Time For Love Box Set

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Time For Love Box Set Page 35

by Karen Deen

  Carefully, he picks up his wife’s hand and places it around her cup. He then helps lift it to her lips after he has blown on it. She takes a little sip. The same joy spreads across her face from the first sip. As he helps her to place her cup back on the table, she gives him her widest smile. I look at her other hand on the table and it’s curled in an awkward ball of twisted fingers. Arthritis looks like it’s taken over her body and her hands are suffering awfully from the disease. After the old gentle man takes another drink of his own tea, he feeds his wife mouthfuls of chocolate cake, alternating between her and himself. His wife chatters away in between enjoying her cake.

  This simple act of love is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  I’m totally overwhelmed with the emotions of such a special moment. I want that sort of love. The one that never changes but just grows stronger over the years. The type of love that is unconditional, through sickness and in health.

  God, I want that more than anything.

  To be good enough for someone even if I am broken.

  My heart struggles to know how it feels to be someone’s everything no matter what. Again, my mind drifts to Grant. I wonder if he could be that someone. Too bad I’ll never get to know.

  I sit longer than I should, watching the most beautiful love story in front of my eyes. As the elderly couple struggle out of their seats and shuffle from the café, I take a deep breath. Realizing the time, I approach the counter and pay instead of leaving the money on the table.

  “Excuse me,” I call, “could you tell me about that elderly couple that just left? Do they come in here often?”

  “Oh yes, that’s Mr. and Mrs. Frankston. They come in every day around the same time and order their cups of tea and one piece of chocolate cake. It’s their daily date. They tell us all the time they don’t know how much time they have left together so they need to make the most of it. So, Mr. Frankston has vowed to take his wife on a date every day for her favorite desert. He said he’ll do it until such a time that they can no longer cope. They live up the road in the nursing home together. He is her carer now the arthritis has made things difficult for her. They’re the cutest couple, aren’t they? We love to see them every day. They’re always smiling and are still totally in love.” The waitress looks at me as the tears run down my face. I can’t help it.

  A simple life filled with love is the type of love I need. Everything else in my life would be even more perfect with love in it.

  “Can I please have a piece of paper for a moment?” I ask the waitress. She looks at me with confusion but hands me her notepad.

  I write a note and hand it over to her with money for my lunch and extra to leave with the note. As the waitress looks over the note, I re-read it to make sure it sounds right.

  Dear Mr. and Mrs. Frankston,

  Today I watched you enjoy your beautiful tea and cake date. I have never seen such a loving moment in all my life. You have made me want that kind of love and relationship. One that lasts the test of time and still brings a smile from your heart every day. I now know not to accept anything less than a love like yours. Please enjoy your next date on me and thank you for showing me what true love looks like.

  From a girl who needed to know she will be loved no matter what, when it is the right kind of love.


  The waitress looks at me with tears in her eyes. “That’s really beautiful. You’re very kind.” I smile and walk away. “Wait,” the waitress calls, “can I have your name for them?” I am smiling because my name doesn’t matter. Seeing Mr. and Mrs. Frankston has done more for me than they will ever know.

  Shopping will have to wait another day, lunch took so much longer than I was planning on. Not that I care one bit. It was a lunch I will never ever forget. A moment my heart will always treasure.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The looks on the faces of all my staff when I walk through the building makes me smirk on the inside. They have never seen me in jeans and a shirt. Maybe it’s time to change things up a bit.

  Obviously, the world only sees me as Grant, the CEO, the control freak, and workaholic. There’s more to me than that. I just have to find out what that is. I have this overwhelming feeling Zara is the one to help me find the hidden Grant.

  Leaning against the side of my car waiting for the bell to sound at the school, I watch the many mothers and a few fathers mill outside the gate. I feel the eyes of several women on me. They’re huddled together in little groups, trying to discreetly check me out while others are being blatantly obvious. It’s never worried me before and if I’m out I’ll usually take my time to observe the crowd and see who gains my attention.

