Kissed by the Wave: A Forbidden Realm Novel

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Kissed by the Wave: A Forbidden Realm Novel Page 23

by Serena Gilley

  Too late, though. He understood what she’d been thinking.

  “That’s how the humans live?”

  “Yes, it is. But we aren’t like them, Kyne. We just can’t be.”

  “You mean you can’t,” he corrected, and rightfully so. “I can’t very well help being like them.”

  “You’re half fairy; focus on that. You don’t have to give in to your human side. Come on, Kyne. You know what could happen, how important this is.”

  “Is it, Raea? Is it really as dangerous as the council keeps telling us? Is the Veil so fragile that a little bit of forbidden passion might tear it down forever? I don’t believe it.”

  “Passion is human, Kyne. That’s what will tear down the Veil.”

  “It’s not human! By the Clouds, Raea, you felt it, too, I know you did. How is that since you’ve no human blood?”

  “But you do! It’s because of you, Kyne. I felt what I felt only because of you, never for anyone else.”

  That had been the wrong thing to say. She could feel the heat radiate off him, could see his wings beat faster and a flame ignite behind his eyes. She could sense the passion rise up within him. Clearly he liked hearing that he made her feel things no one ever had. And now she was feeling those things again. Her own heart beat faster, blood pounding through her body. Infuriating fairy! She could not let herself get caught up in this again.

  “The world did not end because of what you felt, did it, Raea?” he asked softly.

  “Stop it, Kyne. You know it can’t be.”

  “I know it can, and I know you want it to be. Just as badly as I do.”

  “No! If we get caught you’ll be…No, I can’t let that happen. There’s too much at stake. If you can’t control yourself, I can. And I’m saying no.”

  But he was still close to her, his essence still affecting her ability to think straight. His body was changing, too, losing some of its delicate fairy elements and appearing larger, solid, more human. The passion roared inside her, knowing just what wonders he could do with those human attributes he possessed. It took everything she had not to flutter into his arms and let his humanity sweep her away.

  “I could make you say yes,” he whispered, one golden hand reaching out to touch her, to caress her cheek so very gently.

  Her eyelids drooped and she pressed into that caress. His heated skin felt so good against hers, the electricity between them fueled by so much more than mere magic. Yes…she would give in. She would take what he offered and let herself revel in it.

  But he pulled back abruptly, breaking the spell. She barely caught herself from falling as she startled back to reality. Kyne had moved away from her, the air feeling even colder and darker than before. She followed his gaze to a spot of light over the landscape behind her. It was growing brighter, approaching.

  “Someone’s coming.”

  His words rang judgment in the quiet night. Someone knew they were here; someone knew what they were doing. They’d been caught.

  “Admit to nothing,” he murmured. “We’ve done nothing wrong.”

  She cringed at the notion of lying to another of her kind. If Kyne had half an idea of the thoughts and intent that had circled through her with just that one simple caress, there was no way he could expect her to claim they’d done nothing wrong. They most certainly had, and she’d been well on her way to doing it again. If this intruder was here to accuse them, she could only confess guilt.

  There was nothing to do but wait quietly. In a matter of seconds, the dim light became a dim form, which appeared clearer, and soon they could recognize their worst fear. And she did recognize him.

  Another fairy. His name was Swift, and he worked in the Department of Restraint and Obedience. Two things Raea had sadly been lacking these days.

  “Raea and Kyne,” he said as he grew closer. “Stay where you are.”

  “We’re not going anywhere, Swift,” Kyne called back. “We don’t have any reason to leave.”

  “If you don’t want to stand punishment, you might have good reason.”

  He was with them now, his green wings stroking the air in carefully measured tempo. Everything about Swift spoke of control. He was the epitome of fairy efficiency and clear-headedness. Since he’d come all the way here, there was no doubt he’d known what he would find.

  “Punishment?” Kyne asked, matching Swift’s wingstroke and control. “Is it a punishable offense to hover over the shore of the lake?”

  “Don’t play your games, Kyne. It’s been barely three weeks since that little mermaid episode, so you’ve got no room for misbehavior.”

  Raea was nearly shaking too hard to keep herself airborne, but she remained silent. What could she say? What could she do? Swift seemed to know everything that they’d done. There was no way to protect herself or Kyne from the retribution they’d face.

  But Kyne furrowed his brow. He seemed to be unsure what Swift had referred to.

  “Mermaid episode? Refresh my memory on that, if you don’t mind. I’ve been so busy doing my job lately I can’t quite recall.”

  “You know perfectly well what I’m referring to! You and Raea had some sort of involvement with a mermaid and a human. The matter is under investigation and rest assured we will get to the truth. We’ve had more than enough reason to keep you under close watch, Kyne. Don’t think we don’t know what you’ve been up to.”

  “I’ve been doing my job!” he growled in response. “I’m a Summer Fairy and if you haven’t noticed, it’s summertime here. Flowers, bees, another growth ring on the trees…If you’ve been watching me you know what I’ve been doing.”

  “We know you two thought you could sneak off alone out here.”

  Now she could not stay silent. As if she had planned their encounter tonight!

