In My Dreams

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In My Dreams Page 7

by Cameo Renae

I didn’t know what to do. I froze.

  My heart raced.

  My ears had been submerged under the water, so it was a bit muffled. Maybe it was just the cold pipes creaking. It must have been the pipes. They were noisy when they started to warm up. Didn’t they?

  “Michael, is that you?” I whispered. I thought I’d give it another shot.

  I waited a few seconds.

  Nothing. Just as I started to sink back into the water.


  Holy hell! That scared the bejesus out of me!

  Now I was certain I wasn’t hearing things. There was definitely something going on.

  Okay…. Breathe, just breathe. I urged myself. Think. One knock meant yes.

  This was really beginning to freak me out. I quickly grabbed my towel, jumped out of the tub, and pulled the drain plug. I had to see if there was anyone on the other side of the door. I’d never been so scared in my life. I finally gathered enough courage to crack the door open and inch and peek outside. The room was empty. I cracked it more and made myself go outside to make sure. Every room was empty, just as I suspected.

  My heart was still racing as I quickly closed and locked the bathroom door behind me, then turned on the light and blew out the candles. I’d had enough contact for now and decided to jump in the shower to finish off. The hot water beating down on my head, neck, and back was relaxing.

  Questions bombarded my mind. Was the banging on the door Michael? Was he trying to make contact with me? If it was… I was too chicken to continue. I could picture him laughing at me for being such a big scaredy-cat.

  I was one of those people that loved to watch scary movies but couldn’t handle the scary parts. I would scream and cover my eyes but peek through my fingers because I had to see what was happening. So lame!

  The quiet pattering of the hot water on my tense muscles slowly started to relax me.

  Just as I was settling down, my cell phone rang.

  Figures… It was probably Emily checking to see if I’d made contact, and give me one-hundred-and-one tips to the paranormal. She could just leave a message.

  After a few seconds, it rang again.

  “OMG! Leave me alone!” I yelled at the cell phone.

  I quickly tried to rinse the shampoo from my hair because I knew she would not relent.

  A minute later it rang again.

  I reached out of the shower and grabbed the phone.

  “What!” I yelled. There was nothing but static.

  Suddenly, the light in the bathroom started to flicker, randomly turning on and off, and the water turned ice cold. I leapt out of the shower. Soap bubbles streamed down my skin. I wrapped a towel around me and checked my phone for the last calls.

  It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.

  “Oh God!” I gasped. The missed calls were from Michael’s cell phone. I glanced up at the mirror above the sink, and the words LEAVE NOW! were boldly written in the steam.

  “What’s happening?” I panicked, and my body trembled with fear. “Michael, stop scaring me!” I screamed. My house phone rang making me jump.

  I quickly turned off the shower water, opened the bathroom door, and cautiously walked over to the phone, hesitating to pick it up. I finally gave in.

  “Hello?” I asked, my voice was almost breathless and trembling.

  “Lizzy? Is that you, Lizzy?” It was a familiar voice.

  “Lucy?” I questioned.

  “Yes, Lizzy, this is Lucy!” she yelled over the static from the line.

  “Lucy! I’m so glad it’s you! There has been some crazy - ”

  She immediately interrupted. Her words were firm and straightforward.

  “Lizzy, listen to me… You need to leave! Now! Quickly!” The panic in her voice sent a chill down my spine. “He’s coming for you… the man who killed Michael. He knows where you live. You need to leave now!”

  Chapter 6

  Terror ripped through every part of my body and I froze.

  “Lizzy! Did you hear me? Please don’t wait! Lizzy?!” Lucy pleaded.

  “Okay. I’m leaving now!” I slammed the phone down, breathing heavily, trying to steady myself before making a move. My legs became numb, and it was nearly impossible to get any of my limbs to work with my brain.

  I dashed to my dresser, opened my drawers, and grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw and quickly jumped into them. My sweatshirt was still lying on my bed, so I pulled it over my wet head. I then threw the locket and amulet on, and slid Michael’s ring on my finger. Just knowing that I had something of Michael’s with me helped, and I hoped that Lucy’s amulet of protection really worked.

