Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7) Page 4

by GM Scherbert

  “Yea, I know that he has always watched out for her.” Tank says. “I knew that they must have been in the lifestyle because he had no problems bringing Ma or Grams around during family BBQs or shit. I just didn’t know that his history was quiet as turbulent as you are letting us in on.”

  “Yeah, well he told me the shit in confidence and we had talked about it a few times over the years. I can’t fucking believe that Wrangler is fucking alive. Or that he had this fucking plan laid out for our woman.”

  “Well, now that we know some of the story of what the fuck has been happening or what happened we might be able to use some of it to help track where the fuck they took your woman. We will track them down, Bull. We will get your woman and babies back.”

  CHAPTER eight


  Feeling the van coming to a stop, I realize that we must be at our destination, when I look up to see large gates moving open. As the van again moves it is only a short way before the engine is cut off. The front doors open, and as I try to get my bearings my eyes quit their exploring when the side door swings open.

  “We are here, get yourself and the next generation of the Demon Riders up. There are some folks I need for them to meet.” Wrangler spits out, stepping back from the van.

  Moving slowly, I get both Wynnie and Wyatt out of the seats and struggle to make it outta the van holding them both. I see about ten men standing with cuts on as well as a few women mixed in. Two women move to help, but are tugged back by the men standing next to them. Seeing the pain in their eyes, lets me know that they might be the ones that can help me get outta this situation.

  Those thoughts are quickly pushed aside, as Wyatt is pulled outta my arms and raised up in the air.

  “This is Wyatt, and he will be the next generation of the Demon Riders, seeing as my good for nothing piece of shit kid couldn’t see it in his fucking future to stick around and follow in his old man’s footsteps.”

  The looks on the men’s faces leave little to be guessed at. They each seem enthralled with the little bundle that is being presented to them. All except two that is, Zack and Bear. Their looks are something entirely different, that of a hungry wolf is more likely, and their eyes have not moved off my body during this entire thing.

  Hearing the cries from Wyatt, I try to reach for him, but am quickly stopped by a slap to the cheek.

  “I’m not done here yet, don’t think that you will be doing anything without my permission. If you want to be around to see this little boy grow up, you better fall in line.” Wrangle gets out harshly as I raise my hand to my cheek.

  Moving a step back, I raise a now crying Wynnie to me. Knowing that the babies are hungry, I hope that this show will be over quick. As the cries continue, the pressure I now feel on my breasts are made only more awkward as I know that my shirt is now wet from my leaking and again catch Bears eyes glued to them. A shiver runs up my spine as I turn away from him trying to drown him out.

  When Wrangler is finally done with his presentation of the next generation, he leads me through the maze of his clubhouse. Nearing the end of a hallway, I am pushed into a room. Seeing the single bed with bassinets on either side, lets me know that he has prepared for this day. Moving further into the room, I see a door and move slowly towards it. As I glance in seeing a shower, sink, and toilet, I know that this is my new home.

  Turning back, I only see the door to the hallway swing shut before hearing a loud lock slide on the other side. Moving towards the bed, I feed Wynnie and then Wyatt and wonder what the fuck I have gotten into.

  The next two days pass slowly; I am not sure what time it is other than day or night. Six times in the last two days Bear has brought in my meals. Nothing too special and I have heard more than once a woman arguing with him before he has come in. Each time the voice has tried to have him bring in more food. Saying that with me feeding both the littlens I would need extra calories. It’s never affected him though, and all I ever hear from Bear was swearing and telling the woman to leave him the fuck alone.

  His eyes are never far from my body when he has dropped the food off. Even going so far as trying to touch me the last two times that he has come in. When I screamed, and slapped at him each time, I fought him off until a voice bombed from the other side of the door. A voice that I would remember forever- Zack.

  Being able to catch shut eye whenever possible, I wake up one evening, looking to the basinets next to the bed, noticing that neither of the babies are in the room with me any longer. Looking towards the door, I see Zack standing inside the room with Bear next to him. The grins on their faces causing me to bolt up and back up onto the head of the bed, not caring about the pain that rocks through my body at the movements. I only know that I don’t want to be in this situation with these men.

