Deep Dark (The DeLuca Family Book 3)

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Deep Dark (The DeLuca Family Book 3) Page 17

by Amy Reece

  “But, Momma,” she’d said as she kissed her mother goodbye earlier that morning. “I have to take them for my policeman! I don’t want him to get bored while he watches me. He has to stand in the hallway all day! And when we go to the playground, he doesn’t get to play with anything!” Janey held a bulging tote bag in her hands, stuffed to the brim with the little girl’s daily offering for her assigned officer.

  The worst part was how distant and preoccupied Mac had become since Izzy had been attacked at the restaurant. He’d turned her down the first night when she’d suggested they make love, which was understandable considering her injury, but he’d refused her every night since, saying he needed to be alert. He stayed up late, finally crawling into bed next to her well after midnight, and got up before her alarm went off. She didn’t know what to do or say to get through to him, and was afraid about what it meant for their future. Was this his way of starting to distance himself from her? She knew he loved Janey and would always want to be part of her life, but what if he was already tired of being in a romantic relationship? Her stomach hurt to think about not having him in her life. Why was love so hard? Wasn’t it supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows…at least for a while? They’d barely had any time before life became so difficult. A soft knock sounded on her door, so she plastered a smile she wasn’t feeling on her face and turned. “Come in.”

  Hugh entered, a thick ivory-colored envelope in his hand. “Hey, Iz. Listen, I’ve messed up and I need you to bail me out.”

  She chuckled. “What have you done?”

  He folded his long frame into one of the pretty accent chairs and sighed. “I RSVP’d for this fancy pants lunch the mayor’s giving next Friday, but I can’t make it. I need you to go in my place. Pretty please with sugar on top?” He flashed her a pleading glance from his bright blue eyes.

  “Why can’t you go?” She plucked the invitation from his hand and sat on the sofa to read it.

  “Because Chrissy has the day off and I promised her we’d ride the train to Santa Fe and stay the weekend at the La Fonda. You wouldn’t want me to disappoint my wife, would you? She’s been working too hard lately and we desperately need a romantic getaway. Come on, Iz. Be a pal?”

  “I hate this kind of stuff, Hugh.” She read through the invitation—a $100 per person plated lunch at the downtown Hyatt Regency—and sighed. “But fine. I’ll do it for Chris. You are so going to owe me, big brother.” She folded the invitation and stuffed it back inside the envelope. “The La Fonda, huh? I’ve heard it’s really nice. You’ll have to let me know. Maybe I could convince Mac to go some weekend. We could use some time away.”

  “Yeah, I’ll let you know. Has he had any luck finding the woman who attacked you?”

  She shrugged and stood to retrieve her coffee. “Not yet. It’s really starting to get to both of us.”

  He stood and flung an arm around her shoulder, hugging her to his side. “They’ll figure it out. Mac and Chrissy and Finn won’t stop until they find out who is trying to hurt you.” He let her go and crossed the room to make himself a cup of coffee. “I wasn’t sure about Mac at first, but it’s become pretty clear he loves you and Janey more than life itself. He’s a good man, Izzy. Sorry I was such an ass at first.”

  “At least you didn’t try to punch him.”

  He laughed. “I won’t say I wasn’t tempted, but I’m glad I resisted. It was a lot more entertaining to watch him take down Tony like that than it would have been to be the one taken down. And I’ve no doubt Mac could take any one of us, even Finn with all his cop training. Your boyfriend is a little bit scary.”

  “No, he’s not. He’s gentle and kind, and the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” She ended in a rush, horrified to realize she was crying. She started to leave the office, but Hugh lunged to his feet and pulled her into his arms.

  “Hey, shh.” He patted her back. “I know it’s rough right now, but it’ll be over soon.”

  “What if it’s not? What if they don’t catch her? Mac is barely talking to me anymore, and he doesn’t even come to bed until early morning. I hate this, Hugh!”

  “Okay, I know.” He continued to attempt to soothe her. “Listen. You can’t do anything about the investigation, but why don’t you take the afternoon off and see if Mac can take a couple of hours too? Maybe a little uninterrupted time together—without Janey—would be good for you.”

