Loving Desire

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Loving Desire Page 8

by Renee Young

  “Why did everyone write about me?” I asked, unsure if I should be flattered, worried or insulted. Sawyer was about to open his mouth to say something, but I just gave him a look. I knew why he did. “Whatever, maybe I shouldn’t go. I’ll just sit back and let all this shit happen to me.” I laughed, deciding I was flattered.

  “Nope, you gotta go.” Jamie commanded. With a good natured sigh, I grabbed another paper.

  “Give the bride a lap dance.” I read aloud. “Nova, want a lap dance or a hickey?” I asked her with a laugh. She chose the lapdance. Which I expected. I let Jamie pick the song and I went to work. I gave her the best dance she’d ever had. Also the first, but it was still pretty good I think. I rotated my hips, I tossed my hair, you know, everything you see at the club. We were met with quite the chorus of cheers and laughter. It was good fun. I finished with a kiss on her cheek.

  “My turn!” Ethan shouted. Everyone waited for him to grab the paper. “Oh, no my turn for the lap dance.” He shrugged innocently. We all busted up laughing again.

  “Ha ha. Just go, would ya.”His brother urged. Ethan pouted a little before chuckling and he grabbed two stripd of paper from the bowl. Ethan ended up pulling one of mine, and he decided to do that rather than showing Jamie how to actually twerk. It was rather interesting to watch him give us his best Kim Kardashian impression.

  For the next few rounds I didn’t take a turn, but I still had a lot to do with the game. Becky ended up being the one to take off my bra with her teeth. She was able to fit under my sweater, so no one saw anything. Matt ended up having to curl me, which he seemed to do with no struggle. Colt got a twerking lesson from me. Anytime Sawyer had to do anything with a partner he chose me so yes, we did end up kissing. Yes it was as panty droppingly hot as it was last time our lips met.

  Dylon and Maya had to act out their interpretation of what they think sex would be like between Sawyer and I. I was not surprised to see Dylon taking control of Maya. Nobody knew that it was I who wanted to be in charge. I shared a knowing look with the man himself who just winked in response.

  Jamie and Nova both had to shotgun a beer. Surprisingly enough Nova beat Jamie. Ethan and Tasha did body shots off each other, and Sierra is the one who ended up sharing her deep dark secret. Turns out she used to write very erotic Harry Potter fanfiction.

  “Who’s ready for a different game?” Nov questioned after we all had a laughing fit while we teased Sierra. We all agreed and of course a new game meant we needed new drinks. I was about to get up and get more wine, but Sawyer offered to get me some instead.

  “So are you and Sawyer gonna stay in the same room tonight?” Maya asked while all the guys were out of the room.

  “Probably.” I shrugged in what I hoped appeared to be a nonchalant manner.

  “How have you not pounced on that yet?” Tasha slurred. I laughed instead of answering, because the truth was I didn’t know how I’d shown such restraint.

  Every minute of every day I’ve spent imagining him in my bed, pressed tight against me. His hands gripping my hips as I brought us both to orgasm. I’d had to find my own release far too many times over the last couple weeks because of the thoughts and images this man had inspired.

  “Are you planning to- you know- tonight?” Becky joined in.

  “Not necessarily, but who knows what’ll happen.” I shrugged again.

  Our conversation was cut short when the guys came back into the room, being noisy as guys are. Sawyer came right to me, and instead of resuming his spot on the ground he slid his arms under me and lifted me from my spot.

  “Hey!” I protested, but no other argument came when he sat in what was my spot and plopped me on his lap.

  “This just seemed like a better option.” He explained simply. I rolled my eyes and acted annoyed, but we knew I didn’t mind the new position in the slightest.

  “Okay, Nov what’s this new game you wanted to play?” Becky asked what we were all wondering.

  “So basically when it’s your turn you put on the blindfold.” She held up a silk scarf we brought for this specifically. “Then each player has to do something that will help you guess who it is. No one is allowed to talk. You can touch them, kiss them, make them touch you. Whatever. If anyone is uncomfortable being kissed by any players let us know.” She explained. Dylon and Maya both asked to not be kissed. Nova and Jamie agreed they didn’t care, it was just a game. “Who should go first?”