  I grabbed random clothes, shoving them into my backpack, while dialing Emily at the same time. It went straight to her answering machine.

  Damn it!

  “Em!” I was breathless. “I’m coming over. That man – I think he’s here, or coming. Call me!” I hung up, grabbed my keys, left all the lights on, and dashed out the door. I wasn’t about to run to her house, even if it was only a few hundred yards away. I was driving. It was the fastest and safest way.

  The moon was full and lit the night sky. As I ran towards my Jeep, a large white wolf bounded from the woods, straight towards me. It stopped only yards away, glaring at me through piercing sapphire eyes. It was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen. Its fur was the brightest white, thick and spotless. He stood between me and the Jeep, preventing me from going any further.

  I stumbled and fell backwards. The wolf steadily approached, growling and baring its sharp white teeth, pushing me further away.

  Suddenly, the door of my jeep flew open, startling us both. The wolf turned back to me, fixing his huge, blue-sapphire eyes on mine. For an instant I saw sadness, and then he howled loudly before bounding into the darkness of the trees.

  Someone was getting out of my Jeep; black boots, worn jeans, and then a black glove on a hand, pushed the door open.

  Oh God! It was him… the familiar face of the man in my dream. He was hiding… waiting… stalking... I knew I only had seconds to make a move.

  He leapt out the door and stood, glaring at me. His eyes were colder than the temperature outside - dark and evil. A gun wielded in his hand. I shuffled back, and as soon as I did, he started running toward me.

  Whatever instincts I had to stay alive took over. I jumped up and screamed, running down the driveway as fast as my legs would allow.

  “HELP - HELP ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, praying that someone…anyone… would hear. Where was Emily? I looked over to her house and saw the lights on in her bedroom window, on the second floor. Her house was so close, but right now, it seemed like a million miles away.

  It felt like I was running in slow motion. He was close – yelling obscenities - catching up to me quickly. I slipped on an ice patch, twisting my ankle and fell forward, scraping my hands and knees.

  I shot up again and ran… ran for my life.

  His footsteps were behind, steadily gaining.

  “God damn bitch!” he snapped.

  I felt a blow to the back of my head, and blacked out for a few seconds. Tingles shot through my body. I went numb, falling hard to the ground.

  I came to, feeling warm liquid stream down my neck and the side of my face.


  Get up! Run! I urged myself.

  Intense pain shot through my head.


  I knew I couldn’t get up in time so I rolled to my back, swinging my fists and kicking aimlessly.

  He was above me.

  I struck him in his face and kicked at his gut.

  He stumbled back. His eyes were wild with fury. He looked possessed.

  He lunged at me, knocking me flat on my back.

  Fight! Fight for your life!

  I scratched, kicked, and swung with every ounce of energy I had.

  He cursed, straddling me, overpowering me.

  I screamed again, and again, but my voice was weakened

  He raised his hand and struck my face.

  I faded into darkness.


  I woke, surrounded by tall, multicolored wildflowers. My eyes were blinded by the brilliant sun shining above me. I slowly made it to my feet and quickly assessed myself. I seemed to be fine, and was dressed in a beautiful, white, flowing dress.

  Was I dead? Was this heaven? I couldn’t tell. I felt fine. No pain and no signs of blood.

  I surveyed the area. This place seemed very familiar to me; of a place where Michael had taken me when he asked me to go steady. It was a place he’d found on one of his off-roading adventures. Literally... beauty untouched. There was a beautiful meadow filled with wildflowers in a kaleidoscope of colors. It was enveloped and hidden within towering spruce and birch trees. Tucked at a corner, sparkling in the sunlight, was a small lake which Michael had named “Lake Liz”.

  It was a magical place… our place. It was where he’d given me a heart-shaped locket with the inscription - 4ever in my heart – engraved on the back, which I wore every day since then.

