by Ron Chernow
and Grant’s promotion to head of Army of the Potomac, 295
Grant’s relationship with, 593, 689
Grant supported by, 344, 375
Grant urged to defend Washington by, after Lincoln’s assassination, 529
invasion of Washington as worry of, 366
Johnson’s desire to oust, 586, 593–95, 599
Kountz appointed to aid McClernand by, 250
and Lee’s surrender, 513
Lincoln warned about assassination threats by, 522–23
McClellan’s insult about, 218
and New Orleans riot, 575
orders to McClernand on Vicksburg from, 238
and peace talks, 465, 466, 468
placed on Supreme Court, 688–89
pressed by Grant to cut military, 519
Reconstruction plan of, 521
restored as war secretary, 604
Rosecrans rescued by, 305–6
and Rosecrans’s plan to abandon Chattanooga, 309
rumored replacement of, 439
Sherman’s feud with, 534–35, 536–38, 541
and Third Reconstruction Act, 590
and Thomas’s victory over Hood, 457
truculence of, 307–8
on Union loss at Chancellorsville, 271
Washington sealed off by, after Lincoln’s assassination, 528
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 113, 749
Stanton, Ellen, 481, 524, 689
Stars & Stripes Association, 847
State, War, and Navy Building, 646
State Department, U.S., 716–17
State Guard, Kentucky, 153
states’ rights, 550, 553, 565, 613, 705
Statue of Liberty, 829
Stebbins, Rufus P., 609
Steele’s Bayou, 248–49
Stephens, Alexander H., 465, 466, 468
Stevens, Thaddeus, 336, 567, 570, 574, 579
Grant praised by, 606
Stevens, Thomas H., Jr., 88–89, 90
Stevenson, Ala., 310–11
Stewart, Alexander, 599, 626, 627, 634
stock market, 678, 726, 776, 777, 779, 807, 926
Stoddard, William O., 353, 354
Stoneman, George, 571–72
Stones River, battle of, 316, 522
Stonewall Brigade, 956
Stoughton, Edwin W., 876
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 16, 742
Strong, George Templeton, 190, 212, 309, 326, 366, 417, 432, 439, 492, 531, 561–62, 570, 571, 585, 624, 673, 737, 749, 792
Strong, William, 689
Stuart, George H., 832
Stuart, Gilbert, 646
Stuart, J. E. B., 387, 388
Suez Canal, 877, 904
Sumner, Charles, 58, 564, 570, 602, 611, 619, 636, 637, 640, 654
and Alabama affair, 683–84, 697, 722, 723, 725
Brooks’s attack on, 100
Civil Rights Act supported by, 795
deposed as head of Foreign Relations Committee, 717
Grant’s dispute with, 681, 691–92, 694, 695, 698, 699, 710, 712–18, 719–20, 723, 742–43, 745, 746
greenbacks denounced by, 654
new political party sought by, 77
and Santo Domingo treaty, 665
and Stanton’s dispute with Johnson, 609
Sunday Times, 365
Sunken Road, 203
Supreme Court, U.S., 100–101
Stanton placed on, 687–89
Surratt, Mary, 539
Sutherland Station, 494
Swayne, Noah, 766
Swiss Confederation, 722
Switzerland, 253
Tacubaya, Mexico, 57
Taft, Alphonso, 823, 825, 842
Taft, William Howard, 823
Taj Mahal, 877, 878
Tammany Hall, 617, 787, 828
Taney, Roger B., 100–101, 689
Tappan, Samuel, 738
Taussig, William, 34, 94, 107, 185
taxes and tariffs, 645, 748, 796
Taxpayers’ League, 789
Taylor, George, 67
Taylor, Richard, 510
Taylor, Zachary, 40, 159, 192
Buena Vista victory of, 51
as darling of Whig press, 49
death of, 64
elected president, 45, 51, 64
generous terms given to Ampudia by, 48–49, 51
Grant’s study of, 41–42
Mexican crisis brought to head by, 43–44
replaced by Scott, 49, 50
