Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 18

by Wells, Linda

  “I see.” Bingley looked at his hands. “Of course you have the right to know why I broached the subject; she is your sister after all. Tonight I danced with … twelve women, eight of whom were unattached. Each had their charm. When I danced with Miss Bennet, we talked and were comfortable with each other. I pointed out to her that Captain Houghton was paying her particular attention. Of course she blushed and looked up to find him staring at her. When I suggested that I introduce them she … I saw her looking down to where her hand was clasped in mine.” Bingley looked up to Darcy. “She …did not answer for a long time, but when she did, I heard the disappointment in her voice.”

  “I know nothing of her feelings, Bingley. Would you like me to speak to Elizabeth?”

  “I am not ready to marry, am I? I need to spend at least another Season in town, and establish myself well.” Darcy nodded, and he turned to Stewart. “Before you leave, could you sit down with me and, well all of you could help, and tell me of Netherfield? Perhaps if it is still available next August it might be a good enough place to start.”

  “I will be happy to tell you what I observed there.” Stewart nodded.

  “And I will be glad to look it over for you.” Darcy said slowly. “But are you already committing yourself to Jane? Based on nothing more than a glance?”

  “What did it take for you to commit to Mrs. Darcy?” Bingley said quietly. He saw Darcy’s eyes drop to watch his sleeping wife. “I do not know what my feelings are, Darcy. I cannot define them, but I do recognize the effort that she has put forth in the past months and I feel that I have made changes to myself as well. Perhaps I am overly influenced by the evidence of love that is floating around this remarkable estate.” He smiled and the others chuckled. “In any case, I am starting to look ahead. I hope that the title of puppy may be given to another man.”

  “I think Son, that you have with that statement become a man.” Lord Matlock raised his glass to him. “Welcome to the club.”

  Bingley grinned and then flopped back in his chair. “I do not know if I can abide being so serious, how on earth do you pull it off all of the time, Darcy?”

  The men roared with laughter and shouted insults at him. Darcy glared and shot looks down at Elizabeth and when she began to stir they were all silenced as they watched her eyes slowly open to see his face looking down into hers. She smiled sleepily and lifting her hand to his head, drew it down to bestow a tender kiss, then she sank down against his neck and sighed before falling back to sleep. Darcy closed his eyes for a moment then looked back up to the blushing men.

  “Tell me, Darcy. This position you are maintaining appears to be very familiar.”

  “Do you mean that it is one you have enjoyed?” He said softly to his uncle.

  “No I mean it is one that you enjoy regularly.”

  Darcy smiled. “I suppose that Aunt Helen told you of her disastrous advice to Elizabeth regarding our roles in the privacy of our chambers.”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “She said that you were rather angry with her presumption. She felt terribly for it but she did mean well. She thought that Elizabeth would not know of the expected practice of our circle.”

  Darcy said nothing, he only smiled. “Hang on …” Layton looked between the couple and his father. “You sleep together? Nightly?” Again Darcy said nothing, only smiling.

  “Darcy! Answer me!” Layton demanded.

  Instead he turned his head to take in Stewart’s thoughtful expression. “We have not heard from you yet. How did you find the ladies this evening?”

  Stewart glanced around at the still fascinated men and cleared his throat. “I … I was wondering if I might pay a call before I depart for London.” All of the eyes turned to look at him. “I, um … I rather enjoyed my dance with Miss Henley you see, and I would like to confirm her plans. She was unsure when her family would be returning to London, and since I will likely remain there for the winter …”

  “Miss Henley?” Darcy smiled. “I thought that I noticed a rather spirited conversation between the two of you.”

  Stewart looked at his hands and was lost in the memory of their dance in an instant.

  “You dance very well.”

  “You told me that before.” She smiled and his brow creased. “At my parent’s home, we danced last year.”

  “Oh, forgive me, but I …”

  “Your heart was not in it.” She laughed and they separated before joining hands again. “You are far more pleasant this time around.”