  I was certain this was Lake Liz, only the colors were much more vibrant and the lake was a clear, breathtakingly crystal blue. Even on the sunniest of days, Lake Liz wasn’t nearly as spectacular.

  I decided to head towards the lake. A cool and gentle breeze wisped across the field blowing the wildflowers effortlessly back and forth, waving me hello. I walked slowly, holding my arms out to my sides, letting my fingers trail across the tips of the flowers. They felt soft and feathery.

  I sat near the lakes edge, on a small patch of grass, and felt peaceful. I wrapped my arms around my legs, rested my chin on my knees, and watched the sunlight reflect off of the water like shimmering diamonds. I wished, more than ever, that Michael was here to share this moment. I missed him so much and would give anything to see him again.

  “Liz,” a soft voice whispered on the wind.

  Was I hearing things? I looked around but no one was there.

  “Liz,” the calming voice called out again.


  I turned, witnessing a bright, shimmering light, vaguely making out the silhouette of a person walking within it.

  “Michael? Is that you?” I called out again.

  The figure walked closer, silently. My pulse began to race.


  Then, he came into view… It was Michael! I questioned if he was a ghost or not, but he smiled and held his arms open to me. I hesitated at first, but then ran and jumped into his arms. I couldn’t believe it. I could feel him, and he was actually holding me.

  I stared into his glimmering chocolate-brown eyes. A glorious light emanated from his being. He was gorgeous, and looked like an angel… my angel.

  He wrapped me in a warm embrace and pulled me even closer to him. I hugged him tightly and wept.

  “Hey… why are you crying?” He asked softly. He leaned back and softly took my chin in his hand.

  “I just missed you so much,” I breathed. “I can’t handle being without you.”

  He laughed lightly sending warm tingles through me.

  “I’m here now, Liz. Please don’t cry,” he said placing his warm lips against my forehead.

  “Am I dead?” I questioned.

  He chuckled again. “No, you’re not dead.”

  “Well, how’d I get here?”

  “You’re dreaming. Well… actually --,” he paused, and his eyes became saddened. “You’re unconscious.”

  “What?” I gasped in horror. Michael never powder puffed the truth. He always told it like it was.

  “You’ve been taken, kidnapped, by the man that killed me. You’re in a cabin, in the woods, somewhere near Talkeetna. We don’t have much time,” he said firmly, but his eyes were still comforting. I wished that he had powder puffed the truth for me this time. This truth was way too much to bear.

  “I don’t want to leave you Michael,” I cried, begging. “I don’t want to wake up. Please, don’t make me! Please!”

  “I know,” he said sadly. “I wish I could go back and change things. I would give anything to be with you,” his brow furrowed. “I promise you, Liz, that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. But I can’t do it alone. I’m going to need your help.”

  Michael always kept his word and I believed every word he said. “I’ll try,” I promised. “Michael, why can I only see you in my dreams?”

  “It’s very…complicated. There are rules that I have to abide by. And… given the fact that I am a newbie, I still have a lot to learn,” he said tilting his head and grinning. “Besides, I thought you didn’t want me to show up and scare you.”

  “That’s true,” I admitted. “So how am I able to see you, like this, in my dreams? It seems so real.”

  “Well, when you dream, your spirit is free. This is the easiest time for me to make contact with you. I am still learning other ways. Remember, I’m new at this.”

  It hurt my heart to hear him say those words. Just to remember that this was a dream, and not reality, and that I would eventually have to wake from this beautiful place and from his embrace.

  “This is Lake Liz, isn’t it?” I asked.

  “Yes. I created it from my memories. I chose it because it is peaceful and familiar to both of us, and a place I knew you’d feel comfortable and safe at.

  “When I passed, the first thing I saw were my grandparents. They’ve been helping me, teaching me, giving me a sort of “crash-course” on how things work in this spirit world.”

  I was shocked and confounded. This was all so overwhelming.

