Going Inksane (Nice Ink Book 1)

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Going Inksane (Nice Ink Book 1) Page 7

by Trish Edmisten

Not that Cooper needed my help. The kid might look sweet and pretty, but he could be a nasty bitch when he wanted to. It didn’t stop me from looking out for him. It was a big brother thing, which was why I could respect Derek’s straightforward question.

  “I’m too old for fuck and run,” I replied and Derek smiled.

  “Good answer, my man.”

  “It also happens to be the truth.”

  “Good because if you want Ned, you’re going to have your work cut out for you.”

  Oliver shifted in his seat. “Derek, I don’t think—”

  “Don’t worry, Ollie. This is a good idea.”

  Oliver snorted. “Be sure you tell that to Ned when he finds out what you’re doing.”

  “I’ll make sure he knows you voiced your strong objections.”

  “I don’t want my name in the equation when the truth comes out.”

  “Done,” Derek said and looked at me once again. “Ned’s a good guy, the best of us, but he’s not easy to get close to.”

  I wondered if that was because he was just an aloof dick or if something had happened to put him on guard with people. Even though I had no interest in dating an asshole, I hoped for his sake that was the problem and not that he had been hurt before.

  “I might be able to set you up with my brother, but like I said, be prepared for him to put up a fight.”

  “I don’t want to force myself on anyone.”

  Derek smiled. “I know. That’s why I think you would be perfect for him.”

  I had no idea what I had done to deserve such blind faith, but I would take it, especially if it meant I had a real shot with Ned.

  “Are you done?” Oliver asked when I set my tattoo gun aside.

  I smiled at him as I reached for something to wipe the blood from Derek’s arm. “Yeah, I just need to clean him up and then I’ll let him take a look at it in the mirror before I wrap it up.”

  Oliver rose from his chair and moved to stand beside his brother, peering closely at his new tattoo. “Is that 3D?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “I didn’t even know tattoos could be done in 3D. How long has it been around?”

  “I have no idea.”

  From the way his face fell, I could tell he didn’t like that answer. I had no doubt the first thing he would do when he got home was a net search on the history of 3D tattoos.

  For the last two hours, in between Derek and me chatting, Oliver had made good on his promise to ask me questions. It wasn’t a few wasn’t questions either. The guy wanted to know everything from how to become a tattoo artist to an artist’s daily routine. The more he asked, the more I was convinced he was using this material for a future book, but I still thought it was cool.

  “Does it hurt, Ricky?” Oliver asked his brother.

  “Nah, it’s more like an annoying sting,” Derek said. “Like getting scratched by your cat too many times.”

  I smirked. Even if Derek’s arm was in the worst pain of his life, I knew he would not admit that to his brother. Then again, he might be telling the truth. If the guy could deal with getting shot, he could handle a tattoo.

  “Can I look now?” Derek asked when I leaned back in my stool.

  “Go ahead,” I said and gestured to the mirror.

  Though I was confident Derek was going to like the finished product, this part still made me nervous every single time. So far, all of my customers had gushed over how much they loved their new tattoos, but there was always a first time for everything.

  Derek hopped off the table and headed for the mirror. When he turned to look at the tattoo, he sucked in a sharp breath that made my heartbeat kick up a notch. Shit, what if he really did hate it?

  “Everything look all right?” I asked.

  “All right?” Derek echoed, sounding incredulous as he spun to face me. “This is better than all right, Heath. It’s fucking amazing, man. I knew it would be good, but I wasn’t expecting it to be this good. No offense or anything.”

  “None taken.”

  I was just glad he didn’t hate it.

  “It looks so real,” Oliver said as he leaned over for a closer inspection and then pulled back. “You’re bleeding again.”

  “Yeah, that will let up after a bit,” I assured him. “You mind if I let the other guys look at it before I wrap it up?”

  Derek grinned. “Not at all.”

  Yeah, I figured he would be happy to let Flynn get up close and personal with his tattoo.

  “X, you got a second, man?”

