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Myths Page 16

by Rob Knight editor

  Jealousy clawed my chest, tore gaping, bleeding wounds. My head rested on my arms for a moment before I willed myself to face the shape of his desire. She changed forms again. I could barely see his face, but I knew from profile that his cock did not respond. She changed into a sheep, a goat, while she mocked his flaccid dick. She tried tall, short, fat, thin, wan, but he did not stir.

  Eurybaros stood with his sword at the ready.

  Hope slowly overcame my fears. A wicked smile that showed her fangs curved the edges of her lips. Suddenly she was the most beautiful man I've ever seen. "Did you ever meet Achilles, hero? Did you want him? He was nearly a god in so many ways." She sported an improbable cock, nested in golden curls.

  Eurybaros' cock thickened. I heard a catch in his breath. My cock hardened, too. Did the tragic hero of Troy truly look like that? Was such beauty destroyed in the name of that slut Helen? Hector died, too, and he was more my type. Many heroes of my fevered dreams were lost on the plains of Troy.

  "Apollo?" The form she offered was so pure that I could not stare directly at it.

  "You dare mock the gods?" Eurybaros bellowed. His voice echoed in the cave. The rocks under my feet shook as if they too trembled at the wrath of the gods.

  Chastened, she became a younger man. A smaller man. Her hair drew to shoulder length black curls.

  He moaned through clamped teeth.

  Her big brown eyes stared at his cock. "Is this it? This is what you like?" She dropped to her knees.

  My heart flew to the stars even as I cursed the cunning witch. In the voice of a youth like me, she courted him. "May I suck your cock, my lord?"

  Eurybaros was solidly engorged. He seemed as if he wanted to speak but was too entranced by the young stud before him.

  She crawled closer to him. "Will you fuck me, my lord? Will you put that hard cock between my ass cheeks and use me? Please, my lord. I'm so tight just for you."

  The tip of his sword slowly arced down until it pointed to the floor. I saw his large hand loosen on the hilt. "No! No!" I burst from my hiding place. "She's not real!" I was livid that he wanted that youth.

  Eurybaros looked at me in a stupor. Then he looked at the youth on the floor before him with lust in his eyes. Sybaris opened her mouth to take in his hard-on. Her eyes sparkled in triumph as she gloated at me. "No!" I pushed her away. In surprise, for a moment she reverted to her original form, something ugly and impure.

  Anger flooded through his face. He shoved me aside as he regained his stance.

  She hissed laughter. "Is this the aspect you like most? I can become him." She started to look like me.

  In a dance of steel and fang, I watched the hero engage the monster in an arista -- a battle that transcended violence to become art.

  Night almost ruled the sky. Twilight lingered as if waiting with bated breath to see how the fight would end. Maybe the gods held time still.

  I was unarmed and unclothed. I wanted to rush into the fight but I was afraid to make him lose his concentration.

  Eurybaros' muscles flexed and bulged, but Sybaris was strong with fury and evil. She hissed, snarled like the monster she was. His sword finally struck true against her sinuous form.

  She howled as her black blood spewed poison to the earth. Enraged, she jumped on him. Her horrible, stinking mouth opened. Those sharp teeth closed in on his throat.

  He gave a mighty heave, arms and legs using her momentum the push her over his prone body. She fell over the side of the cliff beneath the mouth of the cave. I heard her screams as she plunged down the slopes of Mount Kriphis and then a bone-shattering thud. Below us, the monster lay dead. The force of the impact split a boulder, her body, her skull. Withered, unclean, her broken body stained the sun bleached rocks.

  I threw myself into his arms. He stank of battle, but I didn't want the odor out of my nose. His hands kneaded my ass cheeks as he pulled me close. His hard cock jabbed my belly. To kiss me, he had to bend down. I lifted my face to his and took his bruising mouth. He pushed my lips open to taste me. I staggered at the force, but his arms were around me and held me to him.

  He laughed at my attempts to regain my feet.

