Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6]

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Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6] Page 30

by Smith, I. J.

  “We slide down right to the power room on the roof of the school. The night sky and rain will cover us. While they are looking outside for us, we will take the fuckers down from inside! “Jack replied firmly.

  Bray looked up at Jack as he wrapped each end of his belt around his hands, gripping them firmly. Without warning, he pushed himself away and slid down along the power cable. Flying through the air, Jack kept swinging his legs for motion, in seconds he was approaching the roof of the school. Raising his legs, he released his grip from the belt and he fell to the school roof. Hitting it hard, Jack grunted in pain. Quickly, he got up and looked back at the others.

  “This is fucking crazy!” Adam said, while undoing his belt and following Jack’s path along the cable.

  While everyone took their turn to slide along the cable, Jack was double checking his sidearm and a small bag of C4 and grenades.

  Bray was shaken from the sliding, but could still see the anger and determination on Jack’s face.

  “Jack?” Bray asked quietly.

  Jack simply glanced up to Bray.

  Kneeling down beside Jack, Bray need to say something to his friend.

  “I know you want revenge; I know you want to kill that bastard. But there are innocent people here, they need our help. So, I am asking you as my friend, are you with us?” Bray asked concerned.

  Jack placed his hand on Bray’s shoulder, “The innocent come first, but after that Bray, please don’t get in my way!” Jack warned him in reply.

  Bray stepped back and after seeing the look in Jack’s eyes, became scared.

  With everyone now safely on the roof, Jack was eager to get moving. Ryan was just as anxious to get revenge. The screams of loud laughter echoed though out the night air; the sounds of the groaning zombies at the fence, and the crying of women also filled it.

  Jack led Bray, Adam and Ryan, moving towards a large green hatch that sat in the middle of the roof.

  “Should we not go through the door?” Adam asked.

  Jack glanced to the door, “No, they will have that guarded. We will open the hatch and drop down onto the rafters into the room below,” he told them.

  The hatch was stiff to move, Ryan and Adam quickly joined to help Jack, and together they cracked it open. With the hatch open, Jack looked inside; he could see water and gas pipes hanging above a tiled ceiling. “That will get us into the room below,” Jack told them while pointing the ceiling tiles.

  Adam went to lower himself first, but Jack grabbed his arm. “No! Me first!” Jack told him.

  With a smile Adam disagreed, “You’re not alone Jack, we’re in this together!” Adam replied.

  Jack let go of Adam’s arm and allowed Adam to continue.

  Adam steadied himself on the largest pipe and moved slowly to reach down to remove a tile, once removed; he could see a large classroom below. Tables and chairs scattered around the room, debris and rubbish piled up. Adam moved quietly, lowering his head he looked around for a sign of anyone, the room was empty. He lowered himself down into the classroom and quickly pulled his gun; he glanced up and nodded, giving the signal to the others to come down.

  Adam stood by the door while the others climbed down, he had the door to the classroom opened a crack looking to see, what was happening outside of it. The sound of women screaming and crying angered him. There was another sound of yelping echoing through the school, and Adam felt the sound cut through him.

  Jack joined Adam, “OK! LET’S GO!” he quickly told them.

  Through the door and walking down the hall towards the stairs, a large ugly red headed man appeared from a room. Jack was quick to rush him, pulling his machete clear, the man attempted to run but Jack swung and sliced into the back of the man’s head. Cracking the skull apart, blood sprayed out. As the body fell, Jack immediately turned his attention back to the room the man had appeared from, he pointed to his comrades and together they entered the room.

  Three men, two stupidly skinny and one massively overweight stood over half naked women.

  “School’s out!” Jack shouted.

  The three men turned. Before they could react, Ryan launched himself at them. Favoring his baseball bat, he cracked it across the face of one man, whose nose exploded. Adam rushed the fat man, but was knocked down; the fat man grabbed Adam around the throat, dragging him back to his feet. Bray dealt with the third, pushing the man against the wall and slicing his knife directly across the man’s throat, cutting deep. Adam was struggling but, seeing Jack about to help him, Adam forced himself to handle it and pushed the fat man back, and knocking the man over, Adam landed on top of him. Adam grabbed the man’s head and started smashing it into the floor, the blood and flesh splattered against the floor.