  “I will in about two minutes.”

  “Cool, come take a look at this thing when you’re done. It’s pretty bad ass.”

  Cooper popped out of his chair where he had been reading a magazine. “I wanna see.” Dropping his magazine, he darted into my area and then looked at Derek. “Do you mind, Officer?”

  I shook my head at his antics. Even without the pretty smile, there was no mistaking the flirty tone.

  “Go for it,” Derek said.

  While Cooper studied Derek’s tattoo, Oliver studied Cooper. No doubt he was trying to get a better feel for the native tattoo artist in his natural habitat.

  “This looks amazing, Heath,” Cooper said, and I smiled. Turning to the rest of the shop, he called, “You need to see this thing, Flynn.”

  Except for the way his eyes lit up, Derek didn’t react to the suggestion.

  “One second, squirt,” Flynn said, and Cooper grimaced.

  “Being a normal sized guy in the land of the giants does not make me a squirt,” Cooper complained, and Oliver nodded as if he understood Cooper’s plight.

  Most likely he did with as slim and dainty as he was.

  “Let me get a look at this amazing tattoo,” X said as he joined us.

  Oliver gave him a wide eyed stare and a pretty blush, and X grinned. The look was that of a pure predator. If the guy had fangs, they would have been dripping with saliva.

  With so many people crowded into my station, it was getting difficult to move. I cut a glance at Cooper who took the hint. Flashing me a grin, he headed back to his station and the magazine waiting for him. At least it was a tattoo magazine.

  “Well?” X said, looking at Oliver.

  “W-well, what?” Oliver asked, blushing deeper as he stumbled over his words.

  “Let’s see your tattoo.”

  “Oh, uh, it’s not mine. It’s my brother’s.”

  X’s eyes gleamed when Oliver said Derek was his brother. I would have felt bad for the kid if I didn’t know what a good guy X actually was. Despite his rough look, he wasn’t an asshole. Unless you did something to piss him off, like fuck with him or those he considered family. Then it was best to run and hide and hope he didn’t find you.

  Winking at Oliver, X turned and looked at Derek who was smirking at the exchange between the two.

  “Damn, that is pretty bad ass,” X agreed as he surveyed the tattoo. “I like the way you preserved the integrity of his badge when you incorporated the bullet hole.”

  It was no surprise X would think so. As a fellow artist, he saw details in a way that others might miss.

  “Looks amazing, Heath,” X said.

  I almost laughed at the way the fucker strutted from my station. Oliver stared after him with an intense interest in his eyes, and this time there was no blushing. The little cutie was braver than I thought.

  Flynn came into my station next, looking at me instead of Derek. “It came out good, huh?”

  “Yeah, man, see for yourself.”

  When Flynn turned toward Derek, there was no mistaking the hungry look in Derek’s eyes. As Flynn moved in Derek’s direction, I would have sworn the son of a bitch was prowling, like he knew exactly the effect he had on the officer and he liked it. Knowing Flynn as well as I did, I decided I was seeing things. Maybe projecting Derek’s wants or some shit like that.

  Stopping beside Derek, Flynn had to stoop down a few inches to get a closer look.

  “This came out good,” F
lynn agreed and straightened up.

  It may not have sounded like much of an endorsement, but Flynn was a man of few words so it didn’t bother me.

  “What’s your rush now, everyone will have his day to die,” Derek said, reading the ink that ringed Flynn’s collar. “You’re a fan of A Perfect Circle.”

  Flynn gave him a startled look. I didn’t blame him. I had known Flynn for a few years, but I had never known those were song lyrics quoted on his collar. Again, I hadn’t asked and he hadn’t offered.

  Believe it or not, tattoo artists did not sit around playing the whole what-does-your-tattoo-mean game. No matter how close we were.

  If you knew a guy well, it didn’t always need an explanation. X, Cooper and I all had the date we opened the shop tattooed on our arms. No explanation needed.