  "We'll stay here until morning. Too dark to hike down." Night, roused from her reverie, claimed the sky from east to west. I sank to my knees when he released me. My mouth barely fit over his cock. He held my anointed head between his massive hands as he pushed into me. I felt him hit the back of my throat. When I gagged, he fucked my face harder. I loved the feel of his wiry hairs as they crashed against my face.

  "I want to see you," he told me as he moved away to make a fire. There was no moon. Stars shone but gave us no light. All was dark. I rubbed my arms as I felt the presence of the cave in shudders down my spine. We stayed on the outer edge of the cliff. The foul depths of Sybaris' abode were not fit for humans.

  When he had a small blaze lit, I stretched on the ground and reached back to part my ass cheeks. I waited. And waited. "I'm no virgin, lord," I assured him. Why did he delay? I wanted him to mount me. After the hero slays the monster, it was traditional for him to take his prize. I pouted and wriggled as he seemed to ignore protocol.

  "You're a spoiled brat."

  It was like a slap to my face. My mouth fell open even though I was without words. "Tomorrow you will drop on your knees before that old priest and you will beg him to take his pleasures with you. Never offend the priests. They have the ears of the gods themselves and, as a hero, I know the value of the favor of the gods. You will offer your body to him until his lust and honor are sated."

  I would not, but I knew not to argue before I had him completely enchanted. I let my long lashes shadow my eyes and tried to look contrite. "Will my lord take his hard won pleasure first?"

  "I'll take you when I please. But remain in that position. It's a better view than even the stars." He chuckled while he cooked a small meal for himself.

  My hands grew weary. I released my buttocks.

  He slapped my ass with his open hand. The blow stung. "I said to stay in that position." The growl in his voice brought conflicting fears and desires to me.

  I reached back to present myself to him again. My stomach gurgled at the scent of food. I needed a drink.

  He stroked my skin. His big hands were rough with calluses and his touch made my nerves leap. Light, teasing caresses moved across the backs of my thighs. My hips rose to chase his fleeting touch. He was suddenly over me with an expression of such hunger that I shrank away. He looked as if he'd devour my body with the same ferocity Sybaris once threatened. Looming, he looked enormous. His male scent was so strong I gasped for clean air.

  The firelight showed me that he was in no mood for sudden shyness. He pushed my legs apart with his knee. Parting my buttocks, he spit on my anus. The hot, warm liquid stoked my lust.

  I groaned as his fingers explored my ass. Rough fingers penetrated to the knuckle, twisted, probed. My teeth ground into my knuckles.

  He was insistent but patient as he pressed just the head of his cock inside me. I breathed hard into the ground. None of the sons of Phokis had his girth. I wished I had oil to lubricate his shaft.

  His hairy chest pressed against my back, tickling my skin. One strong arm crushed me against him as he overpowered me. My balls tightened as I begged to shoot my load.

  He pushed deeper. I evoked gods and blessings as he rocked into me. He was so hard that I worried I couldn't take him in without ripping. I forced myself to relax. Concentrating on how good it was to open for him, I welcomed his cock. My anus grasped him.

  My hard cock was abraded under us. I didn't care. He fucked me deliberately, never rushing. I growled and panted. I tried to stroke myself to climax, but he pinned my arms at the wrists. Tremors of excitement passed through my body and he grunted laughter as he felt how I liked it.

  His balls slapped mine as he fucked me. He buried to his hilt in my ass before sliding out. Sometimes he withdrew completely before banging back into me. I cried, pleaded, and pr
ayed that it would end and yet go on forever. Fighting to escape from his hold, I bucked against him. His hot breath against my back changed.

  I wailed when he pulled out of me again but did not plunge back inside. I screamed frustration. My fists pounded the cave floor when he released his grip.

  Eurybaros grasped my hair and pulled me to my knees. He shot his thick come into my face. I opened my mouth to drink in his gift. I lapped away the strands of hot come stringing from my lips to the head of his cock as I whimpered my gratitude.

  Eurybaros rested on the ground, propping himself up on one elbow. He hefted his penis and balls in his hand. "Come rinse me off with your tongue. Pay particular attention to my scrotum. I like to be clean."

  I crawled to my new lord.

