Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 73

by Wells, Linda

  “Only for another ten minutes.” Elizabeth leaned back against his chest, and purred when he caressed his hands over her curves. “Then I can ask …”

  “No.” He commanded. “My birthday, my night, my love. You promised, Lizzy. You promised me hours and hours ago. I have been barely hanging on all day.” He breathed out a long groan and buried his face in her hair while her body shook again with laughter. “You are a cruel woman.”

  “I suppose that my next task is to change your mind.” She pressed her bottom against his straining breeches. “Tell me how I should do that.”

  “Oh love,” he turned her around and lifted off the chemise, and smiled at his wife clad only in stockings and garters. “Oh love.” He simply stood and stared.



  “Hopeless.” One by one, his shirt buttons were released, then the fine fabric was slipped from his shoulders. Elizabeth kissed his chest, still fragrant with his musky cologne, rubbed her cheek over the dark nest of hair, then gently suckled his small tight nipples. He groaned and laid his cheek on her head while his hands traced over her shoulders, invariably pausing over the scar, and as always, moving him to clutch her and demand a deep and satisfyingly long kiss. Elizabeth’s hands were not idle; they opened his breeches and slipped them and his small clothes down to the floor. They stood smiling at each other, both nude but for their stockings. “You look silly.” Elizabeth laughed and squealed when he lifted her up and onto the bed. “I am supposed to be the one in charge!” She protested.

  “I would like to see you carry me.” Darcy kneeled above her and ran his hands down her body. “Then again, you would likely drop me on my head.”

  “Very likely, and I would be crushed by your formidable weight.”

  “I would like to crush you under my weight right now.” He leaned forward to kiss her and she scooted out, pushing him down on his belly. “Where did you go?”

  “Silly man.” Elizabeth rubbed her hands over his broad back and down his spine to firmly run over his firm, round bottom, then back up and down, massaging away any hint of tension that resided in his body. Darcy moaned.

  “You will have me asleep soon.”

  She leaned and licked his bottom then nipped the flesh, and he jumped. “mmmm, delicious.”

  “Elizabeth …”

  She lay on his back and nibbled on his ear. “Tell me where you want me to touch.”

  “You know where.” He said hoarsely.

  She slipped off and rolling over, Darcy watched her smile and kiss her way down his chest, “Here?” She whispered from his naval, licking the small dent and making him sigh.

  “Lower.” He said hoarsely.

  “Oh.” Moving lower, she kissed between his legs and traced her tongue over his thighs. “Here?”

  “Higher please, Lizzy.” He looked at her. “Please kiss me.” The moment her tongue found his heated velvety skin, he closed his eyes. She could not help smiling as he sighed and sank back in the pillows. “I love this. I will never get enough of this kiss.” Elizabeth pleasured him until a great shiver ran through his body. Darcy opened his eyes and pulled her shoulders towards him. “Come up here.”

  She lay over his chest and kissed his nose. “Why did you want me to stop?”

  Darcy caressed her hair and smiled. “You would do anything to make me happy.”

  Elizabeth laughed and suckled his lips and tongue. “Within reason.”

  He laughed softly. “What would you consider as unreasonable?”

  “Hmm, let me think.” She gasped when he rolled her over so they faced each other. They kissed as he lifted her leg over his hip, entwining their arms and joining their bodies, relaxing into their embrace. “Ohhhhh.” Darcy cupped her breast and kissed it, then suckled as she sighed. He lifted his face to kiss her and moaned softly when her mouth found its way down his throat.

  “Oh love.” He whispered and opened his eyes when she laughed. He thrust harder in response and she gasped then took his face in her hands to kiss his lips. The tempo increased and he rolled them over. Elizabeth laughed when he moved to kiss her throat and tasted a mouthful of hair instead. Frustrated, he pushed it away and stared down at her sparkling eyes. “All I wanted today was to spend every moment being loved by you.”