  Before long, the woman who’s caught my eye is on my arm and agreeing to a night of hot sex with no strings. Never have I been turned down or found it difficult to find a woman who’s interested, but today I just want to be Uncle Grant. I’m not even paying attention to the women. They’re probably wondering who I am and how I fit in with their little world.

  A diva mom struts towards me. The one that’s taken it upon herself to be the gossip scout. Her job is to try to find out who I am. She walks in her three-inch high heels with a deliberate sway and the confidence to boot. Her perfectly-angled shoulders tell me she’s not shy, her tits out on full display.

  Unless you know better you’d think she belongs on the stage at a strip club. Her skirt is just covering the parts of her ass that lead you to the Promised Land. She’s very attractive but does nothing for me. If only the school bell would start ringing so I don’t have to put up with the flirting that’s about to be thrown at me.

  “Hi there,” she purrs. “Not sure I have seen you here before? Do your children attend this school?” Her voice is smooth and oozing sex appeal as her eyes roam up and down my body.

  Short answers are all she’s going to get from me. “Yes,” I say, smiling politely and looking over her shoulder toward the school gate.

  “They must be new. I would have known if I had seen a good-looking man like yourself hanging around the school pick-up. How old are your children and how many do you have?” Her eyes hold me to make sure she doesn’t lose my attention.

  “They’re seven years old.” I don’t bother to explain they’re twins or the fact I’m their uncle because it’s really none of her business. All I’m trying to do is make sure she gets that I’m not interested.

  “Such a cute age. So, does your wife usually do the pickups? Is that why we haven’t met?”

  “I’m not married.” I hide my laughter while she tries to figure me out.

  She resorts to the next phase. Placing her hand on my arm, she strokes affectionately. “Silly me, I haven’t introduced myself.” The boobs stick out further, the voice slightly higher pitched.

  I try to back away, but I’m trapped between her and the car. “I’m Felicity Fairweather, and I have a seven-year-old daughter too. Maybe our kids know each other and are best friends. Wouldn’t that be cute? Maybe we could organize a play date for them and you could come too, to watch them, of course.” The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and it sure as hell isn’t from arousal. This woman’s a vulture, circling her prey. I’m surprised she hasn’t already asked what I do for a living and what my annual salary is.

  “Sorry, I didn’t get your name.” She thinks I’m that stupid? You don’t need to know who I am. I sure as shit don’t care who you are.

  The air is filled with the welcomed sound of the school bell. The leech still doesn’t let go and I worry the twins will walk out and see the display.

  I’m not a rude person, and my parents would kick my ass if I was. I gently grip her wrists and remove them from my body and politely excuse myself.

  “Excuse me, Felicity, but I need to go and meet the kids at the gate.”

  I hear a huff as I step around her but am greeted by the knowing smiles of the group of men standing by the fence line who’d watched the interaction.

e noise of overly enthusiastic kids comes rumbling through the glass doors at the front of the school. I hope Samuel and Sophia don’t take too long to come out, otherwise the vulture will be on me again. My eyes madly scan the crowds. I hear his voice before I see him.

  “Hurry up, Sophia, I want to see Uncle Grant”.

  I let out a sigh of relief knowing the kids are on their way. Looking around, I see Samuel jump down the three steps while he drags Sophia behind him. My heart skips a little at the sight of them, the two most important people in my life. I would lay down my life for these two little creatures, along with their new little brother, Thomas. The bond I feel towards them is so incredible, I can’t even imagine what it’ll feel like to have children of my own. I know the more I think about it, the more I want them. Plenty of them, so they can experience the love of a big family like I did growing up.

  This is a long time into the future but over the last few days, it’s become quite clear in my head. I now know who the woman is I want to create that family with. She just doesn’t realize it yet. Hopefully this afternoon, she might start to get the idea.