  "I know your type. You need a firm master who will keep you bathed and oiled. You love fine clothes and servants. Those soft hands should never be calloused."

  I tasted his sweat behind his balls and lapped happily at the nectar.

  "I'll fuck you every day like you need to be fucked -- mercilessly. In exchange you will worship the ground I walk on. You will always be ready for my cock."

  I sucked on the muscle behind his balls until a soft moan escaped his lips and I smiled into his scrotum as I knew he was pleased with me. In the cloud of his hairy groin, his cock stirred. He grasped my hair to pull me to his mouth again. His kisses were bruising, as if he hadn't eaten in weeks and my mouth was his first meal. He rolled me to the ground and covered me with his body so that I couldn't breath, but I was happy to die that way. His strong hands slapped and pushed me into submission to his appetites. I had no strength left in me to do anything but surrender.

  His lips covered mine as he entered me again, this time with less patience, as if claiming territory. My cock, trapped between our bodies, was rubbed with sweat slicked friction.

  He allowed me to stroke myself to climax so that he could feel my orgasm grasp and shudder around his hard cock. My come shot into the hairs on his belly. I turned my head and cried out. I felt the throb of his cock has he emptied into my bowels. His thumb traced my lips before he placed a sad, tender kiss on their abused skin. A calloused hand stroked down my body before pulling me into a quick, bone crushing hug.

  Overhead, the skies were clear. Stars shone. My fingertips took a languid tour of my bruised and battered body, relishing each pain with complete contentment. Eurybaros rolled to his side and soon snored. I huddled against his back, clinging, smelling, kissing, worshipping my hero.

  A Tale of Koi and Lotus

  By Josie Holiday Long ago, the Lotus Court was the most venerated of all the spirits of earth and air, renowned for their grace and beauty. And of this exalted coterie the Lotus Prince was the most glorious of them all, for his regal bearing and poise gave him an unearthly, though unattainable, air.

  As befitting sovereigns, the Lotus Court wore the finest of silks dyed in the most vibrant hues -- and their prince was no exception, for he wore as a symbol of his station a magnificent gold and crimson robe which was the talk, and the envy, of his subjects.

  Each day the glade where the court made their home and held council was filled with admirers wishing to pay tribute and marvel at their colorful pageant. One day, a pale white koi from a nearby pond happened upon the court as he was sunning his scales.

  "Such beauty," he mused as he gazed at the still, silent prince in his vibrant robes. "And such finery! Had I as rich and radiant a coat, I would surely command respect as well."

  And it was with this thought and the glimpse of the Lotus Prince's face that the koi retreated to the water's depths to dream and plan. The next day the koi approached the Lotus Court in the glade, carrying with him a gift of small pearls and sand-polished stones from the bed of his pond. As a creature of water, he neither knew nor cared for the politics and niceties of the surface world, and so didn't recognize the shocked expressions of the courtiers as this pale, sorry creature with a handful of pebbles strode past them to address their prince in the privacy of his palanquin.

  "Since I laid eyes on you from the shores of my pond I've thought of nothing else," said the koi as he bowed, presenting his tribute. He smiled warmly as he sought the startled prince's eyes. "It would please me greatly to have an audience with you alone."

  The court's attendants hid their scorn and amusement behind their sleeves. What made the pallid commoner with his paltry offering think he was worthy of their consideration? The prince, however, was intrigued by the koi's confidence and careless nature. It had been too long since someone spoke to him so unguardedly. Yet he knew that if he accepted the youth's proposal here and now, he would subject them both to gossip and shame.

  Instead, the prince smiled softly in return and nodded in acknowledgement. "To entertain such a request here, before my court and guests by light of day, would be most unseemly," he said in a measured, careful voice. "But I thank you for your attention and your generous gift."

  The koi looked at the prince in confusion. He hadn't anticipated being refused. Hadn't he made his intentions clear? Hadn't he given the finest treasure his pond had to offer? He considered the prince's answer a moment, then lowered his eyes in acceptance. "As you wish." And with that, he turned on his heel and left, with only a scattering of pearls and stones at the foot of the royal palanquin as proof of his visit.