Tecumseh, 191
telegraph network, 443, 644, 657
temperance, xxiii, 10, 16, 25, 67, 69–70, 892–93
Tennessee, 124, 146, 147, 153–90, 194, 207, 218, 223, 225, 226, 239, 300, 304, 311–27, 332, 455, 459, 538, 564, 623, 703, 751
Fourteenth Amendment ratified by, 585
Johnson made military governor of, 532
racist terrorism in, 613, 621
Tennessee River, 147, 154, 166, 167, 170, 172, 176, 191, 195–96, 198, 202, 204, 314, 320
Tenure of Office Act, 586, 593–94, 595, 610, 611
Johnson and Grant’s meeting about, 602–3, 604–6
Terrell, Harrison, xix, 933, 945, 953–54
Terrell, Robert, 945–46, 948
Terry, Alfred, 462, 571, 803, 833
Texas, 122, 245, 291, 510, 538, 555, 587–88, 655, 658, 684, 742, 751, 760, 894
annexation of, 16, 38–44, 54, 58, 121
Banks’s occupation of, 357
division diverted to, 300
Grant’s desire for marital law in, 584–85
slavery legalized in, 38
Thailand, 879
Thayer, John M., 144, 293–94, 597
Third Reconstruction Act, 590
Thirteenth Amendment, xxii, 467, 564–65, 644, 685, 744, 856
Thomas, George H., 214, 309, 316, 320, 322, 447, 448, 561
in battle of Chattanooga, 312–13, 320–24
in battle of Chickamauga, 304, 312, 317
in battle with Hood, 455–57, 459
made district military commander, 596
in Mexican War, 51
as military district commander, 585
at West Point, 24–25
Thomas, Lorenzo, 194, 280–81, 284, 298, 300–301, 609
Thompson, M. Jeff, 146–47
Thompson, Richard W., 877
Thoreau, Henry David, 58
Thornton, Edward, 721
three-fifths rule, 848
Thurman, Allen, 916
Tigress, 191, 200
Tilden, Samuel J., 828, 843–46, 847, 849, 850
Tilghman, Lloyd, 171, 173, 174
Tilton, Theodore, 442, 609, 740
Times (London), 475, 683, 684, 890
Tippecanoe, battle of, 25
Tod, David, 208, 212
Totopotomoy Creek, 401
Traveller (horse), 393, 400, 498, 506, 510
Treasury bonds, 777
Treasury Department, U.S., 117, 232, 634, 675
Tripler, Charles S., 71
Trist, Nicholas P., 54
Trobriand, Philippe R. de, 791, 793
Trollope, Anthony, 866
Trounstine, Philip, 236
Trumbull, Lyman, 740
Tunnel Hill, 320
Turner, James Milton, 642
Twain, Mark, 573, 672, 871, 905–6, 919, 939, 942, 943, 946, 947, 950–51, 958–59
on Butler, 371
at Chicago reception for Grant, 886–88
in Confederate company, 141
Grant’s memoirs published by, xix, 934–37, 939, 946–48
, 953
on Grant’s riding accident, 303
on Grant’s writing process, xix
Tweed, Boss, 617
Twenty-First Illinois Infantry, 134, 136–37
Twenty-Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 229
Tyler, John, 25, 38, 39
Tyner, James N., 826
typhoid, 246
Ulke, Henry, 822
Ulm, battle of, 294
Ulysses, 3
Umberto I, king of Italy, 873
Uncle Jason (slave), 101
Uncle Sam, 171
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 16, 953
Underground Railroad, 16
Underwood, John C., 551–52
Union Pacific Railroad, 710, 752
United States v. Cruikshank, 759, 839
Universal Peace Union, 889
Upton, Emory, 389–90, 408
Utah, 58
Utah Territory, 885
Valley of Cuernavaca, 57–58
Van Buren, Martin, 617
Vance, Joseph, 134, 138
Vandalia, 871, 872
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 749
Vanderbilt, William H., 921–22, 924, 948
Van Dorn, Earl, 224, 226
Corinth invaded by, 225
Grant’s supply line damaged by, 239–40
Vatican, 873
Vaux, Calvert, 955
Veracruz, Mexico, 49–50, 51, 60
Verne, Jules, 862
