Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7) Page 1

by GM Scherbert

  Table of Contents

  Devil’s Iron MC Book 7

  Heathered Country Part 2

  ~Chapter one

  Chapter two

  Chapter three

  Chapter four

  Chapter five

  Chapter six

  Chapter seven

  CHAPTER eight

  Chapter nine

  Chapter ten

  Chapter eleven

  Chapter twelve

  Chapter thirteen

  Chapter fourteen

  Chapter fifteen

  Chapter sixteen

  Chapter seventeen

  Chapter eighteen

  Chapter nineteen

  Chapter twenty

  Chapter twenty-one

  Chapter twenty-two

  Chapter twenty-three

  Chapter twenty-four

  Chapter twenty-five

  Chapter twenty-six


  Twisted Pleasures,

  Twisted Fates

  Devil’s Iron MC Book 7

  Heathered Country Part 2

  By: GM Scherbert

  Copyright © 2017 by GM Scherbert

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  all readers. Please be advised. This book is intended for readers who are over the age of 18. This book contains sexual explicit material and may not be suitable to

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017

  Cover Art: Leanne Louise at B2B Covers

  Editing: J&M Editing


  I would like to give thanks where thanks are due. To my wonderful and supportive family and friends who are always there.

  These last few weeks have been troubling to say the least and the support we have gotten is something that has really helped to get and continue to get us through.


  I would also like to give a special shout out to all the help I have had with promoting and getting the word out there about my boys and girls. The indie world has been super supportive and helpful every step of the way.


  ¤♥¤Oº°Thanks for everything °ºO¤♥¤


  I knew the life we were heading towards was too good to be true. I knew it wasn’t going to last after that first-time Bull, Country, and I were all together. We each felt nothing but happiness after so many years of pain.

  After the years running, I knew as soon as he found me the first time, Sophie and I were in trouble. I knew when he found me the second time, that the family I had been building with Bull and Country would crumble apart.

  I just didn’t think it would happen before we even got a chance to really get it started.


  Settling down with a family was something I thought would never happen for me. After the first time that we were all together though, I knew that those thoughts were wrong. This was my family.

  In the first weeks that we were together, I thought that life couldn’t get better. Then Heather made us the happiest of men, telling us that she was pregnant. In the months that followed I thought that this life was too good to be true. That all the shit Country and I had done in the past would never be able to touch this family we were building.

  That couldn’t have been further from the truth.



  ~Chapter one


  I know that Zack must have come straight into The Dungeon to get Peach or had someone working with him, and that isn’t sitting well with me. I try to think about what new people have been at The Dungeon, especially the ones hanging around my woman. My mind drifts to the only new people that have been showing their faces consistently around Heather the last few months.

  Fucking Niki.

  If Zack has been following Heather for these last few months, why did he pick now to come at us? Maybe because she is so far gone with the babies? As I look towards my woman, who is still laying on the couch it takes me only an instant to notice the blood seeping onto the crotch of her gray yoga pants. When realization hits me, it’s about the time that a scream rips through her like I have never heard before. As my eyes meet hers, she tells me something that makes no sense.


  I look up into her eyes and see pain that has never been there before, as she squeezes tightly to my hand and starts panting. Just as the realization that our woman is in labor hits me, the doors to The Dungeon swing wide, and five men enter.

  Four men wearing Demon Riders cuts and the man I thought we had dealt with months ago, when we had made our point and he had returned to Texas.


  As the men start the walk towards us, I take note that neither Peaches or Shadow are visible down the hallway heading towards the door and wonder if they made a quick exit with Country. Or if they are injured by the front door from these fucks, my thoughts move quickly to the woman squeezing my hand in hers, grinding her teeth together.

  As the men make their way closer, I notice the President, VP, and SOA patches on three of the men, they stand out easier in this light than the name patches I am having trouble making out. Bear and Axe are men that I would be familiar with in name only, so not being able to see the patches is leaving me at a disadvantage. Those names I have heard time and again from Country when he has mentioned the Demon Riders and the time that he had spent with his dad, Wrangler.

  When the five men stop short of reaching us, Heather’s hand grips mine tighter and I wish that we were anywhere but here. Because here is the only place that I don’t have a piece located within arm’s reach from myself. Here is the only place that my cell phone is put away in my locker and not in my pocket. Here is the only place that these men, can get the upper hand on us without Prez having a set of eyes on us always. Not that there isn’t security here, but on this night, it is light, and the number of members here is low as well. Causing me to wonder if they picked this place and night to attack on purpose.


  Chapter two


  As I come to, I sit up with a jerk, the pain that shoots through me has me screaming out. As I start to remember where I am at, I am brought back to the here and now, that I am at The Dungeon. Wayne left to go sort out the business about Zack. I am sure he headed towards the clubhouse to speak with Blaze, but that shit is “club business” so I know better than to ask.

