A Home with the Rancher

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A Home with the Rancher Page 16

by April Arrington

  The room, like the rest of the lodge, was beautiful and spacious. Thick wood beams supported the high ceiling, and large windows cloaked with floor-length curtains lined the far wall. A stone fireplace faced a king-size bed on an opposing wall and a wide cherry dresser sat beside it.

  She walked across the hardwood floor to the dresser and smiled, letting her fingers drift over a pair of Mac’s sunglasses, a small pile of coins and the weather-beaten watch he wore when he worked. She moved further down the dresser and a flash of light, bouncing off a silver picture frame, caught her eye. Stopping, she lifted the frame and studied the photograph.

  A woman smiled back at her, her long brown hair straight and sleek, her cheek pressed to Mac’s. Her arms were looped loosely around his shoulders and her manicured nails rested on his broad chest—a deep pink, just as the girls had described.


  Dani’s throat tightened. She touched a fingertip to Mac’s smile. They both looked so young. So happy. And Nicole was more gorgeous than Dani had imagined.

  She drew in a shaky breath, her cheeks growing wet as she stared at Mac’s wife, an unwelcome stab of envy piercing her. Mac deserved to be this happy again. Deserved to be able to love a woman he could trust implicitly. A woman who wouldn’t deceive him as she had.


  She froze. The door thudded shut then Mac’s footsteps approached.

  “I was just—” She winced at the hoarse sound of her voice, her hands trembling around the frame. “I’m sorry. I was just looking around and saw it. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

  His big palm covered hers, tugging the frame from her.

  “She was beautiful.” Dani looked down and twisted her hands, trying to still them. “And Jaxon looks so much like her. You must have loved her very much.”

  His arm brushed her middle as he reached out and pulled a drawer open. He placed the picture, face-down, on the bottom then pushed it shut.

  His hands cupped her hips, tugging her around to face him. “Look at me.”

  She swallowed hard against the knot in her throat and lifted her head. His green eyes examined her face then he brushed his lips across her cheek, his tongue touching her tears. He followed their trail to the corner of her mouth, kissing her softly and cradling her face in his hands.

  His low voice moved over her, his broad chest vibrating against hers. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Inside and out.”

  Pleasure stole through her and settled right beside the pain.

  He smiled. “I’ve never loved a woman as much as I love you.”

  She melted against him, her hands curling tight into his shirt. “I love you, too.”

  Weaving her fingers through his hair, she pulled his mouth back down to hers. His tongue parted her lips and delved inside, sweeping softly against hers. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest and she struggled to find the words. The ones she needed to say before this went any further.

  His callused fingers slipped beneath the thin straps of her dress and slid them slowly over her shoulders then down her arms. Her skin heated beneath his touch.

  “Mac. I need to...”

  He tugged her dress down to her waist then unclasped her bra, baring her breasts. Lowering his head, he kissed the hollow at the base of her throat then followed the curves of each breast. His mouth continued caressing, enveloping a hardened peak and drawing deeply.

  Crying out softly, she tipped her head back and cupped his face. The muscles of his strong jaw moved rhythmically against her fingers, sending another wave of heat through her.

  “Mac, please.”

  He stilled against her then raised his head and focused on her face. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She smoothed her thumb over his reddened mouth, preparing to deliver the truth. To explain. To beg for forgiveness. But the thought of hurting him...

  And the thought of him stopping—of his warm, solid strength leaving her—was too painful to face.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  He lowered his blond head back to her breasts, then removed the rest of her clothing, his mouth tasting each inch of skin he exposed. She did the same for him, her palms smoothing over his broad chest, lean hips and muscled buttocks.

  He moaned then wrapped his arms around her, lifting her against him and walking them to the bed. Covering her, he nudged her thighs apart then pressed his hips against hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist and welcomed him in, his hard body stretching hers tenderly and filling her completely.

  His broad chest brushed against her breasts with each of his gentle movements and his mouth returned to hers, tasting and teasing.

