Dagger & Deception

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by Jeremy Dwyer

  Potion Voyages®

  Book 3: Dagger & Deception

  By Jeremy Dwyer

  Copyright 2016 Jeremy Dwyer

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except in the case of brief quotations for the purpose of articles or reviews, without express written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real locations, objects, events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and not intended by the author.

  Potion Voyages® is a registered trademark of Jeremy Dwyer.

  (Last Revised Wednesday, February 28, 2018)


  I’d like to thank my wife, Rachel, and our son, Ethan, for allowing me to work the long hours required to write this book.

  Ebook Cover Design was done by http://www.ebooklaunch.com.

  Visit the official website at http://www.potionvoyages.com for more information.

  Table of Contents

  CHAPTER 1: Herald of Danger

  CHAPTER 2: Commander of Ghosts

  CHAPTER 3: Queen of Undead

  CHAPTER 4: Island of the Lesser Thief

  CHAPTER 5: Island of the Greater Thief

  CHAPTER 6: Determination of Youth

  CHAPTER 7: Architects of Safety

  CHAPTER 8: Search for Answers

  CHAPTER 9: Search for Directions

  CHAPTER 10: Mayor in Jest

  CHAPTER 11: Recovery and Interrogation

  CHAPTER 12: Planning to Scout

  CHAPTER 13: Hearts of Evil

  CHAPTER 14: Mother after Daughter

  CHAPTER 15: Search for Advantage

  CHAPTER 16: Venture to Castle

  CHAPTER 17: Venture through Castle

  CHAPTER 18: Subjugation by Blade

  CHAPTER 19: Desires of the Advisor

  CHAPTER 20: Confusion in Darkness

  CHAPTER 21: Clarity in Song

  CHAPTER 22: Illusions of Love

  CHAPTER 23: House of Illusions

  CHAPTER 24: Sword and Quest

  CHAPTER 25: Forest of Illusions

  CHAPTER 26: Dagger and Teacher

  CHAPTER 27: Light against Illusions

  CHAPTER 28: Temple in Darkness

  CHAPTER 29: Prince of Flames

  CHAPTER 30: Master of War

  CHAPTER 31: Revival and Leadership

  CHAPTER 1: Herald of Danger

  At two hundred forty-eight thousand eight hundred thirty-two (248832) years of age, Sava-Tzefanya had far more knowledge than two thousand four hundred (2400) mortal lifetimes combined. He knew ancients traditions and cultures and people, secrets and horrors, and could recall them with ease. His eyes were keen, as well, and he could quickly spot any detail. The waters of the Ursegan Ocean kept him alive all these millennia, slowing down the flow of time through him, and allowing him to see quick moving things progress at a slower pace, as if he had the eyes of an eagle. In fact, it was for this reason that the Ursegan Ocean waters were known as the “time waters.” Sava-Tzefanya was hidden away in a secret location in the ancient City of Emeth since he was twenty thousand seven hundred thirty-six (20736) years old. His own appearance was that of a man of seventy-five (75) years of age, and it was a quite healthy appearance at that, with a full head of white hair.

  Sava-Tzefanya was worried about the Ahitan woman, known to some as Victoria. She was of the ancient Ahitan Empire that survived by a maternal bloodline. Each of their women of a generation would mate with several men, awaiting healthy offspring. Then, the majority of the men of the generation would be murdered, dismembered and their body parts sacrificed to the demon known as Matatirot, the demon of the deep. The blood of the sacrificed men would be drunk in a ritual that was conducted in rough seas at twilight – a ritual that was seen and recorded by several Chroniclers of the Oath, who could safely get close enough. Male children would be used for slaves and occasionally be sacrificed if their number was excessive. Female children would be raised to govern, to build and to lead some of the male slaves in warfare, farming and menial tasks. Their demon gave them magic, and made them mighty in war when it was fought at sea. On land, they could be defeated more easily, where the demon’s power did not exist. They ravaged civilization for a time, with great fleets that fired cannons onto the shores. Their power dominated the world for two thousand one hundred ninety-seven (2197) years, and in those twenty-one (21) centuries they brought pain and poverty and ignorance to the rest of the world. Other matriarchal empires before and since had been prosperous and benevolent, but they had not been given to demons.