  Moving forward Zack walks towards me at the top of the bed, while Bear moves the opposite way adjusting himself as he goes. Not able to keep the fear from my voice, I ask “What do you want from me?”

  The laugh that comes from Zack is bone chilling. “Nothing that I haven’t already had you stupid fucking slut. But, Bear here, can’t seem to get the thought of your fucking pussy off his mind, and those fucking tits. And seeing that you have been fucking both Country and Bull, we thought we would give it a go.” Reaching for me as I shrink back further. “Your always up for a good fucking time, right?”

  “Fuck you Zack. When Country and Bull find out what you are doing, they are going to fucking kill you.”

  The laughs spilling from both Bear and Zack startles me and I try to scramble further into the bed, with no luck. Grabbing for my ankle, Bear drags me to the end of the bed tying first one and then the other ankle to the bed posts. Struggling against him is futile and only leads to a bigger smile crossing his face.

  “Oh, slut, it’s funny that you think that Country would be able to help you, you must not have heard that we fucking killed him days ago, the day we took you in fact. And fucking Bull, those fucking Devil’s Iron have no idea where you fucking are. If they did do you think that they would be able to come and save you from this?” Leaning into me, he pushes me so that I am lying flat on the bed. Zack is quick to grab for my hands tying them above my head, stretching my body in ways that it should not be moved with having twins only three short days ago.

  Groaning at the pain, I hear Bear growl out, “I heard you like a little pain with your pleasure.” Running a rough hand over my breasts down to my pussy, he slaps it roughly before saying, “I can tell you for fucking sure that you will be getting plenty of pain on this night, the pleasure I am thinking will be more for me and fucking Zack though.”

  Moving his hands off my body he reaches for the belt in his pants and fumbles with the buckle before pulling it free from its loops. As Bear steps back snapping the belt between his hands, Zack rips through my clothing with a knife. I find myself struggling in my binds and hoping beyond hope that I can make it through this fucking night.

  Chapter nine


  It’s been a long fucking twenty-four hours. We still only know that they went south with Heather and Country’s body. I haven’t had any sleep and I haven’t even been able to see fucking Sophie for longer than ten minutes without having to leave after she starts asking about her Mom.

  I head towards the bar in the clubhouse and am met with nothing but sad eyes. A few of the ol’ ladies are here, and they are the first ones to brave the look of pain on my face.

  Ember and Sara walk up slowly before placing a hand on each of my shoulders.

  Ember is the first to talk, “Bull, I know that you are worried, but Heather is nothing if not a fighter. The guys will find your girl and those precious little babies and you will go and bring them home safe and sound.”

  Sara tries to talk, but the hormones raging through her from her pregnancy get the best of her. She just leans into me and give my shoulders a stiff hug. As she is pulling back, I hear a growl coming from behind her and know that Gun is nearby.

  “I know you are just trying to comfort him woman, but could you please move away- its driving me fucking mad.” Pulling her flush against his chest, his hands go protectively over her belly. “Bull, let Tank work his fucking magic and we will be there in no time at all.”

  Nodding my head in agreement, I turn back to the bar taking a big pull outta my beer.

  Pearl is the next to walk up to me and I know if Tank or Blaze catch her digging or anywhere near me they too will have a problem with it. That of course doesn’t stop Pearl, she throws her arms around me drawing me into a tight hug.

  “Don’t think those thoughts Bull. I have gone through some shit and come out the other side just fine. No matter what happens you know that we are your family as well and we will be here to help with whatever the outcome is.” Pulling away slowly, I don’t miss when she adds, “I won’t let anything happen to your girl or those fucking babies,” as she turns to walk away.

  The next twenty-four hours go much as the last day did. No one wanting to talk with me and no one daring to ask how I was doing. They could fucking guess- not well and wanting to be with our woman and babies. The ol’ ladies were the only ones that I didn’t jump down their throats and even that was a strain on my fucking patience.