  Dani hugged him close and her body tightened around him, the emotions he stirred within her building so much she couldn’t contain them. He joined her, his muscular frame shuddering against her, then rolled to his side and took her with him.

  He tucked her head beneath his chin and she pressed her cheek to his chest.

  “You were right,” he whispered.

  Her heart still beat heavily in her chest and she took a moment to catch her breath. “About what?”

  He kissed her forehead, his lips smiling against her skin. “You fit perfectly...right here.”

  She closed her eyes and pressed tighter against him, wanting to stay there forever.

  His legs entwined with hers and his hands smoothed over her back in large circles. Eventually, his arms relaxed around her and his breathing grew deep and even.

  Dani listened to the strong beat of his heart beneath her cheek. She thought of how sweet the air was in Elk Valley. How it filled her lungs and renewed her mind when she played baseball in the field with Jaxon. And she thought of Nadine and Maddie, recalling how comforting the girls’ weight felt propped against her chest when she read to them in bed.

  Her arms tightened around Mac, the fear of hurting them—of losing them—making her tremble. A phrase, repeatedly stabbing her on the inside, fought its way to her lips.

  “Please forgive me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Mac blinked then stretched, satisfaction coursing through his veins and the distant echo of lively music looping in his mind.



  His arms stilled over his head, her soft feminine moan turning his heart over in his chest and conjuring up all sorts of naughty thoughts. Ones which, if last night was any indication, would be a magnificent mix of sexy and sweet.

  He looked down and smiled. She was sprawled across his middle, that soft silky hair of hers spilling over his abs and one long graceful leg draped over his hips. And it took everything he had not to roll her to her back, slide down her beautiful body and coax her awake with his tongue.

  Instead, he supported her with his hands, slipped slowly from beneath her then lowered her gently to the mattress. She sighed and shifted to a more comfortable position, settling back into sleep.

  A swell of pleasure unfolded in his chest then traveled down his body. Damn, she was beautiful. More beautiful than ever, sleeping in his bed, making love with him. Loving him.

  He laughed softly, happiness in every fiber of his being. She loved him. Had become his best friend. Lover. And as soon as he could talk her into it, his wife.

  The thought made him smile more and he left quietly for the bathroom, fighting the urge to crawl back into bed and make love to her all over again.

  He showered and shaved. Dressed, then tugged on his boots. All the while, humming under his breath and making plans.

  She’d want an outdoor wedding. He was absolutely sure of that. But would she want to have the ceremony in the afternoon or evening?

  He grinned. Evening. A clear night sky filled with the bright stars she’d admired at the overlook.

  They’re so close, it’s
like you can touch heaven.

  She’d sure felt like heaven in his arms last night, her soft curves cushioning his hard angles and her body wrapping tight around him.

  Home had never felt so good.

  He grabbed his watch from the dresser, kissed Dani gently on the cheek then lingered by the door, savoring the intoxicating reality of her in his bed. In his life. In his heart.

  Fastening his watch around his wrist, Mac winced at the time. Eight fifty-five on a Monday morning. He hadn’t slept this late in years and it’d put the routine of early morning work squarely on Cal, Tim and Nate’s shoulders. He’d have to haul ass to prepare for the big client scheduled to arrive at nine then hustle to catch up on the chores he’d fallen behind on.

  Mac smiled wider. It’d been worth it. He checked on the children, finding Nadine and Maddie snuggled together, snoring on the unbroken bed. Jaxon was awake. He stood by his bed, still in his pajamas, and rubbed his eyes.

  Mac tapped his fingers on the doorframe. Jaxon would make an excellent best man. He and Nate could share the role. “Morning, bud.”

  He smiled groggily. “Morning.”

  “Feel like helping me show this bigwig around today?” Mac asked. “He’s supposed to be here any minute and I’m running behind. It’d be great if you could help me out.”