  “How come you’re here? Don’t spirits usually go to the light when they pass?” I asked.

  “Well…when I was murdered, I refused to cross-over until I knew things on earth were taken care of first. And the only way I’ll ever be able to do that, is to know, undeniably, that you are safe. That will only be if the killer is either murdered, or put away forever. Until then, I’ll never be at peace,” Michael’s face was saddened, but when he looked at me, he managed to force a smile.

  I thought my heart was going to burst. I never thought it was possible to love anyone more. It was vital for me to help him, and help him find peace. Emily had told me so much about wandering spirits, and I certainly didn’t want Michael to be one of those. I had to help him, and silently promised myself that I would do everything in my power to do so.

  “Hey,” he said squeezing me softly.

  “Sorry. I’m just too overwhelmed with everything. But I’m so glad you’re here.” I pressed my head back into the comfort of his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me. I’d never felt more happiness than at this moment. I was beyond blessed to have been given this chance; even if it was only a dream.

  He changed the subject, which was something he’d do when he sensed I was sad.

  “I am shocked that you actually gave into Emily’s paranormal advice,” he laughed. “I never thought in a million years that you would become a believer.”

  “I’ll admit, I was a little apprehensive about trying to contact you,” I paused, thinking back. “But please tell me that you were the one banging on the bathroom door.”

  “Yes,” he laughed, “I was struggling with whether I should or not, but you asked for it. I just wanted to give you what you wanted, and let you know I was there.” He smiled a crooked smile and squeezed me tighter.

  “I know you were laughing at me… weren’t you?” I covered my face with my hands. “I felt like a total idiot!”

  He bit his lip to keep from laughing, but I could feel his silent laughter. “You did just fine, you big scaredy-cat,” he chuckled.

  “Well, I felt so dumb,” I sighed. “You really scared me! Especially the phone calls from your cell phone. Now that really freaked me out! And then the writing on the mirror, flickering lights, and turning my nice hot shower into ice. I thought I was going to have a heart-attack and drop dead from being so scared!”

>   “I’m sorry, Liz, but I had to. That was the only way I could get your attention. Someone, on this side, tipped me off that the killer was near you. I had to see for myself. When I checked, I saw him sneaking through the trees down your road. I never thought he’d actually find out where you lived, but as soon as I knew, I immediately contacted Lucy, and explained the situation. Remember, you’re a skeptic. It was no-holds-barred to get your attention. We were both desperate to warn you, and tell you how imperative it was for you to leave.”

  I broke down thinking of the terror that I’d just gone through. I didn’t want to let go of him and wrapped myself tighter around him. He held me close.

  “I’m so sorry, Liz. I’m sorry I scared you, but even more sorry that I couldn’t stop him. He shouldn’t have gotten that close to you. I wasn’t ready.” His brow furrowed, and I knew he was hurting inside.

  “It’s not your fault, Michael. You have nothing to be sorry about. You did everything you could to get me out of there,” I felt tears well in my eyes.

  “Not hard enough,” he whispered sadly. “Not hard enough.”

  I knew he hated the fact that he couldn’t be there for me physically. I knew the agonizing pain my heart felt knowing that he was gone, and could only imagine what he felt, so much so, that he couldn’t cross over. So, I decided to change the subject this time.


  “Yes,” he said looking at me with a weary smile.

  “After Lucy called me and I was running out towards my jeep, a huge white wolf jumped out in front of me… it came out of nowhere. I sort of felt like it was helping me; trying to keep me away from the jeep, and away from that man. Do you know anything about that?”

  His eyes widened in a look of surprise. “Well... let’s just say I’m not the only one watching out for you,” he exhaled with a grin, shaking his head.

  I looked into his beautiful, chocolate-brown eyes and became lost in them for a moment, speechless and bewildered by it all. I was just about to ask him more when he spoke.

  “Liz, we really have to discuss your situation. We don’t have much time.” That’s not what I wanted to hear. I suddenly felt weak in the knees. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for what he was going to tell me.


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