by Ron Chernow
17. Ibid., 240. Letter from Orville E. Babcock to John McDonald, July 14, 1875.
18. NL. OEBP. Box 1. Letter to Thomas C. Fletcher, October 1, 1877.
19. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 119–20.
20. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:788.
21. PUSG, 26:233. Letter from William D. W. Barnard, July 19, 1875.
22. Ibid., 232. “Endorsement,” July 29, 1875.
23. Ibid., 233. Letter from Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow, July 30, 1875.
24. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:789. Diary entry for September 17, 1875.
25. PUSG, 26:284. Letter from Secretary of the Treasury Benjamin H. Bristow to Bluford Wilson, August 9, 1875.
26. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 198.
27. PUSG, 26:374. Letter from William L. Burt, October 21, 1875.
28. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 385.
29. PUSG, 26:377. Letter from David P. Dyer to Edwards Pierrepont, November 29, 1875.
30. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 30, 1875.
31. PUSG, 26:379. John B. Henderson, Closing Arguments, December 3, 1875.
32. Ibid., 384. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 10, 1875.
33. Ibid., 380. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 7, 1875.
34. Ibid., 378. Hamilton Fish diary entry for December 3, 1875.
35. Ibid., 430. Letter to Annie Campbell Babcock, December 17, 1875.
36. U.S. Congress, House Testimony Before the Select Committee Concerning the Whiskey Frauds, 44th Congress, 1st session, House Miscellaneous Document 186, 366.
37. Chicago Inter-Ocean, February 8, 1876.
38. McFeely, Grant, 413.
39. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 219.
40. PUSG, 27:139. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 6, 1876.
41. Ibid.
42. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:802. Diary entry for February 6, 1876.
43. PUSG, 27:23. Letter from Horace Porter, February 4, 1876.
44. Ibid., 45. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 8, 1876.
45. Ibid., 46.
46. Ibid., 27–28. “Deposition,” February 12, 1876.
47. Ibid., 35.
48. Ibid., 223. “Testimony,” Edwards Pierrepont, March 23, 1876.
49. Ibid., 139. Hamilton Fish diary entry for February 14, 1876.
50. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 247.
51. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 11.
52. U.S. Congress, House Testimony Before the Select Committee Concerning the Whiskey Frauds, 44th Congress, 1st session, House Miscellaneous Document 186, 369.
53. GPL. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.” HGP.
54. PUSG, 28:164. “Order,” March 1, 1877.
55. Ibid., 27:142. Hamilton Fish diary entry for May 15, 1876.
56. Ibid., 137. Letter from Benjamin H. Bristow, June 17, 1876.
57. Ibid., 136–37. Letter to Benjamin H. Bristow, June 19, 1876.
58. Ibid., 185. Letter to Benjamin H. Bristow, July 12, 1876.
59. Ibid., 146. Hamilton Fish diary entry for October 12, 1876.
60. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 36.
61. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 192.
62. Stevens, Grant in St. Louis, 133–34.
63. “Stories of Grant.” Chicago Daily Tribune, April 12, 1885.
64. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:417. Diary entry for July 5, 1875.
65. Young, Around the World, 379.
66. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 182.
67. PUSG, 26:133–34. Letter to Harry White, May 29, 1875.
68. Ibid., 129. Letter to Edwin Cowles, May 29, 1875.
69. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 186.
70. Ibid.
71. McFeely, Grant, 426.
72. PUSG, 27:124. To the Editor, Sunday School Times, June 6, 1876.
73. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 270.
74. Ibid.
75. PUSG, 26:343. “Speech,” September 29, 1875.
76. Ibid., 344.
77. “A Presidential Reformer.” The Catholic Record, April 1876.
