Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6]

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Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6] Page 34

by Smith, I. J.

  “Besides, I am staying close to you. You are a crazy fucker! I like you!” Jacob added with a smile.

  Jack laughed.

  Sarah grabbed a towel from the cage floor and threw it at Jack.

  “You might want to clean up first,” she told him.

  “Why, I’m just going to get messy again!” he replied.

  Raven stepped forward; she picked a small piece of bone off his shoulder.

  “Clean up, please,” she told him while dropping the bone to the floor.

  Jacob walked passed Jack, still smiling, “I really like you!”

  Jack wiped his face with the towel, while the others uncovered the main door and disappeared from sight.

  Looking down at James’ mangled body, “Alina,” he muttered to himself.



  Ray held Kat’s hand tightly. They were still in the motorhome surrounded by the men who took them. They had been driving for a while now, they both stayed quiet as the men celebrated around them. Ray was paying attention to the three large white boxes the men had carried onto the motorhome; he was surprised by how careful they handled them.

  “HIT IT!” A man screamed out.

  Kat looked up; a man stood looking out the front window. She could make out the shapes of zombies in the road through the windshield; the man was encouraging the driver to hit them, like it was a game.

  “They’re going to kill us,” Kat whispered to her grandfather.

  “No, if they wanted that, they would have done it by now,” he replied.

  A large, built man sat in the passenger seat watching at Ray and Kat. He locked his gaze on Kat and began to smile, suddenly he stuck his tongue out and gestured a licking motion.

  Kat looked at the floor in disgust. The large man stood up and approached them.

  He grabbed Kat by the hair, “Look at me! When it happens, I want you to scream and call me daddy!” the large man ordered her.

  Ray struggled, “Get your hands off her, you scum!” He shouted.

  The large man laughed, “Don’t worry grandad, there are a few lads here who will love that wrinkly ass of yours!”

  Ray tried to move towards the man, but was immediately kicked down by the others. The laughter shouted out as Kat begged them to stop.

  “You can make me stop at any time,” the large man said with a creepy voice.

  Kat glanced over at Ray getting kicked by the men.

  “Please, stop!” she said. The men carried on kicking him. “PLEASE, DADDY STOP!”

  The large man smiled and gestured to the men to stop kicking Ray. He grabbed Kat by the hair again; he pushed her head back and licked her face, from her chin and up her entire face.

  “Good girl!” he said to Kat.

  Kat cried as Ray struggled to grasp her hand again; his face was bloodied and swollen.

  “Jack will come!” he whispered to her.

  The motorhome came to a sudden stop.

  “HOME SWEET FUCKING HOME!” A man screamed as they started to exit the vehicle.

  Kat and Ray were both dragged out of the motorhome, towards a large wooden building. The sound of the water from the river could be heard, the building backed onto a wooden decking that sat over the river. Ray noticed a large black sign on the building, ‘THE RIVERHOUSE’ it read.

  Ray took notice of several large trucks, 4x4’s and motorbikes parked around the building area.

  Carrying three white boxes, the men looked excited. They entered through the main entrance. As they walked inside, Ray and Kat took note of the surroundings and saw it was very posh. Chairs were covered in beautiful red velvet; the place was covered in fine dark wood. Everyone seemed to take care not to trash the place. Three small children, two girls and a boy were sitting at a table in the corner of the room. Kat looked over and quickly noticed that their legs were tied to the table.

  “What is this place?” she muttered.

  “Just keep your head down,” Ray warned her.

  A tall tattooed woman stood by a large four poster bed that sat in the middle of the room. Ray frowned when he saw it. In this luxurious restaurant, he thought, why would there be a bed in the entry way?

  The men with the boxes approached the tattooed woman.

  “Did you get them?” she asked.

  “Of course, but he was not very co-operative. I am afraid he is now out of business,” one of them answered with a laugh.

  “I hope you bought the merchandise back,” she said while inspecting the boxes.

  “Of course, being brought in now.”

  The doors opened again and in walked a man holding a young boy, he was no older than seven and it made Ray mad. Ray had to hold his tongue, so much of him wanted to scream and shout at the scum that surrounded him.