  “And that was exactly what you received.” She drew his face back down to kiss while they steadily began to move again. She looked into his happy passionate eyes. “This gift was a pleasure to bestow.” They kissed slowly and she ruffled his hair. “Happy birthday, Fitzwilliam.”

  Chapter 28

  “I am sorry.” Mr. Gardiner said to de Bourgh. “I think that it is in Mary’s best interests to return to Pemberley.”

  “Best interests?” He stood and paced the study. “You make it sound as if I mean to do her harm!”

  “No.” Mr. Gardiner sat back and watched his movement. “You admit freely that you have only just realized your feelings for my niece.”

  “Yes, should we not be able to explore this, to develop our feelings? How can that be accomplished from such a distance? At least if she were in London …”

  “She would be left to sit and wait for your attention at your pleasure and convenience. You are returning to Rosings. What will Mary do here? She is not in school. Yes, she could help my wife, but in the meantime, what would she do to occupy her time besides sitting in the window and waiting for you to come? That is not fair to her, and I do not believe it is what you truly want either. You did tell Darcy that you wanted to wait for spring, did you not?”

  De Bourgh threw out his weak argument. “Mrs. Darcy spent a great deal of time living with you before she married Darcy.”

  “Yes, but that is the point, she was living here. Our home, our routine, was hers. She joined us in our social engagements, perhaps looking for a mate, and escaping a home life at Longbourn that was frankly untenable for her. Pemberley offers riches to Mary that we can only wish for here. She has access to an exceptional library, grounds for walking, safety, and not only that; she will have the invaluable education of how to be mistress to an estate.” He smiled kindly. “Captain I am not discouraging your suit, I am simply pointing out the facts to you. I think that you and Mary will be an ideal match. You are both steadfast, and have grown up in lonely circumstances. You found a way to recognition. You have proven yourself and have done very well, even before becoming master of Rosings. Mary has the limitations of her sex and her youth to keep her from succeeding; however, she has grasped the opportunities that the Darcys have given to her with passion. I have no doubt that you will do very well together.”

  “But not until I can devote all of my time to her.” He said softly.

  “She deserves all of your attention, especially at the start of your relationship. And do you not want her to be anticipating seeing you as much as you wish to see her?” Mr. Gardiner smiled. “She is overwhelmed with the knowledge that you like her, what will she do if you proclaim love?”

  “I am not ready to do that yet, sir.”

  “And she is not ready to hear it. That is why I will not allow her to spend six months waiting for the rare visit from you.” Mr. Gardiner stood and put his hand on de Bourgh’s shoulder. “I want you to come together this spring when you can visit her every day, take her around London, and give this courtship the attention it deserves. And I believe that since this was your first thought as expressed to Darcy, you know that it is right.”

  “Is this Mary’s decision as well, sir?”

  “Mary will do as she is told.” Mr. Gardiner said quietly. “She has grown up without any guidance from her parents, and now she has Darcy, and to some extent, me. She has sought our advice. She is not Elizabeth; you cannot look at her sister and think that you will see Mary.” Seeing de Bourgh’s dejection he squeezed his shoulder. “Mary wants to stay.” De Bourgh’s eyes closed in relief. “But she has not the strength to sit and wait, see you and then have to wait again. As I said, she is not Elizabeth.”
  “All or nothing.” His head came up and he smiled. “Very well. I can accept that. I like that. May I write to her, sir?”

  “That is very irregular. You know that a single man does not write to the object of his affection without an engagement in place.” Mr. Gardiner smiled sympathetically when de Bourgh’s eyes cast down. “I will speak to Darcy about this; and recommend that since your intentions are clear, he allow letters to be addressed to Mary. However, you should know that the letters will be shared with all of the family. Keep to subjects that Darcy can read without wishing to strangle you.”

  De Bourgh smiled and relaxed. “No love letters. I can bear that.”

  “NO, NO, LOVE.” Darcy said with a strangled cry. “Let go.”

  “Mamamamaba!” Rosalie proclaimed and grabbed his neck cloth with renewed energy.