  “Yeah.” Jaxon perked up, his eyes becoming more alert, and darted off toward his closet.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs,” Mac said.

  He left and stepped briskly down the staircase, whistling as he took in the view. The sun shined through the floor-to-ceiling windows and the mist over the mountain range was lighter than usual. The high rocky peaks, colored green with trees and vegetation, rose proudly toward the clear blue sky.

  His chest swelled. Elk Valley had never looked so powerful.

  The waiting room wasn’t overly crowded but it was full. Ann glanced over her shoulder from behind the reception desk. She spoke on the phone but smiled when she saw him then motioned toward several couples who were lounging on the new furniture and admiring the view. There were more guests checking in than he could ever recall having seen on a Monday morning.

  Busy, she mouthed, excitement in her eyes.

  He nodded, laughing softly.

  Bright light spilled over the hardwood floor as the door to the front entrance opened then disappeared as it slammed shut. Nate rounded the reception desk and stopped at the end of the hall just as Mac reached it.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” Mac said, grinning. “Hope I didn’t put you out this morning.”

  Nate frowned, his expression distant. “What do you mean?”

  Mac glanced at his brother’s rumpled clothing—the same outfit he’d worn at last night’s party—then the rumpled disarray of his hair. “You didn’t stay on the ranch last night, did you?”

  Nate avoided his eyes, ducking his head and edging past him. “No. I went out for drinks after the party wrapped up.” His face flushed and he gestured over his shoulder. “Your guy just pulled in behind me. Limo. Expensive suit. You were right about him having money.”

  “Nate.” Mac studied the hard set of his jaw. “What’d you get up to last night?”

  “Nothing.” He walked off and ascended the stairs. “Can’t talk right now. I gotta clean up then lead a trail ride in half an hour.”

  Mac rubbed his hand over his forehead. What the hell had Nate gotten himself into now? He rarely came home but when he did, it always seemed like he left behind another mess.

  The front door opened again and a man entered. Tall, gray-haired and well-groomed, he was the epitome of the wealthy businessman Mac had imagined.

  Mac moved forward, meeting him halfway and holding out his hand. “Mr. Vaughn?”

  “Daniel, please.” The man smiled, cordial and sincere, then shook his hand. “And you’re Mac Tenley, I presume?”

  “I am.” Mac smiled back. “It’s good to have you here.”

  “Is that him, Dad?”

  Jaxon walked around the desk, expression curious as he studied the man at Mac’s side.

  Mac motioned for him to come closer. “Daniel, this is my son, Jaxon. He’s gonna help lead your tour today.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jaxon.” Daniel held his hand out, chuckling when Jaxon shook it vigorously. “I’m honored to have you show me around.” He leaned down and whispered, voice teasing. “You can point out all the fun spots that stuffy adults like me haven’t noticed.”

  “Do you like to fish?” Jaxon asked eagerly. “Cuz my Uncle Nate showed me a special fishing hole up at Sugar Falls. We caught a lot of trout there. I can show it to you, if you don’t mind walking a ways.”

  Nodding, Daniel straightened. “Oh, I’d enjoy a good long walk. Especially across a stretch of land as magnificent as this.” He gestured toward the mountain range, visible through the windows. “The photographs didn’t do this valley justice, Mac.”

  Mac voiced a silent thanks to Jack Austin. He was the best walking advertisement Elk Valley had ever had. “Jack told me he was spreading the word about Elk Valley but he didn’t mention he was passing around pictures, too.”

  Surprise crossed Daniel’s face. “Oh, I didn’t get them from Jack.” He laughed. “Though he has heaped tons of praise on Elk Valley to anyone willing to listen. One of my agents took photos the last time he came out. I could see how much potential there was here but I expected it would take a lot more effort to overhaul the place. And when I heard how well the ranch was doing again, I had to come see it for myself.” He glanced around the waiting room then looked up at the high ceilings. “You’ve got a gorgeous piece of property here. I’m not surprised that Danielle stayed for so long.”