  “Uncle Grant, Uncle Grant, we’re coming. I’m ready for my ice cream.” Sammy yells across the playground. I can’t help but laugh. The boy is such a character and has the memory of an elephant. As they get closer, Sammy launches himself into my arms. I give him a quick hug and then let him down as I ruffle the top of his head. He lets out a giggle.

  “Hey, Sammy. How was your day? Were you good for your teacher?”

  “Always, Uncle Grant. I got three stickers today for being a good helper, sitting quietly and finishing my spelling words.” He looks at me waiting for me to reply to his proud statement. I raise my hand above his head for a high five. Sammy jumps up and slaps my hand hard.

  “That’s great, little buddy. I’m very proud of you.” As I finish my sentence, I feel the little gentle hands of Sophia wrap around my legs. I can’t resist and lean down to pick her up. She snuggles her head into my neck and I feel her little body relax. It’s like my shoulder and arms are a safe and happy place. I know she loves Zach with all her heart but the two of us have an amazing bond that just can’t be explained.

  Looking down at those little eyes that are now looking up to me, my heart starts to melt. “How is my little princess this afternoon?”

  “I’m good, thank you, Uncle Grant,” she says quietly into my neck. She’s not ready to let go yet. It is like I am her center and she’s just letting me bring her world back into line. Although Sophia has got better in the last few months with people, she’s still very shy at times and doesn’t really like big crowds. Having inherited a big family of very over-protective uncles, aunties and grandparents along with Zach as her father, it is helping her to feel safe. It hurts my soul to think she lived all that time scared of strangers, especially men. Her mom did an amazing job on her own keeping these two treasures safe and happy, but now the pressure is off. We are all here to help her share the load.

  The rest of the family doesn’t quite understand our relationship, but Emily gets it. She sees the real me hiding behind the confident, cocky man everyone else sees.

  Zach’s one lucky bastard finding his love and the two little added benefits that came with her. I feel Sophia’s breathing start to slow and calm on my neck. Meanwhile Sammy’s bouncing around in front of me like he has ants in his pants.

  “Did you also have a good day at school today like your brother?” I try to encourage Sophia to talk to me.

  “Yes, I didn’t get three stickers like he did, but I got one for getting all my spelling right. But I didn’t really deserve one because they were pretty easy words.” I try not to giggle as I hear Samuel groan.

  “They were not easy, Sophia. Just because you are a smarty pants all the time,” Sammy mumbles.

  “Now that’s not nice, Samuel. We all have our own special talents in life. Sophia, never let anyone make you feel silly or bad for being smart. That’s your special talent. Samuel, you have your own special talents.” His eyes open wide expectantly. “Like how good you are at throwing a ball, helping your dad on the farm, and you’re the world’s best ice cream eater.” Sophia giggles as I put her down and take both of their hands.

  “That’s right, Uncle Grant. I can eat ice cream way faster than you. I’ll show you.” I can see how happy he is and he forgets about how he struggles with his spelling.

  We head towards my car and when I see Felicity approach, I inwardly groan. She drags her daughter behind her, whose whining is falling on deaf ears.

  I usher the kids faster, looking for an escape route, but with no such luck. Felicity stops right in front of me, blocking my path. Sophia looks at me confused and Samuel is oblivious to the whole thing as he rambles on about what we’re going to do together this afternoon while Sophia is at dance class with Zara. I take one look at Felicity and know she’s got nothing on my Zara. My mind stops as I realize what I just said in my head. She is not mine, but man, I hope she will be.

  “Now, Priscilla, who are your little friends here? I don’t think I’ve met them yet.” Felicity’s high-pitched, flirty voice makes my teeth clench.

  Priscilla rolls her eyes at her mother. “They aren’t my friends, mother. They’re just in my class. Sammy is just a dumb boy who can’t read, and Sophia doesn’t even talk.” I look down at this evil little girl and I know the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Sophia’s hand squeezes mine tightly and Sammy’s now looking down and kicking the dirt. I want to give her a piece of my mind, but I’m too much of a gentleman to tell off a seven-year-old. However, I look at her mother with a look that says ‘do something about your child’.