  “Rosa!” He said sternly. “NO!” She blinked at him and burst into tears. Darcy sighed and he held her close, rubbing her back while she wailed.

  “Now what do you do?” Fitzwilliam asked anxiously. “Does she understand what you said?”

  “I do not think she knows the word yet; it is the tone of my voice, or maybe my expression. If I say no to her when she is calm and without force, she just merrily continues with her activity.” He bounced slightly and kissed her head. “It is different week to week, we have one behaviour figured and she turns around and has something new. I cannot tell you how many times we have run to check our journals to see what worked in calming her, or what some mysterious symptom that appears actually means.”

  “I am scared to death.” Fitzwilliam cautiously touched her back. “I am afraid that I cannot be like you, Darcy. I will leave it to the women.” He felt the baby tremble under his hand. “She is so small.”

  “Yes.” Darcy kissed her forehead and she sucked her hand.


  Chuckling, he whispered, “Mama?”


  “I thought as much.” He walked around the room. “You know, strangling your father is just not done, dear. No matter how pleasing it is to see Papa’s face turn purple.”

  Fitzwilliam laughed and relaxed. “I cannot believe that Elizabeth has not run in here to rescue you.”

  “No, she trusts me.” He tilted his head when he heard a sigh. “Sleeping?”

  “It seems so.” Fitzwilliam looked at her shyly. “May I?” Carefully Darcy handed her over and awkwardly Fitzwilliam cuddled her. “Oh Lord, help me.”

  “So will you model your parents, leave it to the nursemaid and the governess?” Darcy folded his arms and watched as his cousin stared in wonder. “Never pick her up when she cries, visit for minutes a day, hold her at arm’s length?”

  “no.” He whispered and gently kissed her cheek. “I want to be like you. I will try, even though I know it is not the done thing. I suppose I will not know until the baby is here. Perhaps I can be a bit of both you and Father.” Walking around the room, he moved to the window and watched Elizabeth holding Eva’s arm and walking her slowly around the garden. “Eva is so tired, Darcy. She is truly suffering through this. I fear for her life, I fear for the child.” He looked up and sought his reassurance. “She must be well.”

  “I pray that she will be.” Darcy said helplessly. “Your parents will come soon?”

  “Late next month.” Richard watched the women walking and blinked back the tears pricking his eyes. “How did you survive this? You delivered this child!”

  “Trust me; it was not something I hoped to do. I planned to remain with Elizabeth, but I expected to do that fighting a midwife in her chambers, not in a glade with nothing but my coat to lie on and my pocket knife to …” He saw Fitzwilliam’s face grow white. “I intend to keep her near the house from the last month on next time.”

  “You plan for another.”

  “Of course.” Darcy caressed Rosalie’s back. “I love my wife, it will come one day. It is inevitable.”

  “I think that this will be our only child.”


  “Did you know that she delivered a stillborn boy after Carter died?”

  “No.” Darcy’s brow creased.

  “No, you were not in London when she told Mother.” Fitzwilliam paced. “If she lives through this, I swear, I will never risk her health again, I will never touch her.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  “Darcy, no.”

  “She loves you, Richard; she loves you like my mother loved my father. She would not let him consider not touching her, even after she lost four babies and he could not bear to face losing another or putting her through it again, they continued to love each other.”

  “And she died.”

  “Yes.” Darcy sighed. “There is no guarantee that all will be well, but please, do not let your fear ruin this for both of you. She is probably as frightened as you, and she needs you more. If you have fears, you know there are ways to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.” He blushed and looked at his feet. “I attempt to practice them, but I admit that I often become carried away. However at this point diligence is not necessary. Perhaps after our fourteenth child when she wants to lock me out of her chambers.” He looked up and smiled. “We talk about these things, and share our concerns. Elizabeth will tell me when we need to become serious.”

  “I wish you would be here when it is her time.” Fitzwilliam smiled a little. “I can just imagine what Father will decide is appropriate conversation to distract me.”