  “I don’t know if he’ll agree. He’ll probably say he can’t afford to take the time away.”

  “Well, you’ll never know unless you try.” He stepped away and picked up his mug. “You know, I didn’t think you, of all people, would give up so easily on something so important. Huh.” He shrugged as he sipped his coffee.

  She frowned, then squared her jaw and pushed back her shoulders. “Fine. I know what you’re doing, but you have a point. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date to arrange.” She raised her eyebrows at him and tilted her head toward the door.

  Hugh grinned and left, taking his coffee with him.

  Izzy sat at her desk, wracking her brains over how to implement what Hugh had suggested. How in the world could she get Mac to agree to take an afternoon off? She knew she’d never get him to agree to take time off during this investigation, but maybe she could finagle a couple of hours alone with him this evening if she was especially clever and canny. A quick phone call to Chris secured the first and most difficult part of her plan, then another to her Uncle Teddy smoothed the way further. One more phone call, and she was good to go. She finished up a few tasks that couldn’t wait until tomorrow, then cleaned off her desk and locked her office.

  “Malva, I’m taking off early. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good evening.”

  “You too, Izzy. Oh, I hope they find that awful woman soon. You give Janey and that hunky boyfriend of yours my love, all right?” The receptionist bustled out from her desk and hugged Izzy.

  Izzy hugged her back, smiling at the concern the older woman always showed. She’d been with DeLuca Construction for many years—since long before Izzy’s time—and had known all the DeLuca children since they were in diapers. Malva’s change of heart where Mac was concerned also amused Izzy. Once she’d learned he was Janey’s father and why he’d been absent since her birth, she had accepted him wholeheartedly.

  Kelly, her assigned police officer, opened the door for her and then led the way to the police cruiser. Izzy told Kelly where they were headed, then sent a quick text to Mac to let him know she would pick Janey up from preschool so he could come straight home. It was a small fib—for the greater good, she hoped.

  Kelly pulled the police cruiser into the parking lot of the day spa, then waited patiently while Izzy enjoyed several hours of luxurious pampering. By the time she walked back to the car with the police officer, she’d had a facial, deep tissue massage, mani/pedi, and Brazilian wax. She was ready for a romantic evening with the man she loved. They stopped by Bella Marcone to pick up the food Izzy had ordered—a perfect evening didn’t include slaving over a hot stove—and finally headed home. She fixed tea for Kelly and herself after she put the main dish in the oven on warm.

  “Big night, huh?” Kelly asked as she sipped her tea.

  “I hope. It’s been tough lately, you know? Mac’s really stressed.” She refused to meet the other woman’s eyes, choosing to stare into her herbal tea.

  “Hey, I understand. My husband is a firefighter and our schedules can be crazy. He knows your brother, Seamus. They used to be at the same station. Anyway, when we get a night off together, we try to make it special too.”

  “Do you have kids?”

  Kelly shook her head. “Not yet. We’re saving for a house first. I’ll get out of your hair as soon as Mac gets home. I’m sure you don’t want a third wheel hanging around.”

  Izzy excused herself and moved a small table into her bedroom and covered it with a deep blue tablecloth, then set it with two place settings of her good dishes. She fashioned a centerpiece from a few
candles and crystal dishes, realizing it wouldn’t do much for Mac, but she was compelled to create a pretty table nonetheless. She glanced at the clock and grimaced; he’d be home in less than half an hour. She rifled through her closet until she found a slinky black dress that clung to her slim figure and was low cut, then dug through her lingerie drawer until she found the lacy black thong she’d bought on a whim on a shopping trip with Cara and had never had the guts or occasion to wear. Mac was going to have to do some fancy talking if he wanted to get out of taking her to bed tonight! She shivered as she thought of his hands removing the dress and skimming over her body. You’d better hurry home, mister! She spritzed some perfume Mac said he liked, making sure to get it in a few interesting places, and went back to the kitchen to check on the manicotti.

  Kelly looked up as she entered, choked on her tea, and coughed. “Wow. You look amazing, Ms. DeLuca. I guess you weren’t kidding when you said you had a special night planned.”

  “I’m not messing around, that’s for sure. I just hope Mac goes along with it.” She bit her lip as she worried.