  “PUT IT WITH THE OTHERS!” The tattooed woman shouted out.

  She looked up towards Ray and Kat. “Who are they?” she asked.

  “A prize, they were at the trading post. James took a liking to the girl, but some prick gouged his eye out,” a man answered.

  “James is dead then?” she asked.

  “Probably, we never waited to find out.”

  A coughing noise suddenly echoed out through the room. It was coming from the bed.

  The tattooed woman rushed to grab at the boxes, she ripped them open. Ray was surprised to see they contained vials of medicine, what looked like morphine. Bandages and tape fell to the floor as the woman quickly rushed to the bed; she disappeared behind the white curtain. Moments later she reappeared.

  Ray took this to his advantage.

  “I was a medic in the Army, I can help!” he said.

  The tattooed woman turned to him.

  “Why would you help?” she asked.

  The woman smiled as she walked towards him, “I asked why you would help?”

  The room went quiet, Ray looked around.

  “My granddaughter, I just want you to let her go,” he replied.

  The woman laughed, “No, we cannot do that. She is already a prize for one of the men. You see that is how it works here. You keep what you win.”

  She stopped and looked around, “But don’t worry, you can have one of the younger ones,” she added.

  Ray suddenly looked scared; Kat noticed the fear on his face.

  “FUCK YOU!” Kat screamed out.

  Laughter echoed out around the room.

  Before anyone could say anything, the white curtain around the bed moved and another person appeared. The person stepped out, the hair on its head was patchy, and its face was covered in red scars and white blisters. The arms were burnt so badly, that large puss nodules were forming from the infection.

  The room went silent once again.

  “That’s not very polite!” the burnt person said.

  By the sound of the voice, they figured out it was woman. Her appearance was disfigured beyond being recognized.

  “We welcome you into our home and you say fuck you!” she stated.

  The burnt woman walked towards them, she wore only a long t-shirt. Her legs were not burnt and she walked barefoot.

  “I feel so much better now!” she said touching the face of the tattooed woman.

  The crying of the young boy started again.

  “SHUT IT UP!” The burnt woman demanded.

  Approaching Kat and Ray she attempted smile but winced in pain as her skin split and blood seeped from her open wound.

  “My friend will come!” Kat said in fear.

  “He will come and kill all of you!” she said harshly.

  The burnt woman laughed.

  “Is he a hero? Is he a champion? A hero did this to me,” she said to Kat.

  The crying of the young boy started up again.

  The noise was beginning to annoy the woman, “QUIET!” She screamed.

  “Listen, you ugly bitch, you don’t scare me. Let us go NOW!” Kat shouted at the burnt woman in reply.

  The burnt woman smiled, “Oh you are a fighter

  “Never a victim! Always a fighter!” Kat replied.

  The woman smiled, “I like that!”

  “My friend told me that, and yes he is a fighter!” Kat told her.

  The cries of the boy continued, the woman walked over to him.

  “Are you a fighter?” she asked the boy.

  He stood in front of her looking scared.

  “Don’t be scared, we are all family here,” she told him.

  The woman stroked the boy’s face and walked around him, she had a strange smile on her face. She stared at Kat and Ray. Suddenly she twisted the boy’s head. The sound of his breaking neck echoed out.

  Kat started to cry, Ray placed his arms around he trying to comfort her.

  “Your friend can come, when he does he will find only evil here!” the woman told Kat and Ray.

  She walked over to face Kat, pushing Ray away and grabbed Kat by the face.

  “I am Alina, and I never die!” the woman whispered to her.



  The dead eyes of a zombie stared at Tommy; he froze as it approached him. Usually zombies did not scare him, but this one was different. The rotting corpse that approached him was one of a slim tall woman, long brown hair and wearing a flowery dress.

  “Mum!” He muttered to himself.

  Suddenly, a blade pierced through the zombie’s head. Tommy watched as the zombie dropped to the ground and no longer posed a threat. He just stood there staring at it.


  “TOMMY!” Jack shouted twice.

