Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 9

by Wells, Linda

“I know; he has not been doing well with his cousins’ news. My aunt tells me it will be some time before the child will make its presence felt.”

  “What is her prediction, madam?” Mrs. Mercer helped her to sit up.

  “Late October.”

  “Hmm, some five weeks hence.” She shook her head. “No, do not tell him yet. He will be a wreck and an enormous nuisance to you once he does know. We will just care for you quietly.” She stood and nodded. “I will order you foods that will be more agreeable, however tonight you will have to make do with what we have.”

  “I will manage, I am sure.” Elizabeth smiled. “I am glad that you know. I do not feel so alone now.”

  “We will take care of you, madam. We look forward to this house being filled with little Darcys.” Mrs. Mercer smiled and turned her head at the sound of rapidly moving footsteps. “I leave you to care for this one.” She winked at her and curtseyed to Darcy as she left the room. He took his place at Elizabeth’s side and held her hands.

  “You are well.”

  “That sounds more like a command then a question.”

  “It is a request.” He kissed her hands. “Well?”

  “I am fine, my love.” She kissed his cheek. “And Mrs. Mercer will look after me.”

  “That is my position.” He growled and hugged her. “No more fainting, do you hear me?”

  “Yes dear.” Elizabeth returned his fierce embrace and looked up to his worried eyes. “What are you and Richard conspiring over?”

  He stared at her unblinkingly for several moments and she kissed him softly. Darcy closed his eyes and ran his tongue over his lips then relaxed his grip slightly. “He asks me of love.”


  “Elizabeth Darcy, I see that womanly glint of matchmaker coming into your eyes. Stop it now.” He smiled and she giggled. “I will tell you about it tonight. We have guests to care for now, unless you wish to send them home?”

  “Now that would be silly, we cannot send those two bachelors home to nothing.” She rose to her feet with his help as the dinner bell rang. “There, they will have heard that and there is no ridding ourselves of them.” Darcy laughed softly and she hooked her hand on his arm. “Is it Mrs. Carter he loves? She will be at Pemberley! Oh, we can arrange for them to be partners for games, and I will place her seat with his at dinner, and …”

  “Mrs. Darcy.” He said sternly and stopped her excited conversation. “Put your energy to eating, not talking.”

  27 SEPTEMBER 1809

  We have been in London nearly a fortnight, and it has been a whirlwind in this house. How three women can spend their every waking moment shopping is beyond me. I am exaggerating, I know, certainly Elizabeth has not felt up to being out much, and I know that she is putting on a happy face for my sake. If she thinks that I am fooled by her smiles she is vastly mistaken. I know how much she eats and I see how thin she has become, I am hesitant to touch her she seems so fragile. I know that she is ordering winter dresses for home while we are here, but I pray that they are not becoming smaller, she fits so perfectly to me, but I want all of her, not a waif. What plagues her? Is it worry over the girls starting school? I admit to my fears becoming quite insurmountable as the day approaches when we will part. Elizabeth knows this and comforts me so. Am I failing with my position as husband by not comforting her? Her misery seemed to begin when we travelled here. That must be it; she is worried for Mary fitting into this new environment. She wished this for herself, and yet, after spending time with my new sister, I see that she is nothing like my Elizabeth. But somehow, I think that the peace which seems to follow Mary will serve her well to deflect whatever criticisms may come amongst these new girls. I am proud of her stoicism; I have come to admire this young theologian in our midst. Although she is not quite confident enough to debate me, I am glad that she at least has become comfortable joining me and Elizabeth in the library as we read and, happily, has stopped staring when we hold hands as we sit side by side. I like Mary, and despite her father’s refusal to accept my help with the girls’ dowries, I plan to give them generous gifts when they marry. It is the least I can do, and I am afraid the most as well.

  Darcy set his pen down and read over the rambling paragraph. “What will Elizabeth think of me when she reads this?” He chuckled and sighed. “I am worse than a mother hen sometimes.”

