Kissed by the Wave: A Forbidden Realm Novel

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Kissed by the Wave: A Forbidden Realm Novel Page 16

by Serena Gilley

  She nodded. “Please do not be angry. I promise, I will require nothing of you, and certainly you’re not to blame…”

  “I hope to God I am to blame!” he said quickly. “I don’t want to think anyone else…but how can you know? It’s too soon, I mean.”

  “The child speaks to me,” she said simply.

  “It does what?”

  “Speaks to me. I can sense thoughts and emotion. At first I wasn’t sure what it was, I thought I heard voices from outside, but now I understand. I was unaware it could be so soon, but the tiny life is well and truly there and I feel its presence.”

  “It’s that whole telepathy thing?”


  This was a lot to digest. His lover of twenty-four hours was a pregnant mermaid carrying his psychic baby? A lot harder to comprehend than the market analyses he was used to getting at the end of the day.

  “And you’re sure it’s not just…a regular mermaid thing? I mean, you’re sure this baby has something to do with me? I’m not, well, I’m not questioning you or doubting you, I’m just trying to understand.”

  God, he felt like a heel even saying that. As if Aliya would lie to him about this!

  But she didn’t seem offended. She smiled and laid one trembling hand against his cheek.

  “I have not been deemed mature enough to be granted the honor of motherhood,” she said. “Many of us go our entire life without a Life Fish ceremony.”

  Man, he was damn glad to hear that. No matter what her people thought was an honor, he could never be happy about Aliya going through that. It was dangerous, after all.

  But dear God, how much more danger would a regular human pregnancy be for her? Jeez, she was half fish now. Her body was not made for birthing human babies. Damn it, but he could have endangered her life here!

  “My God, Aliya.” He sighed. “I should have used condoms.”

  “Is condoms one of your rituals?”

  “No, not exactly. But it should be. If I’d used my brain instead of just my…well, it is protection against this sort of thing. You would not have ended up in this condition.”

  “So you are upset. I knew it would not be good news for you, Devin. I’m so very sorry.”

  He held her tightly. “I’m not upset, Aliya. Not at you, anyway. I just hate myself for not thinking of you. I don’t want anything to happen that might hurt you.”

  “I’m all right,” she said. “Like I told you, perhaps this child may not even be able to continue and we will not have anything more to…worry about.”

  She tried to sound calm and casual, but obviously the thought of losing her child, even at this early date, was misery for her. Devin had to admit he didn’t much like that idea, either. If Aliya was carrying his child, even if it was only twenty-four hours along, he damn well wanted both of them to be just fine. But what on earth could he do about this? No obstetrician he knew of had any experience in this sort of thing.

  She coughed. It was a dry, crackling sound. The sound of someone in trouble. Aliya needed water. Now. He had to get her back into the lake, and here in the middle of this crowded marina was not the place for it.

  “I’m taking us out to open water. We’ve got to get you wet again.”

  “I like when you make me wet, Devin,” she said softly.

  At first he thought it was just his dirty mind that gave another meaning to her words, but then he caught that glint in her eye. She knew what she was saying. Even with all these crazy things going on around them, Aliya was still interested in the fun stuff. Definitely he was not going to lose this woman.

  He pushed the sheets aside to stroke her fish skin. It was dry but still soft to his hands. She sighed under his touch. Even out of water, this area was obviously very sensitive for her. He spared just a moment to run his fingers over her and watch her relax.

  “I like that,” she said. “Keep touching me, Devin.”

  “But don’t you think we need to get you out to the…”

  “I’m not going to wither away just yet,” she said. “This feels very nice.”

  He kept doing it, stroking slowly with the grain of her tiny scales. So soft, like velvet. He let his eyes take in her whole form: beautiful, perfect woman and lithe, exotic sea creature. Strange as it was, he still desired her.

  “Do you hate to see me this way, Devin?” she asked quietly.

  “I love you however you’re shaped, Aliya,” he said, bending to kiss her at the waist and then lower, where she became all fish.

  She purred under his caress. He trailed kisses up her abdomen and then found a pink-tipped nipple to draw into his mouth. She tasted salty and wonderful.

  His cock was hard again and he brushed it against her. The sensation was remarkable for both of them, judging by Aliya’s pleasured sighs.

  She took him into her hand, holding him and squeezing him as he suckled at that nipple. Damn it, but she was going to make him come again. He only wished he could return the favor.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “They’re this way,” Kyne informed as he led Raea through the sunset-gold sky.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said. He didn’t want to have to explain further. He knew where to find the mermaid and her lover; it was painfully obvious they were at it again.

  By the Skies, it was hard to fly. The passion those two emitted was thick and heavy, like honey. It filled his senses and weighed him down with longing. Yes, he knew exactly where they were.

  “Really? There have got to be a million boats at that marina, and a dozen other marinas all up and down this shore. How do you know this is the right dock?”

  “It is,” he said, narrowing in on the boat.

  “How can you be sure?”

  “I just am, all right?”

  Raea giggled. “You can’t be serious. They are actually doing it again?”

  “Yes,” he admitted. “This human appears to have amazing…stamina.”

