McKenna, (Sweet Western Historical Romance) (Nevada Brides Series Book 1)

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McKenna, (Sweet Western Historical Romance) (Nevada Brides Series Book 1) Page 8

by Clara Kincaid

  “Do you need any help?”

  “No, I can get it, I think. Would you mind turning your back?”

  Cole smiled and did as she requested. After five more minutes of trying to free herself from the corset, she finally did ask, “Could you help me, please? I’m going to pull my arm out the joint trying to get this off.”

  “Of course.”

  She stood and smoothed down her chemise so it covered her lower body, holding up her nightgown so Cole would be able to get at the corset.

  “Aren’t you going to be a little warm with the chemise and that heavy nightgown on?”

  “You’re right.” She pulled off her heavy nightgown and felt much cooler until Cole began to work on the knot that she most likely had created when she tried to get the corset off herself. Every so often, his warm fingers brushed against her, and she felt it all the way to her toes. Since she had never felt that way before, it really confused her. This was going to be a long night.

  “I think I got it now.” He loosened the strings until the corset fell to her feet. “I don’t know why you women insist on wearing that contraption. You have a nice shape,” he complimented as his hand went to her waist, holding it slightly.

  McKenna’s heart beat madly and she felt weak in the knees. She elbowed him away and bent down to pick up her corset, placing it in a drawer. “Thanks.”

  It was dark outside by then, and McKenna nervously fidgeted with her chemise. She finally went over and slipped under the covers, turning to face the wall. Her breath caught in her throat when Cole sat on the edge of the bed and his boots hit the floor. She ached when she heard his zipper moving down, but then it was silent.

  “I’ll be back. I forgot to speak to Bret about something.”

  McKenna sat up with a jerk. “You’re going to leave me here by myself?”

  “You’ll be fine; just don’t open the door to anyone.” He pulled out a pistol and sat it on the bed. “For your protection, but please don’t shoot me when I come back to the room.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, not knowing what else to say since she didn’t even know how to shoot a gun. They made her nervous. She had even forgotten all about bringing Papa’s gun like Abigail had told her to do.

  When Cole finally left, she fell back to the sheets. She almost regretted that he left. Stop it, McKenna. You simply can’t get involved with this man, even if he is your husband.

  * * *

  Cole went down the stairs. The last thing he needed to do was spend another moment with that temptress who happened to be his ‘in name only’ wife. He about came unglued when he walked into the room and her gown was pulled up nearly to her waist. The sight of her milky skin was more than he could stand. He had to use every bit of restraint he had when he loosened her corset. That wasn’t the only thing he wanted to take off her, but he had promised to leave her alone in that regards. If they were ever truly to be man and wife in a real sense, he’d have to prove to her that he was a man worthy of her affections. It was so much easier back in Ohio when he first proposed the business venture, but he never thought he’d begin to have feelings for her.

  He had to admit he rather liked her spunk when she spoke to Chastity who tried to buy them out. It was nice to know that McKenna was committed to make this work.

  He opened the door to the store and Bret was pouring a shot glass with whiskey.

  “I hope you have another glass,” Cole said.

  “Your wife too much for you tonight?”

  Cole laughed. “Let me just say I never thought this marriage in name only would be so darn hard.”

  “What did you expect? McKenna is quite beautiful. Are you falling for her already?”

  “I’m trying not to feel anything for her, especially as she plans to get out of this marriage when she makes enough money.”

  “Give it time, brother. I’ve seen how the lady looks at you.”

  “Don’t give me any false hope, but sleeping in the same bed is certainly going to be a challenge,” Cole lamented.

  “Just put a pillow or rolled-up blanket between you, so you don’t frighten her if you roll to close.”

  “That might be a good idea, but it won’t help me sleep any better. Did you happen to catch up with the delivery driver to place our order?”

  “I did. I figured you had too much on your mind today,” Bret told him.

  “You have that right.”

  Cole took the shot glass Bret filled for him, slamming it down. He almost enjoyed the burning way the liquor trickled down his throat. It took his mind off McKenna and how her chemise clung to her curves, revealing her pink nipples beneath the thin fabric.

  Stop it, Cole. If you keep thinking like this, you’ll never be able to get any sleep tonight.

  “I should get back. I don’t want to leave McKenna alone too long.”

  “Probably a good idea. Gold mining towns are notorious for attracting the wrong type of men.”

  Cole thanked his brother for the whiskey and he stumbled back to the boarding house. He had to ring the bell to be let inside.

  “We lock the doors at nine o’clock to make sure men from the saloon don’t wander in. I’ll let you in this time since you might not have been told,” the woman who answered the door said.

  Cole went upstairs and grimaced as each one creaked. He didn’t want to wake anyone up since it was so quiet. He slipped into the room, disrobing in the dark. He got into bed between the top sheet and blanket so there’d be a layer between them. He turned away from McKenna, trying to ignore the fragrance of jasmine that seemed imbedded into her skin. Sleep didn’t come easily in his aroused state, but even that eventually was overtaken by exhaustion.


