Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 40

by Wells, Linda

  A tall man with dark hair stepped from a nearby bath house after a good cleansing and shave, noted the excitement across the street, and checking his pockets was delighted to find a purse filled with cash. “Well, look at this; I did do well, did I not?” He took a deep breath of the fetid London air. “Now, who shall I visit first?”

  “WHAT CAN I OFFER YOU?” Darcy indicated the bottles of port, brandy and wine. Lucas had no answer. “Port, then.”

  “Thank you.” He took a sip of the fine wine. “This is the best I have ever tasted. The port my father drinks is often spoiled.”

  “Yes. Well if the war ever ends, we can go back to French wines.” He walked over to the Pemberley landscape. “This is my estate.”

  “So it is.” Lucas stared at it and said quietly. “What are you trying to tell me, sir? That I should give up my hopes for Miss Bennet because she is now accustomed to your home?”

  “No.” Darcy indicated the chairs before his desk and sat down. “I know that you approached her at Christmas and you quietly courted her …or at least called on her and danced a number of times, and that your families regularly meet for social events in the neighbourhood.”

  “I wished for her to be sure of her choice. I knew that she was going to be educated by Lady Matlock.”

  Darcy saw his grimace and looked at him thoughtfully. “Yes, my aunt is determined to be successful with the match to my friend Bingley.”

  “Sir, there is no need to be subtle or attempt to intimidate me. Just be honest. You think of me as below Miss Bennet and as my wife she would not be living up to her potential.” He looked down at the glass in his hand. “I cannot compete with a man of your wealth.”

  “You are not competing with a man of my wealth, but you are correct that Mr. Bingley is a wealthy man. However, he is hesitant, and I believe that Jane has determined she does not like,” he waved his hand at Pemberley and around the room, “all of this.”

  Lucas sat up and studied him. “She is seriously considering me?”

  “I believe so.” Darcy smiled to see his eyes light up. “I realize that it has been impossible for you to court her, and you were left to the tidbits of information that Miss Lucas could relate to you in Elizabeth or Jane’s letters, but I believe that you need to show your hand to both Jane and Mr. Bingley. Now.”

  “But what of your friend?”

  “I think that he would be relieved to see that she would not be left abandoned if he were to bow out.” Darcy’s lips lifted in a small smile. “He is a man of honour.”

  Lucas regarded him carefully. “You are not saying this because you feel that Miss Bennet is not good enough for Mr. Bingley?”

  “Would I not be more concerned with my sister’s future than my friend’s?” He smiled to see Lucas considering the question. “I take the care of my sisters very seriously. You know that she comes to you with very little?”

  “Yes; and my parents will be disappointed in that, but I have been given a bequest by my grandfather, and Mr. Gardiner has helped me to invest it. That unexpected gift is what drove me to finally, after years of quiet admiration, approach Miss Bennet at Christmas; I felt that I could afford to take a wife now. Of course, I also have my allowance from my father, and I will inherit Lucas Lodge one day.”

  “And there is Miss Bennet’s dowry.”

  “It is more than enough.” He said seriously. “I honestly did not expect a great deal from any woman. It is not as if Lucas Lodge is …well, Longbourn, to use an example we both know.”

  Darcy smiled to hear the determination in his voice. “I like your forthright and honest attitude.”

  “Sir, my grandfather felt that my father made a grave error, giving up his trade when he was knighted. Father felt that he was meant to be a man in a manor house and would spend his life being the genial host. That is a fine ambition if you can afford it …”

  “Yes. But I gather he did not prepare for his children’s disposition before quitting his business?”

  “Yes. I am afraid that my sisters have only as much as the Bennet girls do. For that reason my parents can hardly object to Miss Bennet’s dowry.”

  “What of the boys?”

  “My younger brothers are considering apprenticeships or the navy. I wish that I could do more for them, but I have my sisters to consider.” He sighed heavily. “My grandparents have left them each smaller bequests than mine, so they are not entirely helpless. But Miss Bennet …she knows me, she knows our neighbourhood … She would not be disappointed.”