  The Ahitan Empire came under attack when their demon was banished by a great power unknown to many, but known to Sava-Tzefanya. That power was a Warrior Angel known as Nalvorel, who conquered the demon Matatirot and banished him to the Maelstrom of Vengeance, binding him for ages. Without the demon’s power, the Ahitan Empire fell to the armies of mortal empires, including the wealthy Jenaldej Empire, and they were assisted by the Hidden Paladins. That ancient order carried the Vague Blade, and delivered brutal justice from the darkness in which they were concealed. In a war that lasted a single year, the Ahitan Empire was all but eliminated one hundred (100) millennia ago, and a mostly peaceful age began. Now, that peaceful age was threatened by the appearance of a new Ahitan woman.

  Sava-Tzefanya also knew of Abaddon, which was just one of the names of an immensely evil and powerful being who architected many dreadful weapons – or taught mortals to do so – and hid them away. One of those weapons was the “ocean tiara”, also called the “tiara of power”. The tiara, when its thirteen (13) blue diamonds were put into place, commanded all the oceans of the world, and brought tremendous storms, as well as calling upon the specific powers of the oceans themselves. The tiara would only work, however, when the world was cool. The presently aligned suns, causing the intense heat wave known as the inferno, made the tiara nearly useless, with only a tiny fraction of its full power.

  Sava-Tzefanya had chronicled many events, but had long since turned from that way of life by the time that the Ahitan Empire arose. He watched them from a distance, and learned from the active Chroniclers of the day, to understand the Ahitan ways, and to find their weaknesses. His ancient mind had a powerful perspective, and was now as strong as ever and more fully informed. He knew where they might hide, and the source of their power. Sava-Tzefanya’s own existence and location were known to only a few, to protect the secrets that he kept, should they ever be needed.

  Among those few who knew of Sava-Tzefanya was Danek, who, at a mere fourteen thousand two hundred fifteen (14215) years of age, had a mature perspective, and knew him as the Old One. Danek had been a Chronicler from the age of forty-one (41) until he was eight thousand one hundred ninety-two (8192) years of age, and then he became an advisor and teacher to the other Chroniclers. He was no longer bound by the Chronicler’s Oath in its entirety, although he was required to always speak the truth and keep confidential those things Chroniclers shared with him that they had learned in confidence. Danek understood many things beyond them, although he was a mere child compared to Sava-Tzefanya. He, too, drank the waters of the Ursegan Ocean to give him his longevity, and his eyes and mind were keen, but not a match for the Old One. Danek had dark skin and the appearance of a man of fifty-five (55) years of age, with mostly dark hair. Danek received a summons by a Hidden Paladin, who guarded the Old One. The Hidden Paladins also knew of Sava-Tzefanya, and protected him and the ancient wisdom that he held.

  In the midst of his own studies, Danek suddenly found himself shrouded in the darkness by one of the Hidden Paladins, who drank deeply of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean. It was for this reason that the Ikkith Tar waters were know
n as the “dark waters” or “shadow waters.” In this darkness, a Hidden Paladin could conceal himself and others, for a time. From this darkness, he could spy on the world around him, and strike the wicked with the Vague Blade, which could cut nearly anything. This particular Hidden Paladin kept the darkness over Danek’s eyes, and then brought Danek to the secret place where Sava-Tzefanya was hidden. The Hidden Paladin then eased his powers of darkness, so that Danek could see and Sava-Tzefanya could be seen, but Danek did not know where he was. Danek then saw the Old One and asked of him: “How may I best serve the truth, according to your wisdom?”

  Sava-Tzefanya answered him, saying: “As I had warned you before, the architect – who also has the name Abaddon – designed the tiara as a destructive weapon and shared this knowledge with mortals. The tiara – with its thirteen (13) blue diamonds in place – has the power to command the oceans. Unadorned, the tiara was of no use, because the thirteen (13) blue diamonds that give it power were removed from it and scattered about the world by the Hidden Paladins. Yet, with those diamonds now put back into place, the tiara will bring destruction by summoning storms and commanding the specific powers of all the oceans. Now, the world must know the danger, lest the world shall be destroyed.”