  Feeling arms wrap tighter around me, I hear Johnathan coo into my ear, “Spitfire, you know that we will never let anything happen to you.” Stroking a hand over my head I rest it back down, and try to shut my eyes again. Before I can slip into the blackness again, I don’t realize that I have started labor, until the sharp pain rips through me and a scream comes from my lips. My eyes shoot open, and meet Johnathan’s before I speak.

  “THEY’RE COMING!” is all I can get out before the pain rips through me again. My stomach clenches tight as a wave of nausea goes through me and the muscles tighten. My hand tightens around his to try and make it through this pain, I do the only thing I can think of and start breathing like I have seen in the movies. The labor that I went through with Sophie was nothing compared to these pains that are shooting through me. Although finding Zack fucking that slut in our house, might have had something to do with the way that labor progressed.

  Looking up into Johnathan’s eyes I see fe
ar that I have never seen before. Well, that is until I see him glance towards the door. Then the fear that was in his eyes-only moments ago, is magnified and mixed with anger and hatred.

  As the pain subsides, I follow his gaze, and see The Dungeon’s main doors swing wide. Five men enter and slowly make their way towards us and as my mind clears along with my vision, fear shoots through me. One of the men is one I had hoped I would never see again.

  Before I bring myself to worry about the men that are making their way towards us I am caught up in another contraction.

  Johnathan makes his way out from underneath me resting my head on the couch as he does so. Stepping quickly in front of me, Johnathan wastes no time, speaking to the men stopping before us.

  I almost miss hearing Zack speak as the contraction rocks my body, but I don’t miss the venom in his voice. “Looky, looky at the little pain slut. I see that you haven’t been able to keep your legs together, or keep your filthy fucking hands off those men that you let fuck you three ways to-”

  Zack is cut off by Johnathan quickly with a punch to the face that sends his ass to the floor. As the contraction subsides I am quick to look around at the four men left standing. One of which has a strong resemblance to Wayne and I wonder if this is an uncle of his.

  That same man, the oldest of the four Demon Riders is quick to answer. The words that he is speaking quietly has me again questioning who he is.

  “The boy and you have been thick as thieves these last years. Neither of you being able to leave well enough alone. Taking this girl together and moving her in, playing family when you made mine disappear. That shit won’t do.” The repeated hits he lands on Johnathan has me wincing after a few long minutes. “If either of you think that you can take away the next generation of the Demon Riders you are fucking wrong.”

  I am quickly drawn outta whatever is happening between these two men, by the pains shooting through me again. I cannot hold back the scream that rips through me this time and that same man leaves Johnathan in a heap on the floor and steps closer to me.

  Knowing that Johnathan must be knocked out cold to let this man anywhere near me, I do not like the future as it’s shaping up. The man takes a knee before me and I can’t miss the resemblances to Wayne, the same jaw and eyes, not to mention the cut of his cheek.

  Stroking a hand over my belly, his green eyes meet mine and the smile I find in them is chilling. “You are coming with us. It is too bad that you are already in labor, it may be a painful trip for you. If you could’ve just held out for a little while longer, those babies must really wanna start their new lives as the next generation of the Demon Riders, back in Texas with us and all.”

  As I try to scramble to my feet as his words start to sink in, I look to the word on the front of his cut, President. That’s all I see before I am quickly grabbed up from two of the Demon Riders. As they storm towards the exit, with me sandwiched between them I see Shadow outta the corner of my eye. Looking from me to the two men on either side, he doesn’t have time to draw his weapon, before the man on my right drops me to pull a weapon of his own. Firing at Shadow before he had a chance.

  Grabbing me back up off the floor, the men continue their exit as I glance back only seeing a pool of blood spreading out from underneath Shadow. Trying to look further into the Dungeon, I cannot see Johnathan or any of the other members. I hope to fuck that no one has been killed, especially over me.

  Chapter three


  Coming to I know that they have taken our girl and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I know that shit is not going to end well seeing that I’m almost fucking positive she was starting labor when she jolted up before.

  The questions won’t stop running through my head as I get myself up and make my way to the phone. Why was Zack here? Who the fuck were those men with him? If they were Demon Riders, why did they hook up with Zack? What the fuck are they doing with our girl?

  Picking up the phone, I am quick to call first Country, with no answer, then Prez. He doesn’t even get a Hello out before I am letting him know what the fuck has gone down.

