw her for a loop, huh?”

  “You threw everyone off. Aputi, what are you thinking? Duke Qinu is a respected and seasoned warrior.”

  “Don’t know if you noticed, but I’m an expert in bringing big men down.”


  “Why did I hoof it to the castle as fast as I could? Why did I sneak into the wedding? Why did I create a diversion so I could talk to your mother? Why did I try to claim you before everyone? Or did you mean why did I accept his challenge?”

  Siku scoffed. “Any and all of the above.”

  “Probably for the same reason you supported my claim in front of everyone. Because we both found something special in one another and don’t want to let it go. I saw my chance to have you forever, and you backed me up. Do I have to have any reason for any of it other than the fact that I want you with me for the rest of our lives?”

  Siku’s lip trembled, and he leaped forward, closing the distance between the two of them. Aputi grabbed him, wrapping him up in his arms and pulling him the final step into the kiss. The agony of losing Siku, the lonely ache of missing him, and the desperation that it might all fall apart at Aputi’s feet fell away as his lips met Siku’s. They clung to one another, breathless and desperate as they poured all they had into the kiss.

  When they finally separated, Aputi wasn’t sure if it had been seconds or minutes. Both of them were panting for breath. Aputi’s fingers had wound their way into Siku’s hair, holding him close as they pressed their foreheads together.

  The clamor above grew louder, and Aputi chuckled. “I’m guessing it’s time.”

  “Aputi, please don’t do anything foolish out there.”

  “It’s not a fight to the death Aputi.”

  “This is a matter of honor for the Duke, his anger might override his good sense. I don’t want to stand up there and watch you die.”

  Aputi kissed his forehead. “You’re going to go back to your mother, and you’re going to watch me fight and beat the Duke. Then you’re going to watch me come over and kiss you in front of everyone, because that’s when our lives together start, you hear me?”

  Siku’s warm eyes glowed. “I do.”

  There was nothing left to say, and Aputi let Siku out of his arms slowly. Siku backed toward the door, his gaze never leaving Aputi until he’d left the room. Aputi closed his eyes, breathing evenly until he heard the call for him and the Duke to emerge. Pulling the basic robe he’d been given around him, Aputi stepped out into the light of the arena.

  The crowd was a billowing cloud of excited people lining the seats around the arena. Aputi ignored them, forgoing even a single glance at the raised platform where he knew Siku and his mother sat. His eyes were locked on the Duke, the huge man wrapped in a plain robe much like his own.

  “You made a mistake, accepting my challenge,” the Duke said once they were close enough.

  Aputi snorted. “And you made a mistake thinking your hurt pride is going to be enough to win this.”

  “I have been trained since I could walk in the ways of combat, you hardly stand a chance. I will have the Prince’s hand, and be the husband and mate that someone of his station deserves, not some gutter rat.”

  “You would be amazed how clean some of those gutters are.”

  As expected, the large man growled fiercely at him, fingers clenching at his side. Aputi winked at him, earning him raised lips as Qinu struggled with his furious inner bear. The guy was no doubt capable and strong, but Aputi was only slightly nervous. So long as he played to the man’s weaknesses, there wouldn’t be a problem.

  The Queen spoke, her voice booming through the air. “As two alphas seeking the hand of my son, you will fight on four legs. The duel will end when one concedes or is no longer able to fight. I will not have final life’s blood shed over this, no death blows.”

  “Maiming, however, is perfectly acceptable,” Aputi muttered.

  Qinu snarled. “Mind your tone.”

  “Are you this predictable and boring in bed too?” Aputi asked.

  Qinu almost closed the short distance between the two of them but was stopped by a sharp glare from the queen. The glower Aputi received told him more than enough about what the Duke wished he could do to him.

  Queen Nilak spread her arms. “Duelists…begin!”

  As Aputi expected, Qinu flung his robe away from him with a triumphant grin. Aputi would give him that much, the man was impressively muscled. He had no doubt he’d be an even more impressive bear.

  Qinu’s body rippled, the muscles along his back shifting and moving as the change took over him. Fur began to sprout up along his spine and down his arms. Aputi took hold of his robe, pulling it off and shifting it around in his hands as Qinu’s muzzle sprouted forth.

  Reaching down deep within himself, Aputi tapped into the bea
r which roared for freedom. Strength surged through him as he approached Qinu’s changing form. With a touch of control, Aputi kept most of his shift at bay. His muscles bunched, his bones aching to grow out, twisting his body into the barreling bear form.