  “Well, he’s crazy if he doesn’t.” Kelly stood and crossed the room to put her mug in the sink. “I’ll wait in my patrol car until he gets home. He should be here within a few minutes. I think I better plan a similar evening for my husband soon. It seems like it might be just what we need.”

  She was tossing the salad when she heard the key in the lock. She set the salad aside and went to greet him.

  “Hey, hon, where’s Janey? I figured—” He froze as he caught sight of her coming out of the kitchen. “Oh, my God. You look amazing, Izzy. Are we going somewhere? Did I forget something? I’d rather stay home in the evening until we find the woman who attacked you.”

  She shook her head and smiled, trying to quell the nervousness in her stomach. “We’re staying in tonight. Janey is with Chris and Hugh.”

  “But her protective detail stops at five o’clock. She should be here with me.” His words lacked the conviction they might have held if Izzy had been wearing more clothes. And if she hadn’t stepped as close to Mac as humanly possible and wound her arms around his neck.

  “Do I need to remind you that Chris is a police officer? And Hugh would die before he let anything happen to Janey.” She angled her head to run her lips along his scratchy jaw. “We need some time alone, Mac. Please. This whole investigation and protective detail thing is making us both crazy. I miss you. I miss us.”

  He drew back and stared into her face, his bright green eyes concerned. “Ah, God, Izzy. I’m sorry. I’ve been preoccupied by this whole thing, haven’t I? The truth is, I’m scared shitless by the thought of anyone hurting you or Janey. I’m not sure I can keep you safe. It’s all I can think about.”

  She smiled softly and leaned in to kiss him, putting her whole heart and soul into it. She molded her lips to his, letting her tongue slip between to tangle with his briefly before pulling away. “I absolutely believe in you, Mac. But tonight, for one night, let’s forget about it and focus on each other.” She kissed him again, begging him with her mouth, her lips, to see things her way.

  He resisted for a long moment and she knew he was thinking of all the reasons he should say no and continue his obsessive patrolling and checking of the house. She slid one hand from his neck and covered his heart, feeling how it pounded. He brought his own hand up to cover it as he surrendered to her. His lips took over the kiss, his tongue demanding, taking, as his hand slid from atop hers and curved around her waist and down to her bottom, pulling her hard against him. She felt his desire for her, hard against her stomach, and exulted in it. With his other hand he slipped the spaghetti strap from her shoulder and let his lips wander from her mouth, down her neck, and onto the smooth stretch of skin he’d bared.

  “You smell divine, love.” His hand slid up to cup her breast through the soft fabric.

  “Oh, God, Mac. That feels so good. Please don’t stop.”

  He lifted his head and grinned at her, before sliding the fabric away and replacing his hand with his lips.

  She let her head fall back as she reveled in his love making. “I had planned for us to have dinner first,” she managed to whisper.

  He grunted and managed to pry his lips away from her briefly. “Later.” Then he stood, scooped her into his arms, and carried her to the sofa. “I’m going to make love to you right here. And I’m not going to be quiet about it.”

  He certainly wasn’t. He’d definitely been holding back on account of their daughter sleeping across the hall. He pulled her onto his lap, sliding the dress down to her waist, and filled his hands with her bared breasts.

  An hour later, she lay drowsing against his chest and wondered when he’d covered them with the blanket. “Mac,” she breathed.

  “Izzy. Love.” His voice was gravelly with the aftermath of their loving and his exhaustion.

  “I think we should have dinner now.”

  He chuckled wearily and brushed her hair away from her face. “Give me a minute, okay? I think you might have killed me. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  She pushed herself up and smiled into his handsome face. “You did pretty well for an old man.”

  “Pretty well?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll give you another chance later. Maybe you can make it to ‘really well.’”

  He swatted her bare bottom and swung her off the sofa. “Watch it, brat.” He pulled on his boxer shorts as he spoke.

  She laughed as she searched around the sofa. “Where are my underwear?”

  “I’m not sure this tiny scrap of cloth qualifies as underwear.” He held her black thong dangling from one finger.

  She smirked and took it from him, slipping the lacy fabric over her hips. “You don’t like it?”