  Jack grabbed Tommy by the arm, “Come on!”

  Pulling Tommy along, Jack moved towards a beautiful black modern car. Jacob sat in the driver’s seat, while Sarah and Raven were dealing with a few roaming zombies. Jack dragged and pushed Tommy into the car. Jack pulled his machete, swinging out slicing through the skull of a zombie. The head split in half and as the skull fell, the brain dropped out onto the ground. Jack watched with a smile on his face, as Raven stamped on the brain, much to his amusement.

  “I think it’s already dead,” he joked.

  “Just making sure,” she replied with a big smile.

  Sarah jumped into the car, quickly followed by Raven. Jack kicked back one more zombie and slammed his blade into its head.

  “Come on, you crazy fucker!” Jacob shouted out.

  Jack quickly joined them; he sat in the passenger seat as Jacob sped off.

  “You might want to use the lights,” Jack suggested.

  “Good idea!” Jacob laughed.

  Jack looked around to the back seat, he looked at Tommy.

  “What the hell was that?” he asked.

  Tommy looked pale, he was white as ghost.

  “Nothing!” he replied sternly.

  Jack stared at him for a moment and then simply shook his head.

  They drove towards the river, as they drove Jacob and Jack took notice of the bodies of zombies that were splattered all over the road.

  “Looks like something from Mad Max!” Jacob joked.

  Jack glanced at him and gave a half smile.

  “So, your Max right? Jack asked.

  Jacob laughed aloud. “NO! NO! My friend, you are the Max, but I think you’re much crazier than that man!” he replied.

  Sarah and Raven both laughed at Jacob’s comments.

  Jack glanced back at them.

  “I’m not that bad!” he joked.

  Sarah and Raven looked at each other and pulled a sarcastic face.

  “Your worse, you’re evil!” Tommy suddenly said.

  Everyone in the car went quiet, Jack looked at Tommy, but he was just looking out the window. Jack decided to leave it and simply looked ahead as the car continued its journey to save their friends.

  “We are nearly there,” Jacob told them, breaking the silence.

  “Turn the lights off!” Jack told him.

  They approached a small roundabout, Jacob drove on through.

  “Stop! Find somewhere to park up,” Jack told him.

  “Why?” Jacob asked.

  “Just stop!” Jack demanded.

  Jacob quickly parked the car up on a pavement. Jack jumped out first. Sarah was quick to follow him.

  “Jack!” she shouted.

  Jack just walked away back towards the roundabout. Sarah followed him and then he vanished into the trees.

  “Where are you going?” she asked loudly.

  But Jack made no reply.

  Raven rushed to join Sarah.

  “Where is he?” she asked.

  Sarah shrugged and pointed towards the trees.

  “He ran off into the trees, over there!”

  “I told you, he is crazy,” Tommy said behind them.

  Both women turned and looked at Tommy in disgust.

  “What’s your problem with Jack?” Raven asked him.

  Tommy turned and walked back towards the car. Sarah rushed up behind him and grabbed his arm.

  “She asked you a question!” Sarah snapped at him.

  Tommy shook his head. “We were OK before we found him, we were safe. Now he is with us, there is nothing but death!” he replied.

  Sarah let go of him, he walked back to the car and waited.

  “What did he say?” Raven asked.

  Looking over at Tommy, she shrugged.

  “That boy has issues.”

  Suddenly a rustling noise sounded from the trees. Sarah and Raven watched as a skinny man with a bald head and narrow shoulders came flying through the bushes and landing on the ground. They could see the man’s face was bleeding. Jack then appeared from the bush.

  “Who’s this?” Jacob asked.

  “A lookout,” Jack simply replied.

  Jack grabbed the man and dragged him over to the boot of the car; he opened the boot and threw the man inside. While the man lay in the boot he began begging.

  “Please, please, let me go. I’ve never hurt anyone!”

  Jack began to punch the man repeatedly.

  “Stop it!” Tommy shouted out.

  Jack looked up and glanced at Tommy.

  “If you can’t handle this, maybe you should just wait here,” Jack replied.