  “No, I believe that she would be very happy at home, caring for her husband and children, being able to keep an eye on her aging parents, participating in the events of the community. I believe that Jane belongs in Hertfordshire. Furthermore, I believe that she belongs where her heart wishes to live.”

  Lucas looked him in the eye. “What do I need to do?”

  “Well, you are here. At dinner tonight, you will meet Bingley.”

  “Miss Bennet …”

  “Will not be here this evening.” Darcy lifted his brow. “But perhaps you might stay another day and we will make sure that you see each other.”

  Taking a deep breath Lucas finally relaxed. “I would like that very much.”

  Darcy chuckled and took a sip of his port. “I have no doubt of that at all.”

  “OH ELIZA, I am so sorry, we would never have come if we knew you were entertaining.” Charlotte looked around the beautiful bedchamber and sighed. “I can just stay in here. It would be a pleasure.”

  “Do not be ridiculous.” Elizabeth watched the maid unpacking her small trunk. “These are some of our dearest friends, and we have not seen them for months. It is a very small party.”

  “But they are your friends …”

  “So are you.”

  “I have nothing to wear.” Charlotte looked at her gown and then to Elizabeth’s. “I am sorry. Perhaps Miss Darcy would enjoy the company tonight. I will gladly spend time with her; she seems to be a sweet girl.”

  “She is, and because this is practically family coming tonight, she will be permitted to remain.” Elizabeth touched a dress that just came out of the trunk. “I am sorry that you are taller than me, or I would lend you one of my gowns, but this is lovely. Did Mrs. Jones make it for you? I miss her shop; she was so easy to work with, and did not challenge my taste in fashion.” She held up a simple blue dress. “I always had to battle Mama with the whole lace issue.” She laughed. “I see you do not have to fight your mother.”

  “No.” Charlotte smiled. “At least in that we are in agreement.”

  “My maid will do your hair, and I have a lovely necklace you may borrow; and some earrings as well.” Elizabeth squeezed her hand. “You will look just fine. Please do not feel intimidated; Mrs. Fitzwilliam and Mrs. Harwick are very kind.” She went to the door and paused. “I sent a note to Gracechurch Street and hopefully Jane and Mary can join us tomorrow. They are attending a dinner with our aunt and uncle tonight.”

  “And Mr. Bingley is coming, tonight? Without Jane being here? She wrote to me about dancing with him.” Charlotte closely watched Elizabeth. “I cannot say that her letters seemed …settled.”

  “Mr. Bingley is coming simply as our friend.” Elizabeth smiled to see Charlotte trying to read her face. “He is a dear man.”

  “Oh.” Charlotte startled when another maid appeared. “How many servants do you have?” She whispered as Elizabeth led her out of the room and into the mistress’s chambers. She watched her friend’s eyes widen when she saw the decoration, and just kept moving on to the dressing room. Charlotte gasped when she saw Millie inside and opening a closet to expose countless gowns hanging on rods and pegs within. “Oh my!”

  Elizabeth dismissed Millie and closed the door, then clasped her hands. “It is just a closet, Charlotte. I was overwhelmed when I began purchasing my wedding clothes. With my pregnancy, I doubt that I have worn half of them, but I know that they are necessary to be Mrs. Darcy. I have grown to understand
that the longer we have been married, and the more people we have met.” She sighed and looked around. “Fitzwilliam’s aunt has made sure that I am properly turned out. She is determined that I do well. She has been a tenacious, but very important teacher to me, and now to Jane.”

  “Yes, she mentioned her lessons with Lady Matlock. She seems to be a pet project, not that Jane would ever say something like that. It is just my impression.”

  Nodding and lifting her eyes to the ceiling, Elizabeth explained, “She has married off her girls, so now she wishes for Jane to do well.”

  “With Mr. Bingley.” Charlotte said sadly and sinking down onto the chair at the dressing table, attempted not to be dazzled by understated display of wealth that was arrayed before her in Elizabeth’s brushes and perfumes. “She wants your sister to be a worthy companion to you.”