  “Danielle?” Mac frowned, eyes scanning the group of guests on the other side of the room. All of them were new and Jack’s team was the longest reservation they’d had. He didn’t recall a Danielle among them.

  Daniel held up a hand, a wry look in his eyes. “Sorry. Dani.” A small smile appeared. “She never did take to her given name and avoids it every chance she gets. It’s the tomboy in her, I suppose.” He glanced back out the large window, nodding toward the valley. “Which makes perfect sense why she fell in love with this place. I knew she would. And I understand now why she was so intent upon closing this deal herself.”

  A deal?

  Daniel. Danielle. Dani.

  Mac’s mouth ran dry as the names tangled in his mind, forming knots. He forced himself to speak. “Tell me... Daniel. What kind of business are you in?”

  He faced Mac again, his brow furrowing. “Real estate.”

  A chill crept into Mac’s veins, freezing his blood and forming blocks of ice in his heart. “And what is Dani to you?”

  Daniel slid his hands in his pockets slowly. “She’s my daughter.” He scrutinized Mac’s face, confusion darkening his eyes. “And one of my best agents.”

  Mac turned his head and stared out the window at the landscape Daniel had just admired. The same one his daughter, Danielle—Dani—had complimented.

  His eyes traced the high peaks of the mountain range, her voice whispering through his mind.

  You told me once that a stranger wouldn’t know how to protect these mountains. But I do.

  Throat closing, he surveyed the valley where Cal assisted guests in packing their backpacks for a hike and Tim saddled horses for the next trail ride.

  If you’re willing to take a chance and change, I can turn this place around.

  His mouth opened soundlessly on a wave of pain. She’d intentionally deceived him in order to take his land. Every word she’d spoken had been a lie.

  He raised his eyes to the sky, his vision blurring.

  Ask me what I see.

  His eyes burned. He could still feel her hands on him. Taste her on his tongue.

  It’s like you can touch heaven.
br />   “Dad? Is he talking about our Ms. Dani?”

  The wounded tremble in Jaxon’s voice made Mac’s gut heave. He clamped a hand over his mouth.

  Dani. Danielle. He’d trusted her. Confided in her. Invited her into Jaxon, Nadine and Maddie’s lives. And now...

  Rapid footsteps approached from behind then halted abruptly a few feet from him.

  Mac dragged his hand from his mouth then looked to his right. There she stood. In the dress she’d worn last night, her long hair mussed, cheeks flushed and mouth still slightly swollen from their passionate kisses.

  He called her name. Tested it on his tongue. “Danielle Vaughn.”

  Her shoulders shook. Her hands twisted at her middle. The truth was right there, reflected in her eyes. And Mac’s heart crumbled to pieces.

  * * *

  “I’M SORRY.”

  Dani winced at the inadequacy of her words. They sounded weak and empty. Just like the lies she’d told. The ones that had multiplied so many times over she could no longer count them.

  The idle chatter in the waiting room gradually quieted and the phone rang persistently in the background. Mac stood still, his eyes burning into her. Jaxon, tears brimming in his eyes, looked from her to Mac then back again.

  “I’m so sorry.” Dani’s stomach churned. “Mac—”

  “I want you off my property.” Mac grabbed Jaxon’s arm and led him away.

  “Ms. Dani?” Jaxon reached for her as he passed and she moved to take his hand.

  “Don’t.” Mac stepped between them and nudged Jaxon toward the hallway. “Go upstairs, Jaxon.”

  “But, Dad—”

  “Go upstairs and stay there with your sisters.”

  Jaxon walked slowly around the reception desk then to the hallway, looking back at them with every other step.

  Jaw clenching, Mac looked at her father then motioned toward the door. “I believe you know the way out.”

  He turned on his heel and left, disappearing down the hall into a room on the right.

  “Dani, what did you do?”

  A familiar wave of humiliation returned at the disapproving sound of her father’s voice. “I lied to him.”


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