  Closing the journal he set it aside and pulled his correspondence forward. On top was a note from Bingley. He gave it concerted effort and giving up, set it on the edge of the desk with Elizabeth’s letters. “I hope that you never write anything that a lady’s eyes should not read, my friend.”

  Another letter was opened and he sat back to take in the news from Rosings. Anne had fallen ill with another fever but recovered fairly quickly this time, a testament to the new physician’s skills. Mrs. Jenkinson reported that the delusions worsened with the illness and improved little as she did; Anne firmly believed that she was Mrs. Darcy, and the de Bourghs had determined that it did her no harm. Darcy rubbed his jaw with resigned acceptance, and picked up a missive from Claridge House, the home where his aunt now resided. Hesitating for a moment, he broke the seal and read, then crumpled it into a ball to toss on the coals. “No Aunt, I will not come to Rosings and speak to Anne about you returning to the mansion. I am married, your plans failed. You may live with the consequences.”

  His mood now dark he pushed aside his correspondence and picked up Elizabeth’s journal. Opening it to a random page, he began to read, and a smile played around his lips.

  21 May 1809

  Tonight we attended the ball at Matlock House. I was dressed as well as any of them. I had Richard the pearl around my throat, my Fitzwilliam’s locket in my reticule, his handkerchief tucked in my chemise, I rinsed my hair with rosewater made from a bouquet he gave me, read my favourite sonnet, and played his birthday song very badly before he at last arrived to take my breath away with his appearance in Uncle’s drawing room. Oh what an impressive sight he was! All of my charms for good luck were unnecessary, how could I possibly fail when the man of my dreams was there looking at me with such devotion? Those beautiful searching eyes. And they were often staring right at Richard! I must have blushed a thousand times tonight. Much happened that I have no desire to remember so I will not write it down. What I will remember is the sound of Fitzwilliam’s voice when he begged me to marry him, the caress of his breath and strength of his embrace as he held me tight, and the touch of his lips everywhere they roamed. I am in heaven and Fitzwilliam will be my husband. Dreams do come true.

  Darcy picked up his pen and left her a little note on the page, then smiling, closed the book and returned to work. Before long he heard the ladies’ arrival and he went to find them peeling off their coats. Georgiana and Mary were flushed with excitement over their school purchases and Elizabeth was standing behind them and rolling her eyes. The girls ran upstairs and he held out his hand to her.

  “I suppose that we are worrying more than they?”

  “Most likely.” Elizabeth leaned against his shoulder and smiled up at him. “What did you do with yourself today?”

  “Me?” He kissed her forehead and smiled while they walked into the study and he closed the door. “I was just dreaming.”

  “IT LOOKS BLEAK.” Georgiana whispered nervously.

  “I think it is rather handsome.” Mary looked over the facade of their school.

  “You are fond of gloomy things; just listen to the music you choose!” Georgiana watched their trunks coming down from the carriage. “Oh why must we come here?”

  “To gain the education we both need to survive and advance.” Mary said stoically. She took Georgiana’s hand and squeezed it. “Remember what we promised each other last night.”

  “Together we will survive this and together we will succeed.” Georgiana repeated their mantra.

  “Are you ready?” Elizabeth smiled and joined them. “Fitzwilliam has gone ahead to check you in. Shall we find him?”
/>   Both girls nodded silently and Elizabeth walked ahead, smiling confidently at the other parents with their girls, and noticing a fair number of the young ladies seemed to arrive with only servants as their company. How sad.

  Darcy appeared, looking every bit the master, but Elizabeth could see the nervousness in his eyes. “You are all checked in ladies, the teacher in charge of your care is Mrs. Younge. She is waiting just inside for you.” He smiled and drew himself up. “We should say our goodbyes here, your trunks are on their way up to your rooms, and Mrs. Younge will explain everything that you need to know. Remember, we will be in town for another week and … and the Gardiners will be here in a moment if you just send them a note, or … our staff will certainly be home if you want to go to Darcy House. You have a key, so you can get in since there will be no footman on duty when we leave. Do you have the purse I gave you? Keep it with you, these girls are wealthy but it does not mean they are honest. And, do your work and …and …”

  “And have a wonderful time.” Elizabeth took his hand and squeezed.