  He waited until Qinu’s fingers shrunk, becoming thick and heavy paws. With a smirk, Aputi leaped forward, wrapping his robes around the duke’s head. Moving fast, he bound the fabric tightly, knotting it beneath his jaw before leaping back, out of range. Qinu thrashed, shoving his paws at the cloth wrapped around his face, stumbling backward.

  Snorting, Aputi took hold of the shifting energy and yanked it forward. Pain shot through him, bringing a strangled cry from his lips as the shift took over. Bones warped and shifted, his muscles bulking up. A full-body itch marked its way down him as fur sprouted from his skin. Dropping onto all fours, his fingers receded into his hands, which thickened and grew pads. His mouth elongated; fangs sharper than any man’s springing forth.

  Shaking his shaggy head, Aputi sprung forward with a roar of his own. His huge paw slammed into the side of Qinu’s large head. Stumbling from both being blind and the blow, Qinu let out a frustrated roar. Another blow, and then another, Aputi focused on the duke’s head, knocking him senseless while he had the chance.

  Qinu’s next roar was ear shattering as he finally managed to wrest the robe from around his head. The look in his eyes promised an agonizing death, his teeth bared as he barreled forward. Aputi scrambled to the side, narrowly missing being bowled over by the duke’s larger bulk. Qinu spun, faster than Aputi predicted, his paws lashing out in a powerful swipe. Aputi cringed away, a snarl curling his lips as pain lanced up his side.

  The crowd roared in excitement as Aputi’s fur was stained crimson from the three wounds scraped along his side. The wounds burned, but Aputi had no time to check them over as Qinu bore down on him once again. Aputi’s tactic to infuriate the man beyond the point of clear thought had worked, though he was beginning to wonder if that had been such a good idea.

  Aputi found himself stuck in a constant loop of dodging the duke’s blows and scattering when he charged. Every few attempts, Qinu managed to score a small hit, drawing more of Aputi’s blood. Aputi knew he wouldn’t last much longer, the wounds weren’t deep or serious, but they would build up, and he’d be left vulnerable. If he was going to finish it, he was going to have to do it quickly.

  Aputi spun around, facing down the furious bear. Qinu watched him carefully, the sides of his chest heaving before giving another roar. Sure enough, the duke lowered his head and charged forward. Aputi reared back, standing on his two legs, preparing to meet the duke.

  If Aputi could have smirked, he would have when Qinu rose up to meet him, thinking to duel with him on their hind legs. Before Qinu could reach his full height, Aputi dropped down onto all fours and hunkered down. As soon as Qinu’s shadow loomed over him as the larger bear dropped down in confusion, Aputi shoved himself up, slamming his head into Qinu’s throat.

  A strangled grunt pushed its way from Qinu’s lips as he backed away. The fight had been taken out of the duke as he fought for air, but Aputi knew it wouldn’t last. This time, when Aputi rose up on his back legs, he brought himself down with all the force he could muster. His front paws slammed onto the top of Qinu’s head, buckling him and sending him headfirst onto the permafrost. The duke’s huge body gave a jerk as his head crashed to the ground, his back legs splaying out behind him before stilling.

  Aputi gasped for air, eyes locked on the duke’s unmoving form as he waited to see if it was over. When Qinu didn’t get up again, Aputi allowed himself to sag to the ground, letting out a low growl of relief.

  Groaning, Aputi released the bear’s grip on his body, pushing it away and calling to his human form. He took his time, letting the change ripple through him slowly as he shifted carefully around his wounds. Soon, he lay naked on the frozen ground, and the sound of the shocked and excited crowd roared back into his hearing.

  Aputi sat up, feeling small and distant as he looked up into a sea of faces. Movement to his left brought his head around, tensing as he readied himself for Qinu to pick himself up and finish him while he was vulnerable. Instead, he was met with the sight of Siku running as fast as he could toward him, having leaped down from the stands.

  Siku skidded to a stop, dropping to his knees beside Aputi and throwing his arms around him. Warm lips pressed against his and Aputi found himself wrapping Siku in his arms, kissing him like it was the last time.

  No, he thought to himself, the first of many more.


  “Mother, have you seen Nila?” Siku asked as he stuck his head into her room.

  His mother looked up from her conversation, her thin brow stitching together. Across from her, Ainu sat with a teacup in her hand, looking amused.

  “Siku, if you cannot keep track of your daughter, how can you expect me to?”

  It was a fair question, but he still gave her a dirty look anyway. He’d been searching for the seven-year-old for over an hour and thus far, had no luck. It was a large castle, but surely there were only so many places a small child, even one as active and capable as his daughter, could hide.