78. Cramer, Ulysses S. Grant, 151.
79. PUSG, 26:387. “Annual Message,” December 7, 1875.
80. Ibid., 388.
81. Ibid., 293. Letter from William H. Harney to Gov. Adelbert Ames, September 6, 1875.
82. Ibid., 295. Telegram to Adjutant General Edward D. Townsend, September 8, 1875.
83. Ibid., 296. Telegram from James Z. George to Edwards Pierrepont, September 9, 1875.
84. Ibid., 297. Telegram from Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 11, 1875.
85. Ibid. Telegram from Gov. Adelbert Ames to Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 11, 1875.
86. Ibid., 312. Letter to Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 13, 1875.
87. Ibid.
88. McFeely, Grant, 421.
89. PUSG, 26:314. Telegram from Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont to Gov. Adelbert Ames, September 14, 1875.
90. Ibid. Telegram from Attorney General Edwards Pierrepont, September 16, 1875.
91. Lemann, Redemption, 125.
92. PUSG, 26:315. Letter from Gov. Adelbert Ames, September 30, 1875.
93. Lemann, Redemption, 140.
94. Ibid., 132.
95. Ibid.
96. Ibid., 133.
97. Ibid., 137.
98. Ibid., 146.
99. Ibid., 148.
100. PUSG, 26:320. Letter from Hiram R. Revels, November 6, 1875.
101. Lemann, Redemption, 166.
102. McFeely, Grant, 424.
103. Lemann, Redemption, 167.
104. Ibid., 136.
105. Ibid., 137.
1. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:775. Diary entry for April 29, 1865.
2. McFeely, Grant, 433.
3. Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser, July 27, 1875.
4. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:806.
5. PUSG, 27:68. Testimony by Orvil Grant before a House committee examining expenditures in the War Department, March 9, 1876.
6. “The Week.” The Nation, March 16, 1876.
7. “A Trait of Grantism.” New York Tribune, March 10, 1876.
8. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 432.
9. Ibid.
10. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 190.
11. Smith, Grant, 594.
12. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 125.
13. PUSG, 27:53. Letter to William W. Belknap, March 2, 1876.
14. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 191.
15. New York Herald, March 3, 1876.
16. PUSG, 27:55. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 3, 1876.
17. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 293.
18. PUSG, 27:77. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 5, 1876.
19. Randall, The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning, 2:443. Diary entry for March 2, 1876.
20. Hamilton, Amos T. Akerman, 96.
21. PUSG, 27:56. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to U.S. Senator John Sherman, March 4, 1876.
22. Ibid., 57. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 7, 1876.
23. Ibid., 59. Hamilton Fish diary entry for March 21, 1876.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:808. Diary entry for March 31, 1876.
27. PUSG, 27:61. Jeremiah Black, Closing Argument, July 24, 1876.
28. The New York Times, July 12, 1876.
29. PUSG, 27:183. Hamilton Fish di
ary entry for July 10, 1876.
30. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:829.
31. Young, Around the World, 288.
32. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 229.
33. Ibid., 238.
34. PUSG, 26:131. Letter from Robert T. Kent, April 30, 1875.
35. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 113.
36. PUSG, 28:265. Letter to Edward F. Beale, September 9, 1877.
37. Ibid., 27:133. Telegram to Gov. Rutherford B. Hayes, June 16, 1876.
38. Ibid. “Speech,” June 19, 1876.
39. Ibid., 167. Letter to Rutherford B. Hayes, July 4, 1876.
40. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 243.
41. Kousser and McPherson, Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 434.
42. New York Tribune, July 15, 1876.
43. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 312.
44. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 73.
45. PUSG, 25:35. “To Congress,” February 25, 1874.
46. Ibid., 27:108. “Address,” May 10, 1876.
47. New York Tribune, May 11, 1876.
48. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 88.
49. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 409.