  “No! I came out here alone,” she announced. “And so did he. Any interaction we’ve had has been purely professional.”

  “Professional?” Swift said. “Since when does a Wish Fairy have anything to do on a professional level with one of our Season Fairies?”

  “We see each other in passing, just as I’m sure all of us see any number of fairies in passing. How dare you imply something more!”

  “I imply nothing. I merely report what my investigation determines.”

  “Investigation? We’ve been under investigation?” she asked.

  “If you have nothing to hide, it would hardly matter, would it?”

  “I just didn’t know fairies had such little privacy these days.”

  “And what do you need privacy for?”

  Kyne stepped in before she had a chance to let anger press her into saying things she might later regret. She’d have to thank him for that.

  “The Fairy Council has had something against me for a long time,” Kyne said. “I know all about that and I know what’s been expected of me. If you have a problem with me or any of the rumors about me, that’s between us. You leave Raea out of this.”

  Swift shook his head. “You have no idea how I wish I could do that. Raea has always been an exemplary worker, a good fairy and valuable to our cause. We have reason to believe she’s been corrupted and I think the council will agree that finding you together like this tonight only further proves that.”

  “We did nothing wrong!” Kyne insisted.

  “Then perhaps you can explain that to the council. They are reasonable. If you truly have nothing to hide, then you truly have nothing to fear.”

  Unfortunately, that was true. The Fairy Council was known throughout the Forbidden Realm for being reasonable and fair. If Raea and Kyne had nothing to hide, then of course they’d have nothing to fear. Trouble was, they did have something to hide, and it sounded as if Swift had enough evidence to lay it all out in the open.

  “Are you bringing charges?” Kyne asked. “If not, then we don’t have to go with you to see the council.”

  “Yes, that’s the law. But it’s going to look so much better for you if I can tell them you came willingly.” />
  “Well, I won’t. If you want me to see the council, then let’s do this right. You come up with some legitimate charges, and I want to see an advocate. Now.”

  Was he serious? Raea tried to get Kyne’s attention, to let him see the warning look she was glaring at him, but he stared only at Swift. It was not a pleasant stare, either. Swift seemed unimpressed, though. He merely rolled his eyes, let out a frustrated sigh, and pulled up a pinch of whatever dust he carried in his pouch.

  “Are you sure you want me to do this?” he asked Kyne.

  “Yes. Do it.”

  Instantly, Swift released the dust. It evaporated with a green puff. There was only a moment of silence, then another light was seen in the distance, coming from the direction Swift had appeared. Apparently his dust had been the kind used for long-distance contact. He must have known this would happen, so he had someone waiting for his summons. By the Skies, she doubted Kyne had expected that. He likely thought he was calling Swift’s bluff, that he could gain a reprieve or at least stall Swift’s plans for the night.

  Raea watched as another fairy appeared. A female this time, prim and dainty and blue. She seemed just as efficient and official as Swift.

  “Kyne has requested an advocate,” Swift said to her when she arrived.

  The blue fairy nodded. “I’m Pimma, Advocate for the Accused.”

  “So I am being accused,” Kyne said, barely acknowledging her. “Of what?”

  Swift cleared his throat and pulled himself up tall and straight. His wings beat faster and he rose higher, enough so that he was looking down on Kyne, and the rest of them had to strain to look up at him. He smiled, and Raea waited for the charges to be leveled. It would be bad. They would be accused of an unpardonable crime. She waited for him to say the word: “passion.”

  But he didn’t. He ignored her completely and kept his crystalline green eyes directly on his detainee.

  “It pains me to do this, but I must charge you with the worst sort of crimes. Kyne, Summer Fairy, I accuse you of Co-Mingling.”

  Please turn the page for a preview of the next book in the Forbidden Realm series,

  Licked by the Flame

  Available Winter 2014

  Chapter One

  Nicolai Stefanya Vladik paced the length of the boardroom and wished in his very core there was a window in this damn place. It was not in his nature to be cooped up in these constructions, human boxes made of plastic and wood, substances that would wither and melt into a wisp of smoke at the very least hint of fire. It was a tenuous way to exist. No wonder humans were so short lived—they spent so much of their time in these fragile spaces.

  Not that Nicolai had been back in his own timeless lair any time recently. He’d given that up to go on this quest. It was for the good of his kind, yet so many things in this new life still felt unnatural to him. Clothing, machines, shallow entertainments…all of them were so frail, so meaningless. This meeting today with a dozen so-called experts in their fields was a waste. None of these learned humans knew anything. Of course, he ought to be glad for that, but he was tired of the isolation and boredom this situation offered.

  He would never be a human despite the years and years his duty had kept him here, walking among them. There were times his nature burned to come out, to take him over once again and let him rid himself of this human foolishness. Today was one of those days. It was all he could do to maintain his appearance.

  But he had to maintain. For the sake of his mission, he would keep it together. He would act like a human, live like a human. He would be a human. For just a while longer, he could keep up this charade.

  He knew what he needed. It was always this way if he let himself go too long without. This human body must be given what it craved or Nic would lose control over it. He would have to do what must be done if he wanted to continue in his role.