  “Obviously Aliya is not such a slouch, either. But…you can feel it?”


  “Do you mean you can sense that it’s going on, or that you can actually, you know, feel it?”


  He searched his emotions, his senses, to locate the boat. One quick glance at Raea let him know just what she thought of his unusual talent. She wrinkled her nose. In disgust, obviously.

  “Do you like it?” she asked after a pause.

  “Shut up, Raea.”

  “Well, I was only asking.”

  “There’s the boat.” He pointed.

  The sun was perched just on the horizon, sending gold and pink rays through the thin clouds that smeared over the sky. Fortunately, this provided some cover for the fairies. They could blend in with this backdrop, invisible to anyone who might have taken time to let the enchantment of this brilliant sunset open their eyes. He felt fairly safe, though. Humans were so caught up in the mundane, they rarely noticed magic.

  “All right, then, come on,” Raea said, moving carefully past him. “There’s no one around right now.”

  Kyne hesitated. Raea looked so damned good, hovering in the pink sky just in front of him. The rhythm of nearby passion pounded in his veins. Could Raea feel it, too? Her wings took on a steady beat, matching it. He wanted to touch her, to join in that rhythm.

  It was getting harder and harder to ignore these base urges. What was it, his prolonged exposure to humans, or to Raea? He wasn’t sure. One thing he did know, though, was that he couldn’t take much more of it. Not without breaking.

  “Come on, get over here. What are you waiting for?” she whispered toward him.

  He gritted his teeth. If she had any clue what he was fighting against, she wouldn’t be such a smart-ass. And she sure wouldn’t want him any nearer to that unfettered passion. Or to her.

  “I’m not sure we should go down there right now…”

  She turned on him, her little pink hands balled into fists and propped primly on
her hips. Her wings buzzed, and he knew she was trying to shame him. But it wasn’t shame that was making his skin itch and his breath come in rough, ragged draws. It was pure, unadulterated lust. And it wasn’t just because he was near the passionate couple.

  It was because of Raea. She was studying him as if trying to figure it all out. He’d love to have given a very instructional lesson.

  “Is all the sweating and moaning and carnal human activity so very troublesome to you?” she asked. “Well, only one thing to do. You’ve got to get down there and face your fears, Kyne.”

  “I’m not the one who ought to be afraid right now, Raea,” he said calmly.

  She was intelligent enough to hear the huskiness of his voice and notice what had to be burning in his eyes. She backed up a bit. Yeah, she’d better start realizing exactly what a delicate spot she’d gotten herself into.

  By the Skies, those two on the boat were going to drive him into insanity! It took every ounce of his fairy blood to cool the fire inside as he felt their raging climax. It was especially strong this time. He wasn’t sure how, but he managed to stay airborne. His vision blurred slightly, though, and he was vaguely aware of Raea putting more air between them. She could see what was happening to him, and was beginning to fear it. He could read this on her face.

  Instead of hating himself for it, though, her vulnerability just served to make him grow hotter.

  “It’s almost sunset,” Raea said quickly. “Aliya will be changing soon…”

  The sudden shift in emotion made Kyne dizzy. He’d been fighting back the surge of passion that tried to sweep him into oblivion with the lovers below, but now what he felt emanating from them was something different. It slammed into him with tangible force and he shuddered. But his vision and his mind cleared instantly. The climax he’d been expecting—dreading, actually—had been averted. The lovers were suddenly interrupted by something well beyond their control.

  “Too late,” he informed her. “She’s changed back.”

  Now Raea seemed to falter. “What? Oh no! Are you certain?”

  “Positive. I felt it happen while they were, er, joining.”

  Raea cringed. “So is she…I mean, what will the human do now? What will he do to her?”

  This simple question was like cold water thrown over Kyne. What will he do to her? The human brute had been lied to, deceived. There was no telling how he’d react when he suddenly found a mermaid in his bed.

  By the Clouds and Stars, if he hurt that poor creature…

  “Come on,” he said, now in full control of his faculties. “Let’s get down there.”

  “No, not yet,” she whispered. “Let me put some Veiling Dust on you first.”

  He took a minute to let this sink in, then eyed her in surprise. “You have Veiling Dust?”

  She shrugged, pulling a small pouch from her belt. “Yeah, a little. I requisitioned it for this job I did a while back where I had to be around humans but couldn’t afford to be seen.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to turn in any leftovers?”

  “I only have a little,” she repeated with a hiss.

  “And you kept it for yourself? Just what sort of human interaction did you have in mind that might require Veiling Dust?”

  She didn’t bother to answer his question. “You of all people shouldn’t be such a rule stickler.”

  He just shook his head. There’d be time to read her the riot act over this later. If he decided to bother with lecturing, and really that wasn’t exactly the first thing that came to mind when he thought about what to do with Raea and her aptitude for disregarding rules.

  “Stop it,” he said, brushing away the sparkling powder she began to fling over his shoulders and wings.

  “Hey, I just put it on you! They’ll see you if you don’t keep it on and wait for it to go into full effect.”