  Chapter 12

  Since this would be the last game we were going to play we decided to let Colt play first. It seems we hadn’t yet broken him out of his shell. We were all hopeful that some blindfold action would be just what he needed to let his guard down. Although if we’re honest, it may just fortify this wall he’d put around himself. It was alittle strange seeing him so closed off, but then he was always the reserved one of the group.

  We let Becky be the first to work her magic. She walked to him with a bright blush gracing her cheeks. She looked at me when she paused in front of him. I just shrugged and she had to stifle a giggle. She reached out and grabbed his hand leading it to her hair. She was the only girl here who had straightened hair at the moment so I believe that was her thought process. When she was done she went back to her seat and we all told Colt he could take his blindfold off to write down his answer for the first person. The way we were doing it was that after each person we’d write down who we thought it was but don’t show our answers until the end.

  Ethan went next and he, being silly, held Colt like they were going to waltz. It was hard not to laugh. Sierra was the one who’d decided she’d like to kiss him so she went for it. Dylon gave him a bro hug, Jamie kissed his cheek, Nova gave him a hug, Tasha made him grab her boobs, which seemed to stump him as he thought about his answer for a minute. Sawyer just stood beside him and made him touch the top of his head. Sawyer was the tallest person here. Matt grabbed Colt’s ass, and Maya also just gave him a hug. When it was my turn to go I turned my back to him and made him put his hands on my hips. I had done the same thing when I was teaching him how to twerk.

  “Crap. I got that wrong.” He muttered when I did a little jiggle. Everyone laughed and he took off his blindfold when we told him he could. “Can I change my answers?” He asked nervously.

  “Sure, we just had you write them down so you wouldn’t forget.” Nova allowed.

  “Cool, so the last one was Liv.” He said right away and we laughed. “I thought you would be the one to put my hand on your boob.” He explained the confusion.

  “Dude her tits are like two cup sizes bigger than mine.” Tasha blurted making us laugh. I was tempted to take her drink away, but she’d slowed down and she wasn’t sloppy or making this night uncomfortable or anything, so I decided to just keep an eye on her just in case.

  “Right, then I’m guessing that was Tasha.” He laughed and we agreed. He’d mixed up a couple of the guys, but for the most part he’d gotten it all right.

  “Okay, so you can’t do the same thing for the next people. You have to be original in what you do.” Were the instructions that Nova gave for the rest of the game.

  Ethan, Nova Jamie and Tasha each mixed up two people. Maya and Dylon decided they didn’t want to be blindfolded, but they liked being part of the guessing.

  Matt had the hardest time at guessing everyone. He did however get a handful of ass from Sierra, a kiss from Becky, Maya drew a big M on his chest with her finger, Tasha also gave him a kiss, and Nova grabbed his ass. I took his hand and slipped one of his fingers just below the waistband of my jeans just at my hip so he could see that I in fact was not wearing underwear. All the guys did stupd things like chest bumps or whatever. He got me and he got Jamie right, the rest were all a jumbled mess.

  I was kind of excited for my turn. The prospect of being blindfolded was definitely intriguing. “I half expect Sawyer to just stand in front of me and not touch me, like last time.” I teased him with a wink. He just raised a brow at me and smirked. I let him tie th
e scarf around my eyes and I stood there waiting for the first assailant. “Guys this is a lot more nerve wracking than I expected.” I announced. I felt like I’d been standing there for so long and everyone was just watching me not doing anything. Finally I heard footsteps coming towards me. A thin pair of arms wrapped around me and from the height, along with the size I could easily guess that it was Maya, so I wrote her down for my guess. The next thing I felt was when a thick hand gripped my wrist and my hand was rested on the chest of one of the guys. From the feeling of the material I was convinced it was Colt in his flannel shirt, so I wrote him down. The next went similarly with Colt, though this guy had me slide my hand down his torso led by him. I could feel a nice set of muscles through the t-shirt he’d worn. I was torn between Matt and Ethan, but when I was made to quickly brush over his cock, and to his thigh I knew it was Ethan. He was more the type. I wrote down his name and waited for the next person. Nova was definitely the girl who kissed me, and Jamie was definitely the guy attempting to twerk against me. By my guess Dylon was the guy to twirl me into his arms as if we were dancing. Becky grabbed my boobs, and Tasha grabbed my ass.