  McKenna yawned. Cole wasn’t in the room, although she could still smell the sandalwood fragrance that clung to the air. It had been hard to sleep without Cole there; she’d jumped at every sound or noise. She was finally relieved when he did come back and actually relaxed when he came to bed. Only then did she allow herself to calm down enough for sleep to be possible.

  She got up and put on a much simpler gown, which she wasn’t so concerned about getting dirty. She also went without the corset since she hated wearing it anyway. Besides, not too many women she’d seen the day before had one on, except for Chastity. It really bugged her the way she had put her hand on Cole’s arm. What shocked McKenna the most was how she felt about it. She saw red and wanted to throttle the woman. McKenna had never felt anything about a man before, so this was new territory for her. Was she falling for Cole?

  Cole came into the room with coffee cups, handing her one. “Are you ready to get started with the cleaning?”

  “I certainly am. I think I’m finally over the shock of how the place looked.”

  “We have a week to get everything set up. Bret ordered supplies to stock the store with last night.”

  “Well, we had better get busy then.”

  They left and had a quick breakfast at the restaurant. When they went into the store, Bret had the coverings pulled off the windows, making it much brighter inside. McKenna went in search of a bucket and came back with it filled with water.

  Cole and Bret worked on constructing shelves from the wood that had been left behind by the previous owner and after hours of cleaning, the section of the store that would be the counter was clean and free of dust. This made McKenna feel optimistic about being able to have the store ready for goods within a week.

  “Looks like your part of the store is nice.” He frowned. “I can’t say so much about my side.”

  McKenna glanced over to where Cole and Bret had been working and could agree since it was layered with sawdust and discarded pieces of wood from all the sawing they were doing over there. “I see. Well, at least you made progress with the shelves. They’ll look great with a little paint.”

  His brow rose considerably. “Oh, about the paint. I don’t think we ordered any. I guess that means we’ll have to head over to Chastity’s store to see
if she has any for sale.”

  McKenna’s shoulders slumped at the mere suggestion that they’d have to go over there for anything. “I suppose you’re right, but I’d hate to see how much that would be.”

  “Let’s go now. We could start painting tomorrow, I think.”

  It killed McKenna that they had to buy paint from Chastity’s store. It would be overpriced and she’d be very smug, too, but McKenna knocked the dust off her dress the best she could and allowed Cole to lead her across the street.

  Chastity was holding up a roll of fabric and showing it to a woman when they walked in, the bell over the door alerting her of their entrance. Chastity handed the fabric to the woman and came over. “Fancy meeting you two over here. Did you give up trying to open a store of your own?”

  “No, but we do need paint if you have any,” Cole said.

  “Of course. Anything for you, Cole.” She sashayed her way across the room where supplies were kept. “I only have white; anything else needs to be special ordered.”

  “White would be fine,” McKenna said.

  She all but ignored McKenna’s presence as she purred, “It costs quite a bit, but I’d be willing to give you a discount, Cole.”

  “No, thanks,” McKenna answered. “We’ll pay your over—”

  “What my wife means is thank you,” Cole interjected with an arched brow.

  “That’s what I thought. Since you’ll be a member of Silver as a business owner, it’s nice to help one another out, don’t you think?”

  McKenna was fuming that Cole was even considering buying anything from this woman. She’d certainly expect something in return.

  After they headed back to their store with the paint, McKenna saw Bret was hanging a banner outside that read, ‘Winters Mercantile Opening Soon.’

  “I wish you had asked me for my opinion on the name,” McKenna said.

  “I didn’t think you’d mind. That’s our last name, after all,” Cole reminded her.

  “That’s your last name. Mine is Jameson.”

  “Not anymore it’s not. You can’t expect me to not name the business that when it’s—”

  “Our last name,” Bret said from his position on the ladder.

  McKenna didn’t say anymore. There was no sense in arguing with Cole when people were glancing over to the red and yellow sign they’d have to be blind not to see.

  Instead, she picked up a broom and swept the piles of sawdust while Cole stayed outside. She was impressed with how much progress the men made. Things were shaping up faster than she thought. When she was satisfied that the floor was free from dust, her stomach growled. It had been a long day of cleaning and she was famished.

  Cole whistled as he walked in the door carrying something. “I went over and grabbed us sandwiches. I figured you might be hungry about now.”

  McKenna took the sandwich. “Thanks. I am.”

  “I hope you’re not too sore about the name of the store. It sounded like a logical choice to me.”

  She sighed. “I suppose it doesn’t matter, but I won’t be your wife forever, you know. Then what?”

  Cole’s face darkened. “I’ll give you your share of the business. You know, the money you gave me to start it.”

  McKenna was livid. “I knew at the bank something wasn’t right when you wouldn’t allow me to pay my part like we agreed.” Tears of anger blinded her. “You’re just like my Uncle Abner.”

  She threw down the sandwich and stomped outside, making her way to the boarding house. When she was in front of the saloon, a bearded man grabbed her around the waist. “A-Are you the new g-girl?” he slurred.