50. PUSG, 26:84. Letter from Secretary of the Interior Columbus Delano, March 17, 1875.
51. Ibid., 139. “Council with Sioux Delegation,” June 2, 1875.
52. Ibid., 140.
53. Ibid., 209. Letter from Othniel C. Marsh, July 10, 1875.
54. Ibid., 208. Letter to Othniel C. Marsh, July 16, 1875.
55. Ibid., 203. Letter to Columbus Delano, July 16, 1875.
56. Ibid., 225. Speech by Thomas C. Fletcher, August 10, 1875.
57. Ibid., 226. Response by Red Cloud, August 10, 1875.
58. The New York Times, November 2, 1875.
59. PUSG, 26:363. Letter from George H. Stuart, December 2, 1875.
60. Ibid.
61. McFeely, Grant, 437.
62. Chicago Inter-Ocean, April 3, 1880.
63. PUSG, 16:202. Letter to Matías Romero, May 16, 1866.
64. Ibid., 15:431. Letter from Cadwallader C. Washburn, October 17, 1865.
65. Stiles, Custer’s Trials, 297.
66. New York World, May 2, 1876.
67. PUSG, 27:60. Letter from William W. Belknap to his sister, May 2, 1876.
68. New York World, May 2, 1876.
69. Cozzens, The Earth Is Weeping, 229.
70. PUSG: 27:74. Telegram from Gen. William T. Sherman to Brig. Gen. Alfred Terry, May 8, 1876.
71. Ibid., 170. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman, July 8, 1876.
72. Morris, Sheridan, 363.
73. New York Herald, September 2, 1876.
74. Smith, Grant, 539.
75. PUSG, 27:178. Telegram from Gen. William T. Sherman to Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, July 22, 1876.
76. New York Herald, September 12, 1876.
77. Ibid.
78. PUSG, 28:64. “Draft Annual Message,” December 5, 1876.
79. Ibid., 65.
80. Smith, Grant, 541.
81. The New York Times, October 4, 2012.
82. PUSG, 27:161. Letter from Morris Cohen, June 30, 1876.
83. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 123.
1. Lemann, Redemption, 199.
2. Pittsburgh Telegraph, October 3, 1876.
3. Ibid.
4. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 244.
5. Kousser and McPherson, Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 435.
6. New York Herald, September 12, 1876.
7. PUSG, 27:321. Letter from Secretary of War James D. Cameron to Gen. William T. Sherman, August 15, 1876.
8. Ibid., 203. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain to Secretary of War James D. Cameron, July 12, 1876.
9. Ibid., 234. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain to Senator Thomas J. Robertson, July 13, 1876.
10. Ibid., 201. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain, July 22, 1876.
11. Ibid., 199. Letter to Daniel H. Chamberlain, July 26, 1876.
12. Ibid., 200.
13. Ibid., 231. “To Senate,” July 31, 1876.
14. Ibid., 205. Letter from L. Cass Carpenter, August 19, 1876.
15. Ibid., 206. Letter from David T. Corbin to Alphonso Taft, August 21, 1876.
16. Ibid., 332. Letter from James Majar et al., September 25, 1876.
17. Ibid., 330. Letter from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain, October 11, 1876.
18. Ibid., 329. “Proclamation,” October 17, 1876.
19. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 411.
20. PUSG, 28:85. Letter from W. W. Heath, December 15, 1876.
21. Lemann, Redemption, 163.
22. PUSG, 27:320. Letter from James H. Pierce to Attorney General Alphonso Taft, September 22, 1876.
23. Ibid., 299. Letter from Senator Joseph R. West, October 3, 1866.
24. Lemann, Redemption, 177–78.
25. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 283.
26. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 413.
27. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 171.
28. PUSG, 28:26. Telegram from Secretary of the Interior Zachariah Chandler, November 9, 1876.
29. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 173.
30. PUSG, 28:19–20. Telegram to Gen. William T. Sherman, November 10, 1876.
31. Ibid., 24. Hamilton Fish diary entry for November 14, 1876.
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid., 34. Letter from “An Outlaw of the west,” November 18, 1876.