  So the day passed and, inevitably, the sun faded from the sky, leaving behind the stars sparkling in its wake. And when the moon rose, full and the color of persimmon against the night, the silvery koi returned to the now-empty glade like a ghost. And there in the twilight stood the Lotus Prince, alone, waiting for him. Alone.

  For seven nights the two of them shared each other's company, talking, laughing and laying in each other's arms with only the moon to bear witness to their meeting. But on the eighth night, after they had taken their pleasure, the koi drew away from the prince's touch. This sudden distance between them confused the prince, who had come to care deeply for his newfound consort. "What is it that troubles you," he asked in his soft, searching voice. "For if I have wronged you in some way, I would make amends."

  "You wrong me with moonlight, Majesty," the youth sulked, turning his back to his lover. He spat out the title as if it were something sour. "For why else would you only see me alone, under the cover of night if not out of shame?" The koi wrapped his arms around himself, sheltering his pale body from the cold, from view. "I have not forgotten the eyes and whispers of your court -- and neither have you. Though you are their prince, you fear your subjects' judgment. And so you hide this plain, pathetic commoner with whom you keep counsel from their sight."

  Suddenly, he felt a weight upon his shoulders. When he raised his eyes he saw that the prince had enveloped him in the splendid silk of his ceremonial coat. Stunned, the koi turned to ask what he had done to deserve such generosity, but faltered at the sight before him.

  With only his thin white dressing gown to protect him from the night's chill, the ruler of the Lotus Court never looked so fragile, so vulnerable as he did now. And yet the prince was at ease, possessed of a confidence, a strength of purpose that only love can give. The prince pulled the youth into his arms and held him close, kissing him tenderly.

  "You are no shameful secret," he said, "but a treasure which I have hoarded from prying eyes." The prince then carefully arranged the coat upon the koi's shoulders, as his attendants had painstakingly draped it upon him in the past. "As proof of my devotion, I ask that you accept this as my promise that I shall always be with you... and that without your happiness, my title means nothing."

  Smiling, the prince eased his consort onto the soft grass, cradling him with his body. "Now lie beside me and rest. For come the morning, all of the Lotus Court shall know of my love for you."

  But when the dawn came, and the courtiers, consorts and courtesans returned to the glade, all they found was their prince asleep in his dressing gown on the cold mist-covered ground. Alone. Beneath the waves of his pond the koi
rejoiced in his newfound prize. Like a child he twirled, delighting in how the silks of the prince's coat fanned around him. Even here, in these deep waters, how the gold and crimson sparkled against his scales! One might think he was a monarch himself in so fine a garment.

  Unbidden, the image of the prince's face rose in his mind. The memory of his trusting eyes and kind words twisted in the pit of his stomach, briefly. "It was gift," the koi reasoned. "And wouldn't he want me to take pleasure in his gift? Besides, had I stayed, we both would have suffered the scrutiny of that tiresome court. Doubtless, he is grateful for my discretion."

  Satisfied that he had settled the matter, and his stomach, the koi danced through the currents like a flame, eager to display his newly-bestowed colors to his brethren. And as he predicted, his dazzling coat drew the eyes and attentions of many admirers. What the koi did not anticipate was how it captivated the eyes of the knife-beaked herons that soared in the skies overhead. For even at such a distance, the koi's fiery scales blazed like a jewel in the water, and the herons had an appetite for sparkling things.

  In the glade of the Lotus Court, the prince continued to hold council in his white dressing gown, refusing to wear anything else. Though he never spoke of the twilight meetings with his beloved koi, his dishabille and melancholy told volumes to his watchful attendants. Before long, all of the court and its subjects were abuzz with rumors of the spurned prince and the changeable lover who charmed the clothes from his back.

  One day, a small nightingale entered the court, bringing news of the herons' siege on a nearby pond. "Day and night the herons raze the waters, filling their gullets with fish. Though I am told that there is only one that they seek -- a koi with magnificent gold and crimson scales."

  And with those words, all of the court knew the truth. For no lowly water creature could ever possess such finery, unless it was bestowed upon him.


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