  The question, of course, was how. Even as the meeting droned on, as the men around him talked about projects and statistics and governmental regulations, he could only wonder how he would tend to his needs. This site inspection, after all, was scheduled to go on for another two weeks. In the middle of nowhere. Nic didn’t dare leave at this critical time, but he also couldn’t figure how to manage his problem.

  He needed a woman. Badly. By the fires of below, he thought he could almost smell one, though he knew only men had been assigned to this remote project site. Pity his cravings didn’t lean that way; it would make things infinitely easier. But no. Nic liked women. Human women. And there was a definite shortage of those around here.

  Still, his need was growing and his senses were overheating with awareness. Just beyond his carefully calm exterior, he could feel the very real presence of a woman. His nostrils flared. His skin tingled on alert. It was as if the air in the building crackled with the hot essence of woman. Damn, but his situation must be worse than he’d thought.

  If he didn’t sink himself into warm female flesh soon, he was likely to explode. And this was not just the wishful thinking of the usual frustrated human male. No, this was serious. If Nic thought he might be about to explode, everyone here had good reason to worry. He’d likely take this whole damn mountain with him. He wasn’t just any sex-crazed mortal man, after all.

  Nicolai Vladik was a full-fledged dragon.

  * * *

  She was a woman and there was no way to hide it. Lianne McGowan didn’t generally notice that she was often the only female on a given project, or in a department, or perhaps even the only one assigned to any particular building. She was oddly aware, however, that as of her arrival at this jobsite today, she was the only female for a good hundred miles. Or more, maybe.

  Iceland, as it turned out, was overflowing with volcanoes and geothermal hot spots. Not so much civilization, however. Not that this concerned her.

  She was used to making her way in a man’s world. It meant she had to get the point across right away that she was confident in her role here and wasn’t going to let any good ol’ boys—there were always a couple of those in the group—push her around. Also she wasn’t going to let any of them think she wasn’t just as tough and as determined as they were. Geo-Diagnostics had sent her here with one goal: the project had been lagging and she was supposed to get these guys back on the ball. The higher-ups needed to see some results if they were going to keep the investors happy.

  Lianne was here to get those results. It was as simple as that. She knew her job and she knew how to do it. Twelve men or a hundred men weren’t going to distract her. She was ready for whatever attitude problems or temper tantrums they were going to throw at her.

  She didn’t bother to knock, but pushed the boardroom door open and stood there for a minute, letting the group inside figure out that something in their little world had just changed. It gave her a minute to look them over, too. First impressions were important on both sides.

  A few of the guys she recognized, having worked with them at other sites before. Mr. Casper she knew from way back, and Mr. Blanchard sitting at the head of the table with his usual smug expression made her want to roll her eyes. The other men looked about like every geologist, engineer, and technical geek she usually worked with. No surprises here. Except…one guy was pacing at the back of the room.

  Wow. He was not like the other ones. He paused in his pacing to stare at her, silver-blue eyes practically throwing sparks against exotic bronze skin. His gaze stalked her, wild and ferocious as a caged animal. No, he wasn’t like the other ones. Not at all.

  The smile he gave her wasn’t very much like the usual patronizing smiles she got, either. His lips curled like he’d been starved for a week and was just handed a plate of lasagna. She’d never really wanted to be lasagna before, but for half a second she was ready to slather on some Parmesan cheese and tell the man dinner was served.

  The insanity lasted only a heartbeat, though. After a quick draw of breath and some rapid internal scolding, she grabbed control of herself and managed to take her eyes off him. It
wasn’t easy, but she knew better than to get carried away by a pretty face and a pair of ungodly wide shoulders. Any man who looked like that most likely knew he looked like that. That meant he was probably an asshole.

  She’d had enough assholes for a lifetime.

  “Hello, gentlemen,” she said, enjoying her moment of authority before they all started trying to assert their male dominance. “I’m not sure what you’re up to right now, but I’m here to tell you vacation time is over.”

  She heard one of the computer techs mutter her name under his breath. Good. Her reputation had preceded her so maybe she wasn’t going to have to be a total bitch to get these guys to work with her. She hated playing that role, even though she’d learned it well enough over the years.

  “For those of you who don’t know me,” like the steaming-hot asshole with the silver eyes, “I’m Lianne McGowan. Yes, that’s McGowan, as in Crandall McGowan is my father and he’s the one who all of you work for and he’s not been too happy with the way things are being done here. Or rather, the way things aren’t being done, so he sent me to hold your little hands and kick you in the balls until he starts seeing some improvement. Any questions?”

  The men glanced back and forth at one another. She noted a couple of raised eyebrows. One of the computer geeks leaned in to his buddy and whispered something. They both snorted and tried to hide idiotic schoolgirl giggles. This was where she either gained them or lost them, right here when these pubescent juveniles tested her. It happened at least once on every site. Sooner or later, they always wanted to see what she was made of.

  So she’d have to show them. They’d better not let her damn freckles or the fact that she wore a bra confuse them into thinking they could push her around. She knew exactly what she was doing, and whether it threatened their collective manhood or not, she was in charge. She nailed the giggling techs with a malicious glare.

  “You two have a question?”


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