  Jack checked on the women, “Alice!” he said to one of them.

  Her face was bruised and swollen, her lip was bleeding. Jack knelt beside her cradling her face in his hands. She closed her eyes trying not to cry, but failed. She grabbed Jack and buried her head in his chest and sobbed.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jack whispered, as the others helped the remaining women.

  “Jack, we need to move!” Bray told him.

  Helping Alice to her feet, Jack pulled a small block of C4 from his bag he walked over to the wall that faced the front and stuck it against the brick surface, adjusting the timer to six minutes.

  “Is that enough time?” Bray asked.

  “It has to be!” Jack replied, while rushing past him to lead them out of the room.

  Quickly along the hallway they reached the stairs, two men and a woman were walking up. Jack replaced his sidearm and pulled both machetes.

  “Wait here!” Jack told the others.

  Before anyone could respond Jack was rushing down the stairs towards the enemy, everyone watched as Jack showed no mercy.

  The two men were shocked at the speed of Jack as he swung his machete and sliced across the throat of one man. The blood sprayed over Jack as he thrust his second machete into the other man’s heart. As the bodies fell, Jack turned to the woman.

  “RUN! TELL MACLEOD THE REAPER IS HERE!” Jack yelled at her.

  As the woman ran away screaming, Ryan joined Jack.

  “You’re letting her go?” Ryan asked quickly.

  “We need a way out, trust me,” Jack replied, looking Ryan in the eyes.

  Ryan looked at the blood-spattered face of Jack and replied, “Always!”

  Jack continued to move down the stairs quickly followed by the others.

  The sound of yelping started again; it was painful to listen to.

  With everyone now moving, Jack and Ryan led them to another large room where the noise of yelping was coming from.

  Jack was quick to rush inside, oblivious of any danger and only concerned for the innocent.

  The image he was faced with sickened him.

  Ryan stood by Jack’s side, a tall man was kicking Paige while she was chained to a radiator, the yelping was loud, the cries of a young girl screamed out.

  “Please stop! Please!” the girl screamed.

  Jack could see Kat was tied up and with an unconscious Tommy beside her; both of them were covered in bruises and blood.

  The tall man turned suddenly realizing someone was behind him.

  Jack stood still; Ryan began to approach the man, but was stopped by Jack.

  “Go and find the others!” Jack told Ryan.

  Ryan left the room in anger.

  “Jack!” Kat screamed.

  “It’s okay Kat, I’m here now!” Jack replied.

  Paige was bleeding, her face was cut, and she struggled to stand up, but recognized Jack. In a sad manner, her tail began to wag with the excitement of seeing him.

  “That’s my dog!” Jack calmly told the man.

  The tall man smiled, “It needed a beating!” he snarled.

  “So, do I!” Jack replied.

  The tall man rushed for Jack, a quick punch to the throat made the man drop to his knees struggling for brea

  Jack sheaved his machetes and walked to a nearby table; he picked up a claw hammer and turned back to the man.

  “Kat, close your eyes sweetheart!” Jack told her calmly.

  Jack swung the claw side of the hammer, puncturing through the man’s cheek; Jack then pulled hard removing flesh and the jawbone of the man. As the blood and bone fell to the ground, the man fell back in pain, Jack stood over him.

  “Die slow, you fuck!” Jack uttered to him.

  Paige whined.

  Jack went over to Paige who, even though she was in pain, licked Jack’s face as he untied her.

  Adam and Bray entered the room, looking at the man dying at their feet.

  “Nice!” Adam joked.

  Bray rushed to untie Kat; he then picked up and placed Tommy over his shoulders.

  Jack pulled the last few blocks of C4 throwing a couple to Adam, “Against the outfacing wall!” Jack told him.

  Checking their watches, they set the timers to 3 minutes.

  Jack picked up Paige and began to walk towards the main door.