Versailles, 870
Vest, George, 914
Vicksburg, Miss., 217, 316, 788–89, 815, 896
damaged in siege, 290
as last Confederate fortress on Mississippi River, 236
strategic value of, 294
Union occupation of, 290–92
Vicksburg, siege of, xxix, 268–83, 285–88, 294, 297, 363, 481, 522, 670, 671, 788–89
casualties of, 269, 278, 290
Confederate soldiers paroled after, 288, 289, 291
contrabands used in, 280
divisions dispatched to McClernand by, 269–70
explosion of Union mine in, 285, 426, 427
first shelling in, 268–69
Grant’s drinking in, 272–77
Lincoln’s anxiety about, 279, 292
McClernand’s boast about, 272
roads to Vicksburg obstructed, 285
surrender terms of, 286–88, 942
Vicksburg Campaign, 232, 332
African American aid in, 247
canal and levee projects in, 247–49
casualties in, 240–41, 265–66, 267, 270
clash at Champion’s Hill in, 264–66
Confederate attack in, 255–56
Dana’s monitoring of, 251–53, 255–56, 259, 261, 265, 273, 274–75, 276–77, 290–91
diseases in, 246, 249
Grand Gulf reached in, 261–62
Grant’s army marched down Mississippi bank in, 257
Grant’s article on, 929–30
Grant’s Bruinsburg landing in, 259–61
as Grant’s masterpiece, 294
Grant’s plans for, 52, 226–27, 231, 238–39, 245, 246–47, 253–54, 257–58, 259
Grant’s report to cabinet on, 296
Grant stuck in Louisiana in, 245–46
gunboat accident in, 253
McClernand put in charge of, 236–37, 238
march to Jackson in, 262–63
Porter’s attack on Confederate batteries in, 258–59
Port Gibson captured in, 260–61
Scott’s Veracruz strategy imitated in, 52
Sherman’s anxiety about, 254, 297
slaves in, 248
sophistication of, 289–90
Union capture of arms in, 289–90, 298–99
Vicksburg Whig, 256
Victoria, queen of England, 722, 725, 772, 866, 867
Villard, Henry, 214, 532
Vincent, John Heyl, 122, 129, 811, 954
Virginia, xxi, 8, 36, 123, 124, 129, 135, 351–513, 521, 529, 554, 564, 571, 601, 655, 747
Virginia Central Railroad, 411, 476
voting rights:
of African Americans, xxii, xxiii, 511, 513, 549, 553–54, 568–69, 585, 590, 592, 600–601, 610, 616, 632, 655–56, 685–87, 815
of women, 749–51
Wade, Benjamin, 591, 596, 715, 718
as next in line for presidency, 610, 611
Wagner, Richard, 829, 868
Wainwright, Charles, 360, 413
Waite, Morrison R., 766–67, 824, 852
Walker, Gilbert C., 655
Wallace, Lew, 561
in assault on Fort Donelson, 179, 180
in battle of Shiloh, 202, 205, 209
on capture of Corinth, 216
at Crump’s Landing, 197
Early’s defeat of, 419
Halleck’s insulting of, 357
Wallen, Henry D., 64, 79
Walnut Spring, 47
Ward, Ella, 920–21, 922
Ward, Ferdinand, xvii–xviii, 915–27, 929, 940, 942, 951–52, 957
Ward, Ferdinand Grant, 921
Ward, William, 758–59
War Democrats, 409
War Department, U.S., 71, 74, 272, 307, 340, 519, 562, 593, 657, 668, 670, 820, 833
Warmoth, Henry Clay, 757
War of 1812, 50, 206
Warren, Gouverneur, 379, 408, 430, 490
Washburn, Cadwallader, 254, 303, 336
Washburne, Elihu B., 120, 123, 125, 126, 184, 186, 200–201, 209, 219, 243, 249, 254, 303, 327, 338–39, 376, 410, 440, 559, 562, 599, 609, 621–23, 634, 685, 689, 691, 727, 744, 752, 869, 881, 892, 894, 951
background of, 129–30
at battle of Spotsylvania, 390, 391
and calls for Grant’s removal, 217
on capture of Port Gibson, 260
at Convention of 1880, 901–2, 903
and criticisms of Grant, 250