  Tommy walked towards Jack. He noticed Tommy was uncomfortable, he was sweating heavily. This made Tommy feel worse, he was always concerned about the way he looked. He always felt less of a man and believed everyone judged him by his size.

  “Yeah, I should stay, right. The fatty is not able to cut with you, is he?” Tommy ranted.

  Jack tried to place his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, but Tommy pushed him away.

  Getting tired of this and knowing they did not have much time; Jack had to get this problem sorted out.

  “Tommy, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but this is not the time!” Jack told him gently.

  “Kill him!” Tommy said suddenly.


  “Kill him; he took Kat, so kill him!” Tommy told a worried looking Jack.

  Jack grabbed him by the arm. In that moment, Tommy swung out and punched Jack in the head. Jack stepped back; he touched his head and looked at Tommy firmly.

  “OK, if that’s how you want it,” Jack said quietly.

  He stepped towards Tommy, but Sarah and Raven rushed to stand between them.

  “Out of the way!” Jack told them.

  “Calm down, this is just an emotional time,” Raven tried to calm Jack.

  “Move!” Jack demanded.

  Sarah and Raven stepped way and allowed Jack to approach Tommy. He stood nose to nose with him.

  “Go on! Get it out of your system. Hit me, do it!” Jack told him.

  Tommy stared at him.

  “Come on, we have enough to do,” Jacob said.

  Both Jack and Tommy stayed silent and stared at each other.

  “Come on Tommy-boy, hit me!” Jack taunted again.

  Tommy suddenly tried to punch Jack, but Jack was too fast and easily made Tommy miss. Jack g
rabbed Tommy by the collar and pushed him against the car.

  “OK, you want him dead!” Jack said.

  Tommy glared at Jack.

  “I’m not doing your dirty work!” Jack told him.

  Jack held Tommy with one hand, as he reopened the boot. He pulled his machete free and forced it into Tommy’s hand. He then forced Tommy towards the man in the boot.

  “Go! Do it!” Jack told him.

  Tommy raised the machete and stood over the man.

  “Come on Tommy, be a MAN. Do it!” Jack said.

  Tommy stood shaking with the machete in his hand.

  Raven stepped forward, but Jack raised his hand at her, telling her to stop, Sarah pulled her back.

  “Come on, Tommy. It’s easy, just sink that blade into his chest and then you’re a man. Who knows, maybe Kat will notice you then!” Jack continued to taunt him.

  A few tears ran down Tommy’s face.

  “If you think this will make you a man, then do it. Come on, Tommy!” Jack said.

  Tommy looked at Jack, tears in his eyes. He stepped back and Jack grabbed the machete before he dropped it. Jack then placed his arms around him, Tommy cried into Jack’s shoulder. Sarah, Raven and Jacob wandered away to leave them alone.

  “It’s alright!” Jack murmured to him.

  “Now what’s this all about?” he asked.

  Tommy looked up and wiped his eyes.

  “I’m sorry! I am!” he said though the tears.

  “Speak to me, please. I am sorry if it is something I have done!” Jack replied.

  “No, you have been kind. You saved us from those bikers. This is my problem to deal with,” Tommy said.

  Jack shut the boot and leaned against the car.

  “Tommy, you know I was an orphan, I grew up in foster and care homes. I never had a family, only the Army. Then, I met this crazy old man and his granddaughter who travelled with the sweetest kid, I mean man, I have ever met. You’re a brother Tommy, my brother!” Jack gently said to him.

  Tommy smiled. “You really are a brother to me, aren’t you? You’re all my family, more than my blood family was!”

  Jack frowned; this was the first time Tommy had ever spoken of his family.

  “Tell me about them!”

  “I was in college, studying art when the Outbreak began. Me, my mother, father, and two sisters locked down the house and we tried to wait it out. After a while we had to move, we ended up in this camp. One night it was overrun by zombies. I am not light on my feet and not very fast, as you can see. They left me; my family watched me trying to keep up. They got into a car and drove away, they just left. Ray appeared and saved me,” Tommy told him.


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