  “I should hope so.” He grimaced then gave her a small smile. “I am fully recovered.”

  “Who was she?” Miss Henley tilted her head and his eyes widened. “Oh never mind, it does not matter, I am certain that she is very happy where she is.”

  “She is.” He cleared his throat and unbidden his eyes travelled to see the Darcys trading conversation and smiles as they danced together.

  “And what are your plans now, sir?” She stopped as the music did, and they faced each other. “Are you ready to try anew?”

  Stewart laughed. “Are you playing matchmaker, Miss Henley? Surely you know the discomfort of that situation from your mother’s efforts, why would you wish it upon me?”

  “Perhaps I like others to share in my misery?” She smiled as the next song began and once again they advanced to hold hands and turn. “Oh, Mama has washed her hands of me.”

  “I understand that you have been quite particular.” His brow lifted and hers matched it. “No?”

  “Where did you hear this?”

  “I will not reveal my sources, Miss Henley.”

  “But you cared enough to enquire, sir.”

  “Perhaps I overheard it in a crowded room?”

  “Perhaps you do not wish to admit that you are interested?”

  “Perhaps you would like to admit something of your own?” He smiled to see her blush. “I hit the mark, I see.”

  “That is unfair, you are used to prosecuting.” She shook her head and he laughed as they hopped down the line. “You are sly.”

  “No more so than you.” He turned her around and bowed as the set ended. “Will you be coming to town for the little Season or will you await the spring?”

  “Why do you wish to know?”

  “So that I may avoid you, of course.” He laughed and she joined him. “I will be returning for court in a few days and will remain there. If you were to come this winter, I should like to call on you, if you were interested?”

  “I am, and I thank you.” Julia blushed and looked back up to his smiling eyes. “I will speak to my parents to learn their plans.”

  He nodded and then became serious. “I am only beginning my living, but it has great potential.”

  “There is no need to impress me with your occupation, sir. I am far more interested in your character.” She spoke softly.

  “I will remember that.” He held her hand and waited for her to meet his gaze. “Thank you for the advice.”

  Richard’s kick startled him from the memory and again the men laughed loudly. Stewart coloured but lifted his chin. “I like her and I wish that I had seen her clearly a year ago. I hope to see more of her in town and …we will see what comes of it.”

  “She likes you, too.” All eyes turned to see Elizabeth’s were open and she was smiling at Stewart.

  “Pardon me?” He said softly.

  “She likes you, too.” Elizabeth repeated, then sitting up, she removed the blanket and stood. “I am going to retire now. Will you be long, Will?”

  “No, in fact I will accompany you.” He took the blanket from her hands and laid it on the chair. Elizabeth kissed Lord Matlock’s, Layton’s, and Richard’s cheeks and smiled at the others, then taking Darcy’s hand they began to exit the room.

  “Wait! You cannot just leave it like that!” Stewart cried.

  Darcy and Elizabeth looked at each other. “She is quite well-off.” He offered. Stewart waved him off and stared at Elizabeth.

  “You say that sh
e likes … me?”

  “She does.” She laughed to see thoughts clearly flying through his mind. “She kept an eye on you this Season; she has rejected every man who approached.”

  “Because of me?” He said incredulously, and saw the couple’s smiles and watched them depart the room. “She likes me.” Stewart mused.

  “Do you think that she was awake that whole time?” Bingley whispered when they were gone.

  “If she was I think that she will have a great deal to impart to the subjects of our conversation.” Harwick smiled. “Although I suspect she was not always with us.”

  Fitzwilliam stared at the empty chair then downed his wine and stood. “Good night, Gentlemen.” Leaving the room he strode through the dark empty hallways until he arrived at the open doors to the ballroom. He stood staring at the mirrored walls that reflected the moonlight streaming in the windows. He could hear the music, and could see Evangeline as she took his hand.