at Fort Monroe, 371
General Orders No. 11 praised by, 235
Grant boasted of by, 151, 160, 165, 336
Grant coached on advancing in military by, 223
Grant defended on drinking accusation by, 210–11
Grant introduced to Yates by, 129, 130
Grant’s first meeting with, 129
and Grant’s promotion to brigadier general, 142
and Grant’s promotion to District of Southeast Missouri, 145–46
Grant touted for major general by, 155
Grant touted for president by, 296
illness of, 627
investments of, 776
and Jesse Grant’s address to Republican Convention, 615
letter to Rawlins on Grant’s drinking, 165–66
lieutenant general rank brought back by, 329–30, 336
Lincoln’s campaign biography written by, 130
on Lincoln’s faith in Grant, 211
on Lincoln’s vigorous prosecution of war, 221
made minister to France, 635
militia training on front lawn of, 128
and reinstatement of Grant, 193
speech to crowd on militia by, 126–27
on third term for Grant, 894
on Union defeat at Bull Run, 141
on Vicksburg Campaign, 258, 260–61
Washington, Booker T., 641, 946
Washington, D.C., 71, 337–40, 356
Early’s threat to, 418–20
end of war celebrated in, 519, 523
equal rights for blacks in, 654
Grant’s defense of, 358, 418–19, 420–21
growth of, 645–46
Lincoln’s concerns about invasion of, 366, 431
Washington, George, 313, 367, 454, 546, 573, 574, 646, 754, 810, 829
in front rank of presidents, xxii
as lieutenant general, 330, 336
Whitman’s praise of, xx
Washington, Martha, 367
Washington, Treaty of, 722–23, 724, 856
Washington Chronicle, 801
Washington College, 553
Washington Daily Chronicle, 597
Washington Post, 926
Washington Territory, 76, 282, 642–43
Waterloo, battle of, 881–82, 906
Watkins, Sam, 320
Webster, Amos, 883–84
Webster, Charles, xix, 936–37, 948
Webster, Daniel, 192
Webster, Joseph D., 189, 209
Weir, Robert Walter, 23
Weitzel, Godfrey, 461, 492
Weld, Stephen M., 187
Welles, Gideon, 163, 220, 237, 238, 408, 416, 521, 522, 528, 534, 590, 595, 599, 605, 610, 615, 629, 641
and attacks on Fort Fisher, 462
capture of Wilmington desired by, 460
Grant criticized by, 430–31, 449, 464, 557, 579, 581, 584, 585, 586, 597, 599–600
on Grant’s drinking, 449
on Rawlins, 296
on swing around the circle, 577, 579
and Vicksburg victory, 292
Wellington, Duke of, 52, 56, 508, 546, 865, 882, 906
Wells, James M., 589
Welsh, William, 737–38
West, Joseph Rodman, 843
Western Department, 144
West Point, 17, 392, 558, 570
curriculum of, 22–23
entrance exams of, 20
natural beauty of, 21
pledge of, 21
racist incident at, 768–70
rigors of, 22
see also Grant, Ulysses S., at West Point
West Virginia, 418, 444, 687, 703
Wham, Joseph H., 136, 138
Wheeler, William A., 827
Whig Party, U.S., 532
in election of 1852, 77
and election of 1860, 118
ideology of, 9
Kansas-Nebraska Act and, 90
whiskey scandal, 796–809, 819, 821
whiskey tax, 796
Whistler, William, 40
White, Andrew, 715, 718
White, Chilton, 49
White, David, 135
White, Harry, 810
White, John D., 12
White, Patrick, 199–200
White Haven, 29–31, 36, 72, 81, 92, 93, 104, 114, 133, 618, 796, 810–11
Grant’s farming at, 93–94, 98–99, 102
Grant’s renting of, 99
Grant’s wartime visit to, 168
White House, renovations in, 646–47
White League, 760–61, 789, 790, 791–92, 793
White Line, 789, 813, 815–16, 843