  Ainu chuckled. “It was much the same when Aputi was young. I could hardly keep track of him. You’d be amazed how quickly children can move on those little legs of theirs.”

  “And how quiet they can be when they’re up to something,” Nilak added.

  “Neither of you are planning on helping me in the slightest, are you?” Siku asked.


  “Not a bit.”

  Sighing, Siku left the two to gossip and chat through the evening as they were prone to do when Ainu visited the castle. Despite their best efforts, neither Aputi nor Siku had been able to persuade her to move out of her house and into the castle. They had at least compromised with allowing a set of guards to be posted around her house. She was, after all, mother to the king-consort, and the grandmother of the princess.

  How Siku could manage to run a kingdom while being unable to control his own daughter, he would never know. Nila was the absolute apple of Aputi’s eye, but Siku had a hard time keeping up with both of them. Generally, she could be trusted to behave herself while Siku dealt with matters of state, and Aputi did his rounds through the judiciary court. However, when that girl got an idea in her head, she’d be gone before anyone even considered she was up to something.

  Aputi rounded the next corner, talking to a group of people in black robes. “Well, tell Judge Riya he’s wrong. The owners still have another thirty days to cover their rent before they can be removed. And inform him that I know all about his friendly visits to the Manya family’s estate. The very same family who just so happens to want to snatch up these poor people’s business.”

  Siku stopped, watching his mate as he continued to talk with the pack of judges hanging on his every word. Despite becoming officially royalty, Aputi had insisted on going back to school and gaining his education the proper way. His passion for upholding the law was outdone only by his dedication to bringing about reform. There was still a long way to go in cleaning up the worst of the corruption at the higher levels of state, but Siku had no doubts his husband was loving every minute of it.

  Aputi turned, catching sight of Siku and shooting him a smirk. Siku wasn’t sure how his mate did it, but Aputi seemed to grow more handsome with every passing day. His light hair had darkened a little with the years, though his eyes sparkled just as much as ever. Aputi still held Siku each night they could spend together, when the other wasn’t up late dealing with some problem or another. And Siku fell more in love with him every day, with no end in sight.

  The cluster of judges backed away, bowing low to Siku before disappearing the way they had come. Siku watched Aputi approach, appreciating the slow, confident way he moved.

  “You’re creeping,” Aputi said.

  “Admiring,” Siku corrected.

  “Keep looking at me like th
at and I might forget about the review I’m supposed to sit in on later.”

  Siku turned into Aputi, breathing his scent. “Is that a threat?”

  “Or a promise, whichever turns you on more.”

  Siku bent his head back, accepting a slow kiss from Aputi. He had his own itinerary to finish up for the day, but he’d be damned before he passed up a chance to meet his mate in a dark hallway away from prying eyes.

  Aputi rumbled appreciatively. “And what brings you to this lonely hallway of the castle?”

  “Mm, I’m looking for your daughter.”

  “Last I checked, she was yours as well.”

  “In looks maybe.”


  The shrill voice of excitement brought them around. A tiny figure on little legs sped toward them, her robes flapping in the wind behind her. Siku stepped away, smiling as she leaped the last foot up into Aputi’s open arms. Aputi gave a laugh, hugging her close and spinning her around.

  “And now she shows up,” Siku said, trying to sound exasperated and failing.

  The big brown eyes she’d inherited from Siku turned on him, her wide smile warming his heart. Her pale hair, as thick and nearly as white as his own, flowed out from behind her in a wild tumble. She might have looked like Siku, but in her heart, she had taken after Aputi in just about every way.

  “Hi, Papa!”

  Siku bent forward, kissing her cheek. “Hello, little one. I’ve been looking for you.”

  Nila wriggled, innocent eyes wide. “Why?”

  Aputi chuckled. “Did you run away from your lessons again?”

  “Tutor Landa said I could finish it whenever I wanted.”

  Siku frowned. “Tutor Landa said you could finish it at your own pace, not for you to take off with it so you could lose it and not have to do it.”

  Nila wrinkled her nose, looking hurt. “But I did finish it.”

  Siku held out his hand. “Well, let’s see it.”

  Reaching into her robes, Nila produced the folded piece of paper and placed it gently into Siku’s palm. Just that single piece of paper reminded Siku of just how far they’d come. Improving relations with the nations to the south had brought greater trade, to the point where paper was far easier to obtain. It had revolutionized the education system in the kingdom within a few short years, and Siku was still getting updates on progress.


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