  “Richard.” She whispered when he passed by her side. “You are in another world.” He smiled and said nothing, only drifting by again then taking her hand, turned. “For a man who is never without conversation, I am puzzled by your silence.”

  “I wish to remember our first dance.” He squeezed her hand and nodded to the Darcys. “Look at my model of behaviour. They are clearly enjoying a verbal joust, the likes of which I doubt I could accomplish, but they are secure, married, and happy. We have only just begun. I still am left to stare at you and keep my deepest thoughts buried.”

  “I thought that we have agreed to share our thoughts with each other.” She smiled and he laughed, then as they came together to walk down the line he bent his lips to her ear and whispered. Instantly a becoming flush spread up her chest to her hairline and her eyes went to the floor. Fitzwilliam watched her and his lips twitched.

  “You understand my reticence now?”

  “Yes.” She whispered.

  “Do you find the thought objectionable?” He tilted his head and they let go to move around each other.

  “No, I find it …” She stopped and fixed her eyes on his mouth and said nothing more.

  “Ah, so we shall both bury our thoughts for the evening.” Fitzwilliam laughed when he once again held her hands. “Who knew that the suggestion of a little kiss would be so disconcerting?”

  “It is not the suggestion Richard, it is the anticipation.” Evangeline looked back down to the floor and Richard squeezed her hand, and wordlessly continued the dance.

  He nodded his head and whispered. “I anticipate so much with you, my Eva.”

  19 NOVEMBER 1809

  We returned from church this morning to find an express waiting for us from Mr. Stewart. It seems that the trial has been scheduled for this Friday. Fitzwilliam and Richard will depart for London in the morning. No amount of cajoling or convincing has moved my husband; he will not permit me to accompany him. He claims it is because we have guests, although save for Mr. Bingley, they are all family and could certainly remain here alone. The Stewart family, Mr. Harwick and Mrs. Carter will depart for Meadowbrook. Laura’s joy over Mr. Harwick’s proposal yesterday was beautiful to behold; and I was so proud of Jane and the gracious way that she congratulated them.

  Fitzwilliam is pleased that his dear friend and the Matlocks will remain behind to protect me, although from what I cannot imagine. I know that he hates to leave, I watched him tenderly wrap my likeness in his handkerchief to take with him, and I gave him letters, one for each of the eight days he expects to be away. He fears for me being exposed to whatever the publicity the trial may generate, and most of all he fears that our baby might be harmed by a long journey. He is haunted by his mother’s death still. So as much as I hate this, I will accept his decision. I will trade my peace of mind of being together for his peace of mind for our separation.

  “Do you understand?” Darcy asked when he looked up from the journal. Elizabeth nodded and he stood to embrace her. “I will be home before you know it. And you will likely wish me away again as soon as possible.”

  “Hush.” She whispered. They stood near the window, looking out over the bare gardens. Layton and Alicia occupied a bench, and in the distance they watched two couples walking together. Darcy chuckled as Harwick led Laura behind a hedge. He looked down to see Elizabeth’s eyes sparkling. She giggled at his grin. “What do you suppose is happening out there?”

  “Hmm.” He kissed her temple. “Well chaperoning duties are definitely being neglected.”

  Harwick looked down at Laura’s hand on his arm and back up to see her smiling at him. “I cannot tell you how good this feels; I never hoped to experience this again.”

  “Well since this is my first time, I hope that I can live up to your expectations.” She laughed.

  He tilted his head and brought his other hand up to cover hers. “I have no preconceived ideas, my dear. You are a lovely woman, and so different from Ellen. I thought that to honour her memory I would not be permitted to feel anything again, and that to find happiness with another would be insulting her. I have realized that I need to feel again. If I brought home a wife who inspired indifference, then my daughters would not have the example of marriage I wish them to know.”

  “Jeffrey,” She said softly. “Will you show me the example of marriage you wish to have?”

  “Oh.” He looked about to be sure of their privacy then smiling, slipped his arms securely around her before claiming her mouth. “With pleasure.”

