Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6]

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Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6] Page 36

by Smith, I. J.

  “Oh, shut up you big girl!” Jack joked in reply.

  Jack began to walk towards the river, followed by the others. Suddenly Raven slipped on some wet grass and fell down into a hole. Raven screamed out in pain, not loud enough to be heard by the living, but by the roaming zombies who all turned towards them.

  “Shit, take care of them!” Jack ordered Jacob and Sarah.

  Jack rushed to the side of the hole, “Raven?” he shouted down.

  “I’m here!” she replied in pain.

  Jack never hesitated and immediately lowered himself down into the hole, it was only about five feet deep, but it was very wide. Raven lay in the center, holding her stomach. Jack rushed to her side.

  “Hey, It’s OK!” he told her.

  He noticed the scratches on her face from the fall. It was dark and Jack was finding it hard to see if she was hurt. He felt for her hands, and noticing how wet they felt. As he held one of Raven’s hands, it felt sticky, and he knew it was blood. He moved one hand away from her stomach and found a rusty metal rod sticking through her side. He looked around could see this was a trap for animals.

  “Shit!” he whispered.

  “That bad then?” Raven asked.

  Jack held her hand. “No, I’m just upset I got mud on my jeans,” he replied.

  Raven began to laugh, but it soon turned to painful cries.

  “Hey, hey, hey, stop it. I need you to be still and talk to me,” Jack told her.

  “Jack, I’m a nurse. I know how bad it is,” she told him.

  “Then you cannot be very good, because this is nothing,” he reassured her.

  Raven struggled but gave a smile.

  “You’re a good man,” she told Jack.

  “There are plenty of people out there that would disagree with you on that!” he remarked.

  “Then they are idiots, Elle is lucky!” she replied.

  Jack gripped her hand and with his spare hand placed it on the metal rod. He smiled at her.

  “I’m the lucky one!” he said.

  “So, what kind of nurse are you?” he asked.

  She began to answer as he pulled the metal rod from her side, the pain was unbearable and she wanted to scream as loud as she could. But Jack quickly pulled her close to him, allowing her to bury her head into his shoulder. They sat there for a moment while she cried against him. He lifted her chin up with his hand and looked her in the eyes.

  “Told you!” he remarked.

  She smiled as she laid back. Jack tore a large strip from his shirt, revealing his shoulder and arm muscles. Raven noticed the scars on his body.

  “So, you were Army, right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, since I was 16!” he replied.

  She reached out and touched a smooth scar on his shoulder.

  “That’s a bullet wound!” she stated.

  Jack glanced at the wound. “Yeah, occupational hazard,” he replied with a smile.

  Jack placed pressure on her wound and tied his torn piece of shirt around her waist. He tied it tight, making her wince in pain.

  “OK, that’s the best I can do till I get you back to the others,” he told her.

  Raven grabbed his hand.

  “The kids!” she said.

  Jack scooped her up into his arms.

  “I’m not going anywhere without them. I promise!” he told her.

  He lifted her out of the hole, onto the ground and climbed out behind her. He turned to see Sarah and Jacob taking care of the last zombies.

  “Raven!” Sarah shouted out as she rushed towards them.

  “I’m OK!” Raven replied.

  Jack looked at the train yard and looked up into the sky; the sun was beginning to rise.

  “OK, you two wait here!” Jack told Sarah and Raven.

  “WAIT!” Sarah shouted.

  Jack turned to face her.

  “You can’t go in there alone!” she told him.

  “He won’t be alone,” Jacob added.

  “Raven needs you; we will get the kids and meet you down by the main road. Find cover and wait for us,” Jack told her.

  Before she could reply, Jack and Jacob disappeared running towards the river. Sarah turned and rushed to Raven.

  “Come on!” she told her, while helping Raven to get up.

  Together they headed towards the main road.

  “Shit I knew this would be cold!” Jacob moaned.

  He and Jack had walked into the river and started to move towards the train yard.

  “Stop moaning, you will soon be warm again!” Jack remarked.

  “Are you offering me a cuddle?” Jacob replied.

  Jack looked at him. “Only if you buy me dinner first!” he winked at him.

  Jacob laughed.

  They reached the edge of the fence. Jack lifted the bottom of the wire fence from the ground, to crawl under.

  “OK, come on,” Jack muttered.

  Jacob quickly crawled under the fence; he turned and held it up, allowing Jack to climb underneath.

  “You look really Badass with half your shirt missing,” Jacob remarked.

  Jack frowned as he looked at him.

  “Don’t worry you’re not my type,” Jacob said, smiling at the look on Jack’s face.

  Jack still frowned but simply smiled.

  “So ‘The Reaper’, cool name!” Jacob said.

  “Yeah, a friend gave it to me,” Jack replied.