  I know I have the ability to make women flustered just by looking at them. This look however, is different. It’s one of disgust.

  “Now, Prissy, that’s not very nice. Maybe you need to spend more time together and you will learn to become friends. How about we go and have a milkshake with Sophia, Samuel and their Dad.” She turns back to me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

  Nice try, Felicity.

  “Uncle Grant is not our daddy. Daddy’s name is Zach. He’s at the hospital with our mom and baby brother, Thomas.” Sammy blurts out.

  “I am sorry, Grant. I assumed these were your children. So, you’re their single Uncle who’s looking after them. How sweet,” she purrs. That’s it, I’m out of here before she sinks her claws into me.

  “Sorry, but we have plans today. Sophia has dancing, and Samuel has a date with a soccer ball and some ice cream. Besides, I’m not sure your daughter wants to spend time with these two gorgeous kids. Thanks, anyway. Let’s get going, we don’t want Sophia to be late for dancing.”

  “Where does she dance? Priscilla has been begging me to start dancing.”

  “No, I haven’t,” she pipes in.

  “Don’t be silly, Prissy, of course you have.” Felicity glares at her daughter.

  “Sorry, I don’t know the name of it and I really have to run. Nice to meet you both.” I mumble uncommittedly over my shoulder. The woman is trouble and so is her daughter.

  With the kids strapped in their seats, I pull the Audi out from the curb. Sophia quietly speaks up from the back seat. “Uncle Grant, that girl Priscilla, she’s a meanie. She picks on Sammy and some of the other kids in the class all the time. She’s also nasty to me because I don’t talk to her all the time like all the other little girls do. I don’t like her.”

  “It’s okay, Princess. I don’t think I like her or her mother either. They don’t seem like very nice people.” I’m pretty sure her mother’s husband shopping as I didn’t notice any rings on her wedding finger, but she was dripping with diamonds. If she condones the way her daughter treats other children, then she’s not someone I would give the time of day to.

  “Uncle Grant, why did you tell her you didn’t know the name of Miss Zara’s dance studio?” Sammy asks from the back seat.

  “Sometimes it’s better to just pretend
you can’t remember something. You will understand that when you get a bit older. Now, enough of those yucky people, let’s talk about our fun afternoon.” That’s enough to get both the kids chatting away. When I tell them they’re having dinner with me, there’s a cheer, which brings a smile to my face. Of course, the next question is from Samuel as to what we’re eating for dinner. Man, that kid can eat. God help Zach and Emily when he becomes a teenage boy who will eat everything that moves.

  We pull up outside the dance studio and my heart starts to beat a little faster. I haven’t even seen her yet and Zara’s already turning my head into a mess.

  As I’m getting the kids out of the car, Sophia looks at me with those cute little eyes as I offer my hand. “Thank you for bringing me to dancing, Uncle Grant. I didn’t want to miss seeing Miss Zara. I love to dance with her.”

  “Anytime, Princess, I didn’t want to miss seeing Miss Zara either.” Sophia smiles knowingly at me and walks to the studio door.

  Sammy runs off after Soph. They laugh as they run up the stairs and I take a moment to gather my head. Time to let Zara know what I want, and that’s her. If only she will let her guard down to acknowledge she wants me too.

  I stride up the stairs two at a time with all the confidence in the world.

  Game on, baby.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I know Sophia and Samuel are here before I even see them. The giggles coming up the stairwell are just precious. They’re so cute together. Now she has Zach in her life, and baby Thomas. What a special gift for them he must be. It will be nice to see Zach and pass on my congratulations. If I get time over the next few days, I will call into the hospital to visit Emily and Thomas.

  “Hi, Miss Zara,” Sammy yells as he rushes through the door. “I beat Sophia up the stairs again.”


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