  The next guy, I knew right away was Sawyer, I could tell by the way he smelled, but I didn’t say anything. I wanted to see what he would do that would make me guess him. He stopped right in front of me and I had to fight the urge to smirk. I couldn’t give myself away. He grabbed my hip with one hand and laced the other in my hair before pressing his lips to mine. I let out a gasp and he used that as an excuse to deepen the kiss while his hand left my hair and wrapped lightly around my neck. He didn’t apply any pressure, but it was hot. He pulled away and I let out an involuntary whimper of displeasure.

  The final guy to go had to be Matt, but I wasn’t expecting another pair of lips on mine. I wasn’t expecting to have a pair of hands grip my ribs, just below my breasts, and I wasn’t expecting to have my hips so tight against his. I definitely wasn’t expecting to feel the hard thickness pressing into my belly. Shit.

  Was that Ethan maybe? That feels like an Ethan thing to do. Then who made me touch their dick? Whatever I’m sticking with my original thoughts. That kiss had to be Matt.

  Honestly it was a nice kiss. He was good with his lips, but he wasn’t Sawyer. He didn’t have me weak in the knees or swimming in my panties.

  I announced my guesses, and despite my hesitation I had been right about every single one. Sawyer looked a little miffed and my ego wanted me to think he’d been jealous that Matt kissed me.

  “I was really hoping to throw you off with the kiss. I thought maybe you’d think I was him.” Matt said, pointing to Sawyer. “How did you know by the way?”

  “Honestly I was debating between you and Ethan. I knew Sawyer with no issue.” I shrugged. “I was blindfolded when I met him.”

  “Awe, you know me.” He teased with a cheesy grin. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, with a smile on my face. Sawyer was last and I really wanted to throw him off, so while the guys were all going I was telling Nova what to do. I wanted her to grab his thumb and lick it before gently nipping it the way I had at the photo shoot. The other girls did their own thing. Becky, who was the closest to me in height, even kissed him. It didn’t feel very good to watch, but I knew it was just a game and I don’t have any claim over him anyway. He didn’t have to look like he enjoyed it so much though.

  I had to do something sexy, but not too obvious because I didn’t want him to guess it was me. I waited until last to go. I walked up to him confidently, still unsure what I wanted to do as I looked him up and down. My eyes fell to his jeans and I noticed a slight bulge in his pocket, so I got really close, but not quite touching him and I slowly reached my hand into that pocket, pulling out his phone.

  “I’d make some joke about being happy to see you, Livvy, but I can’t see anything.” He smirked.

  “How could you possibly know that was her?” Nova complained as he pulled off the blindfold. I held out his phone to him and he grabbed it before pulling me to him.

  “You almost got me. You told Nova to do that didn’t you?” He looked into my eyes.

  “How?” Nova whined again.

  “It’s like she said; when we met I was blindfolded.” He shrugged. “I could pick her out of anyone, even blind.” His eyes shifted back to me. “I was expecting a kiss though.” He jutted out his bottom lip in a pout.

  “You got one.” I winked at him before turning and walking away. I heard him groan and I let out a little giggle.

  “So what are the rest of your guesses?” Jamie asked. He’d gotten all the guys correct, but the girls were a struggle for him. It kinda looked like he’d just now realized there were other girls here. Again, my ego let me think I’d been occupying his mind completely the way he had been mine.

  After some more snacking and lots of water, we were all pretty worn out and ready for bed. I waited on the couch while Sawyer helped everyone to a room. I’d agreed to share with him earlier. I knew that it’d be hard to resist him being in bed alone with me, but I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to resist him. This evening had been so sexually charged. Nova got her wish and we acted like high school kids again.

  She seemed to really enjoy the evening so it didn’t bother me any. It was a nice, stress free evening and I got to tease the man that was a constant tease to me.

  “Ready?” His deep voice broke me out of my thoughts.