  “The Reaper.... You’re gonna be famous man,” Jacob added.

  There was no reply; Jacob looked to see Jack running off towards the building. Jacob watched as Jack sneaked up behind a large man smoking. The sound of cracking echoed out, it made Jacob shudder knowing the cracking noise was the man’s neck being broken.

  “I’m glad I am on his side,” Jacob muttered.

  He looked over to see Jack disappear.

  “So, do I just wait here?” Jacob muttered to himself.

  A bright light followed by a loud explosion echoed. Jacob looked up to see several men and women running from the building.

  “WHAT THE FUCK!” Jacob said aloud.

  He watched as Jack appeared from the shadows. Jack pulled both machetes from his belt and rushed at the men. Jack sliced his machete across the stomach of one man and buried his other machete into another’s chest.

  “OH SHIT!” Jacob said, stunned at the sight.

  He could see Jack kick out at one man; sending him flying into the building. A woman jumped on Jack’s back, he raised his arm over and grabbed her by the hair and threw her across the muddy ground. Jack kicked her in the face; he swung around with his machete cutting through the leg of another man, almost slicing it in half.

  Jacob started to be sick again.


  Suddenly the remaining men and women ran off, jumping onto motorbikes and into cars. Jacob watched as a biker raced passed Jack. He sliced his machete through the air, decapitating the man. Then, Jack stood there catching his breath.

  “NEED A HAND?” Jacob asked.

  Jack looked at him as he slid his machetes back into the pouches.

  “Come on!” Jack told Jacob.

  Jacob followed him into the building, it was a large warehouse. A large truck sat in the corner; it was the only one that the rear door was closed.

  “Over there!” Jack pointed.

  Together they walked over, Jack pulled a metal bar that locked the door and pushed the shutter up. A sudden scream echoed out, Jack watched in amusement as a boot was thrown at Jacob, hitting him in the face.

  “Motherfu...” he started to shout.

  “Sshhh, kids!” Jack pointed smiling.

  “We’re friends of Sarah and Raven,” Jack spoke out.

  Jacob was busy holding his bleeding nose.

  A pretty woman stepped forward.

  “Rain?” Jack asked.

  She nodded in reply, the kids were all holding onto her legs.

  “OK, wait in there and we will take you to them!”
Jack told Rain.

  “Jacob go and start the van, I will open the warehouse doors,” Jack added.

  “Smash me in the face and I am their fucking chauffeur,” Jacob groaned as he walked away.

  Jack opened the large doors; he looked outside to see two men that he attacked, trying to crawl away. Jack stepped outside and walked over to them, one of the men had his leg hanging by a strand of flesh.

  “PLEASE! NO! PLEASE!” The man begged.

  Jack stamped on the man’s neck, crushing his throat into the ground, blood spewed out of the man’s mouth. The other man tried crawling away faster; Jack grabbed him by the leg and dragged him over to the fence. Jack grabbed a length of rope and tied the man up, against the fence.

  Jack then whistled out, “DINNER TIME!”

  The man screamed for mercy. The truck drove out and Jack quickly jumped in the front with Jacob, before he shut the door he looked around outside. He had a feeling he was being watched. Shaking the feeling off he slammed the door shut.

  As the truck drove away, they passed the far side of the building but, never noticing the red paint on the wall. A large red circle with the letter M painted inside.



  Jacob drove the truck towards the meeting point with Raven and Sarah. Jack was not surprised when the motorhome came into view. Ray stood outside with his rifle waiting for their return, Sarah emerged from the motorhome.

  The truck came to a stop, Jack jumped out and walked round the back, he pushed up the door. Rain and the children quickly rushed to the back of the truck, for freedom. Rain was being careful, looking around until the moment Sarah appeared and then she went crazy with excitement. Rain jumped off the truck and started to run and threw her arms around Sarah, the pair cried as they held each other. The children shouted in excitement, shouting out Sarah’s name. Jack and Jacob helped the children down, every child they put down all ran with joy to Sarah and Rain. Ray joined them; he placed his hand on Jack’s bare shoulder.

  “You OK?” he asked.

  Jack tilted his head in response.

  “We have some food cooking, who here is hungry?” Ray asked the kids.

  “Come on!” Sarah shouted.

  Sarah and Rain led the children to the motorhome.

  “How’s Raven?” Jack asked.

  “She will be OK, she is resting,” Ray replied.

  “Jacob, could give me and Jack a moment please?” Ray asked.

  With no comment, Jacob looked at Jack and then walked away, towards the motorhome. Ray looked around making sure no one could hear him.

  “I saw you!” Ray said.

  “Good for you!” Jack replied sternly.

  Jack turned his back on Ray. Without warning Ray grabbed Jack and slammed him up against the truck. Jack did not respond.

  “Ray! Out of respect for you…” Jack began to say.