  Darcy laughed softly. “Well you can always stay with her.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I do not care to have her cries be the last sound of her voice that will haunt me if …”

  “I understand.” They exchanged glances and looked at Rosalie.

  Fitzwilliam smiled when Rosalie yawned and opened her eyes for a moment. “Hello, little girl.” Looking back out of the window, he saw Elizabeth pointing up at them. Evangeline saw him standing with the baby and smiled widely. Elizabeth said something and both women started to laugh. He chuckled and shook his head. “I am the butt of some joke it seems.”

  Darcy peered out of the window and saw them wiping tears, they were laughing so hard. “It is a good one.” He smiled and clasped his cousin’s shoulder. “Perhaps she is not as ill as your mind tells you. She is tired, she is miserable, she is moody and weary of the process, but she will be fine.”

  “She will.”

  “I am the pessimist in the family, you are the optimist.”

  “That is true; you do have a streak of gloom about you.” Fitzwilliam blinked away the moisture in his eyes. “A cloud that follows you about.”

  “Not lately, have you noticed that we managed an entire visit to London and no major mishaps occurred?” Darcy stood tall, “I am rather proud of that!”

  Fitzwilliam laughed heartily and made a face when Rosalie woke again. “Any minor mishaps?” He whispered.

  “Well, there was the moment when Elizabeth entered my study while I was interviewing my new secretary. He was very surprised when she began searching through my desk and removed a stack of letters, gave an opinion for how to respond to one of them and departed. I watched his discomfort and casually mentioned that my wife’s opinion was often sought.”

  “I bet that he nearly suffered a stroke!”

  “He certainly scrambled to say that he fully understood and thought it was a sensible idea.” Darcy shook his head. “He does not know what he is getting into with Elizabeth. Or me for that matter. He is a man set in the ways of his former employer.”

  “Perhaps he is not the best choice, then. He will forever be saying that is not how it was done with …”

  “That crossed my mind, but he is too good to pass up. Since Elizabeth is forcing my hand …” He laughed at Fitzwilliam’s smile. “It is hard to give up total control, but I know that she wishes it for my well-being.” Sighing, he shrugged. “It was my decision, of course, but she was pleased that I saw the sense in her hopes for me. I will learn to delegate. But I
will remain in charge of it all.”

  “I know; that is why I am not retiring anytime soon. At least in my work, I am the man in charge, until some idiot General orders me to do something.” He glanced at Darcy. “They suggested that I return to battle.”

  “What?” Darcy startled. “Are they serious?”

  “I guess some fool saw me on horseback and thought I looked just fine, and wanted to know why I was not on the continent.” He closed his eyes. “If he had seen me dismount after a day in the saddle and try to walk …”

  “Surely your superiors would say something? They know your condition.”

  “Yes, of course.” He sighed. “It … My injuries are not immediately visible, so it is sometimes assumed that I am shirking my duties or that I am a gentleman’s son who bought my way to the comfortable position I have. It is galling!” He growled and Rosa’s eyes opened. “Forgive me, little girl.” He kissed her and found himself calming. “It is the ones who do not know me.” He sighed and shrugged. “I have never in my life shirked duty, and I earned my rank. I could work behind the lines, I suppose, but that is what I do now. Perhaps it is just someone influential below me who wants to move up.”

  “Could you leave it?” Darcy asked quietly. “Can you afford to live on your pension? This home is yours.”

  “I do not have enough years in yet, but Eva’s money is invested for more income. I have an allowance from Father.” Fitzwilliam raised his head and shrugged. “If push came to shove, I would leave. It is just … I suppose they need experienced leadership. Perhaps I should be flattered.”

  “Perhaps. If you need anything …”

  “I am fine, Darcy. I am just sounding off to you. We have seen too little of each other.”

  “I have missed you as well.” Both men stared at Rosalie. “I feel much better.” He said quietly.

  “I am glad of it.”

  “We will return in March.” Darcy assured him. “And you will be holding a baby in your arms and have a beautiful, happy wife by your side.”


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