  “We can’t go that way, they have it covered!” Adam told Jack.

  “I know. Adam, come and take Paige!” he ordered him.

  Adam scooped Paige up into his arms.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Adam asked.

  “Same as always - distraction. When I tell you run for the bus, get onboard and go!” Jack replied.

  “Wait! What about you? “Bray asked while holding Tommy.

  Jack turned to Bray, “I’m the distraction!” he replied.

  “No way, we’re not losing you again!” Bray replied.

  “Besides, there are still people missing,” Adam added.

  “They’re being held outside with Frank,” A female voice spoke.

  Everyone looked to see Zarina who was with the survivors Ryan had found while searching the building.

  Jack recognized the woman, he did not know her name and it took him a second to realize the last time he saw her was when he attacked the parking lot to save Frank.

  “Jack, you’re not alone. We do this together!” Adam told him.

  Jack swallowed his pride and nodded.

  A couple of the woman approached and took Paige from Adam. A young man and a girl appeared and walked over to Bray and took Tommy from him, freeing them both up to fight alongside Jack.

  “Alice!” Jack spoke out.

  She approached Jack, he handed her his sidearm. “When we move you get the others to the bus and drive it to just outside the gate to wait for us.”

  “The bus is the only thing keeping the zombies out,” she replied.

  With a half-smile Jack replied, “I’m counting on it!”

  “Jack, one minute,” Adam told him.

  Before he could react, a male voice shouted out.

  “REAPER! I’M HERE, REAPER!” Macleod shouted out.

  Everyone in the group looked scared, Jack simply looked relieved.

  Kat rushed to Jack’s side, “Jack I’m scared! “she told him.

  Jack pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

  Jack pulled two grenades from his bag.

  “Ready!” he warned everyone.

  Pulling the pins, he tossed both grenades out the entrance and down the steps into the crowd of people outside.

  “FUCK THE MERCY! “Jack shouted out.

  Two explosions occurred, “MOVE!” Jack shouted.

  Pulling his machetes, Jack led everyone outside.

  The group of survivors made a run for the bus while Jack, Ryan, Bray and Adam started to fight.

  As the Mercy tried to gain ground, Jack and his men were firing, easily knocking down the enemy. Jack was only using his machetes and was cutting them down as they rushed at him.

  Bray made a run for the men being held prisoner; they were chained up against the far fence. Frank was the first one to be freed and he wasted no time in giving orders.

  “Get everyone out, now!” Frank ordered Bray.

  Frank took a knife from Bray’s belt and ran towards the fight.

  With the Mercy starting to back up, Adam and Ryan started to move towards the bus.

  “JACK, COME ON!” Adam shouted out.

  Ignoring him, Jack locked eyes with Macleod.

  Macleod smiled; Jack gripped his machetes and ran at him. Before he reached him at the front of the school building, it exploded sending people and debris flying.

  Alice made it to the bus, and quickly got everyone on board. Zarina carried Paige onto the bus and laid her on a seat. Alice jumped in the driver’s seat and wasted no time in starting the engine, driving towards the gates, and smashing right through them.

  The zombies began to pile into the school grounds; some of The Mercy tried to run away, but were dragged down by the zombies who began tearing them apart.

  Jack was lying on the ground, when he lifted his head; he had a ringing in his ears from the explosion. He looked around, debris and bodies scattered the ground of the school, he could see the swarm of zombies approaching. He began pushing himself to his feet.

  Before Jack could steady himself, he was kicked back down, a large bald man stood over him. He had angel wings tattoos on his head.

  “So, you’re The Reaper?” The man snarled.

  Jack looked at him, “Macleod…” he muttered under his breath.

  Suddenly Jack moved like the wind, back to his feet and attacking Macleod. They both had dropped their weapons in the explosion, so they attacked each other with fists flying.

  Jack launched a combination of punches at Macleod, opening up a fresh cut above his eye, and sending Macleod staggering back. Macleod renewed his attacked-on Jack, shocked by his strength. Macleod hit Jack hard, giving up no ground, and Jack took the barrage of punches, his face swelling and bleeding from the fresh cuts.