  After two fucking days and we finally have some sort of an idea where they are, I have to hold off from pulling out of the lot in an instant. Prez does his best to keep me at bay, but it is fucking hard knowing that our woman is out there with those fucking guys. I just want to get to her and our babies.

  Thinking back to one of the last times we were all together, I can’t help but remember one of our last conversations.

  As we all reach our shared orgasm, me buried in her tight cunt, Wayne buried deep in her ass. We lay tangled up in each other for long minutes, enjoying the warmth and scent of the woman between us, has me falling even deeper for our expanding family. Slowly, I move my hand to her exposed stomach, and feel the kicks from our babies. As a smile spreads, wide across my face, I feel Wayne’s hand next to mine and know that he is enjoying the babies’ movements as much as I am. Our woman, however, is not so enthralled with the situation.

  “Ugh, are they at it again? Every time you two have your way with me, especially together, Wyatt and Wynnie are moving around and kicking me nonstop for a long time after.”

  Untangling our bodies, I am the first to roll off our woman, to the side of the bed. Knowing I will be the one to clean our woman up, I stand and make my way into the bathroom. Washing myself off before grabbing a cloth to wash Heather up.

  As I come back into the room, I hear Wayne, “Heather, I don’t know why you are thinking that the twins need to have those fucking names? They could do just fine with normal names, not some weird ass shit you found on the internet.”

  Moving up onto her elbows, Heather pushes Wayne further off her and looks to him with little compassion in her eyes. “Normal to who, Wayne? What’s wrong with the names that I fucking picked out? Why do you think that those are bad fucking names? I talked to both your Mommas and those are names from both your family trees.”

  Hearing the hurt in her voice I know that we are in for quite the argument. Shaking my head, I wonder why Wayne couldn’t just let our woman have the names, she has been in love with them, and calling the babies that since shortly after we found out it was a boy and a girl. It’s not like she won’t be giving us more babies, and we will have plenty of chances to name kids.

  I’m not even sure if he really dislikes the names or if he is giving her a hard time, but whatever his play is, by the look on her face we are both about to be in for it.

  Turning towards me as she sits up further in the bed, she looks into my eyes. “Do you fucking agree with this shit, Johnathan? I can’t believe you are still fucking trying to work me up. I have been good the last few months and let you keep up with this shit, but seriously you are just being fucking pigheaded.” Looking to me, I see the pain in her eyes as she asks, “Do you think that Wyatt and Wynnie are shitty names too, Johnathan. Just like this asshole over here does?”

  Reaching over, I slowly stroke down her check feeling a tear falling free as I do. She has been so emotional these last six months and if Wayne is doing this to rile her up, he is getting exactly the result he wanted. I know he doesn’t really have a care what our babies’ names are, but he just can’t help himself.

  “Heather, watch that fucking tone and language.” I growl out tugging her hair back raising her face to mine. “You have the right to be upset at Wayne, but being disrespectful to either of us will only earn you punishment. And you know that damn well.”

  “Sorry Master-” she spits out between clenched teeth, instantly signaling me that this has just moved from an argument into a punishment. My cock throbs at the knowledge, and a grin pulls across my lips before she can backtrack, I have her turned over and up on her knees.

  “Little Spitfire, don’t speak. Your ass will be cashing the checks your mouth is making.” Landing quick hits to her already reddened ass, my cock throbs with want. Moving away from the bed, I head towards our closet and grab out our girls’ paddle. Spinning it a few times in my hand, I run the embossed side slowly over our girls back, ass, and thighs before pulling it away.

  Glancing towards Wayne, I notice the grin on his face and know that his words to our woman were meant to get this rise outta her. He loves pushing her buttons and seeing how she will react. Making his way off the bed he moves to Heathers side, stroking his cock as he does so. Shaking my head at him, and his dirty fucking mind, I move into place behind our woman. He always has to be the one to bury himself in her, while I get to be the one to dole out the punishments.