  “I’m not about to get picked up for using a controlled substance off-duty,” he said and turned to brush off any of the residue. “And neither are you.”

  “Stop it!”

  She fought him, but he managed to dust off the clinging powder. It was harder keeping his hands off her once the job was done, however. Her skin was so soft…even her wings felt good to him. He wanted to go on touching her, and it had nothing to do with getting rid of the Veiling Dust.

  For a split second their eyes met. What other rules could he persuade her to break today? He could think of a few he’d be happy to suggest. But not now. Now he had a mermaid to think of and he needed to keep focus.

  “You wasted some perfectly good Veiling Dust,” she grumbled, looking hastily away from him.

  “I would prefer to be visible right now.”

  “Oh? Because you think I like looking at you?”

  He couldn’t help but smile. She blushed, and he knew it was because she’d been painfully transparent. She did like looking at him, and now she’d as much as gone and admitted it.

  He, however, had to keep his mind on the job. For both of their sakes.

  “No,” he answered coolly. “Because I want that damn human to know what he’s up against if he has any dumb ideas about treating your friend down there badly.”

  Raea put her chin up in the air and smoothed her clothing down where he had been brushing her. He was happy to note that anywhere he’d touched her skin, she’d gone a deeper shade of pink.

  “I don’t think there’s any reason for you to continue using vulgar human curses.”

  Had he been? He hadn’t noticed. Damn.

  “I just want to be sure that human understands me. Now, if you promise not to scream, I’d like to show you something.”

  “There’s nothing you have that I want to see.”

  He knew she was lying, so he grinned. “Yeah? Just watch.”

  He reached into his pouch. He had plenty of Sizing Dust, though he doubted he’d need much for himself. He’d barely managed to keep control over his body while the lovers on that boat had been going at it full force. Now, however, he realized that was exactly what was needed.

  The human would hardly be intimidated by two tiny fairies landing on his boat, but if these fairies were human size that would get his attention. It would feel damn good, too, considering how his body now ached after such a close call with those lovers. It was hard enough to maintain his fairy appearance when he was in full control of himself, but when arousal entered the picture…well, a nice dose of Sizing Dust would give him part of the release that he needed.

  “Here,” he said, tossing the Sizing Dust over himself. “This is what we need now.”

  He took a deep, full breath and let the dust settle over him. The tension in his muscles eased, his skin tingled, and he felt his essence swell inside him. Other parts, as well, but just for now that was not going to be a problem. He stretched his wings to their full width and let go the last little bit of constraint that held his body in check. At long last he had a good, legitimate reason to let his human blood flow unhindered.

  His body grew to enormous proportions—human proportions. Raea’s eyes blinked wide and she fluttered backward, moving away as he became a huge, winged human right in front of her eyes. It felt wonderful to finally present himself as he was. It was even more wonderful to recognize something more than simple surprise on Raea’s delicate face.

  She was not merely horrified by him, she was intrigued.

  “You…you used Sizing Dust.”

  “And so should you. Do you need some?”

  “I have my own, thank you, but—”

  “Don’t you think this will be more impressive for that human than my usual form?”

  “Yes! By the Skies, Kyne, you are…I mean, the human will definitely take us more seriously if we are so large and imposing…with shoulders, and…”

  She was nervous and fumbling around at her belt. He didn’t let her notice him laughing at her. He hoped she didn’t notice any of his other reactions to her, either.

  Finally she pulled out another pouch and gathe
red a handful of dust from it. She threw it all over herself and then took a deep breath, waiting for something to happen. It took a moment, but then suddenly she was at his side, literally growing in stature to nearly match him. She looked touchable and holdable and blissfully sturdy. She, however, had needed twice the Sizing Dust he had used to achieve such proportions.

  “That’s a very good look on you,” he said.

  “Let’s hope it serves the purpose,” she replied. “We’ll be certain that human takes us seriously here.”

  Their increased size was going to make them highly visible as the remnants of the Veiling Dust wore off. It was also making it harder to hover. Kyne let himself sink toward the boat. He landed with an unfairylike thud on the wooden deck. The small opening in the cabin behind him was undoubtedly the way he needed to go. Raea touched down silently next to him.

  She huffed a bit. “Very well. What are we waiting for?”

  “I’m not waiting for anything,” he said, giving her a deep, searing look and then heading through the doorway.

  He barely fit through the small opening. His flame-orange wings had to fold in to get through, and going down the tiny stairway was almost comical. Yeah, he hoped he intimidated that brute down there, abusing some sweet, innocent Veiled creature. He only hoped the poor mermaid wasn’t emotionally scarred for life from this ordeal!

  As he made his way through the interior and toward the room with the lovers, their passion still hung thick in the air, even from beyond the closed door. That surprised him. He would have expected it to have dissipated by now and not be so troublesome for him. In fact, he might have expected to feel some of the horror the mermaid must be feeling as her lover recoiled in disgust from her changed form. But he didn’t feel any of that.

  Instead, he felt…well, by the Skies, they were getting back at it again!

  “What is it?” Raea whispered at his shoulder when he paused at the door. But even she must have felt his growing tension. And other things.


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