  McKenna socked him in the eye and the man raised a fist to her, but with a rustling of skirts, Bella appeared. “Hold on there, cowboy. She doesn’t work in the saloon. Why don’t you wait inside for me, and I’ll show you a real good time upstairs. It won’t cost you a thing.”

  The man smiled and stumbled inside.

  “Where is your husband? It’s not safe to be walking around by yourself, McKenna.”

  “I-I was angry and I just wanted to go back to the boarding house.”

  Cole came walking up. “Oh, there you are. You can’t be walking around by yourself.”

  “That’s what I told her,” Bella said.

  McKenna watched Cole as his eyes narrowed when he took in Bella’s appearance.

  “He doesn’t think I should be speaking to you,” McKenna said.

  “He’s probably right. I’d be happy to escort you back to the boarding house, though. You certainly shouldn’t be here by the saloon or you’ll be accosted a second time.”

  “What is she talking about, McKenna?” Cole demanded.

  “Nothing,” McKenna said, giving Bella a look.

  “Sorry, but I’m not going to lie for you, McKenna. A man grabbed her, but I took care of it.”

  “Which man?” Cole demanded.

  Bella took a hold of McKenna’s arm and led her in the direction of the boarding house.

  “Wait,” Cole said.

  “I’ll take her back. I think she needs some woman time alone.”

  McKenna tried to see what Cole was going to do, but Bella tugged her along.

  “Don’t worry. Whatever you two were arguing about can be worked out later, upstairs.” She laughed.

  She didn’t think it would be good for anyone to know her marriage wasn’t for real, so she said, “Yes, I was mad that he named our business without even asking me. I’m really not sure how this marriage will work out if he does things like that. He told me if I left, I’d only get what I put in which was nothing. He wouldn’t let me pay my part.”

  “Why would you want to ever leave a handsome man like that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I wouldn’t even have married if my Uncle Abner hadn’t stolen our family store right out from under us when our parents died.”

  “You have family back in Ohio?”

  “Four sisters,” McKenna replied.

  “More like you?” Bella laughed.

  “Not exactly. I don’t think any of us are alike in any way, really.”

  “I should hope not. It would be pretty boring if we were,” Bella said. “I’m sure your husband only said that because he doesn’t want to lose you. Men like to think they’re the only ones who should be making all of the decisions, but it’s a man’s world. I have a good feeling about you two. He sure looked upset when he found out you had been accosted.”

  “I suppose.”

  They stopped walking when they made it to the boarding house.

  “Please, come in,” McKenna invited.

  “I can’t, dear, but take care. I have to get back to work.”

  “H-How are things going for you?”

  “Great. I’m making way more than I ever had. If I save my money, I’ll be able to open my own house. Then I won’t have to be a working girl. I’ll have girls working for me. I’ll only take a man to bed then if he’s really handsome, if you catch my drift.”

  “Good luck, Bella. That would certainly be better than what you’re doing now.”

  “It’s not so bad. Most of the men are really nice … a little dirty, but nice and generous.” She laughed.

  McKenna went into the boarding house, and the woman who usually ran the counter was at the front door, peeking out. She darn well almost hit the woman in the face with the door.

  “Y-You shouldn’t be consorting with a woman like that,” she said.

  “She happened to help me when a man accosted me, I’ll have you know, and she escorted me here so it wouldn’t happen again.”

  “Oh, sorry. I hope you’re okay.”

  “Yes, quite,” McKenna said as she moved past her.

  When she went upstairs and into her room, McKenna stared out the window, watching miners heading into town. They were laughing and must’ve been heading for the saloon or the bank. Once they passed, McKenna walked to the bed and sank on it, burying a pillow over her head. Perhaps Bella was right and Cole just
didn’t want to lose her, but his words really hit a soft spot in her. She still was smarting after what had happened back home with her uncle. She just couldn’t bear for it to happen again. She had to make this work for not only her, but her sisters. They were counting on her, and Cole wasn’t that bad, really. It was just what he’d said that bothered her.

  * * *

  Cole came back to the boarding house and McKenna was asleep. He couldn’t even wake her to ask if she wanted to get something to eat. He regretted what he’d said to her about what would happen if she no longer wanted to be his wife in regards to the store. The look on her face was more than enough for him to know he had hurt her. Who could blame her when that uncle of hers had taken the family business from her? He knew she wanted to make a go of the store for the better of her sisters, who she’d most likely be sending for when things took off.

  It angered him when she defied him about speaking to Bella, but it seemed the vivacious saloon girl had stepped in when he wasn’t there. He should have gone right after her straight away, but he thought she had only stepped outside for air until Bret came in and asked why he was allowing his wife to walk unattended outside.

  After his confrontation with McKenna in front of the saloon, he went back to the store to clean and straighten their living quarters. He’d make it up to McKenna for his words. He had to; he wasn’t willing to let her go.


  McKenna awoke with a start when someone knocked on the door. She pulled herself out of bed and put her ear to the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Bret.”

  McKenna opened the door a crack. “What do you want?”

  “Cole asked me to fetch you. He has a surprise for you this morning back at the store. He told me for you to bring fresh clothing and your toiletries.”


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