  “Shut up!” Ray said firmly, stopping Jack from finishing his words.

  Jack stared at Ray.

  “I saw you, I saw ‘The Reaper’!”

  There was an eerie silence between the pair for a moment that seemed to last forever.

  “I have seen the man you are and the man you can be. There will be times when The Reaper is needed, but you are a man of honor and need to find the balance,” Ray told him.

  Jack remained silent; he frowned as he stared at Ray.

  “You’re the son I always wanted, but I can’t have you around Kat when you’re like that. You talk about Elle and your other friends, but do you really think they want The Reaper or Jack?” Ray finished.

  He let go of Jack and backed off. Jack stood perfectly still, he never replied. Kat appeared.

  “Hey!” she said out as she threw her arms around Jack.

  Jack cuddled her back while keeping his eyes on Ray, as he held her he nodded to Ray.

  Back in the motorhome Raven was being squeezed by the children.

  Tommy was handing out cookies and chips to the children.

  “We need to get back to the others!” Sarah said.

  Raven smiled in reply. With Jack driving the other truck, they drove back to where they all first met, to the bus. As they drove along the road, Jack looked lost in thought. As they approached he noticed the bus was now back up, onto the road.

  Randy, Chris and Jeff were standing in the road. They watched as the motorhome and truck arrived. The children rushed to their side, happiness bloomed all around them. Jack stayed in the truck for a moment. Kat appeared at the side window.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked.

  Jack opened the door and climbed out, without warning he cuddled Kat. She looked concerned. Tommy appeared.

  “Oh sorry!” Tommy said.

  Jack reached out and pulled him into the cuddle.

  “I love you both, I hope you know that!” Jack told them.

  They both looked at him, with concerned for Jack. They watched as he walked away. Ray stood talking with Sarah. Jack walked up and placed his arm around Ray, with a half-smile on his face.

  “Sarah has offered for us to go with them!” Ray told Jack.

  “You should, you take Kat and Tommy and go with them,” Jack replied.

  “What about you?” Sarah asked.

  “I have to find Elle and the others, they are the closest thing to family I have ever had,” Jack replied.

  Jack squeezed Ray. “You should go!” Jack told him as he walked away.

  Jack walked over to Raven who was being helped by Rain.

  “Told you!” Jack said with a smile.

  Raven smiled. “You did and I am fine!” she laughed.

  Rain hugged Jack.

  “Thank you!” she said as she kissed Jack on the cheek.

  “I will give you two a minute!” Rain added as she walked away.

  Raven held out her hand, Jack quickly took hold of her hand and they began walking towards the bus.

  “You are a good man, a special man, but you carry too much guilt!” Raven told him.

  “Really?” Jack joked.

  Raven stopped and turned to face him.

  “Yeah, you take on everyone’s problems and don’t worry about yourself. I know you won’t come with us, so go and find your friends and maybe we will meet again!” she finished.

  Jack put his arms around her, she kissed him on the cheek. Their eyes locked and Jack kissed her on the forehead. Raven struggled with leaving him, but walked away alone.

  “Well I kicked your ass when we first met, so I am one up!” Sarah said as she laughed.

  Jack laughed as he looked at her.

  “Come on, I hate goodbyes, so a kiss and a cuddle and then we part ways!” Sarah said.

  Jack and Sarah hugged as the children were getting on the bus.

  “Bye Jack!” Sarah whispered to him and kissed him on the cheek.

  Sarah ran off towards the bus.

  Ray stood with Kat and Tommy looking at Jack.

  “You will be safe with them!” Jack told them.

  “We’re not going with them!” Ray replied.

  Relief could be easily seen on Jack face as he looked at them.

  “We’re family Jack!” Tommy added.

  Kat smiled. “Yeah, you’re my big brother, right?”

  Jack smiled wide at them.

  “Well, I am going with them; they will need me!” Jacob informed them.

  Jack turned to look at him.

  “You are one crazy bastard, but you are my friend!” Jacob told him.

  “And you’re a cry baby!” Jack joked.

  Both men laughed aloud as they embraced each other.

  “This is not goodbye, we will meet again my friend,” Jacob replied.

  Jacob walked off to the bus. Jack, Ray, Kat and Tommy waved off their new friends.

  “So, what now?” Kat asked.

  “Now we find the others!” Ray said.

  Kat and Tommy rushed off to the motorhome. Ray and Jack began to walk back together, s

  “I don’t like it, you know. I don’t like being called ‘The Reaper’!” Jack suddenly said.

  “I know! I have always known that. I just wanted you to know it too,” Ray replied.

  “Come on!” Ray continued.

  Jack and Ray walked back to the motorhome and they drove off in the other direction. Setting themselves on a journey to look for Elle, Frank, Bray and the others.











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