  “And have a wonderful time.” He repeated.

  Elizabeth hugged Mary and whispered to her. “You are no different from these girls, Mary. You are every bit as beautiful and clever. Do not let them convince you otherwise!”

  “They can say nothing to me that Mama has not already.” Mary whispered. The sisters kissed each other, and Elizabeth was pleased to see Darcy holding open his arms to hug her, too, but was sad to see Mary shy away.

  She turned to Georgiana to hold her. “You will do very well, I know it.”

  “I will.” She squeezed her hard. “Thank you for being my sister.”

  “It was amongst the treasures I received for marrying your brother.” She whispered. “Write to me.”

  Georgiana nodded, and letting go, she and Mary linked arms and disappeared inside of the building. Darcy gripped Elizabeth’s hand and did not move. “Maybe, maybe we should just stay here for a few hours, just in case …”

  “Fitzwilliam we are only a few miles away, if they need us, they know how to find us.” She smiled up at his bright eyes. “Come dear.” They turned and walked back out through the gate and climbed into the carriage.

  Wickham moved from out of the shadows where he had been watching the arrivals. “So Darcy is sentimental about his little sister; and positively pathetic over his comely wife. You have far too much Darcy, I know what your father gave to the charities each year, you could have spared me much, much more. I deserved much more.” He watched the magnificent carriage with matching chestnut horses slowly roll away, and thought of Dorothy’s diatribe the night before. He had to find an income. She was living here now, and she was not going to support him anymore. Gambling was not dependable; and he was still not quite able to squirm his way back into society. It seemed that he had no choice but to implement the plan he had developed over the past months. He spat on the ground, startling the peer who stepped past with his daughter on his arm. Wickham eyed them speculatively. “If I am successful with Darcy, perhaps you will be next.”

  THE SUN WAS PEEKING through the curtains when Elizabeth woke to the sound of a maid adding more coal to the fire. She opened her eyes to find Darcy curled around her and as always, immobile in his deep sleep. As the weather began to cool, the need for heat and night clothes made their appearance. In Elizabeth’s mind it was a good thing. If a maid was entering their chambers to stoke the fire, she certainly did not want her stealing a glance at Darcy’s unclothed form. “This is all mine.” She whispered and reached out to caress his shoulder and study his face. She was feeling well this morning, a remarkable feat considering the previous weeks of nausea. Still unconvinced that she was with child, she had spared him the pain of speculation, keeping the secret to herself, making excuses for the absence of her courses, waiting for that little sign that her aunt said should come, willing it to happen now, even though she knew it was too soon.

  And then, almost as the thought crossed her mind, she felt a flutter in her belly. Elizabeth’s eyes grew wide and her hand moved to rest over her nightdress. She lay still holding her breath, waiting to see if it came again, but nothing happened. She bit her lip and willed Darcy to wake, but of course he did not. Whether it was real or not, she decided that the time had come to confess her secret. “Oh what a birthday gift I have for you today!”

  Slipping from the bed, she hurried to use the water closet, opened a curtain to let in some light, brushed out her hair, looked herself over carefully, then danced across the cold floor and back under the covers. Darcy murmured something while reaching blindly to drag her against his chest, and buried his face against her throat. Elizabeth held him and thought of how he had been determined to abstain from lovemaking until he felt she was well. If she was with child, she was most certainly well! Debating her next move, she finally concluded that there was no other thing to do but wake him the only effective way she knew. Manoeuvring her way around, she managed to lift his head, and cupped his cheeks with her hands. She kissed his parted lips, first gently to hear his soft sigh; then with increasing passion until she felt his body come to life and saw his eyes fly open.


  “Happy birthday, my love!” She giggled while he blinked himself awake. “I thought that I would start presenting your gifts.”

  Darcy laughed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “By all means, what do you have to …”

  He stopped in midsentence when Elizabeth sat up and quickly pulled her nightdress off and tossed it across the bed, then remained there smiling at him and touching her breasts. “Are you hungry?”