  “I really am.” I practically whispered. Just the sight of him at that moment had me deciding that I didn’t want to stop whatever may happen in that room. He smiled and held his hand out for me. I grabbed it and used him as leverage to help me stand.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” He asked as he led me to his bed. I nodded. I wasn’t sure how I’d sound had I used my voice at that moment. Every step closer to his sanctuary caused my heart to race just a little faster. “Are you tired?” He asked when he opened the door that would shield us from the outside world. I stepped into the room with him behind me.

  “No.” I told him honestly as I watched him push that door closed. I noticed a lock and I strode past him before turning it. I turned back to him and gripped the font of his shirt, pulling his lips down to mine. I moved eagerly against him and he met my fervor with just as much excitement. We pulled apart to breathe and his lips trailed down my neck. “I want you.” I told him and his head shot to look at me. He raised a brow. “I want you to listen to me.” I said and I watched him gulp. “Can you do that? Can you do what I want, Sawyer?”

  “Yes.” He responded in a thick voice. I smirked; he was as turned on as I was.

  “Good.” I stepped closer to him. “I’m going to tell you where I want you, how I want you and when I want you. I don’t want any arguments. Okay?” I informed him and he nodded. “Good. Take off your shirt.” I demanded and he was quick to lose the garment. “Pants,” Was my simple command and his haste didn’t lessen. “Now I want you on the bed.” I pointed. “Don’t lie back and don’t move your hands from your side.” He nodded and my smirk grew. He was such a good listener.

  “Don’t get up, okay? You’re just gonna sit there and watch me. Watch me unless I tell you to move, got it?” He nodded. “I want to hear that deep voice of yours. Tell me you understand.”

  “I won’t move.” He confirmed. I turned my back to him, trusting he’d listen. I could feel his eyes on me as I slipped out of my shirt. I still didn’t have my bra on from earlier so I was completely bare on my chest. I didn’t turn to face him while I unbuttoned my jeans and I continued to face away while I slowly slid them down my legs.

  I was completely naked at this point and I was purposely bent forward directly in front of him. I could practically feel him aching to touch me. His breathing was more shallow now.

  I stood to my full height and peered over my shoulder to look at him. “Boxers off.” I’d said before turning away again. I heard him stand from the bed and quickly pull off the last bit of fabric keeping him modest before he sat back down. “Touch yours
elf.” I demanded as I noticed him in the mirror in front of me. He was hard already and he was an impressive size.

  His eyes met mine in the reflection of the mirror and I watched as he gripped his cock in his right hand. I continued to watch as he started a slow rhythm up and down, not taking his eyes off me. I dug my nails lightly into my thigh as I worked towards my pussy. My other hand smoothed over my torso and up to my boob. I rolled my nipple between my thumb and pointer finger which sent a little twinge of pleasure down my body.

  I watched his eyes glaze over as I coated my fingers in the watness he’d caused. “I drive you fucking crazy, don’t I?” I questioned, he nodded. “Stop now.” I said gently and he listened.

  I turned to face him and let my eyes trail over this god of a man. “Stand up.” He listened. Two steps. That’s all it took for me to be standing with my chest pressed against his. “This is killing you isn’t it. You want to be in control, so bad.” I taunted and I could see it in his eyes, how badly he wanted to take over. “Tell me. Tell me how bad you want me.”

  “Fuck Livvy. I want you so bad, I’d get on my knees and beg if I needed to.” His voice was husky in my ear, all the extra breath that surrounded his words hit the delicate skin of my neck and sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Touch me.” I demanded as I wrapped my hand around his cock. He let out a little groan before gripping my tit in his left hand. He tweaked my nipple and I let out a little whimper. “I’m going to taste you now.” I informed him just before my lips met his chest. He let out a sigh as I began to move lower down him. Once I was in a comfortable squat I grabbed his erection once more, and not taking my eyes off his I wrapped my lips around the tip. He instantly let out a groan at the pleasure I’d caused.

  Keeping my eyes on him I laid my tongue over my bottom teeth and I took more of him into my mouth. My right hand gripped the base of his cock while my left kept me steady by holding onto his thigh. My mouth was open as wide as Icould get it to accomodate his sisze.


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