  He pulled her into his arms and slid his hands down to run over the thong and all the skin it bared. “On the contrary, I adore it. I think I’ll have it framed and hang it on my cubicle wall. It will remind me of this night.”

  She laughed and danced out of his arms. “Not on your life! Can I wear your shirt?”

  He tossed it to her and groaned in appreciation as she slipped her arms into the sleeves, which hung far below her wrists. He stepped close and rolled them up. When she reached to fasten the buttons, he stilled her hands. “Don’t.” He slid his hands inside to cup her breasts. “This is more fun.”

  “Agreed.” She let him fondle her for several moments, then took his hand and led him to the kitchen. “Time for food. I’m starving.”



  “Here.” Mac set the green and white paper cup on Darius’ desk. “I want to see the security feed again from the night Izzy got hit by the car.”

  Darius glanced at his watch and frowned. “Thanks. Everything okay at home? I was starting to get worried.”

  Mac felt the heat creep up his neck. “Sorry I’m late. Everything’s fine. I just…I mean we…I guess I forgot to set my alarm.”

  Darius narrowed his eyes at his partner. “Hmm. I’ve known you for over a decade and never once have you forgotten to set your alarm.” He raised his eyebrows in appreciation. “I see.” He chuckled and punched Mac lightly on the arm.

  Mac coughed and busied himself sorting papers on his desk. “I think I’ve mentioned before that mine and Izzy’s sex life is off limits. Can you do something useful and get a copy of the security video?”

  Darius laughed and picked up his phone. “Fine. Spoilsport.” He spoke for a few minutes, then grabbed his coffee and left.

  Mac shook his head and rolled his eyes. He had forgotten to set his alarm; Izzy had seduced him so completely he hadn’t remembered. Not that he was complaining, of course. He probably should have had a clue something was up when she texted to tell him she’d pick up Janey, but he hadn’t suspected a thing. He’d been so preoccupied lately with the safety arrangements he hadn’t had much of anything left at the end of the day for Izzy. His mistake had been in assuming she was okay with that
. She clearly wasn’t and he felt like the world’s biggest asshole for making her feel rejected. God, as if he’d ever not want her! He’d thought he was doing the right thing, but he apparently had a lot to learn about Isabelle DeLuca. He’d nearly swallowed his tongue when she walked out of the kitchen wearing that dress. It hugged every curve and pushed her creamy breasts up and nearly out. He loved how it left very little to the imagination, but doubted if he’d ever let her out of the house in it. His big brain had quickly taken a well-deserved vacation and his insistent little brain had taken over. He’d slipped that amazing dress off her, tasting each square inch of warm skin as he bared it. The surprises continued when the dress was puddled on the floor and he caught sight of the lacy black scrap she wore as panties. Good God! Hell yeah! She always wore pretty underthings, but nothing like that thong! Just thinking about it was making him heated and uncomfortable. He’d completely lost his head and taken her on the couch, for chrissake! They’d finally eaten the delicious manicotti while standing at the kitchen counter, digging their forks into the foil dish from her uncle’s restaurant. He’d barely tasted the food, completely distracted by the glimpses of her small, taut breasts between the front panels of his shirt, which she’d donned after they made love. They shared a bottle of dark red wine; he savored the taste of it on her lips as he backed her against the counter and slid the shirt off her shoulders. Making love in the kitchen was a bit of an adventure, but they’d managed well enough. He’d certainly never look at the kitchen table the same way again. They’d shared the cheesecake she’d bought for dessert while sitting cross-legged on her bed, naked. He couldn’t recall exactly how many times they’d made love, but he couldn’t resist one more time when he woke up this morning, the sun just beginning to peek through the shades. They’d fallen asleep afterward, neither waking for hours. All in all, it was one of the best nights of his life. They were both late for work, but it was completely worth it and he was determined to secure more nights like it by making Izzy his wife. He thought about the diamond and sapphire ring he had tucked away in the back of the drawer of the nightstand by his side of the bed; he wanted to propose, but he thought she deserved something better than some sort of post-coital, off-hand proposal. She deserved a fancy restaurant or some special place, bended knee—the works. If he could figure out who was trying to hurt her and put them away, he would plan a special evening for them and he’d pop the question.


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