  “I recognize the other words as Latin, but I don’t know what they say,” Derek said.

  Flynn’s expression darkened. Turning from Derek, he looked at me. “Good work,” he said and then stalked off.

  Derek frowned after him. “That could have gone better.”

  “It could have gone worse too. That’s more than he usually speaks to strangers who aren’t his customers,” I said, and Derek’s expression cleared.

  “This tattoo is amazing, Heath,” Derek changed the subject. “I owe you, man.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, you do, and you can settle with Damian before you leave.”

  Derek laughed. “No problem and I meant what I said. I’m going to help you out with Ned.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “Are you free Monday night?”

  “I can be.”

  “Good, then let’s trade numbers, and I’ll text you when I work out the details.”

  “Are you sure this is a good idea? Don’t get me wrong, I’m interested, but from what you two said, I get the feeling your brother won’t like it.”

  Derek smiled. “He won’t at first, but he’ll come around. Trust me.”

  I wasn’t entirely convinced, but like I said. I was willing to go on a little faith if it got me some one on one time with the sexy nurse.

  Chapter Six


  I wasn’t surprised when I woke on Monday to find the morning was mostly gone and it was nearing noon. After a busy weekend in the ER, I had come home last night, had some dinner and crashed; as was my usual routine.

  The first solid night of sleep after three hectic days in the emergency room always included more hours of sleep than the proceeding three days would. More than once, my mother had expressed her worry over the habit, but I always assured her that I was fine. As a nurse, I knew better than anyone what my body could handle, and I took good care of myself.

  After a long stretch, I reached for my phone. There were several text messages from my brothers and one from my mother. I groaned as I opened the one from my mother. She wanted to know if I was all right and if she needed to come over and cook me a few good meals.

  I have no idea where my mother had gotten the idea that I couldn’t cook or fend for myself. The only thing I could think of was that after so many years of managing a house of five boys, she had gotten so used to it that it was a hard habit to break.

  As much as I loved her and appreciated the concern, and I did, I wished she would get a new hobby. Taking care of her boys was unnecessary and usually invasive to boot. Every time I talked to my saint of a mother, it was always the same.

  ‘Are you seeing anyone? Why not? You need a nice man to settle down with, Neddie, someone to take care of you the way you take care of others.’

  The flaw in her logic was that since I could take care of myself, I didn’t need anyone to take care of me. I didn’t want that either.

  Okay, maybe I did, but she did not need to know that. If I even gave one hint of being interested in dating, she would have a line of men ready to be trotted out for my inspection and subsequent selection.

  I couldn’t ignore her though. If I didn’t reply, or even if I did but she didn’t like my reply, she would be beating down my door faster than I could ever run. Instead of putting her off, I settled for assuring her I was fine, but I would love to see her and Dad tomorrow. Not only would that make her happy, but I would get a home cooked meal.

  Yes, I could take care of myself, which meant I could cook, but that did not make me stupid. My mama could cook like nobody’s business, and who was I to pass up a home cooked meal?

  As I expected, she replied immediately to tell me she was so happy to hear that and she would see if the others were free.

  I already knew Derek would be working since it would only be his second day back in his squad car. I wasn’t sure about Roger and Kiel though. I couldn’t always keep up with their schedules. Oliver would be there at least, unless he was caught up in a new story or on a deadline.

  My next message was from Derek asking if I was free tonight. Frowning, I typed back: You know I am, but isn’t today your first day back?

  Derek replied right away: Yeah, and I can’t wait.

  I know, but promise me you’ll stay safe.

  Derek: You know I’ll do my best, but the criminals sometimes have other ideas.

  I blanched, my gut rolling at the memory of my brother bleeding when he had been wheeled into the ER. It didn’t matter that it was a non-life-threatening shot in the arm. It was my brother, and he was hurt.

  Derek: Since you’re free tonight, how do you feel about dinner at LaManzo’s? Say around 7?

  Didn’t we already establish you’re working tonight?

  Derek: You won’t be having dinner with me.