34. Ibid., 24. Letter from “United Order of Bush Rangers,” November 22, 1876.
35. Ibid., 51. Letter from John C. Winsmith, November 17, 1876.
36. Ibid., 49. Telegram from Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain, November 25, 1876.
37. Ibid. Letter to James D. Cameron, November 26, 1876.
38. Ibid., 86. Letter from Henry L. Newfville [sic], December 18, 1876.
39. Ibid., 56. Hamilton Fish diary entry for November 30, 1876.
40. Ibid., 58. Letter to Col. Thomas H. Ruger, December 3, 1876.
41. The New York Times, December 8, 1876.
42. Morris, Fraud of the Century, 202.
43. PUSG, 28:77. Letter from Senator John Sherman et al., December 6, 1876.
44. Ibid., 114. Letter to Brig. Gen. Christopher C. Augur, January 14, 1877.
45. Ibid., 116. Hamilton Fish diary entry for January 17, 1877.
46. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered, 112.
47. PUSG, 28:149. Hamilton Fish diary entry for January 17, 1877.
48. Jordan, Roscoe Conkling, 255.
49. PUSG, 28:143. “To Senate,” January 29, 1877.
50. Ibid., 158–59. Letter to Edwards Pierrepont, February 11, 1877.
51. Williams, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 416. Diary entry for February 17, 1877.
52. Young, Around the World, 286.
53. Foner, Reconstruction, 579.
54. The New York Times, July 21, 1878.
55. Young, Around the World, 286.
56. Nevins, Hamilton Fish, 2:855.
57. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 205.
58. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 213.
59. PUSG, 28:62. “Draft Annual Message,” December 5, 1876.
60. Ibid., 63.
61. Ibid., 69.
62. Ibid.
63. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant: Politician, 418.
64. PUSG, 28:79. “Memorandum,” Rep. Abram S. Hewitt, December 3, 1876.
65. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 197.
; 66. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 444.
67. “Mrs. U. S. Grant Sinking.” Chicago Sunday Tribune, December 14, 1902.
68. Greely, Reminiscences of Adventure and Service, 233.
69. New York Herald, March 3, 1877.
70. McFeely, Grant, 449.
71. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 259.
72. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
73. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 156.
74. Smith, Grant, 605.
75. McFeely, Grant, 449.
76. PUSG, 28:142. Letter to John F. Long, January 28, 1877.
77. PUSG, 28:456. Letter from Hamilton Fish, July 12, 1878.
78. Wineapple, Ecstatic Nation, 586.
79. Foner, Reconstruction, 582.
80. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 104.
81. “‘This Thankless Office.’” American History Illustrated, January 1977.
82. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 105.
83. “Overrated and Underrated Americans.” American Heritage, July–August 1988.
84. PUSG, 28:168. Statement by Peter P. Pitchlynn, Choctaw delegate, et al., February 26, 1877.
85. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 348.
86. Young, Around the World, 335.
87. Egerton, The Wars of Reconstruction, 326.
88. Ibid.
89. PUSG, 28:252. Letter to Commodore Daniel Ammen, August 26, 1877.
90. “Overrated and Underrated Americans.” American Heritage, July–August 1988.
91. GPL. S2 B4 F8. “Frederick Douglass Papers.” Speech of October 21, 1890.
92. PUSG, 28:168–69. Letter from T. Jefferson Martin, March 12, 1877.
1. Cincinnati Enquirer, March 27, 1877.
2. Ibid., March 28, 1877.
3. PUSG, 28:181. Letter to Hamilton Fish, April 1, 1877.
4. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 297.
5. PUSG, 28:199. Letter to Jesse Root Grant Jr., May 9, 1877.
6. Young, Around the World, 5.
7. PUSG, 28:203. “Speech,” May 17, 1877.
8. Ammen, “Recollections and Letters of Grant, Part 2.”
9. Grant, In the Days of My Father General Grant, 211.
10. Buinicki, “‘Average-Representing Grant’: Whitman’s General.”
11. PUSG, 21:11. Letter from John Russell Young, November 5, 1870.
12. Young, Around the World, 9.
13. New York Herald, July 24, 1878.
14. “Grant Reminiscences.” Chicago Daily Tribune, September 1, 1885.
15. USGH. “Interview with John Russell Young.”
16. PUSG, 28:205. “Testimonial,” May 26, 1877.