  Jack slipped sideways and kicked at Macleod knee, a loud cracking noise echoed out, Macleod fell to the ground.

  “Time to die you fuck!” Jack told him.

  Jack walked to his machetes which lay nearby; he picked them up and was suddenly shouted at.

  “Jack! Jack!” Kat shouted out.

  Looking over to the sound, Jack could see her lying on the ground; he could see a large piece of metal lodged in her leg. Kat was crying out for him, Jack held his machetes, his heart wanting to save Kat, and his need to kill Macleod was tearing him apart. He could see the zombies getting closer to Kat; Jack glanced over his shoulder to see Macleod dragging himself away.

  Jack sheaved his machetes and ran for Kat, “I got you!” he told her.

  Lifting her up, he turned as a zombie launched itself at him. The zombie stopped inches from his face, its body pulled back. Jack now faced Frank who stood with his knife covered in blood.

  “Thanks!” Jack told him.

  “Come on, we need to get out of here!” Frank told him.

  The three of them made a run for the bus which was waiting for them outside the gates; they were joined by Adam, Bray and Ryan.

  They all made it, and together they left the school area on the bus.



  As the school collapsed behind them, the bus drove away towards freedom. The sounds of crying filled the bus. Alice was still driving, Jack stood over her, “Just keep going down this road,” Jack told her.

  Alice glanced up at Jack, “Thank you,” she said quietly.

  Jack knew what had happened to her and had no idea what to say. Put him in a fight, and he was fine, but not with things like this.

  Jack kneeled next to her, “I never asked about Zack,” he said to her.

  A tear ran down her face, Jack had noticed her husband was no longer around, he had guessed something bad had happened while he was gone.

  “Three months ago, we were reinforcing the fences and…and…he didn’t make it,” Alice struggled to say.

  Jack gently touched her shoulder, not knowing what to say. He simply stood up and walked away.

bsp; Bray was tending to Kat, Jack joined him to help. Kat was lying on the seat. The shrapnel deeply embedded in her leg. Jack feared pulling it out in case it had hit an artery, but he knew he had little choice.

  “Kat, this is gonna hurt. Take my hand and squeeze as hard as you can!” Jack softly told her.

  Kat gripped his hand, she closed her eyes, the fear he saw in her face upset Jack.

  Without warning he pulled the piece of metal out fast, no blood sprayed out and Jack was relieved; it was a good sign. Kat squirmed in pain. Jack pushed small cloth against her wound. Kat opened her eyes, tears rolled down her cheeks. Jack leaned in and whispered in her ear, “You’re OK!”

  Bray took over from Jack; he had the medical kit and began patching her leg.

  Jack looked over to Tommy who was just coming around; he was dozy and looked ashamed.

  “Tommy, you OK?” Jack asked.

  Looking up at Jack, Tommy did not reply.

  “Hey Kid, there was nothing you could do!” Jack reassured him.

  Tommy nodded his head as Jack patted him on the shoulder and moved on towards the back of the bus.

  As Jack walked the length of the bus, people kept grabbing his hand and thanking him, the look of relief in their faces would forever be etched in his brain. He approached the back of the bus; Zarina was sitting with Frank, who was resting his head on her shoulder.

  As he approached them, a strong hand grabbed his arm.

  Jack looked down to see a familiar huge smile and happy eyes staring at him.

  “Eddie!” Jack said to the man.

  Jack felt ashamed, he had returned and never realized Eddie was there, deep down Jack believed he would never had made it.

  “JACK!” Eddie shouted with happiness.

  “How are you, big man?” Jack asked.

  Eddie laughed; Jack was amazed by his innocence, and even with the bruising on his face, it did not destroy Eddie’s natural happiness.

  “I’m good!” Eddie replied happily.

  Jack continued his walk to Frank and Zarina, as he got closer Jack noticed how pale Frank was, he was heavily sweating and struggling for breath. Zarina looked scared.

  “Frank, you look terrible, did you get hurt?” he asked.


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