  “I remember your warning, and have every confidence in what you say. Yet, I feel compelled to ask how the great oceans could be commanded by a device, even one designed by Abaddon?” Danek asked.

  “I don’t claim to understand the mechanism. My many years afford me immense knowledge and experience, but I am no architect, and my spies reported to me that which they saw occur millennia ago. Their account is corroborated by historical eyewitness accounts of the storms that were summoned,” Sava-Tzefanya said.

  “When the diamonds of the tiara were removed, why were they not destroyed along with the tiara, rather than scattering them?” Danek asked.

  “The tiara was dismantled by the Hidden Paladins, who carry the Vague Blade, which can cut almost anything. Yet, some objects prove too strong, even for them. In time, the Paladins learn to forge new blades, stronger than the ones before them. Perhaps, after so many millennia, they are ready to put an end to this weapon,” Sava-Tzefanya said.

  “You said that the Ahitan woman had the tiara, and that she was to be pursued. Has this effort yielded even partial information as to her location?” Danek asked.

  “The Ahitan woman, known as Victoria, is still in possession of the tiara and all of its diamonds, and yet she is in deep hiding. None of my spies or scouts could find her and they have been searching for a year now, since her existence was revealed and since the mortal captain’s successful wager for the ghost fleet. The aligned suns now burn at their hottest, disabling the tiara for the time. This is the time to find her and to strike, giving the greatest opportunity for victory. The powers of the world must be made to know of Victoria and her tiara, and to find her quickly. The tiara must be stripped of its diamonds, and all parts of it must be destroyed, if possible. The Ahitan woman must be killed, or billions (1000000000) will die.”

  “What shall I do? How shall I serve the truth? I am restricted in my speech, as the Oath still partially binds me, by some of its tenets, though not all. All secret confidences I must still keep,” Danek asked.

  “This woman is the servant of a demon, whereas the Oath is of the Eternal Truth and its Creator. Thus, the Oath forbids you from keeping the confidences of demons or their willing minions. Let the world know of the threat, and bring justice in a short time, lest injustice shall dominate, followed by total ruin,” Sava-Tzefanya said.

  “Some of them may want the tiara’s power for themselves. They may not match the Ahitan woman’s evil, but the power would be too great for their failed mortal ethics,” Danek said.

  “Under the heat of the aligned suns, the tiara is powerless at this time. When many of them seek it, some of them shall find it, and, of its possession, others shall know. The ethical will fight to destroy it, and rival those who would covet the tiara’s power. Inform them all, and frighten them all, and pray to the Creator that the just shall find it first.”

  “As you instruct, so shall I serve,” Danek said.

  The Hidden Paladin then shrouded Danek in darkness once more, covering Danek’s eyes and returning him to his place of study in the Library of Tedorik, not knowing where he had been. Then, the Hidden Paladin eased his powers of darkness, and Danek could see his location. The Hidden Paladin then left his presence.

  Danek went to the annunciation room in that same library, where regular pronouncements of information were made to the public because confidentiality of the information no longer applied, or never applied to begin with. Several hundred people were in attendance, including scholars who visited or even resided in Emeth, and many Chroniclers of various ages ranging from nineteen (19) years old to over twelve thousand (12000) years old. Also present were several Obscure Watchers, who hid in the darkness given by the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean that they also drank. They spied on the secrets of kings and world powers, and kept no confidence of anyone, and kept no oath other than to tell the truth. They brought the truth – including knowledge of plans of war and destruction and theft – to the people. For this, they were hated by many of those in power, having thwarted the evil schemes of several would-be despots. For this, they were also loved by many of those who were not in power, having alerted them to the evil schemes of several would-be despots.