  Darcy’s night shirt was off in a moment and she practically leapt on top of him, laughing and smiling down into his delighted eyes. She kissed his nose and rubbed herself over him. Darcy’s hands rested over her bottom and he happily kneaded the soft skin while she ran her hands over his chest and began nibbling all over his face and shoulders. She paused to whisper wicked words of admiration for his form, then setting back to work, drove him to the edge of reason with her tongue’s gentle strokes, and “Ohhhhh Lizzy,” her nips and bites to his deliciously vulnerable throat. “What are you doing to me?” Darcy gasped. “Are you sure? Are you …ohhhhh.”

  She laughed, loving her way down over him, drinking in the scent of his body and revelling in the magnificence of his muscled form. “You are beautiful Fitzwilliam.” She whispered from his naval. “I love having all of this to myself.” Darcy groaned as she licked and kissed everywhere, everywhere but that turgid length that was pointing proudly in the air.

  “Please dearest, please kiss …” She looked up and smiled, then shook her head. Darcy groaned, and she set back to work, running her tongue over his thighs, spreading his legs to kiss and then suckle gently his heavy balls and finally, as he begged again, her lips found their way up over his flaming length to taste the shining pearl that rested on its tip, before mercifully, her mouth encompassed and devoured him. Darcy gasped and clutched the bed clothes, watching in panting fascination, until he could bear no more and at last lifted her up and onto his chest for a searing kiss. They rolled in their embrace so he was now dominating and thrust inside of her welcoming, burning body. There was no stopping him, no time for anything but the piston-like delivery of his sword to her mound. Over and over in unending movement and groaned words he demonstrated his appreciation for her gift, ultimately lifting her legs to place on his shoulders and drive into her as deeply as he possibly could.

  “Willlllllllllll!” Elizabeth cried, closing her eyes with the rising tide and revelling in the sound of him gasping her name. Time, consciousness, everything stopped as they sank and shook together in the overwhelming abyss. When Darcy at last blinked open his eyes, he saw Elizabeth smiling up at him, her face and body were beautifully flushed. He laughed and let her legs down, then collapsed with a bouncing thud onto his stomach beside her. He grinned and kissed her happily.

  “Could we start off every day like this?”

>   Elizabeth laughed and brushed away the damp hair clinging to his forehead. “I think that I could bear it nicely.”

  “I do not want you to bear anything. I want you to desire it as much as I.” He reached over to run his fingers through her hair and let them trail down to rest over her waist, “This is how your birthday should have begun.”

  “Hush!” She admonished him and kissed his nose. “My birthday was beautiful, although I am afraid that I cannot match your gift to me.”

  “No fireworks?” She shook her head. “No frenzied lovemaking in a hidden glen?”

  “I think that we have managed the frenzied lovemaking quite admirably, but I do have a lovely dinner planned for you and our family.”

  Darcy propped his head on his hand and continued to trace his fingers over her breasts and belly, following them with his eyes, then pausing briefly over her stomach he looked back up to her. “Will you be able to enjoy this dinner?”

  “I believe so. I feel well this morning, as you see.” She smiled then kissed the crease in his brow. “I am feeling hungry.”

  He was up before she could say another word. “Then let us eat!”

  “Will!” Her nightdress was tossed and landed over her head. She pulled it off to see him striding nude across the floor and entering his dressing room. He stuck his head out and grinned.

  “What are you waiting for? We need to feed you up! You are wasting away to a feather, my love. I want my girl to be curvy and delicious.” He ran back across to the bed and ripped off the covers to her squeals of protest. “Up!” Darcy lifted her to her feet, jammed the gown over her head, kissed her soundly and giving her a solid slap on her behind, pushed her in the direction of her chambers. “One-half hour, dearest. No more.” With that he flashed another happy smile and disappeared.

  It was then that Elizabeth realized her gown was on backwards. “I have married an insane man!” She laughed as she turned to leave. “Well, if you want your wife curvy my love, you will be very happy soon.”


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