  “This is going to sting, but maybe the next time you feel the need to run that mouth or yours, you will think better of it. Now, suck Master Wayne off as I treat your ass to a session with your paddle.”

  As the first blow lands, I see Wayne’s cock disappearing into our woman’s mouth. He wastes no time driving in balls deep and the gag that comes from Heather has me wanting to bury myself in her even more. The next nineteen blows land quick and each is in time to the gagging that is coming from the head of the bed. Palming my cock, I am not sure how much longer I can wait before burying myself inside her, especially with the noises that engulf me.

  Running a finger down and over her ass, I fucking lose it when I reach her dripping wet pussy. She is leaking so much that each one of her glorious thighs are coated in her juices. Not being able to help myself, I bend down and lick up each thigh in turn tasting the desire that spills from her. When I get to her cunt, I can’t help myself from burying my face in her. Sucking hard on her clit, I know the instant that her thighs start to shake that our girl will be going over the edge quick.

  Pulling away before she falls, I slap her ass sharply. “No coming Heather. This is a punishment for you and that sharp tongue of yours. You will take me and use that uncontrollable fucking mouth to pleasure Wayne as I fuck your tight asshole.” Landing another slap to each check, I run my cock through her folds coating it in her juices. Nudging slowly into her as Wayne continues his assault on her mouth, I almost fucking cum when I breach into her tight ring.

  “God, you feel so fucking snug.” Grabbing her hips, I can hear her growl around Wayne’s cock as I drive balls deep into her. I wait only a moment before pulling almost all the way out and sinking back inside of her. The pace I set is fast, and it matches the face fucking that she is getting from Wayne.

  When I feel my balls tightening up, I look up and see the same look in Wayne’s face that must be on my own. Pulling myself free from her ass, I move towards her mouth stroking myself quickly as I do. When Wayne pulls free, after leaving his load down her throat, I turn her head quickly urging my cock past her lips. She relaxes her jaw quickly and drops her tongue out of her mouth licking up the underside of my shaft.

  She feels so good, but I still take control of this quickly, grabbing up fistfuls of her hair driving into h
er mouth much like I was just doing to her ass. The gagging that is coming from her throat has me losing my load within moments. Our girl swallows down every drop that I give before I pull away from her.

  Pulling my thoughts away from one of our last times together, I focus on the intel that Tank just told us. We sent out Dawg, the prospect that had watched Zack the first time, back to Texas the moment we knew he was involved in this whole situation. Dawg just checked in and let Tank know that the Demon Riders have taken Heather and whatever’s left of Country back to Texas. They are held up in the Demon Riders clubhouse and have their shit on lock-down. No one in and no one out for the past 36 hours that Dawg has been down there. Tank told him to sit tight, watching their clubhouse and nothing more.

  It will take us about twelve hours to get there and I am already heading for the door, before Prez stands from the table.

  “Bull, I know that you want to get to her, but we need to have a fucking plan. We have no idea how many guys they got in there or what the fucking layout is. Let Tank finish up with his digging- he’s hoping to be able to hack into their computers so we will be able to get numbers and a layout before we go in there.” Looking from me, towards Tank, “Right Tank?”

  Nodding his head Tank answers, “I have been able to get through their first level of security.” Looking at me, “I only need a few hours to get through the rest and then we will fucking know exactly what we are walking into. I can tell you this so far, Bull. The babies are there and seem to be doing fine. If you wanna come back to my room with me, I can show you some of the footage as I keep digging. “

  “Fuck yea, Brother I want to see them.”

  Speaking up Prez address us, “We will leave -WITH A PLAN- at first light. Go try to get a few hours’ sleep if you can.” Cutting the distance between us, his hand rests heavy on my shoulder, “You won’t be any help to us if you go off on your own, and you definitely won’t be any help to Heather. Go watch the footage and try to catch a few hours. When we leave in the morning- you can ride in one of the vans if you want? I am sure Tank will be in one seeing that he has been up most of the last few nights to finish digging.”


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