  “They have Heather, Prez. Zack came into the Dungeon with a few fucking Demon Riders and just snatched her the fuck up. I tried calling Country, but his went straight to voicemail so I called you. Is he there with you, he left here and he was headed straight there? He should’ve gotten in a while ago. He needs to know that she is gone- that she is in labor too”

  “What? Heather’s in fucking labor? FUCK!” is roared out before he answers the real question, “No, Country’s not here, when I spoke to him he told me he was heading out the door.” Pausing briefly, I hear him speaking loudly with someone before going on. “I have been here waiting for him for over a fucking hour Bull, there has been no sign of or from him.” All I am wondering to myself is, how long have I fucking been knocked out. It seems like it was merely moments ago when Country was walking outta here to go meet with Prez. Only a brief time since I had Heather wrapped up in my arms. Prez’s voice draws me outta my thoughts as he begins speaking. “Tank, Gun, and Doc are heading out on the road towards you. Don’t fucking leave with whatever the fuck is going down right now. Wait for them to come ride with you home and we will figure this shit out together, Brother. We will find Country and get your girl back.”

  Moving towards the locker room, I change outta my leathers and head towards the front to find Shadow’s stash of weapons. Not expecting what I walk into, I see Shadow passed out near the door, laying in a pool of blood. He has a gunshot wound to the upper torso and I hope to fuck it missed anything major. Knowing that the nurse lives close, I pull out my phone sending her a message. Stopping the flow of blood with his shirt and the pressure of my left hand. I turn hearing noises coming from the door and raise my piece with a steady hand ready for whatever or whoever comes my way.

  Thankfully it is only the nurse, with Tank, Gun, and Doc close on her heels. I lower my weapon and let the nurse take over tending to Shadow. She is on her phone in a second, calling in someone else and asking for them to bring her blood. I try to stand, but wobble and am helped to my feet by my Brothers. The look on their faces as my eyes reach them is nothing but pain.

  “Let’s get outta here, and head over to the Clubhouse. We saw the crash on the way over here Brother, we rode up on it, but we didn’t see Country. His bike was fucking wrapped tight around a tree though. We made out some tire tracks from a large truck or van, but that’s about all we could get this late at night.” Tank says steading me on my feet as I again wobble at his words. “A lot of fucking blood Brother, not enough for him to have bled out, but enough.”

  “FUCK!” I roar out.

  My Brothers look at me and the pain that I know is within me is reflecting through their eyes.

  “We have to find him. We gotta get to Heather and our fucking babies. Zack and those fucking Demon Riders that were with him have them, I just fucking know it. I can’t believe they just walked up into The Dungeon and took our ol’ fucking lady.” Fisting my hands at my sides the rage I am feeling is only multiplying with each minute that passes, “WHAT THE FUCK?”

  Chapter four


  In the back of the van, the contractions are coming closer and closer together and I have passed the point of trying to hold in my screams. I am not sure how long we have been driving but I can see that the sun is up and high in the sky. We must have been driving for almost half a day.

  The Prez is in the passenger seat, and is the only other person except the driver to hear my cries. His head is wrenched back staring daggers at me the entire time. When the contractions are only mere minutes apart, he tells the driver that we need to pull over and as we do another wave of pain takes over me.

  Opening the back door of the van, the Prez is inside shutting the door behind himself. Moving towards me, I struggle to move away as he reaches for my legs.

  The Prez is not the one I hear speak though, the gruff voice I hear is from the
man driving. “Girl, if you want those fucking brats to live I suggest you let him help you.”

  The man kneeling next to me cuts him off quickly, “Bear shut the fuck up, she doesn’t need to be more freaked out than she already is. We gotta make sure that the babies stay safe until the doc can get here.” Lowering his voice, he turns to me and goes on, “I helped Ma give birth to our boy, I know that you had no problems with Sophie, so we can only hope that these two are just as easy- seeing that you are what? Still four weeks away from their due date?”

  The shock on my face must be obvious but he keeps going, “We are still six hours away from home and we don’t really have time for this, but those babies are the future of the Demon Riders so we will make time. We called the doc as soon as we were sure that we had you and he started his trip north as quick as he could. We will be running into him up here right soon, but we will still need to make the rest of the journey, after they get here. You have a few hours to get those babies out and then we are hitting the road again girl- don’t think that any princes are going to come riding in on any horses to save you though, that shit ain’t gonna happen.” With a smile on his face he adds, “Especially seeing that Wayne didn’t look long for this world the last time I saw him. “

  As he inches closer to me another wave of pain rips through me and I know the babies are almost here. As that contraction subsides, I look towards this man, and finally see the name on his cut, the name I have heard from Country only when he is lost to the darkness.


  Chapter five


  Pulling into the clubhouse, Tank is quick to head into his fucking computer room to start pulling up as many video feeds as he can to try and track down Heather and my babies, along with any and everything that he would be able to dig up on what happened to Country. Wanting to follow him I know that I will only get in his way. I need to use my time going another way, digging under any rocks that I can fucking find and to do that I gotta head out. Blaze ushers me into his office, before I decide about which way I need to travel.


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