  “I do not think that is her plan, she truly cares for Jane’s welfare.” Elizabeth went to a cabinet, and unlocking it retrieved a velvet bag, fished out a necklace and earrings, and carefully returned the bag to its place without embarrassing Charlotte with the spectacular collection of jewels within.

  “And what do you tell Jane?” Charlotte asked as she looked down at the fine gold chain that held Richard the pearl. “This is the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen.”

  Elizabeth smiled and touched it. “I wore this on my wedding day; it is extremely special to me and my husband.” Their eyes met then Charlotte’s went back down to the necklace. “I want Jane to make up her own mind. She already had the experience of feeling pressured to accept Mr. Harwick purely for security, and it made her a person none of us recognized. Whatever her choice, Mr. Bingley, Mr. Lucas, or someone unknown, she must be comfortable with it. Now that I am married almost a year, I understand that lesson so very well.”

  “You would not marry for security?” Charlotte sighed. “Even if it was your only chance?”

  “Have you met someone?” Elizabeth took a chair by her side.

  “There is a new curate in Meryton. A Mr. Collins …”

  “Ah, the heir of Longbourn.”

  “What?” Charlotte looked up with wide eyes.

  “Well, he will be when his father dies.” Elizabeth shook her head. “He is a miserable little man, Charlotte.”

  “But … He is new; he does not know me as all the other men in Meryton do. But I imagine that your mother might wish him to marry one of your sisters.”

  “True, but I hope with all my heart she does not accomplish it. And I pray that you can do better.” Elizabeth held her hands. “I want your happiness as well.”

  “Well then Eliza, please, put me in the way of some rich men!” Charlotte laughed and looked at the diamonds sparkling in her hand. “Or just a man with pleasant breath?”

  “SHE IS BEAUTIFUL, ELIZABETH.” Laura leaned down to smile at Rosalie. “I hope that we will be so blessed before long, but in the meantime, I am enjoying our two girls.”

  “How have they adjusted to gaining you and losing Evangeline?” Elizabeth saw Charlotte looking down, and added, “Mrs. Fitzwilliam is Mr. Harwick’s sister, and the two couples were married in a double wedding in February.”

  “What a wonderful event to share with your sibling.” Charlotte smiled a little, and looked back down when she felt Laura’s eyes pass over her again. Self-consciously, she stood straighter and tugged at her sleeves then touched the pearl before clasping her hands.

  “It was wonderful.” Laura agreed. “My brother mentioned meeting you and your brother when he stayed at Netherfield. He described your father as a most genial host.”

  “My father is quite pleased with his position in the neighbourhood.” Charlotte blushed.

  “I had hoped to join my brother at Netherfield when he visited our cousin, but Mother had other ideas.” She smiled and turned back to Elizabeth. “The girls were mostly upset when Eva departed, but I think they are quite fine now. Margaret is almost five, so she is certainly aware of who I am. Ella was a little clingy with her governess for awhile before she began reaching for me.”

  “She is just a baby.” Evangeline said wistfully, then stroked over her belly. “I miss them both.”

  “So do I.” Laura smiled. “Poor Jeffrey is suffering through this trip solely for me. Well, perhaps not solely, he does seem to take a great deal of pleasure in dancing, and we have enjoyed seeing the sights together.” She laughed and held up her hand. “Forgive me, but I was thinking of how silly he was when we visited Vauxhall last week. It is a favourite haunt of his.”

  “I see where he has much in common with Fitzwilliam, although, if we were not here for my sisters and visiting with our family, we would not hesitate to stay at home. London’s attractions are wonderful, but I suppose that I am as much a country girl as my husband is a man of the land, we would rather be at Pemberley.”

  “Dearest, may I steal our daughter?” Darcy appeared with a smile. “I want her to meet Harwick.”

  Elizabeth handed her off, and Darcy happily cuddled Rosalie, bending to kiss her chubby cheeks and whispering as he carried her off across the room. “He is a man in love. I will have to watch carefully and make sure that she is not spoiled. They have frequent secret conversations.” She smiled after him affectionately. “When I take a nap, I have awakened to find them settled in the rocker in the nursery.”