  I frowned, but I was not fooled. If one of the others wanted to have dinner with me, they would have just called or texted and asked. Something fishy was going on.

  As if he knew I was on to him, Derek sent another message: You might be mad now, but you’re going to thank me tonight.

  Well, that sounded ominous. What did you do?

  Derek: I set you up on a blind date with my tattoo artist. You remember Heath right? Big, buff, blond, tree trunk thighs and a walnut cracking ass? Who wouldn’t want to get on that dick?

  I could feel my blood pressure rising as my face heated with my anger. That pushy, presumptuous, meddling asshole! I hated when he pulled his I-know-better-than-you-what’s-good-for-you routine.

  Derek should have known better than to mess with me. Just because I was an easy going guy didn’t mean I didn’t have an angry inner bitch. Yes, I did, and he was fierce; fierce and pissed.

  My oldest brother could think what he wanted, but this was not happening. If Derek wanted someone on Heath’s dick so badly then he should climb on up there and take a ride because I wasn’t going anywhere near his dick.

  Give me his number.

  Derek: So you cancel on him? Not happening.

  I narrowed my eyes, but the refusal did not surprise me. I could call the guy’s shop and cancel, but I didn’t remember its name.

  No matter. I could do a Google search for Heath and tattoo artist, and it would probably come up.

  Derek: And no calling the guy at his work to cancel either. It’s shitty, and it’s not cool. You don’t like people bothering you at work so don’t do it to him.

  Damn it! Sometimes, being a multiple sucked. Something about the connection of sharing a womb made it easy for us to know what the other was thinking.

  And if this situation was shitty, which it was, it was all Derek’s doing. Derek knew better than anyone why I didn’t date, especially big guys like Heath.

  Derek: You’re going, and I’m not even going to say I told you so when you guys end up living happily ever after.

  Fuck you.

  Derek: I love you too. Don’t forget, LaManzo’s at 7 and dress to impress. And I expect details. I’m dying to know if his dick is inked too.

  And again I say fuck you.

  Derek sent back a smiley faced emoji that made me want to hurl my phone across the room. Obviously, I held on to it. I wasn
’t due for an upgrade yet, and those things were not cheap.

  As I sat there plotting all the ways to make Derek’s life the living hell he deserved it to be, I realized something. If Derek had set this up when he got his tattoo that meant Oliver was there, and the little traitor hadn’t bothered to warn me.

  Before I let myself get too worked up by that possibility, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and searched for any texts from him. There were none at all, which was a pretty big clue he was avoiding me. Well, fuck that!

  Pulling his name from my favorites list, I hit the call option. As I waited for him to pick up, I contemplated moving him out of my favorites list; him and Derek both.

  Oliver answered the phone with, “Please don’t hate me. I told Ricky it was a bad idea.”

  “And yet you didn’t bother to warn me this was coming.”

  “I’m sorry, but at least he’s hot.”

  “If you like him so much, you can go in my place.”

  “He’s not my type, but I think he would be perfect for you.”

  “How is that possible when you don’t even know the guy? He could be an escaped con for all you know.”

  “You know Derek wouldn’t set you up with an escaped con,” Oliver scoffed. “I’m sure he ran a background check on the man before he set this up.”

  “That would be a serious misuse of police resources,” I pointed out.

  Though I did not doubt it now that Oliver mentioned it. Derek knew better than any of my brothers everything I had gone through. He would never put me in harm’s way. If you didn’t count the fact that I was being emotionally harmed by his maneuvering.

  “At least give the man a chance, Ned. If you don’t like him, you don’t have to see him again, but don’t give up before you even try.”

  I wanted to ask why he had never followed his own advice, but I couldn’t be that hurtful. Just like I knew Derek would never intentionally hurt me.

  “Fine, I’ll give him a chance, but don’t expect much.”

  Oliver’s answering squeal made it clear he either did not hear my lack of interest or was choosing to overlook it.

  I just hoped I didn’t end up regretting this.


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