  “Oh!” Evangeline cried and stopped dead as she and Fitzwilliam came around the hedge.

  Quickly grasping her hand he hurried them away from the embraced couple, and when a respectable distance had been achieved, he stopped and grinned down at her. “We cannot interrupt such a tender interlude.” She blushed and he laughed. “So how does it feel to catch your brother in such a position?”

  “He is so private; he would be mortified if he knew.” Her eyes widened when Fitzwilliam’s lips pursed. “Oh you would not embarrass him, would you?”

  “Me? Oh, no, I would not think of doing that to someone so wholly unrelated to me.” He winked. “However, if we were brothers …”

  Her expression changed instantly from surprise to teary as his softened and he raised her hand to his lips. “I must leave you tomorrow. If it were not for the love of my cousin, I could not possibly be moved from your side, but I must do as he, and leave the one I care for to remove a scourge from our lives. I cannot, will not, leave you though without saying this, I love you, Eva. I cannot possibly say anything more eloquent than that. I have never said those words to another. You are the only woman who I ever wish to love. Please trust me and be my wife.”

  Evangeline stared into the blue eyes of this gentleman soldier. He watched her wrestle with the words that were so clearly poised to be spoken. “I have revealed to you my soul, Eva. I have nothing else. You know that I have worked hard for what I have, you know that I have killed men, and you know that I suffer for the experiences that I have had. You know that I care for my boys deeply; you know that I am in pain nearly constantly. You know that I am lonely. And I at last know all of you. Perhaps …”

  “Not perhaps, Richard.” She pressed her fingers to his lips. “I love you, I trust you, and yes, I wish to marry you.” Richard kissed her fingers and grinned, then squeezed her with a hug that made her squeal in protest. “Oh no, my dear, you are not escaping these arms anytime soon!” He kissed her soundly and she laughed. “You are very well mine!”

  “And do you intend to suffocate me before we are wed?” She gasped.

  “Oh no, I have wonderful plans for that night, and so many others!” He laughed and eased his grip. “I have been thinking of you most ardently.”

  “Perhaps I should change my mind?” She smiled and he shook his head. “You are a silly fool, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam!”

  “I am. And I believe that it is entirely possible that your silly fool of a brother will be glad to be rid of you. So do not even think of changin
g your mind.” He kissed her softly and she gladly sank into his loving arms. “You would not do that would you?”

  “No, that would be impossible.”

  “WELL I WILL BE DAMNED!” Lord Matlock laughed and shook Fitzwilliam’s hand. “You did it!”

  “Yes I did, and my breeches contain no dust on the knees.” He winked at Evangeline.

  “Oh he did not kneel?” Laura kissed her cheek. “Are you disappointed?”

  “Not at all, he very happily displayed his admiration in other ways.” She smiled up at him.

  Fitzwilliam coloured and kissed her hand. “We will have to discuss acceptable subjects for public discourse my dear.”

  “Oh give that up now!” Harwick laughed. “My sister is quite happy to speak on any subject. Ask Darcy here if he can control his vivacious wife’s tongue.”

  Darcy smiled and stood behind Elizabeth, and shocked no one in the room by slipping his arms around her waist and drawing her back to rest against his chest. He looked down to her upturned face. “I have long ago learned to revel in her thoughts, and would not think to ever try to silence her.” He laughed and kissed her rising brow.

  “You would not, would you? What about this afternoon when I was asking you to stay …” Elizabeth found her lips being caressed and the room filled with laughter as she was soundly muted. Darcy’s eyes twinkled when he withdrew and they smiled at each other. “You know that I was hoping for a kiss.”

  “I do.” He squeezed her, and rested his hands upon hers as they lay over the baby; and looking back up to his smiling friends and relatives ignored the catcalls of the gentlemen. “I hope that the four of you will be very happy.”

  “Thank you.” The couples collectively proclaimed and laughed.


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