  “He is a man transformed. I remember how frightened he was. Jeffrey told me of the nearly constant letters they exchanged during your pregnancy.” Laura observed Darcy with open amazement. “Jeffrey loves Ella and Margaret deeply, but to appear in a roomful of our friends, showing them off for more than a few minutes …” They watched Darcy engaged in conversation with the other gentlemen and Elizabeth laughed to see him unconsciously swaying as Rosalie wriggled up his shoulder, peeking over the top at Fitzwilliam as he made silly faces at her. “My brother is smitten.”

  “Richard is so excited to be an expectant father.” Elizabeth observed.

  “He is, but I know that he is every bit as nervous as Fitzwilliam was with you.” Evangeline looked at him fondly. “For all of his bluster, he is a very tender-hearted man.”

  “I think that I always saw through him.” Elizabeth smiled. “His mask was different from my husband’s but he wore it just the same.”

  “This is a foreign world.” Charlotte murmured and the other women turned to look at her. “My father never came anywhere near us when we were that small. I do not think that he paid much attention to any of us until we were old enough to be of use.”

  “You were put to work?” Evangeline asked.

  “Not for long, but yes, I helped a little around the shop. I was the eldest and it was my position to do the sweeping. My brother Robert was working when he was very small, I believe he began when he was five, at least until Papa was knighted, then everything changed.” She looked back down at her hands.

  Laura and Evangeline exchanged looks, knighting was not as glamorous as it sounded, a meaningless honour bestowed for a favour to the crown. Elizabeth stood next to Charlotte and wound her arm onto hers. “I am very fond of Lucas Lodge. I have spent so many wonderful hours there.”

  “Thank you, Eliza.”

  Recognizing that Elizabeth was supporting her friend, Laura changed the subject. “Well, I can tell you, my father certainly never cuddled a baby to his chest. He was much more likely to hold us out at arm’s length and pray that the napkin would remain dry!” She laughed. “I do not think that he had much use for us until we were old enough to sit on a pony. Then at least he had something in common with us.”

  “Ordering you to ride properly?” Evangeline smiled. “Yes, I remember father’s lessons well. He was a stern teacher, but I treasure those moments with him. He died just as I was old enough to be able to talk to him. Jeffrey felt his loss keenly then.”

  “That sounds like Fitzwilliam’s experience with his father. I would have liked to have known Mr. Darcy. Fitzwilliam has described his behaviour with you, Georgiana.” Elizabeth smiled a
t her silent sister. “I think there must be something in the Darcy blood about cuddling little girls.”

  “I think that I was very fortunate to have the time I did with Papa.” Georgiana said softly. “I hope that whoever I marry will be like Fitzwilliam.”

  “hmm, well that is something that you do not really find out until you have a baby of your own in your arms.” Laura looked at Harwick leaning over Rosalie. “Someday I will find out, although I suspect I already know the answer.”

  “She is quite the handsome young lady, Darcy.” Harwick smiled and touched her little bonnet. “I had forgotten how tiny they are.”

  “Tiny? I can barely lift her now.” Darcy let her down from his shoulder and smiled at her. “We have discussed her great weight. Soon my back will be bowed with the effort to hold her.” He was rewarded with a waving fist in the jaw, which Fitzwilliam applauded.

  “I think that boxing will have to be taught to this little lady, Darcy.”

  “Richard … Do not test me, you will soon be in my position.”

  “Perhaps I will be the father of a son?” He nodded at the surrounding men. “It is about time that one of us produces one.”

  “And I shall be sure to teach him how to be a gentleman.” Darcy glared.

  “You know how?”

  “Far better than you.” Darcy was about to continue when he spotted Bingley coming up the stairs. “Ah, here is Bingley.” Catching Elizabeth’s eye, he handed Rosalie back to her, and she signalled a footman to send for Mrs. Robbins.

  Lucas had been standing off to the side, listening to the good-natured conversation, but feeling very uncomfortable amongst these very wealthy men. Darcy, understanding his discomfort had left him alone, but now he stepped to his side. “What am I to say to him?” Lucas asked.


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