  Danek stood at a podium and announced his dire warning to them, saying: “Today, I bring a dreadful warning. The ancient Ahitan Empire, empowered by a demonic being known as Matatirot to whom they make blood sacrifices, is still in the world and seeks to rise again. A woman of their bloodline, by the name of Victoria, is in possession of a tiara. This extraordinary item is an artifact which grants control over the oceans, and its power is given by the thirteen (13) blue diamonds which adorn it. When the seventy (70) suns move out of alignment and, thereby, end the heat wave known as the inferno, then the tiara will have its effectiveness, and give her command over the great oceans. In the hands of the Ahitan woman, this weapon will be used to murder the world by stirring the ocean waters to bring deadly tempests. Victoria must be struck down now, and the tiara must be dismantled and destroyed. While the many suns beat down upon us, however, the tiara has none of its potency, and so this is the time to strike.”

  Several people called out to Danek, asking: “How shall we destroy this tiara? How shall we find this Ahitan woman? Tell us more so that we may defeat her!”

  “The Obscure Watchers and various spies have been searching for her, and have only clues as to her location. Nothing is certain. The help of the world will be needed now, and you must move swiftly. Tell your leaders and your warriors that they must move with great speed,” Danek answered.

  “Give us something!” one of the people shouted.

  At this point, a cloaked figure walked up to Danek, and whispered something into his ear. Danek then turned to the people and said: “There are several hidden places. One of them, however, is the island of Udovedaj-Pren. This is a treacherous location, in the Ikkith Tar Ocean. The approach will be difficult, and requires the utmost skill and good fortune, given the difficulties of navigating those waters.” Danek did not know who that cloaked figure was, and assumed by their attire that he or she was a spy or a scout, who must have led a quiet existence and kept themselves unknown, or at least unfamiliar to most everyone. The cloaked figure moved quickly, and left the room and then left the entire building, and disappeared altogether, without anyone paying much attention. The warning of the Ahitan woman and her tiara of power commanded everyone’s attention, and the news of it spread throughout the entire ancient City of Emeth.

  The gifted musicians, Lady Onora and Daven, and their especially gifted student, Taesa, all came to know of the story.

  Obscure Watchers, ever disseminating knowledge, spread the story across the world.


  The tale reached to the continen
t of Ihalik, and to the Ihalik Empire under the rule of Lycaon, former co-advisor to Emperor Brennius and then advisor to Imperial Prince Leonides, before he assassinated Leonides. Citizens and visitors to Ihalik learned of it, either directly or through the tales of sea travelers.


  Cassius, who was the former co-advisor to Emperor Brennius and then advisor to Imperial Prince Octavian before Octavian was killed by Imperial Prince Emerond, was still staying in a room in a traveler’s inn at a small port town in the continent of Ihalik. He had an assistant, a twenty-four (24) year old woman named Liora who drank the waters of the Kazofen Ocean. These gave her the powers to bend crystal like clay, and she worked to turn crystals into collectors of the great heat from the aligned suns. It was for this reason that the Kazofen waters were known as the “diamond waters.” While she did this work, Cassius would carefully listen to the tales of the travelers who passed through the inn. By this, he learned of the Ahitan woman and her tiara, and he coveted the power it would give him. Still, he knew it was more important to stop the Ahitan woman from using it than to acquire it for himself: their reputation for cruelty was stunning, even to the scheming old man. Cassius was now sixty-eight (68) years old, and drank the waters of the Medathero Ocean, making him exceptionally clever, and capable of calculating competing risks. He had other avenues to power: he very much wanted the tiara for the might it would give him, but would be willing to see it destroyed if that meant a world without the legendary Ahitan horrors.


  Spies for the Jenaldej Empire, whose home was in the continent of Revod, were in attendance for Danek’s announcement. They carried the news home, where it reached Imperial Prince Emerond; the resource coordinator, Nathan; Admiral Gavin; General Cassandra; General Joshua; and many others. The information was not kept secret, and their own citizens, including civilians, were informed. The Jenaldej Empire was particularly sensitive to the Ahitan threat, as they had dealt with it ages ago, and vowed to fight against its return.


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